Who Let Him Cultivate?!

Chapter 118 - Chapter 118: Chapter 1171 am the Inner Demon i

Chapter 118: Chapter 1171 am the Inner Demon i

Translator: 549690339 |

Yun Zhi always felt that what she was worried about would happen.

After all, this is the Seek Dao Sect, anything can happen here.

Lu Yang entered a mysterious state where he felt every acupoint of his body brimming with spiritual energy, merging his circulation within with the spiritual energy outside. In every breath, the exchange of spiritual energy was completed.

His heart was more peaceful than it ever had been. He was assiduously cultivating the advantages brought by the Kui Ox, able to acutely feel his own body getting stronger.

“Let’s see what’s best.” Yun Zhi glanced at Lu Yang, who was in the middle of cultivation, and didn’t disturb him. She headed alone towards the pine forest, leaving the puppet to protect Lu Yang.

It was deep into the night, with only Yun Zhi and Lu Yang at Sky Gate Mountain. The place had an extraordinary tranquility with Yun Zhi walking among the mountains, like an immortal traversing the clouds.

Then Yun Zhi saw her noisy master and the elders trapped inside the abode.

Their voices could be heard from a great distance.

Yun Zhi sighed. Things that were meant to happen would always happen.

She entered the abode, contemplating whether she should let them out.

Inside the abode, the upper echelons of the Seek Dao Sect were assembled.

“I knew all my fellow senior brothers and sisters have kind hearts, they can’t bear to see me alone in here, so they’ve specially come to keep me company.” Daoist Buyu was very grateful, but he couldn’t quite hide the upturn of his lips.

“Especially Old Two, on the surface he’s trying to crack the array method, but he’s actually just lonely, managed to pull everyone here to accompany me!”

Uncle Ba immediately felt the malicious gazes from his junior brothers and sisters, the pressure was enormous.

He maintained his calm and said: “Everyone, don’t panic. This is just one of Junior Niece Yun Zhi’s seals. It’s not her personally. As long as we all work together, we can overcome this difficulty and break the seal!”

“Think about the ‘Nine Sons of Seek Dao Sect’ back then, think about all of us who hold high positions now. What difficulty can beat us?”

When they were young, they made names for themselves by fighting demons and monsters and made a resounding reputation in the Central Continent. “The Nine Sons of Seek Dao Sect” was the name they went by during that time.

In the narrow abode, the Nine Sons of Seek Dao Sect once again formed a united front.

“Old Nine, what should we do to leave this place?” Uncle Ba glared at Daoist Buyu. He had come to watch the show, only to become the show himself.

Daoist Buyu chuckled, thinking how could they leave easily when they had gone through so much trouble to accompany him?

He seriously said: “I won’t be scared to be laughed at when I say this, Xiao Yun’s cultivation level has long surpassed mine. She set up this seal to encourage me to practice diligently and break through my own limits.”

“Therefore, to break the seal, we must break our own limits and surpass ourselves!”

The crowd realized the seriousness of the issue. It’s easier said than done to surpass oneself.

Daoist Buyu already had ideas about how things would turn out: Firstly, everyone would step forward one by one to try to break the seal, but after being repelled, they would become despondent. At this moment, he would say that he had some insights, and he needed to meditate for three days. After these three days, he would pretend to be in high spirits and execute a dazzling sword technique to break the seal, leaving his senior brothers and sisters astonished.

Perfect plan!

“If that’s the case, then as the second elder brother, I’ll step forward and try it first!” As the Grand Elder is not around, Uncle Ba who is the eldest in line, needs to set an example.

The others looked at Uncle Ba with anticipation. Uncle Ba felt that he probably wouldn’t be able to break the seal and it would be very embarrassing. So he turned his head and said: “You should all move back a bit. I have a unique skill that I can’t use in front of people.”

Everyone obediently retreated to a deeper part of the cave where they couldn’t see the entrance.

Seeing everyone moved away, Uncle Ba took a deep breath. He shook out a few seeds from his sleeve. Accompanying Uncle Ba’s muttered spell, the seeds instantly turned into a robust vine which slammed into the abode’s entrance. The vine was faintly glowing with bursts of thunder that were earth-shattering.

This was the very rare Purple Thunder Vine, which according to legend, was born from the thunder tribulation, and had the imprint of heaven and earth. It had the same might as the thunder tribulation.

After a round of deafening explosions, there was no change to the entrance of the cave. The seal hadn’t moved at all.


Through the thick smoke, Uncle Ba saw a beautiful silhouette which caused him to furrow his eyebrows.

When the smoke cleared, it revealed Yun Zhi’s figure.

Uncle Ba, with his wealth of experience, instantly understood what was happening in front of him.

The figure must be his inner demon. Hadn’t Old Nine mentioned it? In order to undo the seal, one must surpass oneself. To achieve that, one needs to defeat the inner demon.

“I thought I had let go, thinking that it’s a good thing for the younger generation to be stronger. I didn’t expect that I still haven’t moved on!” Uncle Ba was full of fighting spirit.

With that thought, Uncle Ba didn’t hesitate any longer, he exerted his full strength to attack Yun Zhi.

Yun Zhi initially wanted to come in to see what the elders were doing and consider whether to let them out. Who would have thought that the moment she approached the entrance, she’d be bombarded by Uncle Ba’s fierce attack.

With no other choice, Yun Zhi retaliated. She extended her slender jade hand, the bell on her wrist jingling. With one palm, she sent Uncle Ba flying.

Uncle Ba was sent flying far away and was caught by the Third Elder and others.

“Second elder brother, what’s going on?”

Uncle Ba coughed twice, a hint of shock in his eyes. He weakly raised one hand and pointed towards the entrance, stammering: “Be careful, Old Nine didn’t lie to us. Niece Yun Zhi is extraordinarily gifted and has set up an inner demon seal. If we want to break the seal, we must resolve our inner demons!”

Daoist Buyu thought to himself in bewilderment, inner demon? What inner demon?

The Third Elder didn’t believe in bad luck and stepped forward to give it a try. He met Yun Zhi again. He wasn’t good at using his brain anyway so naturally, he would believe whatever Uncle Ba said.

At the Immortal Sect tournament, when Yun Zhi defeated the five sect leaders, she became an inner demon to the older generation. They wondered what they had done with their thousand years of cultivation. The Third Elder was no exception.

Seeing Yun Zhi, the Third Elder also took up a combat stance and went straight into a fight. Like the second elder, he was sent flying with a single palm.

“What an impressive inner demon!”

The Fourth Elder, Fifth Elder… Eighth Elder, all the elders took turns to try but were defeated by Yun Zhi.

Daoist Buyu walked puzzled to the entrance and seeing Yun Zhi, he finally realized, this wasn’t an inner demon, it was clearly Xiao Yun herself guarding the entrance!

“Xiao Yun?” Daoist Buyu called out tentatively.

With an expressionless face, Yun Zhi responded: “I am the inner demon.”

Without giving her master time to respond, she sent him flying with one palm, then turned and left the abode.

If they want to regard her as an inner demon and attack on sight, do they want to leave? They better stay put and meditate for three days.

Lu Yang slowly opened his eyes, sensing a warm flow in his body. He felt he was only one step away from breakthrough.

Yun Zhi was already back in her original position. Lu Yang saw Yun Zhi sitting opposite him, and he couldn’t help feeling that Eldest Senior Sister seemed a little happy. He didn’t know if it was an illusion.

“Eldest Senior Sister, is there something to be happy about?”

“No.” Yun Zhi responded in her usual indifferent manner.

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