Who Let Him Cultivate?!

Chapter 158 - Chapter 158: Chapter 157: How did the Five Elements Sect lose last time?_1

Chapter 158: Chapter 157: How did the Five Elements Sect lose last time?_1

Upon returning to the Seek Dao Sect from Tang Yunsheng’s, Eldest Senior Sister didn’t say a word, probably thinking it unnecessary to bother herself with such matters, leaving everything to Fairy Eternity and Lu Yang.

Meng Jingzhou and Man Gu also didn’t ask too much, thinking that with Eldest Senior Sister backing them up, nothing would go wrong.

After returning to the Seek Dao Sect, Fairy Eternity focused on planning the reception process.

“The Sect Leader’s speech at the welcoming ceremony… So troublesome. Lu Yang, can you write it? If you help this fairy write it, this fairy will teach you an immortal method.” Fairy Eternity was feeling frustrated and sought the assistance of the reliable Lu Yang.

Lu Yang chuckled, “I’d consider it if you taught me your entire culinary art.” “What are you saying, you brat? What’s wrong with this fairy’s cooking!” Lu Yang didn’t respond, but simply rolled his eyes, making his stance clear. Fairy Eternity had no choice but to scratch her head and write the speech herself. She finally managed to produce a couple of sentences after half a day: “Welcome the Five Elements Sect, everyone feel free to mingle.”

Lu Yang: “… Fine, I’ll help you write it.”

“Really?” Fairy Eternity, hearing Lu Yang’s promise to help her, was overjoyed. She handed over the responsibility of writing the speech to Lu Yang, focusing her attention on the reception menu.

Lu Yang had no choice but to help, otherwise, he would be the one to lose face. “This is the first time this fairy is organizing a large-scale event, it has to be grand. To express my seriousness about this event, I will personally cook!” Fairy Eternity was brimming with excitement, wanting to show the world that the culinary skills of her, Yellow Bean, were on par with a Spirit Chef at the Transcendence Tribulation Stage!

Lu Yang simply wished that she wouldn’t be on par with a poison cultivator at the Transcendence Tribulation Stage.

Fairy Eternity also devised a plan to deal with the Eternity Sect. “As followers of this fairy, it is one thing for them not to help me, but they dare to cause trouble. They won’ t escape!”

The two were busy all day and finally drafted the event plan, inviting Eldest Senior Sister to review it.

After Eldest Senior Sister had reviewed it, she didn’t offer any opinions, only commenting that it was acceptable: “From today onwards, you are the Acting Sect Master of Seek Dao Sect. I have already informed the eight elders. They have said that they will cooperate with Lu Yang.”

The elders were unknown to the existence of Fairy Eternity.

Lu Yang convened a meeting with the eight elders to discuss the process of the welcoming ceremony.

“Am I the Sect Leader or is she the Sect Leader?” Lu Yang felt he was doing a fair amount of work

“What’s there to be discontented about? Without this fairy, could you have exchanged for a one-day experience as the Sect Leader of the Seek Dao Sect? This is the good fortune, no, fairy fortune that this fairy has generously bestowed upon you!” Fairy Eternity felt that Lu Yang was being ungrateful.

“In the ancient times, everyone wanted to be the leader. The Yingtian Immortal and the others each controlled at least tens of thousands of Life Stars, not including mining stars, gravity stars, death stars, and other stars with various uses! In order to occupy more stars, they fought fiercely, which I had to mediate several times!”

“Then how many Life Stars do you control?”


“…Why do you have so few?”

“I’m not good at managing people. If it wasn’t for Yingtian Immortal and the others saying that an immortal cannot be without a territory, as it would be too embarrassing to say out loud, who forcefully gave me one, I would reluctantly take one.”

“After they gave it to me, I found a cultivator with good management skills, let him manage that star, and occasionally go to the mortal world to see how it is managed.”

“Then what were you doing after you became immortal?”

“Shopping, visiting, cooking, and sleeping.”

“Are you a human or a fish spirit?”

Fairy Eternity was displeased: “Have you ever seen such a beautiful fish spirit!” “Now I have.”

“I also often secretly followed the four of them, observing their movements and activities.”

Lu Yang thought to himself that it finally felt like something out of the ancient times. Was it to ambush them and reduce the number of immortals?

“What’s the plan?”

“To avoid meeting them directly, for example, when I attend auctions, someone who drops their name irresponsibly, proclaiming they’re the son of a certain clan leader, bragging about competing with them being discrediting to their clan, that’s when I step up and reveal my Immortal identity, scaring them into shaking like a leaf.”

“Or it could be a conflict between two clans, I step up as the mediator. But both sides don’t recognize me, dismissively say ‘Who do you think you are?’. Then, I unleash my Immortal aura, it has a great effect, and both sides invite me to their clans as a guest.”

“Or it could be someone who offends me, I slap them away. They bring their strong support, the support brings armies to encircle me. Then their ancestors recognize my identity, exclaim ‘Yo..You are Fairy Eternity’ and immediately kneel down to ask for my forgiveness.”

“From my experience, the effect is best when I am the only Immortal present.” Lu Yang’s eye twitched. Life after becoming an Immortal seemed quite vibrant for a fairy. She could hardly be called an idler.

While the two were in conversation, eight elders began to come in one after another. Lu Yang paid special attention to the Eighth Elder the first time he saw him.

“We pay respect to Acting Sect Master.” The eight elders bowed and said. “Come, let me chair the meeting!” Fairy Eternity nudged Lu Yang to the side and took over.

Her term as Sect Leader just to get a kick out of it now!

“My beloved subjects, you may rise.”

Lu Yang held his face, feeling regretful over shouting Fairy Eternity’s real name.

Initially, he thought Fairy Eternity was his golden ticket. Now he realized her main functions were to divulge some ancient shameful histories and embarrass him.

The eight elders were somewhat uncomfortable with Lu Yang’s state. But considering Lu Yang was Daoist Buyu’s disciple, it explained everything.

“Acting Sect Master, let me pour you some water.” A cold and familiar voice came from behind Lu Yang frightened Fairy Eternity into breaking into a cold sweat.

The Eldest Senior Sister held the teapot, pouring water for Fairy Eternity. Her posture was impeccable, which made people sigh at Yun Zhi’s perfection in everything she does.

As Yun Zhi leaned to pour the water, she coldly glanced at Fairy Eternity who hastily nodded showing that she will behave well without causing any mischief. The two communicated without the need for spiritual sense, all through just eye contact.

With Fairy Eternity behaving, she cleared her throat, saying, “You all should know that people from the Five Elements Sect will be visiting our Seek Dao Sect the day after tomorrow. The reason for calling this meeting is to discuss this issue. What are your thoughts?”

The Grand Elder was calmest, “Those coming do not mean well.”

“Why do you say so?”

“The Five Elements Sect has already visited us once and according to the usual rules, we should be visiting them back this time. Their breach in rules, and coming at us again only implies one thing, they are trying to redeem themselves by defeating us on their ‘away game’!”

Fairy Eternity had not anticipated such a rationale, “So according to the elders, what should we do?”

Second Elder mimicked slitting his throat, “Intercept them on the road, put a bag over their heads, give them a beatdown, and send them packing! Trust me, I have experience, I handle things cleanly. There won’t be even a trace left behind.”

The other elders nodded, agreeing with the Second Elder’s proposal.

“I’ve held grudges against Five Elements Sect for some time. After losing to us last time, they claimed that our Seek Dao Sect doesn’t belong among the Five Elements. What nerve!”

“Let’s get at them, let them know the power of our Seek Dao Sect!”

“Ever since Old Qiu took over as Sect Leader, he’s been different. I think he’s forgotten about his youthful times when he provoked those under our Dao Sect.”

Fairy Eternity was curious, “How did the Five Elements Sect lose last time?”

Eighth Elder said, “Oh, it’s simple. The last time they came over, they suggested a competition among disciples, where the elders were not allowed to lend a hand, with their best disciple squaring up against ours.”

“Then what happened?”

“Then, Xiao Yun took action.”

Fairy Eternity turned her head sharply, looking at the expressionless Eldest Senior Sister. She’d almost forgotten that she was considered a ‘disciple’ too. The Grand Elder sighed, “Probably Xiao Yun was too strong, making Old Qiu forget that she isn’t part of our generation but rather Old Nine’s disciple.”

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