To state it simply, I have survived.

To state it specifically, I have eaten the last bit of the cake while recieving Claude's gaze and was delivered back safely in brother knight's arms.

Back there, everyone was panicking, everything was a mess. Well it wasn't surprising as I, who was supposed to be sleeping in my room, disappeared.

Lilly made a face as if she was going to faint any moment after seeing me in the brother knight's arms. She was so pale that I was worried if she was going to faint.

After I was in Lilly's arms, Lilly backed away from the brother knight as if he was a bad murderer with poison.

I couldn't see her face as my head was burried in Lilly's arms, but I could imagine what expression she was expressing by her body shivering.

Lilly held me so tight that it was hard to breath. When I slightly lifted my head up, I saw all the maids glaring daggers at the brother knight.

BUT I also didn't want to side on brother knight's side. That is because he left the room, leaving me alone with Claude!

The time alone with Claude was... My gosh, I was going to cry blood. What reason else would be there of me totally dead in brother knight's arms the whole way here?

Uhuhuh... Wahhh, you bast*rds. How dare you abuse a child so fragile like me? Get a real big punishment. Uhuhuhuh, wahhh!

"His majesty had said that he will be calling for Princess from now on."

Gasp! Crazy! What did you just say?

Not only me, but the sister maids all expressed shock by brother knight's words. Huh? But what's this? Why does everyone express half fear and half joy? Ah, oh no. Is it because I, the trashy princess, was taken interest by Claude?

What am I, a girl in a harem who is dying to see the emperor? Why will that Claude bast*rd find me again!! No, no! Whaaaa!

But have life ever went the way I wanted it to go? I had a fate to go in the emperor calls me and leave when he tells me to leave.

Everything was a mess when I came back, but after that brother knight left giving us the explosive news, everything was a mess in a different way

I wanted to faint, I was tired mentally.



eaglesnovɐ1,сoМ Before that, let me empty my stomach.

* * *

That night, I lied on my bed, replanning the plan.

'Plan A, failed.'

The wrinkled white paper was slowly being coloured by following my hand movement. I knew it would be bad if someone saw this, so I used korean to write.

I crossed out the 'plan A' from the sheet of paper.

My plan A was to 'Live in Ruby palace until my very last day without being caught by Claude.'.

I thought I only had to be careful on my 9th birthday when Atanasia and Claude was supposed to meet, but... That was very foolish.

This plan was a fail ever since I met Claude. I mean, who thought that bland palace was Claude's palace?!

I mean it is not the empress's palace but a harem! Why is the distance so close? The emperors in this world must all be so... no comment.

I complained a little mentally and moved my gaze on the writing lower the part I crossed out.

'Plan B: Prepare my insurances before I reach the age of 18 and run away.'

This plan still has possibilities. Claude kills Atanasia at the age of 18. Well even though I met Claude 4 years ealier than how it is supposed to flow so I don't know if the future's been twisted. At lease Claude doesn't seem to intend to kill me right now.

Then is collecting my beaties continuing? I should cosplay as a maid and find a secret path way out to escape. I'll keep this plan then.

And finally the extreme plan C.

I started to slowly write down letters with a serious expresion.

'Do aegyo (act cute) and pick Claude's heart ♡ up.'

Whooo. Oh my gosh, cringey...

I stared at the paper for a while then butried my face in my two hands. Uhhhhhh... Its an emergency call. I need a reality escaper. We are talking about Claude here, not any other people. How would I make Claude to like me? Hah, it would make sense more that if I would plant more death flags during my move on plan C. I'm this close to going crazy.

I was going to cross it out, but ended up leaving it and I crossed my arms. I was pretty sure therr were wrinkles between my eyebrows.

... But it is not impossible to try.

No, I mean it could be 'I can do this' feeling without anything to back me up with. I know the plot of how the story will flow, I might not be able to make Claude go crazy for me like how Jennet did, but wouldn't I be able to get a bit closer to Claude? I mean he sent me alive when I said 'Papa' without fear earlier today!

" Ack!"

However as I thought of what happened earlier todsay, embarrassment came over me and I kicked the blanket continuously. Oh my gosh, 'Papa'?! Urghh, the strongest cringe I cringed before!


And how long did that last. I finally lifted my head up from the pillow and made up my mind with difficulty.

All right. I'll actively go for both plan B and C at the same time. Ok, then that is decided. I better clean this up before Lilly comes.

And the embarrassments I will feel during the plans... sob. Lets just think it is flr good of my future.

"Princess, it is time for you to go to bed."

"Lilly, help me sleep!"

I calmed down in Lilly's arms, doing aegyo (acting cute).

* * *

"Lillian Yoruk. Its been a while."

I don't know how time flows so fast when bad things are awaiting for you in the future. It feels like it has only been a day since I had a tea time alone with Claude... However, it has been 10 days and I was here in front of Claude again.

"Belssings And Glamours To Obelia's Sun."

What's more better is that Lilly is here with me today. Sniff. Sorry, Lilly. But I'm too scared of Claude. I might get a heart attack right now, too. Inhale exhale. Inhale exhale.


In this specious space were Claude, Lilly, and Felix the brither knight I saw last time. I noticed it becore but there was no one else than Claude and Felix in the palace.

"Jim was busy that jim couldn't care for jim's only daughter. Even so, Atanasia has grown very fine 'till this day so your help was not so small."

(Note: Jim is what how emperors/kings and such call themselves.)

"Thank you, sir."

Don't make me laugh. It is not that you couldn't, but you didn't! That's not all. You even forgot about my very existence.

"From now on, jim will be taking care of the princess frequently so don't worry."

Dun dun dun DUNNNN!

The sound of thunder striking on my head was heard. Claude was sitting on the throne peacefully with his eyes looking down at me.

Are you s-smiling? Did that dude just smile at me? But it isn't a smile of someone looking at something or someone cute but a cruel smile that seemed to be asking me of what am I going to do now. From that I felt a chill go down my spine.

I cancel what I said (mentally). I cancel swearing at you (Also mentally). Thank you for not even knowing I existed! Please do from now on too! I'll cry in joy to thank you even if you dig a hole for me to go hide. Uhuhuhuh! Sob sob. SNIFFFFF! Sob...

What can Lilly do to that powerful Claude... She only could agree and watch me suffer.

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