Witch's Daughter And The Devil's Son

Chapter 166: Carrying Her In His Arms

Chapter 166: Carrying Her In His Arms

When the royal entourage finished their morning preparations, Drayce came back to the room just as one of the female servants was about to bring out the things Seren used on her brief overnight stay in the inn.

"Greetings, Your Majesty," said the servants as they bowed.

"You two can leave," Drayce instructed them.

Seren looked at him in surprise. 'Did he forget I hurt my foot and can't walk on my own? I will need a servant's help to walk.' Seeing both servants leaving in haste, Seren's face became sad. 'It's fine. It will hurt a little but I will manage.'

The two of them finally alone, Drayce turned towards his queen. Seren was sitting on a chair, clad in comfortable clothes for traveling with her head lowered, looking troubled by something going on in her mind.

From her tiny figure, Drayce's sight then moved towards the window of the room, where the forest behind the inn was visible. Since the previous night, he had been troubled by that particularly strange forest but got no answer even after chatting with the innkeeper earlier. He could feel as if someone was observing them while hiding inside the forest, and that made him more worried about Seren.

He went towards Seren, and before she could react, she was lifted up in his arms.

"I can—!"

"Your foot is hurt, my Queen," he spoke gently, but his eyes said otherwise. Those bright red gems shone as if there were living flames in them. The moment he turned towards the door while carrying Seren, the windows behind them closed with a loud bang sound, as if a strong gust of wind made it happen.

Startled, Seren looked at the closed windows behind them, only to hear Drayce say, "It must be the wind."

She nodded lightly and did not complain about being in his arms as she knew she had no other option but to let him carry her. There was no way he would listen to her when his expression was this grim and fierce.

Though she couldn't see his eyes from her position, only seeing his face from the side, she could somehow instinctively feel the change in them.? Even the snake-like tattoo on his neck glittered for a moment.

'What's with his eyes? And why did this tattoo brighten up suddenly?' Seren tried to calm herself. 'Is he angry with something? I hope not with me.'

Drayce carried her out of the room and as they walked down the stairs, his eyes turned normal and the tattoo stopped glittering. Seren felt immediate relief. The moment everyone saw their king carrying their queen out of the inn, everyone lowered their heads, not daring to look at them.

Arlan, who was in the company of the high-ranking knights of Griven and Megaris, turned to Slayer. "Your king has turned into a gentleman overnight."

Unlike others, Arlan didn't mind looking at Drayce carrying his bride.

Slayer had his head lowered as he spoke, "It is a welcomed change, Your Highness."

"Hmm, I see him changed but I hope it won't turn him weaker like in the past," Arlan added.

"We are here to take care of His Majesty."

"That's true." Arlan then mumbled under his breath, "Moreover, I think he got what he needed the most."

Drayce helped his queen sit inside the carriage before taking the seat opposite hers like before. Arlan then signaled that they were ready to leave and got into his own carriage.

The royal entourage left the inn without anything amiss, but Drayce still had a serious expression on his face. He could not shake off the feeling that someone was following them. Without a word, Drayce got up from his seat opposite hers and sat next to Seren. His action startled her once again, causing her to scoot away on reflex, but his next action caused her to nearly jump on her seat. Drayce held her hand while entangling their fingers, before pulling her back close to him, such that they were now sitting side by side.

She could feel the warmth of his palm on hers, and as soon as she got over the initial surprise, she realized that she did not hate his touch. It even felt comforting to her.

'It is because the weather is colder here in the north that's why this warmth feels good," she concluded as she let him hold her hand. Not only that, she would not dare say anything to this strange king who might feel offended if she were to deny him his whims.

For the next two days, their entourage traveled without issues, stopping to rest on either the towns or scenic spots along the way until they reached the last city of Abetha and officially entered the Kingdom of Griven, where they halted in a merchant city in the northwest territory of the kingdom.

Upon reaching the city, their stay had been arranged at the estate of the House of Loyset, home of the commander of knights who had accompanied Crown Prince Arlan to Abetha. His guardian knight, Sir Imbert Loyset, and his family had been serving the Griven Royal Family of Cromwell for many generations, and Marquis House of Loyset was granted the northwest territory of Griven, rich in trade due to its favorable location, for their loyalty.

The royal entourage was warmly welcomed at the Loyset Manor by the family of the marquis. Knowing the King and Queen of Megaris as well as the Crown Prince of Griven would be lodging there, as the eldest son of the marquis, Sir Loyset had informed his family to make sure that the arrangements were befitting royalty.

Elders in the family were present to welcome the royals as soon as the carriages stopped in front of the huge wooden gates of the residence. The Crown Prince himself arriving at their home was the most exciting and fortunate thing for them.

Since they were in Griven territory, Arlan stepped out of the carriage first as his knight, Sir Loyset, opened the door for him. Drayce stepped out of his carriage next and helped Seren alight too. Her injured foot was fine now after two days of rest.

During the two days' journey, aside from the two servants, Drayce was the one taking care of her. Most of the time, she was embarrassed and troubled because he would not let her walk and would carry her in his arms whenever she wanted to move or go somewhere.

With her foot back to normal, she could finally be relieved. At least here, with strangers around, he would not lift her in his arms in front of these aristocrats.

By now, news had traveled to other kingdoms regarding the royal marriage of the young ruler of Megaris. Especially the people from high society, these nobles had heard about who the King of Megaris had married and didn't act strange seeing the Third Princess of Abetha. Seren was famous in her own way, the princess who had always covered her face with a veil and the witch with purple eyes which everyone considered as a bad omen. However, the House of Loyset were people who supported the faction of the Crown Prince Arlan, and of course, they would not act discourteously to his important guests. They all welcomed her as she was now the Queen of Megaris. Who would dare offend the King of Megaris and the Crown Prince of Griven who considered Drayce not just a friend but a close family? That was simply asking for death.

The members of the royal entourage were guided towards the rooms arranged for them. Drayce and Seren had been given the largest room which was decorated lavishly for the newly wedded couple. Seren was now used to having Drayce in the same room as her and was even used to sharing the same bed with him.

After having a delicious evening meal hosted by the marquis family, Seren had retreated back to her room for the night. She was currently sitting on a chair arranged in the balcony while appreciating the beautiful flower garden of the manor. The servant, Eva, came to Seren. "Your Majesty, you should sleep. It's getting late, and it's cold here on the balcony."

Seren looked at the door. It was late but he, the man who accompanied her every night, was yet to appear in her room.

'Is he not coming today?' she thought.

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