It was the same group who went towards the barrier with Lin Fan.

This was the group that had been with him the entire time and they were the strongest members of the group, so it was only natural that they would be the ones that came with him.

Plus, they were surrounded by spirit beasts controlled by the Control Toad, so they were many times stronger than before.

They were prepared for anything that happened.

Or at least that was what they thought.

The elders all stepped back and waited for Lin Fan to step through into the barrier.

They weren't sure what happened, but they were ready to charge forward to help him if anything happened. They just didn't want to crowd him so that he wouldn't have the space to act when the time came.

Lin Fan stood in front of the barrier and took one last look at the elders to make sure that they were all ready.

All of them nodded to him to show that they were before he turned back to look at the barrier.

Then taking a deep breath, Lin Fan took a step forward and entered the barrier.

The moment that he did, the four dots on his hand suddenly lit up.

Lin Fan was about to jump back when he saw this since he didn't know what was about to happen, but before he could do anything…

There was a loud cracking sound that rang out.

This was the sound of the barrier shattering to pieces.

This barrier had been invisible to them in the first place, but the moment that the dots had lit up, there were cracks that formed in the space in front of them. These cracks quickly spread upwards before shattering to pieces like glass.

When it was this clear, it was impossible for them not to understand what had happened.

But why did it happen?

Was it like they had guessed?

Was this barrier here to not to keep the spirit beasts away, but rather to keep something sealed in?

They couldn't help shivering at this thought since they had made their base here.

If the barrier failed for some reason…they might have all died in their sleep.

Lin Fan just looked forward with knitted brows, as if he was thinking about something.

After a long period of silence, he suddenly waved his hand and said, "Let's keep going."

The elders didn't say anything, but they all revealed firm looks of determination before following Lin Fan forward.

Lin Fan wasn't walking around like a headless chicken, trying to find something here. Instead, he was letting the dots on his hand guide him.

When the dots lit up, he had felt some kind of pull coming from them. It was as if they wanted to pull him in a certain direction to show him something.

But before that, he wanted to see if he could find anything here.

Since there was nothing happening, Lin Fan was about to wave his hand to the elders who were waiting for him.

However, when he turned back to look at the elders, he found that they had strange looks on their faces. At the same time, some of them seemed like they were trying to tell him something.

Before he could find out what it was, there was a voice that came from behind him.

"So you finally made it."

As soon as he heard this voice, Lin Fan immediately jumped back because this voice was much closer than he would have liked it to be.

While jumping back, he turned in the air and faced the direction that the voice had come from to see who or what had spoken just now.

When he landed, he was surprised to find that it was a familiar face that was standing there behind him.

It was Feng Yu who was standing beside the portal.

Lin Fan was caught off guard for a second, but he immediately raised his guard again when he saw that it was Feng Yu.

Since it was Feng Yu who had appeared, did that mean that the final trial was about to begin?

After all, the other trials had started this way.

It had started with a projection of Feng Yu telling them about the trial.

The only exception was the third and fourth trial.

Feng Yu just stood there with a casual, almost lazy look on his face as he looked at Lin Fan.

After a long silence, Feng Yu slowly said, "Well, since you're here, I think that you should know what's about to happen."

Lin Fan was surprised by how casual Feng Yu was being about all of this, but he slowly gave a nod.

Feng Yu revealed a smile when he heard this before saying, "It's good that you understand, this makes this easier."

He turned to face the portal before saying, "What happens next is…"

His voice trailed off like he was keeping them in suspense before suddenly turning around to say, "We'll have a little talk."

Lin Fan couldn't help being taken aback when he heard this.

He looked at Feng Yu like he wasn't certain if Feng Yu was being serious or not, but Feng Yu didn't seem like he was kidding.

He just stood there with that calm look on his face, as if he was serious about what he said.

Lin Fan just looked at Feng Yu for a bit before saying, "What kind of talk?"

Feng Yu gave a shrug as he said, "Just a few simple things about life. It isn't as if we'll be talking about anything dangerous, so you can just relax."

Lin Fan narrowed his eyes to look at Feng Yu before slowly giving a nod.

It was at this time that the elders started moving towards Lin Fan.

They didn't know what was happening, but they felt that it was better to move over to where Lin Fan was just in case anything happened.

But before they could, Feng Yu suddenly raised his hand and there was a dark energy that came from it.

This dark energy quickly formed a dome around Lin Fan and Feng Yu as he said, "Unfortunately, this is a private talk, so they can't come with you."

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