Lin Fan looked at Feng Yu asking him this question with a strange look, but he didn't answer it in the end.

He just looked at Feng Yu with a cautious gaze as if he was expecting Feng Yu to do something else.

However, Feng Yu just stood there with a casual stance and expression on his face, as if he didn't really care.

After a long silence, Feng Yu finally said, "Alright, don't tell me if you don't want to tell me. It really doesn't matter."

Feng Yu then turned to walk back to the table and sat down in one of the chairs. He didn't even bother looking at the throne that the Mimic Slime had made for itself and just created a chair for himself to sit down on.

Then with a wave of his hand, there was a chair that appeared on the opposite side of the table from him.

He turned back to look at Lin Fan and casually said, "Sit and let's talk."

Lin Fan felt a powerful pressure, but it didn't feel like it was suppressing him. It was just the natural pressure that Feng Yu gave off when he spoke.

This was a good sign that this was the real Feng Yu instead of another Mimic Slime.

Lin Fan just stood there for a few seconds, but he sat down in the end.

After sitting down, Feng Yu said with a smile, "Since you're the one that passed this final trial, I should tell you my story."

Lin Fan's eyes couldn't help narrowing when he heard this.

He had been wanting to hear Feng Yu's story the entire time, but he never thought that Feng Yu would offer to tell him that simply. But since Feng Yu was going to do it, it wasn't as if he was going to decline.

It was just too bad that Feng Yu's story was…disappointing.

It definitely wasn't dull, but it didn't have the information that Lin Fan was looking for.

It didn't have any information about the different mechanisms that he used for the trials.

Feng Yu's story was the basic story of him getting lucky enough to join a sect and then slowly reaching his high level of cultivation through many adventurers.

In the end, he was betrayed by his friends and that caused his death.

But before he died, he put everything into this Minor World that he had created. He had designed this as a gift for someone lucky enough to find it, but he never thought that it would become his inheritance.

When it was over, Feng Yu explained that this was what the final trial was.

"It was a test of your awareness. I wasn't able to discover the truth until it was too late, so I wanted to make sure that whoever received my inheritance would know not to trust that easily. I hope that this was a good lesson for you and you'll know to keep your guard up in this dog eat dog world."

After saying this, Feng Yu revealed a somber look before giving a sigh.

It seemed that whatever had happened to him before his death had really affected him…

The system had confirmed that this was the control orb for this Minor World and that Feng Yu was real, though it was surprising for Lin Fan that the system would do this.

So he at least knew that these things were real.

After a long moment of silence, Feng Yu finally said in a slow and hesitant voice, "I based these things on some books that I've found in the past. They were the memoirs of a certain person."

Lin Fan couldn't help being shocked as soon as he heard this, but then he asked, "So you're saying that you based everything that you made on these memoirs?"

Feng Yu slowly gave a nod in response as he looked at Lin Fan with a confused look.

He couldn't understand why Lin Fan was so worked up about this.

Lin Fan deeply knitted his brows as he started putting these things together.

He had been wrong…it wasn't Feng Yu who was the transmigrator…it was the person whose memoirs he had read that was the transmigrator…

That was how he had been able to build all those things.

The system was right, there really was no record of Feng Yu being a transmigrator since he never was one.


As if on cue, there was a snort from the system that rang out in Lin Fan's mind.

Lin Fan couldn't help revealing a bitter smile when he heard this.

But Feng Yu took it a bit differently.

When he saw the bitter smile appear on Lin Fan's face, Feng Yu couldn't help asking, "Is something wrong?"

Lin Fan just shook his head before saying, "It's nothing."

Then after a pause, he added, "I'm assuming that you still have the memoirs of this person?"

Feng Yu revealed an even more confused and strange look when he heard this, but seeing the serious look that Lin Fan had, he slowly gave a nod before saying, "It's in the storage of this Minor World. When you inherit it, you'll be able to read it at your leisure."

There was almost a subtle jab at Lin Fan to take over this Minor World already.

After all, Feng Yu could feel that his soul fragment was breaking up.

He would have been fine if he had remained dormant, but the soul fragment's power was being used up by appearing in front of Lin Fan.

This soul fragment wouldn't last much longer and he wanted to stay until Lin Fan accepted this Minor World.

Lin Fan gave a nod before reaching his other hand over the silver orb and letting a drop of blood fall onto it.

When it did, there was a flash of silver light before the orb floated up and disappeared into Lin Fan.

Lin Fan looked at his hand and with a thought, the orb appeared.

This showed that he had now taken over as the master of this Minor World.

Feng Yu let out a sigh of relief before saying, "Since you have accepted my inheritance, I hope that you will get revenge for me if you can. But if you can't, I hope that you will use my inheritance properly."

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