Wolf King And His Fox Consort [BL]

Chapter 147 - The Wolf Thinks The Fox Will Make A Good Parent

Even hearing Chu Yun refer to the child as 'brat' was enough to put a smile on Xiao Zai's face, something Chu Yun noticed immediately, and didn't waste any time teasing him mercilessly for.

"You're all smiles about the kid now, but just wait until it's actually born," Chu Yun scoffed, submerging himself down to the neck on the warm waters and pulling Xiao Zai along with him. "Babies are really annoying, my younger sister is only four. I remember well all the nights she woke up the entire house with her crying."

Xiao Zai pulled Chu Yun into his lap, leaning his back against the edge of the pool. "I'll take care of the baby, I won't let them disturb you."

Chu Yun narrowed his eyes at him. "You won't have a choice, because I'm not waking up in the middle of the night."

Xiao Zai nodded. "I'll handle it."

Chu Yun was silent for some time, lost in thought, until finally saying, "I suppose we'll need a wet nurse, as well as other nannies."

Maybe they would, maybe not. Xiao Zai slid one hand up Chu Yun's abdomen and tweaked a nipple. "You never know."

Chu Yun groaned and slapped his hand away. "Are you hopeful for the baby's sake or your own?"

It was a tie. "Why not both?"

Chu Yun frowned at him, haughty and judgemental -- unfortunately, it was a great look on him, and Xiao Zai couldn't stop himself from kissing him breathless. Chu Yun bit at his lower lip in warning, but eventually Xiao Zai's gentle hands on his flanks soothed him enough that he condescended to kissing instead of the mauling he preferred when he got into one of his moods.

 The steam coming off from the pool in thick clouds, along with Chu Yun's intoxicating taste made Xiao Zai feel lightheaded. He pulled away from his lips with a regretful sigh.

"You're going to be a good father, you know?" Xiao Zai said, running his thumb along the angle to Chu Yun's jaw. "You don't need to worry about that."

Chu Yun's lashes shuttered down his eyes, and he pulled away from Xiao Zai's touch, looking away from him, but revealing the odd flush of his earlobes with the motion. "Who's worried about something like that? You already said you were going to take care of the brat, so I guess I'll just pat them on the head once in a while."

It was hard not to smile fondly at how transparent Chu Yun was being. His inability to admit his feelings shouldn't be so charming. And Xiao Zai shouldn't be so willing to indulge him.

He gathered Chu Yun to his chest, letting his oversized fox ears brush against the underside of his chin and neck, while he settled him over his legs under the water.

"Maybe we can tell the kid to call you uncle."

Chu Yun's reaction was immediate and fierce. He glared up at Xiao Zai, and tried to storm off the pool . Xiao Zai laughed as he restrained him, keeping him in place against his chest.

"What's the matter? I thought you didn't want to have any trouble with the kid."

The intensity of Chu Yun's glare grew tenfold. "If you think I'm going to carry a child for nine months, only for them to call me 'uncle' you have another thing coming."

It was unfair how good indignation looked on him. Xiao Zai bit gently at the edge of his jaw to stave off his ever-present impulse of biting him harder, and more permanently

"What should the child call you, then?" Xiao Zai asked, as Chu Yun chased the words all the way to his lips with angry kisses, gripping his cheeks between the fingers of one hand to keep Xiao Zai in place.

Chu Yun ruminated over his answer for a time before declaring, "His Royal Highness, the King Consort has a nice ring to it."

Xiao Zai chuckled against the heated skin of Chu Yun's neck. "That's what you want our child to call you?"

"Why not? Respect for one's elders is important." He allowed Xiao Zai's kisses to linger for a moment, and his touch to grow exploratory before saying, "I suppose that when we're in private, I can condescend to being called, papa."

Admitting that couldn't have been easy for him. Xiao Zai rewarded him with a deep kiss, and by sliding his right hand between his legs. "What about me? What do you think you should call me?"

Chu Yun let out a breathless gasp, and held onto Xiao Zai's wrist, redirecting his touch to where he wanted it.

"I'll only call you nice things if you're good."

Xiao Zai tightened his grip. "What about 'alpha'? When do you think you can call me that?"

Chu Yun let out a breathless hiss. "You keep asking me for things," he grumbled, sidestepping the question altogether. "What will you call me, after all I've done for you?"

Xiao Zai banded one arm tightly around Chu Yun's waist, gluing his back to his chest, and whispered into his ear. "I'll call you whatever you want. Your royal highness, alpha, husband...

He punctuated each word with the downwards stroke of his hand, and was rewarded each time with Chu Yun's bitten off moans.

There was only one title Xiao Zai held back from mentioning, for fear that it could scare Chu Yun. Although Xiao Zai knew it to be true.

Soon, he wasn't even able to think as their gasps and pants filled the little clearing, almost drowning out the bubbling of the spring water.


They left early the next morning. Hua Nanyi made no comment of Chu Yun's great mood. Things continued in the fashion for the next few days. They stopped at roadside inns to eat and sleep. Except for the memorable occasion where they ended up sleeping all on top of each other inside the carriage because Chu Yun was convinced there would be another inn further down the road.

Eventually, they arrived at the secluded location of Chu Hean's academy high up in one of the few mountain ranges in Xin. They had traded in their thick winter cloaks for thinner fare when they entered Xin, but at altitude the whether turned bitterly cold once more.

The academy was surrounded by tall white walls. Two wooden doors prevented anyone from gaining entry into the premises.

Chu Yun pulled on the string attached to the heavy brass bell on the door, and waited.

When someone finally came to see them, they were met with suspicious looks and dismissals.

"I apologise but Master is not seeing guests at this time."

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