Chapter 1849: Yu

Translator: La009

One month has passed since the shaman’s rebellion.

The ape people tribe has gradually regained its vitality.

Thanks to the 100 layered blessings, the rate of progress for the ape people’s civilization can literally be measured using ‘day’ as a unit.

The other types of civilization have also manifested their initial characteristics on one or more ape persons in the tribe.

Various completely different systems of civilization were all gathered within this single ape people tribe, all exerting themselves to the fullest.

The primitive forest.

Lup ct bLectL Llee.

The old pixie was happily enjoying a cake while Gu Qing Shan sat across from him, drinking tea.

Seeing how easygoing Gu Qing Shan was, the old pixie complained:

“Youngster Gu, you really aren’t going to manage anything at all? Is that really

Gu Qing Shan raised his cup of tea: “Haven’t they managed to even create language already? Also, I just gave them another blessing yesterday”

“What kind of blessing?” the old pixie asked.

“A blessing called ‘Eureka’, it’ll help them better ponder their own situation” Gu Qing Shan replied.

– – -And you left them to their own devices afterwards? If you keep going like this, how are they supposed to compete against other civilizations?” the old pixie seemed a bit worried.

Gu Qing Shan put his tea cup down and earnestly replied: “It’s because they need to clash against other civilizations that I’m not interfering with the ape people tribe”

“What do you mean?” the old pixie asked.

“Only very recently, I’ve realized that civilization is even grander and more complicated than I’ve ever imagined, so it’s best that I don’t restrict it in any way—— it needs to endure the natural selection of history and fate, then carve out a path of its own” Gu Qing Shan explained.

“Will that really work?”

“I don’t know, but this feels right to me”

As the old pixie was about to say something else, he suddenly sensed something.

Gu Qing Shan also turned his attention towards the ape people tribe’s camp.

Only to see that the tribe leader had brought his daughter onto a high platform and was shouting something to the rest.

The ape people swiftly gathered.

The old pixie scanned the tribe leader with his gaze, then abruptly turned to the tribe leader’s daughter.

This adolescent female ape person had shed away a lot of her long fur and began to exhibit characteristics of a modern human.

She was wearing short armor made of bamboo and a skirt braided from leaves, her form still exuding a wild aura.

But her facial features were now a lot more pronounced, capable of now exerting a sense of dignity.

“Wait a minute, youngster Gu, how many blessings did you give that tribe leader’s daughter?” the old pixie asked.

“Ah, she has a few more blessings compared to the rest, about 600 in total” Gu Qing Shan casually replied.

“Why did you give her so many?” the old pixie asked.

“It’s impossible to categorize Occultism, not only did she awaken such power, but she could also communicate with spirits through dancing– – frankly speaking, her talents are the most exceptional among this entire civilization, so I was curious how far she could actually go” Gu Qing Shan replied.

The old pixie was also intrigued and said: “That’s true, Occultism is a relatively rare kind of power, it’s normally impossible to discern the origination of these powers; coupled with your 600 blessings, this is truly a joyous occasion unlike any other”

The two of them continued to remain hidden while observing the camp.

The tribe leader was now standing on top of a table made of wood and spoke using the language they’ve created not too long ago:

“Everyone, today, I, give leader, to daughter”

All the Cultivator ape people appeared dejected.

—– -even though the ape people didn’t understand Yu’s intentions at all, they knew that they should follow the words of a stronger individual.

After a while, nobody else said anything.

Seeing that, Yu nodded in satisfaction.

Gu Qing Shan and the old pixie were both speechless while still remaining in hiding.

Cultivation must face tribulations.

– – -even as an ancient human, Yu had already managed to see through the biggest issue of Cultivation.

“Impressive” the old pixie finally gave a thumbs up after the shock had subsided.

“Let’s keep watching, there are a lot more types of civilization, I wonder what she thinks about each of them” Gu Qing Shan said.

“How very exciting- – – this Yu hasn’t been nurtured by any knowledge other than her own, so her outlook might give us a new perspective” the old pixie commented.

At this point, Yu jumped down the platform again.

She walked around the crowd and carried an ape person with a bamboo stick onto the platform.

She pointed at the bamboo stick, then at everyone in the crowd and said: “Power, show”

The ape person put the bamboo stick on the ground, then took out a flint and used it to light a piece of dry grass sticking out from the bamboo stick.

Shuuuu—- fwooom——–

The bamboo stick flew into the air and caused a thunderous noise.

This was primitive gunpowder.

– – – – -a Technological product.

Once the crowd below the platform became more silent, Yu waved her hands: “From now, this power, banned”

The ape person on the platform panicked and hurriedly asked: “Eee?”

Yu displayed a solemn expression and slowly explained: “This thing, not our power, it grows, we weak, it strong”

The ape person on the platform began to cry.

The crowd below was silent.

Quite a few ape people also appeared sorrowful, all looking at the crying ape person with sympathy, whispering to it in consolation.

Seeing that, Yu angrily shouted: “This is danger, sooner or later, cannot control, like snake and beast, like traitor shaman-  is your heart like shaman?”

Perhaps due to her hysteria, her speech also became more varied and fluent.

Seeing how she was comparing them to the shaman, the ape person instantly stopped crying out of fright.

Seeing how Yu was talking about the rebellion, the ape people crowd knew that she was truly angry this time and didn’t try to say anything else.

Still on top of a tree, the old pixie gave Gu Qing Shan a glance: “This young girl also managed to see through the weakness of a High Technology civilization”

“I really want to know what kind of decision she’ll make in the end” Gu Qing Shan crossed his arms and said.

Suddenly, a group of bloody red text appeared in front of his vision:


[The first clash between civilizations is about to occur]

[You have 1 month to make the final preparations before the clash]

[In 1 month, 2 civilizations will become intersected and the war between civilizations will officially begin!]

[The losing civilization will be disqualified, and the Chosen Saint behind the

civilization will be forced to leave the Clash]

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