Chapter 88: Trigger

The holy land of Mira’s Doctrine, Fonia, was surrounded by walls.

It was a town which was a size smaller than Elysion, and it was also one of the relatively big towns on the Adload Continent.

Since this country had a town where Mira’s Doctrine believers gathered, there were no such things like a castle and king.

There were people who managed the town, but since Mira’s Doctrine acted as a center, it was said that if one controlled the Doctrine, that person was as good as controlling the town.

The temple of Mira’s Doctrine, which could be seen from any direction, exuded a presence like a castle, and what spread beyond that as the center was the town, Fonia.

We stopped our carriage in a forest that was a distance away from Fonia.

We were fine, but it was dangerous to let Chris and Ashley, who were being chased, into the town without any plans.

Because of that, we stopped to hide the carriage in the forest and made the location our base. First off, we decided to go to the town on foot to gather information.

“Hokuto, I leave those two to you. In case of emergency, pull the carriage and run away. However, your life is the main priority.” (Sirius)

“Woof!” (Hokuto)

“I will also remain together with the carriage. If I go into the town, we will be too conspicuous, and it’ll become more of a hassle.” (Fia)

Certainly, before we could understand the situation in Fonia, we should refrain from any unnecessary disturbances.

Since the Elf, Fia, stood out, there was a high possibility that it would hinder the information gathering if we got involved with something.

“Sorry for the trouble. Contact me if there is something. Do you remember how to use it?” (Sirius)

“Yes. I can speak while pouring mana into this choker, right?” (Fia)

“Since you can’t talk too long, try to minimize the words used. Well then, we’re going.” (Sirius)

“Take care.” (Fia)

“Sensei, everyone… please be careful.” (Chris)

“Mira-sama… please grant your love to these people.” (Ashley)

“Woof!” (Hokuto)

While being sent off by our companion, the four of us set foot towards Fonia.

Depending on the situation, those who couldn’t prove their identity when entering a big town often had to pay some toll.

Since we were adventurers, there should be no problem if we showed our guild cards, but it didn’t work in Fonia.

“To enter Fonia, you all must wear this. It’s one iron coin each.” (Guard)

That being said, the thing that we had to forcibly buy during the screening at the gate was a pendant that Mira’s believers wore.

It wasn’t that much money, and it was alright if I considered it as an entrance fee to the town, but…

“…It’s a clumsy work, isn’t it?” (Emilia)

“Yeah. Ash—… no, the one that child has is better, right?” (Reese)

The pendant that Ashley had was a refined white ore. It was a splendid pendant engraved with the crest of a sun. The one we bought was made of wood and the whole thing was slightly distorted. We could see it as nothing but an inferior product.

“It is a mass-produced item. Therefore, it fits the expected quality. Conversely, don’t laugh at it, alright.” (Sirius)

“Goodness… although we are not believers, what are we going to do with it, since we already bought it?” (Reus)

“It may serve as a small income and advertisement. I don’t feel any magical response from this thing, so wear it to avoid trouble.” (Sirius)

Even those who could prove their identity still had to pay money. Besides, it was hard to throw it away, since we had to pay for it, so the people who had it multiplied, and that was why there seemed to be many believers.

It was a cunning plan, but since it didn’t become too much of a burden, I didn’t think that it was bad. I didn’t think there were too many of advantages, but if they made it better, I judged that there would be less animosity because it looked like a souvenir.

…Well, it didn’t matter to me. I put the pendant around my neck while somewhat feeling subtle about it.

“Sirius-sama, what’s the plan from now on?” (Emilia)

“As I have said before coming here, we are gathering information by walking in the town.” (Sirius)

Since it was late morning when entered the town, we found a suitable place for a meal, and had lunch.

While drinking tea after eating, we were talking about future plans in low voices.

“If you are worried about something, make sure you report it. After that, follow the plan.” (Sirius)

“…Understood.” (Emilia)

Emilia had a slightly disappointed face because I was going to act separately.

In other words, my disciples were going to investigate the ‘surface’ of the Mira’s Doctrine, while I would get in touch with an informer in order to investigate the ‘other side’.

It should be fine to take Emilia along, since I had taken Reus to see the underground world for study purposes, but I couldn’t say that the situation was good. Hence, it was better to consolidate their abilities as much as possible.

Ashley might rush it if we took too long; so this time, I thought that I would make progress by emphasizing efficiency.

“I have entrusted you with the arrangement of the accommodations. Well then, I’m going.” (Sirius)

“Please take care.” (Emilia)

“You can leave the Nee-chans to me, Aniki.” (Reus)

“Yes, please be careful.” (Reese)

In addition to information gathering, I told the disciples to avoid trouble, if possible.

If there was anything, they would contact me through the [Call] magic stone on their choker or earrings they had put on. And if they got involved with a troublesome opponent, it had been decided in advance that they would run away, even if they had to escape from the town. Even if they escaped into an unexpected place, if it was me, I could quickly find out where they were.

With the plan of uniting with them in evening, I separated from my disciples, who waved their hands while seeing me off.

There were many ways to come into contact with informants in the town, but first off, I decided to ‘attack’ the bars in a steady manner.

I walked through the town looking for a bar, but since a majority of the stores were closed during broad daylight, I kept walking around while checking the public order of the town.

The scene of the believers of Mira’s Doctrine, who wore slightly luxurious attire, calmly walked along the stores and seemed to be ordinary, at first glance.

Incidentally, I also noticed adventurers and, with the exception of Mira’s Doctrine believers, they were almost similar to the neighboring towns.

It seemed that the public order was well kept, but if you changed the perspective a bit, you would understand that that was a mistake.

“This is close to a country that reigns through fear.” (Sirius)

The believers, who were grandly walking while wearing luxurious attires, were probably those who firmly gave offerings.

On the contrary, the appearances of somewhat out-of-luck believers, who were walking around the corners and trying not to stand out, were too conspicuous. These people, who were like vagrants hiding in the shadows of buildings, were obviously wary, and some of them seemed to be terribly scared.

As I continued walking, I stepped into a slum area that always existed in every town, but there were many buildings that have collapsed. It was a terrible sight where numerous pitiful-looking burning marks remained.

“It’s terrible.” (Sirius)

Based on how things were caught on fire, the way they burned was abnormal. Clearly, it was artificially done. So, I asked a man from the slums who was sitting nearby, and gave him money.

The result of the information obtained was that the criminal seemed to be the Holy Knight of Mira’s Doctrine. I heard that he came while laughing the other day, and burned the area here.

“He said that we were trash and not fit to be Mira’s Doctrine believers. That guy thinks of us that way.” (Slum’s Man)

Was this situation being done in a straightforward way? Mira’s Doctrine seemed to be getting worse compared to Ashley’s story.

There was no one who could stop the Holy Knight and the people of Mira’s Doctrine. I guessed this was getting out of hand. There would more victims as time went on.

After that, I found an open bar in the vicinity and entered the building. While collecting gazes from several customers, I sat at the counter seat. I ordered a low-alcoholic drink from the Master(1) and asked him.

“Give me a bottle of sake behind you. By the way, I’m looking for an informer. Do you know any?” (Sirius)

“Well… In the past few days, the people and buildings were burned since the Holy Knight was doing the ‘cleaning’. Hence, there are no informants, anymore.” (Master)

“Are you fine with this?” (Sirius)

I put a silver coin in the cup I was drinking and placed it on the counter.

The Master, who saw that, slightly diverted his gaze while tucking the silver coin away. He looked around before directing his gaze at me.

“What are you going to ask from the informer?” (Master)

“It’s about Mira’s Doctrine. Especially if there is a person who is well-informed on the other side.” (Sirius)

“…Unfortunately, there is none. Now that I got this, let me warn you. Stop investigating Mira’s Doctrine. It will come back at you.” (Master)

“Is that so? Sorry for disturbing you.” (Sirius)

Drinking the alcohol served, I quickly left the store, and walked down the slums again.

I intended to get into contact with some bars in a similar fashion, but… I might have got a hit from the beginning.

Since I caught five reactions following me, I kept walking towards a blind alley on purpose, while pretending to get lost. It wasn’t difficult to grasp the topography by using [Search].

Since I came to the end of the alley, as expected, I looked back towards the way I came from, and the bunch who were following me, revealed themselves while closing the path.

“Hehe… do you want to pass through here? Then, you have to pay for it, you know?” (??)

The other side were the ones sitting at the bar in the afternoon. There were four large-build and one small-build men.

These people were probably vagrants who lived in the slums area based on their tattered attires, but I felt something different from what was on the outside. They were well-built to be vagrants in such a place.

As I looked at the men with a surprised expression, one of the men came close and glare at me.

“Oi, you, are you listening?” (??)

“I am listening. So, what do you want?” (Sirius)

“Cheh… you, quickly take out your silver coins. Besides, you’re saving it, right?” (??)

Hmm… I handed it over without being seen to avoid troubles like this, but… was the Master of the bar and these people in cohort?

The man was frustrated because I didn’t show any reaction at all, so I replied back before he told me something.

“The truth is that silver coin earlier was the last one I had. No, I’m sorry.” (Sirius)

“Don’t tell me such an obvious lie! If you obediently take it out, you’ll be pardoned from being sold to Mira’s Doctrine, right?” (??)

“Being sold? Is the present Mira’s Doctrine collecting slaves?” (Sirius)

“Don’t you know? If you inform anyone who tries to meddle with Mira’s Doctrine at the temple, and if you hand them over, you will receive money. In short, you are that kind of guy.” (??)

“I see. Is that the price of crushing the seeds of rebellion? I will think about it in various ways, then.” (Sirius)

“If we sell you, we will be able to get food for a few days! Just obediently get caught!” (??)

And then, all of the men attacked at once, but it immediately ended because they weren’t strong.

I reaped their consciousness by folding their arms, hitting their faces against the wall and holding them down on the ground. And the last man, who was blocking the path I was walking, was thrown far away.

The man made a parabolic flight in midair and dropped onto the ground. While he rolled on the ground… I quickly moved.

“Ooh… that’s amazing. That’s unexpected.” (??)

“Well… what is unexpected?” (Sirius)

“W-what!?” (??)

There were five people in all who were chasing me. But only one of them was separated from the group and looked towards me.

The last man was thrown in order to conceal myself by the hiding man’s range of vision. Using that gap, I got closer just before his range of vision and shoved a knife onto his throat.

“Wa-wait! I am not an enemy!” (??)

“Are you in the habit of just looking at me being attacked?” (Sirius)

“Th-that is to measure your ability. Do you think there is such an informer who nonchalantly shows his face to a person who can do such things to those guys!?” (??)

“In other words, you are the informer. According to what you have said, am I good enough for you?” (Sirius)

“Y-yes. Since you totally passed, remove that knife!” (??)

I held back the knife, since I couldn’t feel any hostility, but since I wasn’t sure whether he was a real informer, I repeatedly questioned him.

And it turned out that he was a real informer. When I asked him why he indirectly acted, he said that there were too many people like the ones I defeated here and there, and apparently the informer couldn’t move too much.

“Even by just collecting information can be seen as a rebellion against Mira’s Doctrine. I usually hide among these people.” (Informer)

The Master of the bar was a companion of the people I knocked down, but actually, he seemed to be a part of the informers. Was he like a double agent?

He judged those who had asked for informers, passed on whether they were rebels, and oversaw if they deserved to be contacted.

It was troublesome, but if they didn’t do it to this point, they would be in danger.

“Anyway, you want information, right? There is an exclusive place in the bar earlier, you can ask there.” (Informer)

Since the informer started walking towards the bar, I followed him while still being cautious.

And then, the informer and I, who returned to the bar, passed through a narrow room with a guide from the Master. No traps were found, and I didn’t feel any other reactions through [Search]. So, it was likely to be reliable.

“I don’t dislike you being cautious. Occasionally, this room is also used for confessions. The Master is standing guard outside, so you can ask anything without worrying.” (Informer)

The informer sat on a chair prepared in the room, and as I sat on the other side, he was looking at me with a serious look.

“So… what do you want to ask? Offer me silver coins if you just want the information. You expected that much, right?” (Informer)

“Yeah, first off, let me offer a silver coin. After that, I will add the amount depending on the contents.” (Sirius)

When I took out a silver coin, similar to the time with the Master earlier, the informer received it with a smile.

“Thank you. Are you sure you want to ask about the other side of Mira’s Doctrine?” (Sirius)

“Yes, first is…” (Sirius)

After that, I started with the number of injustices done by Mira’s Doctrine from the informer, and those who colluded with corruption, and the whereabouts of the believers who were fighting the present Mira’s Doctrine together with Ashley.

No matter what I asked, it could be said that the amount of information that could be answered was pretty limited. His skill was reliable, since he was able to survive in this kind of situation.

“Finally, I want to know about the Holy Knight.” (Sirius)

“…That guy, huh? By the way, what are you planning to do?” (Informer)

“I’m not doing anything. Depending on the situation, there is a possibility to encounter him, right?” (Sirius)

“Don’t say such a bad thing, and I want you to stop from getting in contact with him. He can use Spirit Magic, which is also dangerous, and his personality is bad,” (Informer)

The man was slightly older than me, in addition to being hedonistic and cunning. Plus, he seemed to have a brutal personality who burns his opponents without any mercy.

Moreover, since the fire would spread whenever he unsparingly used the mighty Spirit Magic, the damage to the surroundings seemed to be severe.

“Such a guy will do well joining Mira’s Doctrine.” (Sirius)

“The Archbishop raised him up since he was a child, so he only listens to the Archbishop’s orders. As the Archbishop started deviating from Mira’s Doctrine, he started to tolerate his conduct, and it gradually became extreme.” (Informer)

That fire-devastated slum area was one of his extreme conducts… was it?

Although he had done numerous conducts which people were unable to let pass unnoticed, there were some people who appealed to Mira’s Doctrine. He was the Guardian of Fonia, and it seemed he did nothing but pass judgment to the enemies of Mira’s Doctrine.

In reality, he defeated the outside monsters to vent his anger, and since that reduce the damage of monsters, it wasn’t a mistake that he was the Guardian of Fonia.

The man, whom explained it to this point, was sighing and looked towards the window.

“This is a rumor, but recently, there are times when he doesn’t listen to Archbishop’s orders. If that’s true, it’s quite a strange story.” (Informer)

“Nobody can stop him. Every day, people are scared by the fear of being burned by the whim of the Holy Knight.” (Sirius)

“That’s it. To be honest, I think that the town is no longer as it is. If you are an adventurer, leave the town before you meet the Holy Knight.” (Informer)

Since the informer said so, I guessed he was about to leave the town soon. His appearance was like a vagrant, but it seemed that he was prepared in various manners to get out like an adventurer.

Well… I secured a considerable amount of good information as I confirmed the matter about the Holy Knight. There were suspicious rumors amongst them, but I just had to directly check on them.

Rounding up the talk, I took out a gold coin from my chest as a reward for him and put it on the desk.

“This was a very meaningful time. Is this reward good enough?” (Sirius)

“Heh… by no means, it is a gold coin. Are you a noble…? No, it doesn’t seem so. Although it is only a bit, you have the smell of having the same profession as me.” (Informer)

“Isn’t it reasonable to pay an appropriate reward for such an ability? And, it is also against the rules for trying to know my identity without reason.” (Sirius)

“You’re right. But, receiving a gold coin is maybe a bit too much. Other information… Aah, there was something I had forgotten to say.” (Informer)

The informer scratched his head. He opened his mouth while playing with the gold I handed over with his fingers.

“A few days ago, that bastard Holy Knight had a partner from nowhere…” (Informer)

[Can you hear me… Sirius-sama?] (Emilia)

When the informer was getting to the main point… Emilia’s voice resounded in my brain through [Call].

I reflexively activated [Search], and I felt a flow of mana as if something was happening from quite a distant place.

[I’m sorry. We have met the Holy Knight mentioned earlier.] (Emilia)

Immediately ending the talk, I left the informer and jumped out of the bar.

— Faeris —

After we separated from Sirius-san, we walked around Fonia while gathering information on Mira’s Doctrine.

It was about what the present Mira’s Doctrine was usually about, and about the residents’ evaluation.

We found a shop on our way, and while ordering some stuff, we ask questions about Mira’s Doctrine. First, we needed to purchase some stuff, and after that, it would be a very smooth information gathering. That’s what we learned.

“Thanks to Mira-sama, we can do business, but something is wrong with the present Mira’s Doctrine. They never asked offerings until now, but they started to demand it from a while ago. Here you go, ten skewered meats.” (??)

“If people give offerings, many can be saved, since they received money from the Mira’s Doctrine, but it’s troubling since the price has gradually increased. Here you go, ten pieces of bread, thank you!” (??)

“The other day, my acquaintance got injured. After consulting with the temple, a believer, who was able to give treatment, was dispatched. However, I was requested a considerable offering as a treatment fee. If it was the earlier Mira’s Doctrine, there would be no such thing, but there is nothing you can do about it if you think about that as a treatment fee. Yes, here are ten sandwiches. Thank you for waiting!” (??)

It was understood that even the residents were starting to feel weird. I wonder if they were trying to accept it?

On the surface, the residents seemed to live their lives like normal, but it wasn’t my imagination that I could feel the unrest in the air.

Emilia and Reus said that they didn’t want to enter the gaps between the buildings because they caught a smell they didn’t like.

“…There is a somewhat uncomfortable feeling.” (Reese)

“Yeah. I am not joking, but it is a weird town.” (Reus)

“According to Sirius-sama, an extreme religion seems to have twisted with the people’s conducts and beliefs.” (Emilia)

On the surface, the people, who wore beautiful attires, walked while smiling, but when I looked at a slightly shadowy side, vagrants were often seen sitting in the slums.

Sirius-san said that there were cases that those people had surprising information, but until the end, we only needed to check the surface. We were trying not to get involved with them in order to avoid trouble.

Because of that, we continued going around the shops and listening to the people walking around, but along the way, we noticed a common detail.

“Ho-Holy Knight? Uhmm… He is associated with Mira’s Doctrine and he can use a wonderful flame. He is the Guardian of Fonia… Yeah!” (??)

“Since his flames are used to hunt the monsters outside, the damage from the monsters is little. I think that he is a wonderful person… if only you don’t get involved with him.” (??)

“Stop it. I don’t really want to hear that name.” (??)

Whether everyone panicked when the talk of the Holy Knight came out, they diverted their eyes as if to say that they didn’t want to get involved.

According to Ashley, he seemed to do whatever he wanted with his Spirit magic, and I had a feeling that the residents were afraid, regardless of Mira’s Doctrine.

There were times when Reus grasped his fist while listening to some of the tragedies caused by the Holy Knight, maybe he couldn’t forgive him.

“That Holy Knight is a really cruel person. I will kill him if Aniki allows me.” (Reus)

“But, isn’t he reducing the damage to the town by defeating the monsters outside? He is also said to be the protector, so it’s not good to show your hands just because there will be no problems if you defeat him.” (Reese)

“At least, I think that he is an enemy to us, since we are on Ashley’s side. Just like Sirius-sama has told us, let’s not get involved as much as possible.” (Emilia)

Walking down the street with a little bit of caution, we noticed that the corner of a place was getting noisy.

There were a lot of people who liked entertainment, but from the expressions of the people gathered, it didn’t seem to be for something fun.

While we were puzzled, Reus, who was eating a sandwich, talked to a person nearby.

“Did something happened?” (Reus)

“Hmm? Aah… It’s Holy Knight-sama.” (??)

“The Holy Knight? What, is he popular enough to attract such attention?” (Reus)

“That’s not it. We were being gathered.” (??)

Since the person who talked to him shifted sideways a bit, we were able to see the situation at the center.

Over there… there was a figure of a woman sitting in the center of the square. On the other side, there was a red-haired man wearing a splendid robe clad with dazzling ornaments.

“…Who is that? He is wearing an unusually luxurious attire.” (Reus)

“Are you an outsider? That is the Holy Knight, and this gathering is to make an example of a traitor. It is starting from today, so be careful that you might be aimed at if you say bad things.” (??)

Apparently, the man who was wearing a splendid robe was the Holy Knight.

I only heard cruel stories, but since he was someone who can use Spirit Magic like me, I thought that I would like to see him, even for a bit, but… that was a mistake.

In front of that woman, a cold smile was looking down on her… which saw a human nothing but a thing. It was exactly like the thinking of noble ruler.

“Wait, please stop! I am a believer who swore loyalty to Mira-sama! I never betrayed the Mira’s Doctrine—…” (??)

“It doesn’t matter what you are. I was told to deal with you right here, and I don’t care, even if you beg for your life.” (Holy Knight)

When the Holy Knight swung his arm up while murmuring a word, a big flame popped on top of his head.

He didn’t chant, and from the point of creating a flame just by saying a word, there was no mistake that he was a user of Spirit Magic.

“Aa, aah… Mira-sama… Ashley… I’m sorry.” (??)

“Mira-sama has decided. This flame of judgment will rain down upon you. Well then, will you accept it according to the oracle?” (Holy Knight)

The Holy Knight, then, swung down his arm, and a violently burning flame was released upon the woman.

That person, could she be Ashley’s…

“Please… [Aqua Wall].” (Reese)

When I noticed, I already asked the Spirits and had created a wall of Water in front of the lady.

As expected, my compatibility against an opponent with Fire was good. The wall of Water I had created not only completely stopped the flame, but it also extinguished it.

“Reese-ane!?” (Reus)

“I thought so…” (Emilia)

“So-sorry! But… according to Ashley, that person is surely someone who got caught instead of her.” (Reese)

Yesterday, Ashley had sadly talked about someone who was captured as a decoy in order to let her escaped and that was before she met Chris.

And she was like a sister to Ashley. She had similar features to what I had heard from Ashley.

If that person was burned, Ashley would definitely grieve.

She would lament that she could do nothing other than give oracles.

In the past, I was only good at Water Magic.

Although we were both totally different, we were called ‘Saintess’ altogether, and somehow I overlapped myself with Ashley.

And… if the woman who was about to be burn was Ane-sama… When I thought that, my body instinctively moved.

“Both of you, run. This is my responsibility… so I will do something.” (Reese)

“There is no way we’re leaving Reese-ane. Right, Nee-chan?” (Reus)

“Yes, of course. Besides, it’s still alright, Reese. That guy doesn’t know who did it.” (Emilia)

Emilia was right. Since we were far away from the Holy Knight, he was looking around without knowing I was the one who did it.

We were talking in low voices, so people around us didn’t seem to know that it was me.

And then, the smiling Emilia and Reus stood in the way to hid me from the Holy Knight.

“Can he not perceive the mana from the way he manipulates that splendid flame? It was prevented by Reese-ane’s spell, I guess he is not that strong, huh?” (Reus)

“That’s not it. I managed to stop the flame earlier, but the truth is, the flame is too strong and there are only a few Water Spirits in the surrounding area. Because of that, the mana consumption was huge. It is going to be difficult for a prolonged-battle.” (Reese)

“There is no need to fight. If we can run away like this, we are still not breaking our promise to Sirius-sama. Since it will become an uproar before long, let’s take the opportunity and run away.” (Emilia)

Certainly, if we escaped like this, we wouldn’t have to fight. We kept waiting quietly while looking at the surrounding reactions.

“Who prevented my flame just now!? Come out!” (Holy Knight)

The Holy Knight became frustrated. As he confirmed that there was no reaction, he raised both hands at the same time while smacking his lips.

Thereupon, the same flame as the earlier one was brought forth, and since the flames flew around the head of the Holy Knight towards the surrounding people, the people who were at the gathering had started to retreat.

“If you are not coming out, I will force you to do so!” (Holy Knight)

“Now! Let’s take advantage of the chaos and escape to the outside of the town.” (Reus)

“But, the flames that are surrounding the people…” (Reese)

“If that’s the case, Reese concentrate on making those flames ineffective. Reus will hold Reese.” (Emilia)

“Leave it to me.” (Reus)

Yeah… if it was like that, I could concentrate on the flames.

When Reus turned his back, I entrusted my body, but since the flames started to indiscriminately attack people, I created multiple water bubbles and offset each other.

The surrounding people ran away and at the same time, we tried to move accordingly, but Reus, who was holding me, stopped his steps. When I looked, Emilia, who was on the side, also stopped her steps and displayed caution.

[I can feel it… The blue-haired woman over there! Goodness… Don’t you remember how to detect mana?]” (??)

After offsetting all of the flames, I redirected my consciousness, and there was a whole body burning in a bright red color, and a wolf-like monster was standing. It could probably be said that the flames symbolized a wolf.

It was about the same size as Hokuto. It had a somewhat similar air, but it was clearly hostile and talked using people’s words. And my body was naturally becoming stiff because of the hostility.

“Shut up, if I have my flames, there is no problem, even if I can’t detect it.” (Holy Knight)

[Hmmph… what a fool.] (??)

When I noticed that there was no one around us, we were already sandwiched between the Holy Knight and the flaming monster.

It was certain that we had been exposed, but there was no time to regret it now. The Holy Knight was a definite, and that flaming monster also seemed to be considerably strong. Since Reus was obviously cautious, he dropped me and pulled his greatsword.

“Well, who are you people? Based on your appearances, are you adventurers.” (Holy Knight)

“That’s right. Are you the Holy Knight of Mira’s Doctrine?” (Emilia)

“Use the honorific, -sama. No need. Why don’t you let me burn you?” (Holy Knight)

“Can we not conclude until that point? Besides, rather than the honorific -sama, or the official position, shouldn’t you give us your name? Since I don’t know your name, please let us know. Can you hear me… Sirius-sama?” (Emilia)

While Emilia deliberately prolonged the conversation, she contacted Sirius-san with her hand on the choker.

As Reus gave full attention to the flaming monster, I concentrated my mana so that Water could be created in preparation for the flames of the Holy Knight.

The Holy Knight, who heard Emilia, was smiling and clapped his hands as if something was funny.

“Hahaha, that’s true. Well, shall I give you my name? I am Vagle(2). As you can see, I am a Holy Knight who uses Fire Spirit Magic.” (Vagle)

“Thank you very much for your kindness. We…” (Emilia)

“I don’t need it. I only have business with that blue-haired woman. I don’t care about the rest.” (Vagle)

“…Me?” (Reese)

“I’m sorry. I have met the aforementioned Holy Knight.” (Emilia)

The man called Vagle was happily laughing while pointing at me. Emilia informed Sirius-san about the current situation during that gap.

“You were erasing my flame, right? It looks like you can use a considerably powerful Water Magic.” (Vagle)

“That… what? Could you probably have complaints because your flame was extinguished?” (Reese)

“I have a complaint, but it doesn’t matter now. You… become my underling.” (Vagle)

…When I thought what he was going to say, was that a solicitation?

Although he acted like he was being hated by people, I thought that there was no way people would obediently agree with that condescending attitude.

“No, I don’t really need a reply. I will just force you. Oh Flame, burn them!” (Vagle)

“Oh Water… [Aqua Pillar]” (Reese)

Since he shot Fire without even waiting for a reply, I also created a pillar of Water and offset the fire.

As expected… my invocation was a bit dull since the Water Spirits were few, and I couldn’t see them, so I judged that the Water Spirits couldn’t come closer because there were too many Fire Spirits.

Nevertheless, the flame that was released wasn’t doing something only to us, Vagle had spread his flames without purpose to the surroundings and tried to burn unrelated things and people.

“By protecting unrelated people, I understand that you are soft-hearted. How about this? If you come to me, I will stop this.” (Vagle)

Although that was a cowardly action, his head seemed to be functioning. I wanted to clear all of the flames, but the fountain in the square was already dry. By creating water out of nowhere, the best I could do was guard against the flames before me.

Even if there was some rain, the flames of that degree weren’t likely to disappear. If there was at least a river nearby, I could call over a lot of water and cover the whole area.

While frustratedly offsetting the flames, a huge wind suddenly wrapped us and Vagle, trying to scatter the flames that were spreading to the surroundings.

“Reese! I will cover the flames around me with wind. You concentrate on your opponent!” (Emilia)

“My opponent is that guy!” (Reus)

“Thank you!” (Reese)

Since Emilia generated a wide range tornado, it seemed that the damage was somehow suppressed.

Reus, then, brandished his greatsword and slashed the flaming monster.

[Hou, what a powerful Silver Wolfkin. Are you going to take me on?] (??)

“Compared to Hokuto-san, you are not a big deal!” (Reus)

Like Reus said, Hokuto seemed to be stronger, but I judged that it was an opponent that we shouldn’t be careless about.

The flaming monster leaped in order to avoid the greatsword that was swung down, but Reus immediately turned his wrist and slashed it.

[…Hmm!?] (??)

“Here I come!” (Reus)

The flaming monster was shaken by the unimaginable continuous assault from that greatsword, and Reus gradually drove it into a corner.

And when Reus finally seized the opponent, his greatsword slashed the forefoot, but…

“Next is… Eh!?” (Reus)

[You are quite strong, but… it’s meaningless to me.] (??)

A flame spewed out from the place where it was slashed, and the forefoot was restored as if nothing had happened.

“If that’s the case, I will shred it until you can’t regenerate!” (Reus)

[Like I’ve said, it is impossible. I am the Fire Wolf, Enrou. As long as there is fire, I can regenerate no matter how many times you attack.] (Enrou)

“Because of that, I can bring out as many flames as I need. In other words, we are invincible with the dog there.” (Vagle)

[I disliked partnering with you, but this is interesting.] (Enrou)

“I guess your Fire Wolf is invincible, but you are not, right?” (Emilia)

Even if Vagle could use powerful Spirit Magic, he was similar to us. In truth, I could compensate it with my magic, so it was a bit funny to call himself invincible.

Locking my eyes with Emilia’s, we planned to proceed at the same time, but at that moment… a huge amount of mana was released by Vagle.

“My flame is a flame that burns everything. The thing about being surrounded by wind makes you unable to run away! Oh Flame… Burn everything!” (Vagle)

At that moment, a flame spurt over a wide range from his feet, and turned into a sea of fire.

I quickly covered Emilia and Reus with a ball of water to prevent the flames, and when I tried to defend myself at the end, I was blown into the air.

After a slight floating feeling, a violent impact rushed into my body when I hit the ground. And then, I noticed that the Fire Wolf was holding me by my neck and brought me next to Vagle.

“Excellent, you had a hard time.” (Vagle)

[Hmmmph, it will be troublesome to proceed with a battle more than this.] (Enrou)

“Le-let me go! What are you planning to do!?” (Reese)

“What do you mean? I’m just going to bring you home.” (Vagle)

“No! Let me—… Auu!” (Reese)

When I tried to struggle, the Fire Wolf stepped on my back with its forefoot, and pressed me against the ground.

When I turned my head, while wondering why the forefoot didn’t feel hot, the Fire Wolf’s body had apparently become much larger than before, and its mana had also increased more than earlier.

Perhaps… it was absorbing the Fire Spirits?

[Don’t try to struggle. The me right now will probably crush you under my feet.] (Enrou)

“Aah, if you do that, don’t ask the Spirits again. On the contrary, just relax.” (Vagle)

[I know it. So, don’t move.] (Enrou)

“U, uu….” (Reese)

I anticipated this, but it was a really unpleasant situation.

My body was naturally trembling when I felt the enormous mana through my back. Perhaps, it might be stronger than Hokuto.

It was my fault… to be in such a situation.

But, if I didn’t protect that person, I would absolutely regret it.

What should I have done… at that time?

“Reese!” (Emilia)

“Reese-ane!” (Reus)

Not good… Sorry for troubling you guys.

Although our surroundings weren’t burning, the place where Emilia and Reus stood was burning with flames.

My water that protected them wouldn’t last long, and since I didn’t have much mana left, I would definitely run out of mana if I tried to extinguish the flames.

I guessed… there was no other way around it.

“I-I will go! I will go with you, so erase the flames! And save them!” (Reese)

“Nope. This fellow really likes to burn, and it’s troublesome since it doesn’t really want to disappear. If it is absolutely necessary, I will keep watching it until it disappears by itself.” (Vagle)

This person… only used the Spirits to burn things?

He didn’t use them in any other way. He just burned and violently released them.

For this person to be similar as me and Fia… it was sad.

“Water… please…” (Reese)

Concentrating the remaining mana I had, I was able to create water and erased the flames.

I felt my body getting heavier as the mana lessened within me, but apparently, I was able to keep my consciousness. In this situation, I should avoid losing consciousness.

“Ooh, you can do it, huh? From now on, you will erase my Flame, I will depend on you, alright?” (Vagle)

“Leave… them alone.” (Reese)

“Aah, it’s alright. Besides, this is my collar of forgiveness. There is no meaning if you don’t have mana to produce water, haha!” (Vagle)

Whether that made him feel better, he accepted my request.

The Fire Wolf probably felt that it didn’t need to detain me. It removed its forefoot from my back and stepped towards Emilia and Reus.

[Just as he said. I will overlook this if you do not fight back.] (Enrou)

“Damn it… Reese-ane…” (Reus)

“Reese…” (Emilia)

Since they vexingly gripped their fists, I smiled to make them not worry.

[Uuh, not good!] (Enrou)

When I thought why the Fire Wolf suddenly shouted, it threw itself at Vagle.

It looked considerably desperate, and while Vagle, who received the full-on body slam, was blown away, it rolled and went into the shadow of a building.

“Bastard! What are you doing!?” (Vagle)

[Idiot! Someone is attacking!] (Enrou)

When I was wondering why the Fire Wolf moved while shouting, the place where it stood earlier exploded and hollowed out.

[I can’t feel any signs or smells! Let’s leave! Quickly!] (Enrou)

“Oh, oi! Don’t forget the woman there!” (Vagle)

[What a troublesome fellow!] (Enrou)

The Fire Wolf headed towards me, but the unknown assaults were unleashed several times towards the Fire Wolf in order to protect me. However, the Fire Wolf approached me while avoiding the assault with its quick movement.

And at the moment when the Fire Wolf opened its mouth to carry me, an attack directly hit the body of the Fire Wolf.

[Ughh!?] (Enrou)

A part of its body was lost as a result of a direct hit, but the flames immediately spewed out and its body regenerated.

It seemed that there was damage because it looked a bit painful, but as it grabbed my collar, the attacks stopped at the same time.

[I was wondering what kind of attack it was… but it is surprising with just that amount of mana. It seems that you can’t help this girl.] (Enrou)

The Fire Wolf lifted me in order to display me, and then, it started walking towards Vagle.

And while I was being carried away without being able to do anything…

[Reese… don’t let out your voice.] (Sirius)

I heard Sirius-san’s voice through magic.

What was this…? Even by just calling my name, my heart, which seemed to be crushed by anxiety, got better.

I was about to scream Sirius-san’s name without thinking, but I closed my mouth before they could hear me.

[I’m sorry, it seems that rescuing you is a bit difficult as it is. I never thought that there was an opponent with the same ability as Hokuto.] (Sirius)

No, Sirius-san did nothing wrong. This was my own mistake.

[I have heard the situation from Emilia and Reus. First off, it is regrettable that the situation has become like this, but I have something to say to Reese.] (Sirius)

The reason why they strangely put off the struggle was because Sirius-san told them to do so.

So… what was the thing he wanted to tell me?

[Certainly, Reese has done something unsuitable about our situation. But, you did nothing wrong.] (Sirius)

Aah… Eh?

[It is not a bad thing to save a life that can be saved. I think that is one of your merits. It can also be said about me, because this time, I was too late to get the information about that monster called the Fire Wolf, and there were a lot of misjudgments.] (Sirius)

As Sirius-san mentioned various coping methods, I felt like hanging my head down. I didn’t have that kind of ability.

And above all, he told me that my action wasn’t bad… I was happy.

When I realized it, my tears were already overflowing.

[Well, all I can do for now is this, but I will give a complete remonstration when this is over. Now, be obediently caught and reflect about this situation. Emilia and Reus have somehow agreed to this.] (Sirius)

I was convinced that they had frustrated expressions on their faces. I guessed that much was proven… right?

[I will head out right away, but I will keep in touch with you every so often. If I am going to attack, or do something, I will give a signal by magic or immediately contact you. I will come, even if I have to force my way through with Hokuto.] (Sirius)

It’s fine. Only… Sirius-san… forgave me.

As much as attacking, I would also spend all my mana and sweep things away with water.

[I will definitely rescue you. Please wait until then.] (Sirius)

Yes, I would do my best with your words.

And I would be waiting… for you to come.

— Sirius —

“Sirius-sama!”” (Emilia)

“Aniki!” (Reus)

After Reese was taken away, I called the siblings to an alley that couldn’t be seen by other people and tried to reconcile information.

Since they came close to me with frustrating faces at the same time, I stroked their heads first.

“Emilia, Reus. You both endured well. I have asked you to endure the scene of seeing her off.” (Sirius)

“No, although I am frustrated, I couldn’t win against that Fire Wolf. Sirius-sama’s decision wasn’t wrong.” (Emilia)

“Yeah, that wasn’t a mistake, Aniki. But now, it is about Reese-ane. We should quickly rescue her!” (Reus)

“Don’t worry. I am preparing for that moment to come.” (Sirius)

Reese had been taken away, and it hadn’t been an hour yet. I contacted her once earlier. She was trapped in a place that seemed to be a guest room and she had no restraints. Apparently, she was alright because she had already calmed down.

More importantly, the problem was that Fire Wolf.

Although it was reinforced with Fire Spirits, I didn’t expect that it could perceive and avoid my long range attack, [Snipe].

The speed of that spell exceeded the speed of sound, but it was avoided at the same time as I unleashed it. Did it have some kind of wild intuition? Well, Hokuto also could avoid it… that was acceptable if I considered it as an opponent similar to Hokuto.

“Wait… let’s go to the temple without talking about this anymore! Reese-ane was kidnapped, and doesn’t Aniki feel frustrated!?” (Reus)

“Reus…” (Sirius)

“Hiii!?” (Reus)

That was no good, I instinctively stared at Reus.

It was frustrating, but the mistake this time wasn’t only about Reese protecting the woman, but it was also my miscalculations.


“Do… you think that I am not frustrated when Reese got kidnapped?” (Sirius)

I was also irritated at myself, but more importantly, I couldn’t forgive that lowlife and the animal for kidnapping Reese.

I would surely… clean this up.

“No-noooo!?” (Reus)

“That is Sirius-sama!” (Emilia)

After that, while Reus was unusually scared, and Emilia was quietly waiting with shining eyes, I felt a sign of person approaching us.

The reaction seemed different, but I didn’t feel any hostility. When I turned around, a woman in a slightly tattered attire appeared.

“Aah… I’m sorry” (??)

“You are…” (Sirius)

“Are you the one who almost got burned by that bastard?” (Reus)

“Ye-yes! My name is Amanda. I wanted to say thank you for helping me, but because of me, your companion got kidnapped… So, I don’t know what I should say…” (Amanda)

While running away, it seemed that she heard who helped her out. And when she tried to move away from the crowd, she unexpectedly found us.

“For her to be kidnapped is also because my own mistake, and I don’t want you to worry about it. By the way, do you know Ashley?” (Sirius)

“You know Ashley!?” (Amanda)

Like what Reese had said, Amanda looked like a sister to Ashley.

I thought about the possibility of her of being a spy or a fake, but she seemed to be the real thing after questioning her about Ashley, and then, we told her about the circumstances of saving Ashley.

“Aah… That’s great. That child is alright…” (Amanda)

“You can see her later, but there is something I want to ask you.” (Sirius)

“Everyone is the benefactors who saved Ashley and me. In the name of Mira-sama, tell me anything, if I can do it.” (Amanda)

“Together with these two, I want you to go under and find the believers who are fighting against the current Mira’s Doctrine.” (Sirius)

To be honest, I thought that it was worthwhile that Reese rescued her.

I knew about the place where the believers who fought against the current Mira’s Doctrine from the informer, and it was troublesome for us to get inside.

It was dangerous to bring Ashley in, and I wanted to protect them from the outside as much as possible, since I hate being selfish. I was thinking about breaking through, but if she was there, it should be smooth to get inside.

“You guys go with Amanda, and tell the believers that the Saintess is safe. It will probably raise their morale, and that will make it easier for future actions to take place.” (Sirius)

“I will be escorting her, right? Is Sirius-sama going to save Reese?” (Emilia)

“I want to go, too! I want to save Reese-ane!” (Sirius)

“Since they know your faces, that’s no good. I’m planning to go directly.” (Sirius)

By kidnapping Reese, those guys clearly became my enemy.

Because of that, I want to visit their ‘General’, Dolgar, at least once.

Let say, this incident happened because of Vagle’s recklessness, I won’t be satisfied if I didn’t know the other side to whom he corresponded with.

“But, it is difficult for mere adventurers to enter the temple. Even for believers, like us, if Ashley is not in the vicinity, we will not get permission to enter the center of the temple.” (Amanda)

“Not a problem, as for the envoy… Aah there you are.” (Sirius)

When I turned around, the person I called… Fia was walking towards us with some luggage.

By flying in the sky, she arrived very quickly. Incidentally, I had already explained the situation to her.

“That cocky child… I’d like to properly confirm it with my own eyes.” (Fia)

I noticed that Fia was quite angry from the low and chilly voice that I heard through [Call].

As a companion who could also see Spirits, it was natural to treat her like a younger sister.

“Thank you for waiting. I wonder if Reese is safe.” (Fia)

“Aah, I checked her a while ago, but there doesn’t seem to be a problem.” (Sirius)

“Fia-ane!? Why are you here?” (Reus)

“Of course, I am here because Sirius called me. Yes, it’s fine with this, right?” (Fia)

Actually, Fia… was illegally trespassing into the town.

In order for her to come as soon as possible, I informed her of the location of the castle wall, which could hardly be noticeable. Hence, she entered the town by secretly flying in the sky.

And then, I spread the luggage out that Fia had passed over. It was the luxurious clock embedded with Elysion’s crest.

“That is Lifell-sama’s…” (Emilia)

“Yes, it is. This is a matter of Reese, so I’m going to use this without reserve.” (Sirius)

I got this from Lifell-hime in the past. It was evidence of being a Guard to the future Queen… In other words, it was a reservation mantle.

If I wore this, I would be welcomed, not as a mere adventurer, but as a Messenger of Elysion.

“I will go with you, too. Look, if there is a rare Elf, the credibility of being an envoy is better, right?” (Fia)

“I’ll depend on you. So, I’m going to the temple right now. I will gather information and rescue Reese. Incidentally, by kidnapping you guys, I will teach them the fear of being an opponent who really turned Elysion into an enemy.” (Sirius)

Well… even if they decided to obediently return Reese, I had already decided not to simply end this situation.

Of course, I didn’t mean to say that Reese was the King’s daughter.

She was known as a Saintess, even in Elysion.

After giving instructions to everyone, I wore the mantle of a Guard.

“Well then… shall we get this started?” (Sirius)

Presenting Hokuto – telling the situation

Hokuto-kun was waiting for his Master’s return in the forest that was a little distance away from Fonia.

Fia-san was practicing magic, while talking and getting along well with Ashley-chan.

And as a burning Knight, Chris-kun was training while waiting.

However, since he didn’t know what would happen, he was doing some light training now.

“Fuh! Fuh!” (Chris)

Hokuto-kun was sitting and watching Chris-kun, who was swinging a sword according to what his Master taught him. He thought about helping a little, so he went in front of Chris-kun.

“Fuh! …Hmmm? What’s wrong, Hokuto-san?” (Chris)

“Woof!” (Hokuto)

Hokuto-kun made a signal ‘Come at me’ while waving his right forefoot.

“…Aah!? Could it be that you want to become my training partner?” (Chris)

“Woof!” (Hokuto)

“Thank you very much. Well then… Here I come!” (Chris)

Chris-kun held the wooden sword and swung it down towards Hokuto-kun.

But, Hokuto-kun didn’t show any signs to avoid the swing. He hit the wooden sword from the side with the right front paw, and…

“Woof!” (Hokuto)

“Huh!?” (Chris)

A paw punch was thrown down, and Chris-kun was hit from the head. It had strangely extended to the ground’s surface.

“Woof! Woof!” (Hokuto)

“Ye-yes, sorry!? I don’t really understand you, but I’m sorry!” (Chris)

Since Hokuto-kun seemed to be angry, Chris-kun apologize while kneeling down on the ground.

Perhaps, if he was going to do it, he probably wanted to say to do it more seriously. If he was in a bad mood, because he’s a wolf, he would have experienced… death.

“N-next, I will do it seriously!” (Chris)

“Woof!” (Hokuto)

Chris-kun, who had a bit of a sense of crisis, seriously swung the wooden sword this time.

As expected, he was at a miserable level, compared to his Master and Reus-kun, but it was worthwhile to continue the training. Maybe he could win against an average adventurer.

A continuous attacked came, and…

“Ha! Ha!” (Chris)

“…Fuah.” (Hokuto)

Hokuto-kun handled everything with only his right forefoot.

To tell the truth, he was getting sleepy, but he didn’t expose that fact since Chris-kun was desperately trying. Hokuto-kun was a gentleman.

After handling twenty attacks, Chris-kun was hit on the ground again by Hokuto-kun’s paw punch.

“Chris-kun!?” (Ashley)

“It’s fine if it is Hokuto. He can properly go easy on someone. Even Reus will be like that.” (Fia)

As expected, Reus-kun fought Hokuto-kun while using his whole body, but he was also a top-notch training partner. Hokuto-kun was all-purpose.

And then, while taking a break, Hokuto-kun turned around as if he noticed something.

Although he couldn’t feel any smell or sign, he felt an uncomfortable feeling from the direction where his Master had headed towards.

That made him unintentionally want to see him, but he wouldn’t leave this place due to the order of his Master.

“What’s wrong, Hokuto-san!?” (Chris)

“…Woof.” (Hokuto)

Hokuto-kun said it was nothing and resumed training with Chris-kun again.

At that time… Hokuto-kun didn’t realize that he had a hunch.

That the time for battle was approaching…

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