Chapter 98: Foxtailkin

“Perverted peeping tom!?” (??)

“The woman who hit me!?” (Reus)

Since Reus and Kon’s younger sister were pointing at each other while shouting, they gathered the attention of everyone in the dining room.

We didn’t really care, but as for her sibling, who was hiding his face with a hood and using fake name, this situation wasn’t a good situation.

“The two also have their problems, and other than that, I want to talk about various things, but… let’s change places at once. Are you fine with that?” (Sirius)

“Thank you for your consideration.” (Kon)

As expected, Kon also didn’t want to stand out, so he accepted my suggestion first, and nodded.

He tapped the shoulder of his sister, who became solidified while pointing at Reus, and then, he called out to his sister to leave this place.

“Wait, wait a sec, Aniue! This man is the perverted peeping tom whom I told you about before! Besides… after I was seen, he didn’t close his mouth!” (??)

“These people are fine. Besides, we will talk about it later, so let’s leave this place. Take a closer look at the surroundings.” (Kon)

“Eh!? Ah… yeah.” (??)

The sister finally noticed that she was drawing attention, and she became obedient, like a borrowed cat.

“About the place, if you both are here, that means you are staying in that inn, right? We are also staying at that inn. The ladies here are staying in a three-person room, so how about we talk in there?” (Sirius)

“Ooh… alright. We have no problem, so let’s do that.” (Kon)

“Understood. By the way, the room is at the end of the first floor.” (Sirius)

“Well then, we will head there later. Come, let’s go.” (Kon)

“Wait, Aniue! At least seal that pervert’s mouth…” (??)

While leaving an unfinished remark, Kon and his sister left us.

Nevertheless, we were still gathering attention, but as we resumed eating without getting affected, the surroundings gradually lost interest and the earlier bustle came back.

“By the way, shall we return to the room with food around here?” (Emilia)

“I see. Reus’ misunderstanding still hasn’t been solved yet, and it looks like it’s necessary for them to talk with each other.” (Sirius)

“If that’s the case, should we bring wine, too? I will order another one.” (Fia)

“I’d like a sandwich, please.” (Reese)

Although it was a considerable amount of eating and drinking, it seemed that Reese and Fia still didn’t have enough.

They ordered for dishes and liquor that could be brought into the room from the waitress, and since there was no reason to stop them, I left them alone.

More than anything, I was concerned with Reus, who was still standing.

“Reus. How long are you going to stand? How about sitting down?” (Emilia)

“Aah, yes.” (Reus)

As Reus was called out by Emilia, he probably noticed that he was still standing, and then, he returned to the seat where he sat before.

“I thought you would apologize soon, but it was quite unusual, huh?” (Emilia)

“Yeah. That girl was highly spirited; somehow, I missed the chance to apologize.” (Reus)

“An unusual sight indeed. I have never seen you being so opposed until that point.” (Sirius)

Reus was a natural airhead, but he would immediately apologize if he did a bad thing. Hence, I had never seen other people being so angry with him.

Even though the encounter was terrible, he was probably surprised with the girl’s angry look.

“Since you will meet her again later, it will be alright if you apologize at that time. Come, finish the leftovers, and let’s return to the room.” (Sirius)

“Ouu!” (Reus)

Reus ate up the leftover dishes at once. After we received the liquor and sandwiches, we returned to the room.

(Thank you for reading at bayabuscotranslation)

We took a double room for the guys and a triple room for the ladies, respectively.

We first gathered in the spacious triple room, and after a while, we heard a discreet knock coming from the room’s door.

“I’m sorry, it’s me, Kon. I made a promise earlier…” (Kon)

Since I noticed through [Search] that there was no reaction, other than those two, it would be no problem if the door was opened. Emilia nodded after locking with my eyes, and opened the door.

“Please, come in.” (Emilia)

“Yes… Eh!?” (Kon)

However, Kon, who was still wearing the same hood from earlier, was surprised when he saw Emilia’s appearance.

Well, in an accommodation where only adventurers could stay, he was probably surprised when Emilia, who had wrapped herself in a maid dress, suddenly appeared. By the way, we brought a tea set from the carriage.

“Uhmm, your dress is…” (Kon)

“I am Sirius-sama’s attendant, and this is the formal attire. Please, don’t mind it.” (Emilia)

“Aah…” (Kon)

As Kon and his sister were convinced from the usual perfect smile, they came into the room.

“Welcome. Although I say this now, you really came by my invitation.” (Sirius)

“Our time together was short, but I am starting to understand your character and strength. Besides, there is also a personal matter.” (Kon)

“If you agreed, it is fine. Anyway, this is not a formal place, so you may rest easy by sitting on the bed over there.” (Sirius)

“I will prepare tea.” (Emilia)

“There is also wine, if you want to drink it.” (Fia)

“Do you want some sandwiches?” (Reese)

“No, it’s fine…” (Kon)

The brother and sister were puzzled by the sudden hospitality, but they got hungry when they heard ‘sandwiches’.

Come to think of it, it seemed that they were just coming to the cafeteria during the time of helping the waitress, and the sister, who came late, eventually headed back without eating anything.

Because of that, when Reese gently put out the sandwiches, the siblings blushed while receiving them.

And then, once the siblings finished eating in the blink of an eye, they cleared their throats and corrected their postures.

“I’m thinking of doing the greetings again. But before that…” (Kon)

“Wait— Aniue!?” (??)

Shortly after his sister tried to stop him, Kon put his hand on the hood and exposed his face before us.

Kon had beautiful reddish-golden long hair tied at the back of his head, and he was a man with a well-featured face. He would undoubtedly be called a handsome man.

And as we expected, fox ears grew in his head, so their tribe was probably Foxtail.

“A-Aniue! Why are you showing your face to these people!? If, by any chance…” (??)

“I was helped by them, and it is inexcusable to keep hiding my face. Besides, weren’t you already seen?” (Kon)

“…Understood. If Aniue says so.” (??)

Admonished by the brother, the sister also removed her hood and exposed her face.

As Reus explained, she was a beautiful girl, but now, she was wary of us and looking with suspicious eyes. The tails, which were said to be three tails, were not visible because of the mantle, but now it wasn’t the situation to talk about them.

Based on her behavior and attitude, the sister seemed to be alarmed. Well, maybe she admired her brother?

When thinking about the part of longing, which was similar to Reus, he deeply bowed after turning his face to Reus.

“Reus-kun, it is a bit late, but let me thank you. Thank you so much for helping my sister… in the lake of the forest.” (Kon)

“Yes… no, I mean, it is normal to help, isn’t it? Your sister…” (Reus)

“Aah, which remind me, we haven’t told you our names yet. Actually, Kon is an alias, my real name is Albert. And the girl here is my sister, Marina(1).” (Albert)

“Albert… is it? Don’t worry about the helping. Besides, same goes for me, I saw her, Marina, naked. I am sorry.” (Reus)

“Ehh!? Y-yeah…” (Marina)

Reus was also probably waiting for this chance. He was deeply bowing to the sister.

She probably didn’t expected that. The younger sister seemed surprised and couldn’t calm down. Maybe because Albert tapped her shoulder, she regained herself. She shyly turned to Reus and lowered her head.

“Me too… thank you. But! I will not forgive you for peeping! And for you to compare me with someone, about my small chest… that is absolutely unforgivable!” (Marina)

“Hahaha, what are you so embarrassed about? Reus-kun told you that you were beautiful, and that wasn’t even the whole story, right?” (Albert)

“Th-that is… I was told with a serious face, so I unintentionally… A-anyway! You made fun of me and laughed!” (Marina)

“No, I didn’t really laugh, you know. That’s how I really felt.” (Reus)

“Do not tell a lie! Even though you were looking at me when I was naked, there is no way I don’t understand those perverted thoughts!” (Marina)

“Aah really… what do you mean?! Even though I obediently apologized, why must I be told until that point!?” (Reus)

As mentioned earlier, Reus talked back because he was told unreasonable things.

Because of that, the conversation of these two was starting to get heated, but… I didn’t think that I wanted to stop them at once.

Even though Albert had a troubled look, he was looking at Marina with gentle eyes. Besides, not only Emilia, Reese and Fia also gently looked at Reus with bitter smiles.

Marina’s complaint certainly seemed to be one-sided, but when looking from the side, it could be seen as nothing but things getting furious because of a misunderstanding. The scene of a child desperately trying to make an excuse was funny.

In the meantime, we finished our introductions, but the two continued arguing.

I heard that people would get along well as they quarrelled, so it was good to watch a little more, but it seemed that if I left them like this, Reus might utter something pointless.

The other side probably had the same idea as we locked eyes with Albert. After that, we interjected and stopped those two.

“Reus. House.” (Sirius)

“Understood!” (Reus)

“Marina. Please stop it. Be more lady-like.” (Albert)

“…I’m sorry.” (Marina)

Despite the immediate conclusion, the two still had unconsenting expressions. In order to turn such an atmosphere, Emilia entertained everyone with tea.

But, there was a big difference.

Unlike us, who were used to the usual taste, the siblings became solidified with eyes wide opened when drinking the tea.

As the siblings continued drinking, while paying attention to the heat of the tea, they quickly looked at Emilia with shining eyes after they had drunk it.

“…Delicious. This is the first time we had such delicious tea. Even though there are no such tools, it is unbelievable for it to have a deep taste until this point…” (Albert)

“It really suits the taste, after all. This is the way Sirius-sama discovered it.” (Emilia)

“Excuse me…” (Marina)

“Do you want some more? Here you go.” (Emilia)

Emilia poured another cup for the siblings, and even though Marina savored the taste, she quickly drank it and presented her cup again.

“An-another cup, please!” (Marina)

“Hey! Please hold back a little.” (Albert)

“It’s because this is the first time I’ve had such delicious tea! Aniue, let’s recruit this person as an attendant…” (Marina)

“Wait a second! Nee-chan is Aniki’s attendant!” (Reus)

Reus was snapping at Marina, who was unable to get ahold of herself, maybe because she was too excited.

Since the brother, Reus, thought that Emilia was absolutely my attendant, he couldn’t bear it.

“Wh-what is it!? What are you getting angry at?” (Marina)

“Because Nee-chan’s belongs to Aniki(2)!” (Reus)

“Belong to… isn’t that cruel!? Aren’t you her family member? Don’t say that like she is a slave!” (Marina)

“Do you also see her like that?” (Reus)

What Marina said was correct, so even though she was his family, it wasn’t a good idea to decide that on his own.

However, what the said person was…

“Ehehe, Reus also says good things by chance. Yes… everything I am belongs to Sirius-sama.” (Emilia)

Having her head caressed by me, she made a charming smile while wagging her tail.

Hmmm… for now, I understood that Marina was a girl who hated slavery.

Although Marina hardened awhile, because she was shown an unexpected reaction, she regained herself, and stared at Reus.

“B-but, I didn’t try to recruit her. You don’t have to get upset with that!” (Marina)

“Hmmm…That is also true. My bad.” (Reus)

“…Eh? If that’s how it is, it’s fine then… yeah.” (Marina)

It seemed that Marina’s mood was thrown out of order because of Reus’ reaction.

Since he was being honest, whether they were good or bad things, the sudden changes in the conversation, just like now, were not uncommon.

As Reus and Marina were completely arguing like a funny show, if looked from the side, Albert lowered his head, looking sorry.

“Sorry for having a noisy sister. She is usually a very good girl…” (Albert)

“Aah, I understand that she is not a bad girl, you know? Besides, Reus rarely associates with someone on equal terms. That sort of light argument is also necessary. In fact, it pretty much helps.” (Sirius)

“I’m spared if you say so. However, there is still an important discussion.” (Albert)

“…It seems like a discussion that you don’t want others to hear. Fia.” (Sirius)

“Yes, leave it to me. Oh wind…” (Fia)

When Fia hummed with wine in her hand, a flow of wind was produced in the room, and the room became soundproof room where sound wouldn’t leak out.

When we explained that, Albert was surprised, while being grateful. He turned his eyes to Reus with a decided expression.

“Reus-kun. When you helped Marina, did you see my sister’s tails?” (Albert)

“Yes, I saw them. She has three tails.” (Marina)

“…I see. You saw them, huh? About that matter, everyone here has heard about them, right?” (Albert)

Since he was asking with a serious expression, we quietly nodded.

When we noticed, Marina also made a serious look. It was hard to believe that she was arguing with Reus earlier.

“I wanted to ask you to keep this matter silent. The reason is… you will understand if you have an Elf with you.” (Albert)

In other words, she might be aimed at by a certain bunch since she was a rare occurrence.

We nodded because we had no other reasons to say differently, but they wouldn’t go for this much trouble if they could feel relieved just by doing this.

And then, Fia came out to the front and looked at Marina.

“I may be different from you in many ways, but I understand the feelings of being aimed at.” (Fia)

“Ah… yes.” (Marina)

“But, it’s alright, you don’t have to worry. These people here won’t do something unnecessary.” (Fia)

“But, the thing that’s attached on your neck, it feels like a proof of slavery…” (Marina)

“This is a handmade accessory, and those two Silver Wolfkin also have similar things. Besides, it can also be removed. By the way, the one who made it was this man… he is my lover.” (Fia)

Fia, who returned to my side like she was dancing, hugged my arms and had a smile full on her face. Perhaps, she was drunk… No, that was her reason.

Aside from the last behavior, thanks to the fact of being told that it was alright by someone who was easily aimed at, Marina’s expression had considerably softened.

“Anyhow, please don’t worry. Hey, Reus, come say something.” (Fia)

“Me? Oh, yeah… I saw them a little bit ago, but they had such pretty beautiful fur. It is a waste to hide them, you know?” (Reus)

“Beautiful…” (Marina)

Marina made an expression as if she couldn’t believe Reus’ straightforward words had totally no hidden meanings.

“But, if compared to Hokuto-san’s and Nee-chan’s fur—…” (Reus)

“Oh water!” (Reese)

“Guhoo!?” (Reus)

At that moment, Reese, who was eating sandwiches, invoked a spell and created a water ball in Reus’ mouth in order to forcibly make him shut up. While admiring the splendid quick job at the same time, a sigh leaked out once again due to Reus’ spontaneity, which was about to repeat a similar mistake.

Well… it won’t be that troublesome if this could cure Reus’ natural airheadedness once or twice.

Although it was better than before, Albert was breathing out of relief, even though it was far from betterment.

“…Although we were seen, I’m glad that it was by you guys.” (Albert)

“It seems that you are struggling a lot. Anyway, we are not going to say anything. So, please be relieved. Leaving that aside, to meet you like this is somehow fated. If it’s fine with you, would you like to talk a little more?” (Sirius)

The interaction with people was also a real pleasure of traveling.

Of course, we properly responded to the fools, but I completely couldn’t feel any hostility from these siblings, and more than anything, they might’ve become acquainted with Reus.

“I do not mind if it is not bothering you. Same goes to Marina, right?” (Albert)

“…I-I would like to drink more tea, so… I’m fine.” (Marina)

“I’m happy for you to be that happy when you drink it. I’ll immediately make another.” (Emilia)

(Thank you for reading at bayabuscotranslation)

Later, we asked questions to each other after we finished with the introduction. It seemed that Albert’s age was similar as my own, and it turned out that Marina was two years younger.

The siblings seemed to be hiding various things, but it could be said the same for us.

In this way, we talked about what we saw on each other’s journeys, and when I noticed, the conversation was divided between men and women.

“Eh!? Emilia-san is also Sirius-san’s lover!?” (Marina)

“Ehehe… I was also happy to be his lover. However, I am his attendant until the end. It is a great pleasure to take care of Sirius-sama.” (Emilia)

“Honestly, I am also his lover. My relationship is shorter than Emilia’s, but he helped me a lot…” (Reese)

“Even Reese-san too… Is Sirius-san a great person?” (Marina)

Whether it was because they shared sandwiches and delicious tea, or there were woman who could sympathize, Marina seemed to be considerably more open.

“Well, there is no mistake that this is out of the ordinary. Hey, I wonder if you know about the Fighting Festival that took place in Garaff town a while ago?” (Fia)

“I left the city during the Fighting Festival, but I only heard the rumor. Surely, the winner was… is that how it is?” (Marina)

“Of course, it is not just his ability. We, I mean, everyone together, purely long for him.” (Fia)

Although the said person was in the same room, the unreserved conversation was spreading around in order to explain their relationship.

To be honest, it was a bit embarrassing. The conversation that made me unintentionally want to interject continued, but let’s endure it because I might interfere with the peaceful conversations.

After they briefly finished talking about me, Fia looked at the mantle that covered Marina’s whole body.

“Say, Marina has three tails, like what was mentioned earlier, right? If you don’t mind, can I see them?” (Fia)

“That is…” (Marina)

“Aah, if you can’t, that is fine. I am a bit concerned, since Reus said they were beautiful.” (Fia)

“…If it’s already known… I wonder if it’s alright?” (Marina)

They probably gained Marina’s trust, since she started to take off the mantle, even though she hesitated for a moment.

Incidentally, underneath the cloth was said to be a Japanese-style or something. It had a unique attire that looked like a hakama, but the essential for the tail was…

“““…—Eh?””” (Emilia/Reese/Fia)

“Actually, this is an illusion. Wait a second. Phew…” (Marina)

While feeling exhausted, when Marina heavily let out a breath, mana overflowed from the tail and the shape warped at the same time. And then, the tail was completely split and it became three tails.

“I have the power of the Foxtail’s ancestors, so I can use the ability to show an illusion. It is impossible to do something too complicated, but it is possible to make an illusion of one tail like earlier.” (Marina)

“Heh… it is different from magic. But, if you have that ability, you could’ve hid it from Reus at that time, right?” (Fia)

“I can’t preserve the illusion like earlier if I am surprised or lose my focus. Besides, I was taking bath at that time. It was pleasant and I became careless…” (Marina)

“Your luck was bad—… no, I wonder if you were lucky with Reus? At least, that boy would not look at a woman with weird eyes.” (Fia)

“Wait a second, Fia-san! Weren’t you about to say that it was bad luck!? I can’t forgive the guy who compared my features! Rather than Aniki, such… to be seen by such a man… arrgghhh!” (Marina)

That made me reflexively look at them, but it seemed the other side was having a good conversation over there.

Nevertheless, I could see a rare sight.

I had never heard from a book or rumor about the capability that Marina had as a Foxtailkin. She said that her ancestors used it. It was said to be a particular condition of three tails, so was she like a throwback?

“That girl rarely shows her true nature to other people, and yet she looks like she’s having fun. I’m really grateful.” (Albert)

“You’re saying that she doesn’t show her true nature, but she was angry at me though?” (Reus)

“That’s because she was embarrassed, so she desperately tried to gloss over. Since her tail was trembling whenever Reus-kun said that it is beautiful, she was pleased on the inside.” (Albert)

Perhaps, because of the feature of three tails, they had been avoiding going around in their hometown. They were being polite to others not in their families in order to not expose their origins.

Although I wouldn’t think so when I saw her now, it might be that the encounter with Reus was probably devastating.

Other than that, it was first time for her to be clearly complemented that she was beautiful. Her brother, Albert, keenly explained that she was happy and it wasn’t something intolerable.

“Well, the other side seems to have no problems. By the way, we are going for Parade, but where are Albert and Marina going for?” (Sirius)

“…To be honest, we are still discussing on that matter.” (Albert)

“If you want a consult, you can entrust it to us! If it is Aniki, he can answer everything.” (Reus)

What did he say? Although it is evidence of trust, don’t unnecessary raise a hurdle.

I had a premonition of trouble, but since Albert’s expression was serious, I settled down and listened to him.

“Don’t mind what Reus said. I can listen to your story, but I may not be able to answer.” (Sirius)

“Since we are being impudent, I am fine even with only listening. Hmm… would you train me? Of course, I will pay an appropriate reward.” (Albert)

“…Why me? Is it because I won the Fighting Festival?” (Sirius)

“That’s right. I have to get stronger in a hurry for a certain reason.” (Albert)

“When you said a reason, are you asking me this because of this reason?” (Sirius)

“Yes I would like to explain as much as I can.” (Albert)

As Albert deeply bowed, he started talking while correcting his posture at once.

“I come from a certain noble in Parade, but when I was child, I had a fiancée engaged to me for the future.” (Albert)

“Although I somehow understand that you are a noble from your demeanor, but for you to have a fiancée means…” (Sirius)

“Yes. A few months ago, her parents suddenly canceled the engagement, and forcibly engaged her to another man.” (Albert)

Marrying their own daughter to a higher ranking household, using politics to earn connections… well, it was a common story amongst nobles.

Actually, Albert’s story seemed like that, and the parents switched over to another noble. It was a story of children who couldn’t do without each other, but the girl and Albert, who had a mutual love, couldn’t agree with it.

“I went to her parents, and they presented a certain condition.” (Albert)

“You mean…” (Sirius)

“Yes, I should achieve the overall victory at the Fighting Festival.” (Albert)

I had seen him during the Fighting Festival, since it was known that he had a considerable skill with swords, they seemed to have issued such a condition.

There was a subtle feeling of guilt, but to be honest, it was impossible to win with Albert’s skills.

Even if we didn’t participate, the mercenary, Jekyll, was obviously better than Albert, and the same case with the son of the Sword Saint, Beowulf.

Albert appeared to understand that, so he was waving at me not to worry.

“It is all because my ability is not good enough. In the worst case scenario, I will return to report, while considering taking her hand and running away, but it seems that I was evaluated since I reached until the quarterfinal, so I got one more chance.” (Albert)

“And what is the condition?” (Sirius)

“A dragon named Gurdjieff(3) inhabits the mountain a little ways from here. And I need to defeat that dragon alone.” (Albert)

“A dragon, is it? I wonder if the current me can defeat it. What kind of dragon is that Gurdjieff?” (Sirius)

According to Albert’s explanation, it was a medium-sized flying dragon with hard skin and scales.

He was told to kill the dragon alone, and pick the horn that grew on its head as proof of the subjugation.

“It is frustrating, and it is a difficult monster for the current me…” (Albert)

“If that’s the case, have another person knock it down and receive the horn. I think that is cowardly, but if you really want to be with that woman, that is the only way.” (Sirius)

“Shall I kill it?” (Reus)

“…I also don’t like it, but it doesn’t make any sense. There is a continuation in the condition. After returning with the horn, I need to fight a certain swordsman, and then, I can have the daughter…” (Albert)

In Parade, there was a splendid and famous swordsman who had the ability to defeat Guirdjieff alone.

In short… he wanted to train under me to have the necessary ability to defeat Guirdjieff.

“The blow Reus-kun unleashed when he fought in the Fighting Festival was terrific. If I can be trained by Sirius-san, who is Reus-kun’s Shishou, I feel as if I can reach the target.” (Albert)

Even if I refused, I had a feeling that Albert would try to achieve his aims, so it was dangerous to leave him alone.

More than anything, when I saw how Albert fought in the Fighting Festival, it would be regrettable if I just disappeared from here and was careful enough to secretly help him. To put it simply, somewhere in my mind, I wanted to train this man.

It appeared that there was nothing wrong with his personality from the point of earnestly answering. Perhaps, Reus might be given a different stimulus.

“It is entirely personal, but this is the reason. I will endure any suffering, if I can be stronger. Please… help me!” (Albert)

“Aniue…” (Marina)

When I noticed, the ladies were also looking at us and apparently, they had properly heard about the details.

I asked Albert, who deeply lowered his head, for more details.

“Is there a deadline?” (Sirius)

“It will be on her birthday, in half a month.” (Albert)

“…It’s short. There is no guarantee that you will get stronger, you know?” (Sirius)

“Rather than sitting down and waiting, I would like to bet on the possibilities!” (Albert)

He said that he planned to do it on the same day as the fiancée’s birthday.

When I asked the exact date, it would be in a few more days. Considering the time to defeat the dragon and moving, the training period might or might not be reaching half a month.

Since he himself said that he would accept any suffering, I couldn’t confirm that the man I saw had eyes that said he wanted to die.

“Let’s do it. I will train you as much as I can.” (Sirius)

“Really!?” (Albert)

“It’s just that when you are training, you’ll be my disciple for a limited time. And unlike Albert, I am a commoner. Hence, if you become my disciple, you will be completely looked down upon, you know?” (Sirius)

It would be a good idea to train him normally without becoming my disciple, but to train someone means that they were more or less becoming my disciple… well, that was my fixation.

I wasn’t sure about the relationship between teacher and student, but they needed to keep in mind that there was a complete hierarchical relationship, whether in the same age or not.

“I don’t mind. Besides, I trust Sirius-san’s abilities. I am well aware, when looking at Reus-kun.” (Albert)

“You understood that? It is intense, but there will be no mistake if you train under Aniki!” (Reus)

“Yes. Although it is not long, I ask for your favor, Reus-kun. No, in this case, you’ll be my Senpai, right?” (Albert)

“Under Aniki’s wing, it doesn’t matter whether I am a Senior and you are Junior. And, I also want you to stop calling me with -kun. Somehow, I don’t like it.” (Reus)

“Is that so? Well, Reus…” (Albert)

“Well then, I will call you Al. Nice to meet you!” (Reus)

Basically, Reus had a personality to get in touch with others without being scared, and in the case of Albert, he was close to him.

They would probably get along well, but since Reus was the opponent who warded off Albert’s sword in the Fighting Festival, he acknowledged Reus.

However, although Albert was happily smiling, it seemed Marina was a bit depressed.

“Aniue…” (Marina)

“I am sorry to decide this by myself. However, this is necessary. From now on, I will probably show you an unsightly appearance…” (Albert)

“No, as long as Aniue has decided. Besides, since you are asking for a favor, I have no right to interject.” (Marina)

“…Thank you.” (Albert)

Well, although her brother was at the same age as me, he would be under my wing. Maybe because of her admiration, she didn’t want to see her brother’s unsightly appearances.

When they returned to their room, they would probably thoroughly discuss about this matter.

More importantly…

“First of all… what will happen after this…?” (Sirius)

Since he didn’t have much time, we had to progress through the training as quickly as possible.

I chuckled while thinking about Albert’s training plan.

“Haa!? Oi, Al! Don’t stay up late at night today, and take a good rest.” (Reus)

“Wh-what are you saying—…” (Albert)

“Just rest well! If you don’t keep up your stamina, you will die tomorrow!” (Reus)

“…Understood.” (Albert)

For now, I planned to push him to the point before death in order to measure Albert’s abilities, but it seems that Reus understood that.

After that, we talked a little bit more for a while, and then, we returned to our rooms.

Next day, I took Albert and Marina out of town and started the training…

“Guhaaa—!?” (Albert)

“Aniki! Wait, take it easy—… Uoohhhhh!?” (Reus)

The atmosphere in the morning was filled with the screams of two men.

(Thank you for reading at bayabuscotranslation)


A part of the conversation between the ladies in Sirius’ family and Marina…

“Everyone really likes Sirius-san, right? My Aniue is also strong. After all, strong men are attractive!” (Marina)

“He is not only strong. The dishes he makes for everyone are very delicious. The first time I had a hot pot, it changed my world…” (Reese)

“Other than that, he came up with a couple of unprecedented new dishes. So, his cooking skills are also first class. By the way, I like everything that Sirius-sama makes.” (Emilia)

“Yeah, the time when I had mayonnaise was shocking. My recommendation is beef stew.” (Fia)

Only dishes…

“Other than that… he is also very intense in the night.” (Emilia)

“Y-yes. But… that make me very happy…” (Reese)

“Yes, he taught me the pleasure of being a woman.” (Fia)

“Aa, awawa…” (Marina)

“Stop with that kind of talk!” (Sirius)

I was holding back, but I couldn’t bear it any longer.

“Aniki. When I heard, Nee-chans’ talk, I feel like eating Aniki’s dishes.” (Reus)

“We just finished dinner earlier!” (Sirius)

At that time, I felt a presence and when I looked at the window of the room, Hokuto was knocking the window with a lonely face.

“Woof…” (Hokuto)

“Aah, sorry. I planned to do that after this… Hey! Don’t knock too hard! The window will be broken!” (Sirius)

Today, also, my companions were like the usual.

Presenting Hokuto

Hokuto continued traveling with his Master even today.

Aiming for the town called ‘Parade’, they decided to stay at an inn town along the way.

However, Hokuto-kun wasn’t allowed to enter the inn.

Anyhow, when he went to the stable while looking out for the carriage…

“Woof!” (Hokuto)

““““!?”””” (??)

There were several horses being ridden by other adventurers, but they were scared when they saw Hokuto-kun.

Since Hokuto-kun already got used to this, he lied at the edge of the stable in order not to intimidate them any longer, and he was waiting for his Master, who said that he would come later.

“Garur!” (??)

“…Woof?” (Hokuto)

After a while, the door of the stable was opened and a monster came in.

Having a bigger and splendid physique, it was a small dragon specialized in running on the ground. There was a large magic formation drawn on its body, so it was probably a Beast Companion of an adventurer.

However, Hokuto-kun wasn’t interested in such a dragon.

When he lied down with no worries…

※Language Switch On

[Hou… there is a monster like you in such a place, huh?] (Dragon)

It was talking to Hokuto-kun, but his mind was already full of his Master’s brushing.

He only looked at the dragon with an annoyed face, but that made it become irritated.

[Bastard! Although a proud dragon species like me is talking to you, that attitude…] (Dragon)

[Be quiet. This place is a place to rest, and it is not a place to make noise.] (Hokuto)

“Wha!? You, you just a wolf—… guhoo!?] (Dragon)

The moment the dragon tried to charge as a warning, Hokuto’s tail was swung down onto the top of the dragon’s head, and it was unsightly beaten to the ground.

[Be quiet…] (Hokuto)

[…Yes.] (Dragon)

And the dragon became obedient.

※Language Switch Off

After waiting awhile, his Master still hadn’t appeared.

Hokuto-kun didn’t think that he was forgotten, so he carefully left the stable and searched for his sign.

It looked like his Master’s room was on the first floor, and he could peek through the window.

Looking around so as not to be found by people, he looked into the window, and…

“Stop with that kind of talk!” (Sirius)

There was an increasing number of strangers, but his Master and companions were happily talking.

It made Hokuto-kun somewhat lonely, and he unintentionally knocked on the window.

Of course, he was using his paw to the degree that wouldn’t break the window.

“Woof…” (Hokuto)

“Aah, sorry. I plan to do that after this… Hey! Don’t knock too hard! The window will be broken!” (Sirius)

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