Volume 13, Intermission 2: Hokuto

No matter how much time has passed…

Even if I was reborn…

Your warmth hasn’t… changed.

In the rainy, lonely, remote mountain, a wounded puppy collapsed.

Whether it was abandoned or ran away because it got attacked, there was no hope for a puppy that just weaned off its mother’s milk to survive by itself.

As you can see, the life of that hungry and wounded puppy was uncertain.

Beaten by rain, the life of the puppy, whose body was gradually getting colder, was… about to end without anybody knowing.

“Wo…of…” (Puppy)

The life that seemed to disappear, even now, was suddenly held and gently hugged by someone.

The puppy lost its consciousness while feeling the gentle warmth that was spreading throughout its whole body.

The puppy was alive.

The first thing it saw after waking up was an unfamiliar boy, who anxiously looked at the puppy.

When it checked the surroundings, the puppy had been lying on top of a blanket, somewhere in a house.

“That’s good. You are awake?” (Boy)

With the boy’s relieved smile, the puppy understood that it was saved.

At the same time, the boy was the one who gave it the warmth that made its heart relieved.

After that, with the boy’s dedication to make the puppy healthy, it always chased after the boy while wagging its tail.

Having a meal and gentle stroke every day, it was natural for that puppy to become entirely like family to that boy.

As for the puppy, the boy was its Master, and he was like a parent.

The boy lived together with someone called ‘Shishou’ in the mountains where people didn’t visit.

They looked like a parent and son, but they were not.

If they were seen from the side, they might have a strange relationship, but there was no way for the puppy to know about it.

From the puppy’s perspective, it was enough to understand that the boy was its favorite Master and the Shishou was an existence that couldn’t be gone against.

“Hmmm… if it gets bigger, it seems like it can be eaten, but a puppy is more soft and delicious.” (Shishou)

“Woof…” (Puppy)

“Stop it, Shishou! This guy is my family, I will kill you if you eat it!” (Boy)

“Hahaha, it was a joke, you know? But, well, if you can kill me, go ahead.” (Shishou)

“Damn… I will definitely defeat you someday!” (Boy)

The puppy was increasingly held by the boy in order to protect it from the absolute opponent.

The morning for the boy and the puppy was early.

They woke up early in the morning, and they were doing long distance running training as their daily routine, after they finished warming up.

Since the place where boy lived was mountainous, it was natural that there was no sidewalk or a well-maintained road. Every day, the boy ran through something like animal trails, which a person could go through.

The puppy that became able to move, of course, ran together with the boy.

The puppy, who wasn’t used to the running yet, had tumbled many times, but the boy didn’t lend his hand. However, he would never leave the puppy and kept waiting for it to catch up.

Although it tumbled, the boy firmly praised the puppy that got back up. After they finished the training, he checked the condition of the puppy and prepared its meals. He never failed to brush the puppy every day and if he had time, he would play Frisbee with it.

The puppy grew up fast, while receiving the affection of the boy. It recognized the boy as its Master, whom it should give more priority to over itself.

After their morning run, the boy would spar with his Shishou.

Sometimes, the puppy watched the sparring, but there were also times when the boy called it to jump on his Shishou. Even though the Shishou was a symbol of fear, if it was the life of its Master, the puppy braced itself and they fought together. Without knowing this, the soul of the puppy was gradually forged.

From an ordinary person’s point-of-view, the battle between the boy and the Shishou was nothing but abnormal.

The boy unleashed blows with the intent to kill and the Shishou, after seeing the situation up to that degree, tormented him until he was on the verge of death. And the battle that deviated from common sense continued every day.

Since the boy’s assault couldn’t leave a light scratch, even he was aiming for the time when the Shisou was taking a break, it might’ve been unavoidable to ask the puppy for help.

However, even though the puppy joined the assault, it never reached the Shishou. With the boy’s hands and feet, even with the puppy’s fangs and claws, they didn’t even touch the Shishou. But, the boy never gave up and repeatedly fought against his Shishou.

The boy fought without giving up, despite being defeated many times. It was abnormal to not giving up at that point. He might have been broken.

The puppy, who had been fighting together with such a Master, grew up without noticing that this was abnormal. Since it hadn’t see other ways of fighting, it was a natural result.

A few years later…

As usual, their assault didn’t hurt the Shishou, but the boy and the puppy grew bigger. The puppy, in particular, grew into a splendid dog.

The dog didn’t fall behind when running with the youth. Supposedly, the dog could hunt alone. The youth would praise it whenever it hunted and brought back it prey, and its hunting skills had improved, day by day.

In addition to hunting and coordinating with the youth, the dog remembered various things for him.

And as soon as the dog could live by itself, the Shishou brought the youth abroad.

It was said that they couldn’t bring the dog, and the reluctant boy ordered the dog to protect the house.

Although the dog was lonely, it faithfully followed the instructions of its beloved Master, and kept waiting for his return.

The dog also didn’t know where the youth was brought to by his Shishou, but they were acting as mercenaries for a war in a foreign country.

A few days later, when the youth came back from the war… he hugged the dog and cried.

The dog, who couldn’t tell that the youth had killed people for the first time, could do nothing to soothe him, other than licking his face.

There were also times when the youth badly suffered when his emotions became unstable, but the dog never tried to leave him.

The youth went out with his Shishou to participate in wars, and the days of vacating the house lasted many times.

The dog was lonely every time, but one day, after they participatedion in over ten wars…… the Shishou told him that he could bring the dog as his partner.

The Shishou was watching until now, but since it had become a considerable problem, it seemed to depend on the intuition and the ability of an animal.

Like this, the dog also started to participate in war.

The battlefield was a terrible world, where a lot of people died from incoming gunshots, but the dog didn’t feel terrified.

Although it was used to the fear, due to the fight with the Shishou, rather than waiting for their return at home, it was more than happy to be in the vicinity of its Master.

As long it could be with its Master, it was all good.

With that in mind, the dog ran through battlefields together with the youth, and they went through a great number of battlefields.

The dog protected the boy from bullets, and, sometimes, it would notice a trap that the inexperienced boy didn’t notice.

They mutually helped each other in such a way, and the bond between the youth and the dog deepened.

After a certain number of wars, the enemies’ traps caused the youth and the dog to be isolated and were helplessly left behind the enemies’ line.

They were pursued and escaped into a pit, but the enemy blew up the entrance of the pit, and they were buried alive together with their allies.

The youth was caught in the collapse and broke his arm, but they were miraculously saved by creating a space inside.

Although they were able to escape from the enemies, they couldn’t dig holes because of broken bones, so the boy and the dog, who had been completely trapped, had no choice but to wait to be rescued.

The possibility of being rescued by digging through a collapsed pit behind the enemies’ line was hopeless, the youth kept waiting to be rescued without giving up.

He first treated the broken arm and fixed it with a stick, while conserving the lamp that was fit in the package, they managed to persevere with little water and portable foods.

Two days had passed since then… the boy and the dog remained trapped.

While snuggling to each other to confirm their existences and suppressed confusions, food and water ran out, and they were gradually driven by hunger and thirst.

At that time, the boy ordered the dog to leave. This was because he was afraid of the possibility of recognizing the dog as meat and attack it because of hunger.

“Gurururu…” (Dog)

The dog knew.

As hunting meant that the side that loses would be eaten, it knew by instinct that only the winner would survive.

And the hungry dog first peered at the youth with its fangs.

Grasping over the body of the youth while raising a growl, it tried pretending to eat the youth’s throat as if it was hunting its prey.

The dog didn’t think even once about eating the youth. On the contrary, it planned to attack with the intention to be eaten.

If it brought its fangs out like this, the boy would probably use his knife on reflex, and kill it. As compensation, the boy would be able to live by eating it.

The dog was satisfied when it noticed that the boy promptly drew his knife.

There was nothing to fear.

For the youth, for its Master, for its family… it only returned the salvation of being saved.

“…You’re stupid.” (Youth)

But… no matter how much time had passed, the knife wasn’t swung at the dog, and the youth, then, put the knife on the ground.

The dog was important to the youth, and the youth was also important to the dog. For that reason, he noticed the meaning of the action taken by the dog.

The dog kept pretending to desperately assault him, but the youth gently hugged the dog.

“I would rather die… than eat you.” (Youth)

He still… maintained his sanity.

That’s why the youth thought that. If he couldn’t survive without making a sacrifice…

“My feet… are no good. I won’t be able to walk with you.” (Youth)

Then, he turned his eyes onto his broken arm.

“Even without one arm… I can live. Wait there, I will… give you meat.” (Youth)

Wrapping the upper arm to stop the bleeding, he grasped the knife with the opposite hand, and by the time that he was about to swing down on the broken arm…

“Thank God, I finally found you.” (Shishou)

“…Shishou?” (Youth)

The rock that blocked the entrance was smashed, and the Shishou came to help.

They safely survived in this way, thus an unbreakable bond between a youth and a dog was born.

After that, the youth and the dog finished their treatment, and participated in another war again.

The combination of the youth and the dog, who became stronger after numerous failures, wasn’t called an enemy, but a death god that buried many enemies.

They intervened in wars all over the world, and intensely fought against Shishou every day when they returned home, but the dog was happy, so long as it was by the youth’s side.

And when the youth grew up to be a young man… it suddenly came to an end.


A few days after the young man could give a blow to his Shishou for the first time… Shishou left a will and disappeared from the young man and the dog.

“…Running away when I am about to win… that’s unfair.” (Young Man)

He might’ve expected that this would happen.

As for the young man, rather than being sad about the Shishou’s disappearance, he was sad because he couldn’t win even once.

And then, the young man left the house where he lived, and went to the man who he met during the war, and became a special agent that dealt with requested targets.

Having the ability that could give a blow to the Shishou, forged intuition because of wars and making full use of modern weapons, there was no enemy for this young man. He became feared by various people, due to the result of crushing a medium-sized base alone.

However, he had no dog by his side.

As the young man became active in the world as an agent, the dog became a house taker.

The difference in lifespan between humans and dogs was large.

While the flesh of the young man became most suitable for the job, the flesh of the dog started to gradually decline.

The young man worried because the dog still tried to follow him, so he left the dog to a woman, whom he saved during a certain job.

“Please protect her. It is a job that only you can do.” (Young Man)

“Woof!” (Dog)

That order was merely a desperate plan to leave the dog behind.

Even if its body was aged and worn down, if there was anything for the young man, the dog would try to protect him as a shield. It was a harsh thing to say, but an old dog couldn’t survive in a world where experts competed.

The dog was lonely, but he faithfully obeyed the Master’s order.

The woman in care was rescued by the young man. Whether the part of giving priority to the young man was similar, the dog and the woman became friends, and waited for the return of the young man every day.

When the job was over, the one that quickly noticed the return of the young man and greeted him was the dog.

Every time he returned, it would enjoy playing Frisbee and the brushing. It was given the love as much as when he went away.

Seeing the young man off for work, the calm days went by, even if the dog was lonely.

As time passed by, the dog’s body gradually declined because of age.

And after seeing the young man going on a trip abroad with dozens of jobs… the dog became bedridden.

It enjoyed playing Frisbee with the young man until a few days ago, but it couldn’t stand up any longer. Without any strength, it lied down while being gently stroked by the woman.

“Is that so? You knew that it was the last opportunity to play with your Master at that time, huh?” (Woman)

The dog probably could never run again until the young man came home next time.

As if that was the last time, the dog played with the young man with every effort.

A few days later… the time for the dog to stay awake was getting shorter.

When it woke up, it was taken care of by the woman, and the painful days of lying down repeated when it was over.

Still, the dog didn’t give up on living.

Even though it couldn’t play anymore, the thought of possibly getting stroked only one more time made the dog continue to live eagerly.

Even if… the time when the young man returned was nearly six months later.

A few days later… the dog’s life had reached its limit.

Its lifespan ran out. Although its consciousness gradually became thinner and it was expecting death, this feeling wasn’t the first time for the dog.

It was the same feeling when it was still a puppy as it couldn’t move because of injuries and hunger, waiting for death while being struck by the rain.

Pain… hungry… nothing could be felt. And somehow, these were the only feelings that were overwhelming the dog.

“Wo…of…” (Puppy)

But… being picked up by the Master, it could never forget the warmth of being embraced.

It just couldn’t forget it.

That’s why, it wanted to feel that warmth only once more.

The dog quietly closed its eyes while wishing that.

And then, to sleep that it will never awaken again…

“…I’m back.” (Young Man)

Feeling the voice and the warmth of its special someone, the dog sustained the consciousness that was about to fade away.

When it opened its eyes, the young man, who it wanted to meet more than anything, hugged it with disturbed breathing.

There was a woman nearby, when it noticed them, and it saw the young man wrapped in bandages with arms and legs bleeding blood and with a pale face.

“Are-are you alright!?” (Woman)

“Yeah, I completed a bit of an unreasonable job. But, thank god, I made it in time. I… can take care of you.” (Young Man)

It was enough for the dog if the Master was there.

The dog abandoned itself to the gentle hands and warmth of the young man who stroked it while shedding tears.

“I could be here because of you. So, sleep… slowly. I will see it through.” (Young Man)

“Woof…” (Dog)

Cared by an important person, and being wrapped by the warmth that it loved… the dog’s life ended.

{Isn’t it lonely to be alone? If you are lucky…} (??)

That voice told him such words when it XX(1).

Even though it couldn’t remember the face and the name of its favorite Master… for some reason, those words remained in its mind.

In the meantime, there was one thing it remembered.

That it was… a dog.

When it opened its eyes while remembering that it was a dog, it was in a forest.

It should have died after being sent off by its special someone, but for some reason, it’s appearance became that of a puppy and was lying in an unknown forest.

Even that alone was surprising enough, but the most surprising thing was that it understood the current situation, and it was able to think why this happened because of its intelligence.

When the dog, which became able to think like a human being, was doubtful about its own feet that had become more beautiful than before, a goblin appeared from a bush nearby.

The goblin drooled as if it found a delicious prey, and it attacked on instinct.

The dog was surprised by the unfamiliar creature it saw for the first time, but it immediately made up its mind and readied a battle position. This was probably because it experienced numerous wars with the young man.

It was a hopeless difference between the size of the puppy and the goblin. The size of the puppy, even if it stood up and stretched its body, was nothing but the other’s knee. Normally, it would be a suicidal act to challenge it to a battle.

However, the dog instinctively understood that the other side wasn’t a big deal, so it judged that it could win. For that reason, it prepared the battle position.

The dog avoided both of the goblins outstretched hands that were trying to catch its prey. It got on the arms and rushed up to the body of the goblin in one go, and bit the throat of its opponent, which was the vital point.

However, the puppy’s fangs were short. At best, the goblin would only bleed. Because of that, the dog aimed to crush the goblin’s spirit and chase it away, but… an unexpected thing happened there.

“Gyii—!?” (Goblin)

When it thought why the fangs easily pierced it, the meat was gouged out and the throat had been bitten off.

The throat of the goblin was fragile, as if it was soft, like tofu.

The monster was weak—… No, the dog understood that it was strong.

Although it was partial, the goblin, which had its throat bitten off, died because of the bleeding. When it thought that it should eat after killing the goblin, it noticed something when it looked at the carcass.

It didn’t feel hungry at all. The appetite wasn’t there, not because of unappetizing meat, but the appetite didn’t exist. Furthermore, even excretion seemed unnecessary.

To have an overwhelming power that could kill monsters with a single blow, even in the form of a puppy, it didn’t know whether it could be called a dog anymore.

As the mystery deepened, the dog was puzzled by the change that occurred to him, but it was also mortified.

If it had this power… it would go along with the young man’s jobs.

“Awoooo—!” (Dog)

But, the person it should be with after having such strength was no more.

Seeing a monster that it had never seen before, this situation was clearly in a different world. It didn’t know why, but it concluded that this world was a different world, compared to the world that it had lived in until now.

The world was different… in other words, the Master, who was more important than itself, didn’t exist.

The howl released with so much regret reverberated to the surroundings.

Instead of eating the carcass, the dog turned its back and moved into the forest.

It encountered various monsters on the way, but as it detected the position of the enemies beforehand according to the abnormally developed sensation, it continued bringing them down with surprise attacks.

Starting with goblins, then unusually big wolves, bipedal pigs and others… the dog kept walking without purpose while defeating various monsters.

The dog, after it continued walking and found a watering hole, saw itself reflected on the surface of the water.

It looked like a wolf rather than a dog, with shiny white fur, a supple and sturdy tail.

The dog was at a loss the moment when it confirmed its obviously changed self.

What should it do from now on?

The Master it had when it was a dog was no longer here. Not just its parent, it couldn’t even find its companion.

Even though it was reborn, the dog, whom didn’t require provisions in order to keep living, despaired. It quietly closed its eyes and lied on the ground.

“Woof…” (Dog)

To live in a world where the Master wasn’t there… then, its significance of living was…

{Isn’t lonely to be alone? If you are lucky, you may be able to see him again… so do your best.} (??)

At that time, the dog remembered the words that it thought it heard before waking up.

That was the voice of the Shishou, who they couldn’t win against even once. It was the last words it heard before disappearing.

With a strength like a monster, having an air that was obviously different from ordinary people, the dog started to think that it might be here because of Shishou.

As such a Shishou said that, the dog found hope in the words that it might see him again.

If it would be here, the Master might also be here…

The dog, whom found the significance of living, decided to become strong.

The present appearance was strong enough, and it might get stronger when it grew bigger, but it couldn’t increase without doing anything beyond knowing the strength of the Shishou.

There were many practice targets, the monsters, in the surroundings, so when remembering the fight between the Master and the Shishou which, it saw countless times, it won’t be a problem.

Just by looking, unlike how it occasionally joined and fought by instinct, there were many references when rethinking with its current intelligence.

The dog kept training by imitating its Master.

By knowing its own limitations, it tried to use all parts of its body as a weapon, and the tail sublimated to a weapon that could even break trees.

In addition, since human beings that it didn’t kill might become enemies, it also learned to go easy, even on goblins as practice targets.

The dog didn’t know, but the beast’s body called Hundred Wolves showed an abnormal growth of power as the dog’s ability and body gradually grew, day by day.

A few years later…

The puppy-sized body grew bigger, and the dog stood at the top of the ecosystem in the forest.

It was born in this world and fought against various monsters, but it never saw its own kind even once. Looking at its strength that surpassed other monsters, it presumed that it was a very rare species.

With such strength, the dog, which had no parents or companions, no longer needed to stay in this forest. It left the forest and jumped to the outside world.

There was no guarantee that it would meet the young man again.

Still believing in that hope, the tales of the dog’s journey began.

Knowing people’s desires, the dog, which was aware of its abnormality, preferred walking through the forests, so that people couldn’t find it, but one day, it helped a girl, who was attacked by monsters.

By meeting the girl, it realized that it was called Hundred Wolves. After that, it learned the common sense of the world, while watching the girl, who was somehow concerned.

However, the girl’s family seemed to have been attacked by a greedy noble, so the dog… Hundred Wolves casually beat the noble and took him away from the girl. Although the girl was concerned, there was no need to stay, unless there was Master.

After confirming the girl was alright, the Hundred Wolves resumed its travels.

Hundred Wolves traveled beyond continents. However, it had to cross the sea to go to another continent.

As it found a discarded boat, the dog got on it and carefreely drifting on the sea. It encountered a slave ship while on the way. It defeated the slave merchant who aimed for him, and it also liberated the captured slaves.

The Hundred Wolves was treated as a hero and also was treated as a sacred beast by the slaves, but since the Master wasn’t found, it left the place to escape.

Later, it encountered and resolved various incidents, but… it couldn’t find its beloved Master.

Nevertheless, the Hundred Wolves traveled around the world to seek for that one person.

A few decades after the beginning of the trip… the Hundred Wolves went to a certain mountain.

The ambiance was similar to the mountain where Hundred Wolves lived with its Master. At a glimpse, it was pleased with the environment that overflowed with mana, but there were monkey-like monsters living there in large quantities.

It worried about breaking the ecosystem, but by judging the differences between the characteristics of the monsters and the environment, it killed and drove them away without hesitation.

The Hundred Wolves, who expelled the nuisances, found a calm place and decided to stay awhile.

With the nostalgic air and environment overflowed with mana, the Hundred Wolves continued to sleep so as to forget the time.

And then…

Hokuto, who was dreaming about the past, woke up.

When Hokuto lifted his face, there was his Master, Sirius, who slept in the bed nearby.

It seemed to be the time to get up, from the outside brightness, but apparently, Hokuto got up a little early.

Hokuto stood up without a sound. Standing by the bed, so as not to wake Sirius up, he looked at the face of his Master.

The face wasn’t the same in the slightest bit from the previous life, even the smell was entirely different, but… the look and the affections towards Hokuto didn’t change from the time he was picked up.

He was convinced that Sirius was his Master. From the moment that a new name was given, Hokuto’s world started to shine, and he was glad to be reborn while shedding tears.

His place was next to this person, after all, and that made him delightedly howl.

And now, he gained strength enough to be called a monster, it would be more than enough to use it for the sake of his Master.

However, it might be because of the dream from the past, he felt lonely remembering how he left his Master when he died.

Hokuto slowly put his face on Sirius’ chest to feel the warmth that he loved, and then, Sirius slowly opened his eyes.

“…Is that you, Hokuto?” (Sirius)

Although he didn’t put any weight on him, Sirius, who woke up because of the unusual feeling he felt on his chest, stroked Hokuto’s head while still in the bed.

“It’s unusual for you to fawn in the morning.” (Sirius)

“Woof…” (Dog)

“It’s not that I’m angry. It’s a bit early, but it’s time to get up.” (Sirius)

As he stroked Hokuto awhile, Reus, who was sleeping in the next bed, also woke up.

“Uhaa… Good morning, Aniki. Hokuto-san.” (Reus)

“Good morning. How’s your body?” (Sirius)

“Of course, Aniki. The injury has completely healed, so I have to retrain this body that has grown dull soon.” (Reus)

And when the two finished changing clothes that were easy for training, Sirius’ lovers came into the room, while giving morning greetings.

Everyone was wearing easy-to-move attires, it seemed that it would be a morning run from now on.

“Sirius-sama, we’re ready.” (Emilia)

“I have confidence in my stamina, but I’m worried whether I can catch up with you guys…” (Fia)

“It will be fine since Fia-san is a trained adventurer. In the past, I wonder how many times I wasn’t able to do anything…” (Reese)

“But still, Reese-ane came along without giving up, right? I think that you have amazing guts.” (Reus)

“Ahaha… I was carried many times by Sirius-san and Reus.” (Reese)

“I see, there is also the possibility of collapsing. I want a princess carry from Sirius.” (Fia)

“Don’t say that as the reason to collapse, you know? This is the first day for Fia, so there is no need to worry.” (Sirius)

Hokuto was looking at Sirius and the rest that were having a peaceful chat with gentle eyes.

He seemed to have it hard, but looking at how his Master was perfectly having fun, Hokuto was also happy.

Sirius’ happiness was Hokuto’s happiness.

“Well then, shall we start? First, we will do it lightly.” (Sirius)

“““Yes.””” (Emilia/Reese/Reus)

“Hehe, since I am newcomer, I’ll do my best to keep up.” (Fia)

It was different from the time when a person and an animal kept running in an effort to defeat Shishou.

Joining the four important companions, Sirius, who was about to leave the room, turned around and called Hokuto with a smile.

“Let’s go, Hokuto!” (Sirius)

“Woof!” (Dog)

Together with his precious Master, every day continued to be filled with the brilliance of Hokuto…

- TLN: The XX is blanked, probably ‘died’?

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