Chapter 493 The Last War (7) There

are many deities that exist in Arcadia.

However, the divinity that had the most influence and weight among them was none other than the World Tree.

Mother of all things and life and Yggdrasil. She is the root that supports the whole of Arcadia and is a divinity that is nature itself that forms a harmonious ecosystem.

With a mission to only support the world and provide a rich land and beautiful nature for all living things to live on, she has cared for, embraced, and protected the lives of all things from the beginning to the present.

[In the beginning, there was a huge tree that supported Arcadia. That tree loved all life, composed nature, and possessed the benevolence of all things in the world. With agape love that is always sacrificial and devoted, he provided them with land where they could set foot unreservedly, shade where they could rest from all kinds of pain and suffering, and fruits that could quench their hunger and thirst.] Being admired and respected by all things

. Being a receiving mother, nature and the world itself.

world tree.

However, the restrictions of the absolute mission bestowed by that mighty power always suppressed her.

Because she could never act aggressively under any circumstances... Despite having that mighty divinity and power, she always kept her place and never revealed her presence to anyone.

Right now.

Woo woo woo woo.

Quad de de de de de de deuc.

Numerous stems and roots protruding through the earth. From the size of an old tree that looks as if it has been there for thousands of years to the size of a huge tree reminiscent of a mountain range. Thousands and tens of thousands... No, the huge body of the World Tree that holds the vast world of Arcadia began to move freely beyond its original purpose.

“What is this...?”

“Aaaaaaaaaaa! What is that!”


have you ever imagined

Hundreds of meters... no, the sight of huge tree roots as high as several kilometers, striking the ground with all their might?

It was just a simple blow, but the powerful attack that completely shattered part of the continent of Arcadia crushed everything in the area without a trace, including the beings of the void that had been seething endlessly.


all over the continent of Arcadia, her free will was clearly heard in everyone's ears.

[I was complacent because I was just watching you silently until now, right?]

A voice full of madness, as if this situation were enjoyable. And that voice was filled with a strange sense of triumph, as if to try something.

[I'll turn everything into powder, you fucking trespassers.]


Tree roots springing up incessantly from all sides.

And each one of those roots grabbed hold of the beings of the void that roamed around them, and unleashed their green, mighty divinity, mercilessly crushing and crushing them without any mercy in their hands.

“Kiki eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!”



The beings of the void who are dying miserably enough to feel sorry for them. The users who had been fighting the final war against them until just now looked confused when they saw them screaming in agony and dying horribly as their bones were crushed.

“Wow... they're obviously the bad guys, so why do they look so pitiful...?”

“Wasn’t the world tree a symbol of peace...?”

“Uuuuuuuu..... It really hurts just to look at it...

Pood deud deude deuk.

Cataclysmic planetary and stellar predators, according to the post-crisis scenario.

The sight of tree roots burrowing into the body of a gigantic creature that fills the sky, breaking through everything inside the creature and breaking through its skin, was truly a grotesque and terrifying sight that could only be seen in a horror movie.

[Kuaaaaaaaaaaaa! Oh ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,

and monsters that pour out unknown fluids by giving up their ears that may be torn because they do not die because of their persistent vitality. Thousands and tens of thousands... No, little by little subtle emotions began to grow in the eyes of the creatures of Arcadia as they watched the cruel and terrible end of him dying while being pierced through the roots and trunks of hundreds of thousands of trees.

[Elle Elle!]

Another disaster of an unknown void that is unknown, resisting the roots of green and crowds all around, seeing the terrible end of his colleague. However, not long after, they all turned their heads one by one and closed their eyes as they saw a gruesome death that they could not bear to open their eyes again.


“No matter what happens... I must not touch the World Tree...”

“Uh... I feel like my stomach will churn just looking at the tree... .”

The World Tree, the mother of all things, was a symbol of peace and benevolence.

However, at this moment, she shows mad violence enough to say that any hardcore gore movie should go away, and she was clearly recorded in the history of everything she saw with her own eyes.

It is said that the World Tree is a mad deity with a more violent and cruel temper than anyone else.

* * *

The intrusion of the World Tree and the forces of the void struggling helplessly because of her.

No matter how much the Unnamed's settings and powers are beyond the standard and ridiculous, they are mere creatures, and they cannot be opponents of the transcendent divinity that supports the world of Arcadia and the world tree that was first born.

That's why Asura looked at this incident that was happening and felt a sense of displeasure.

[I don't understand. How can the tree of life resist like this...?]

Originally, an existence that should have just watched the end of this world. However, the feeling he felt when he saw her stepping out and rejecting her own end and fiercely resisting was a feeling of wonder.

“Isn’t that obvious? It's about to destroy the world, but how could the world, the culprit behind it, just watch it? It's not a petty thing, but benevolence should have a degree.”

[You are...?]

Asura turned his head at the sudden voice behind him. And the dark-haired man looking at him was smiling and waving as if he was happy to see him.

“I think we won’t have to fight if we quietly retreat now... but do you seriously intend to do that? They say that if I fight directly with you, I have to use up my probability, but honestly, it's a waste of probability.”

A person who speaks as if he is a little troubled. He couldn't understand how he could stand so high up in the sky...and in front of him so confidently, but Asura soon found the two deities beside him and tilted his head.

[I don't know what happened while I was asleep..... Since when did the fallen beast and the contradictory hypocrite be together?]

Michael and Satan, beings who are incompatible with each other.

It was incomprehensible that the two of them were clinging to the side of a human being, but there was another fact that was more mysterious than that.

[More than that... How can a human being have the same power of emptiness as mine?]

Asura asked with a confused look on his face. However, Jaeyoung answered his question.

“It's because we come from the same origin.”


“It's because the guy who made you and the guy who created this damn job I have are both the same guy.”

[They talk about things you can't understand...]

“It's not that you can't understand it, it's that it's made so that you can't understand it. In the first place, you are just a scarecrow.”

Not a real Asura, but an Asura created by AI. That's why he didn't show any reaction to Jaeyoung's story. As befits a puppet and doll, he acted according to the role given to him.

[Conversation beyond this is meaningless. Stop dying.]

While having a conversation, Asura suddenly swings the sword in her hand.


And the power of the void was projected explosively and tore the atmosphere around the area, but the attack did not achieve what he wanted.

[Hoh..... You're an interesting person.]

Uh uh uh uh.

magic and divine power.

A new power created by combining those two forces that could never coexist.

holy power.

Asura's expression subtly twisted for the first time as he watched that disparate and contradictory power swirl and block his own attack.

[A mere mortal dares to hold two opposite divinities in one body... It surprises me many times.]

It was impossible with his common sense.

However, the pure white wings made of divine power and the wings of corruption made of demonic power were clearly proving that the impossible was happening in reality.

“Why are you so surprised already? The full-fledged highlight hasn’t even started yet, right?”

[What the hell are you talking about?]


Jae-young pushes all the odds and strengthens Tan and El at the same time, and furthermore, holds both Deathbringer and Muspelheim in his hands and pours all available power. But that wasn't all he had prepared for this end.

“Respond to the call, Gigantes.”

Woo woo woo.

[What else is that...?]

Gigas, a gigantic tens of meters tall weapon that appears through subspace.

The magical circuit completed by the dragons, who are the lords of magic, and the magic engineers of the Gael Federation, who are full of all sorts of creative and innovative ideas, tearing their brains out and pondering over and over again. In addition, Iyatongson, who has the divinity of Vulcanus, and numerous Dwarven artisans joined together to complete this weapon before the start of the final war, and this weapon was truly the best masterpiece of Arcadia.

“Do you know how hard it was to get this done before you guys came? Even if you scrape all the Orichalcon and Mithril, it's not enough, so you exhausted your probability and robbed all the treasures of the heavens and demons? That's how I made it.”

Jaeyoung smiled mischievously at Asura, who was looking at him with a puzzled expression, and half-jokingly half-heartedly complained. Then, he took something out of his pocket.

“But... but thanks to the completion of this, strangely, I lost my confidence. The confidence to be defeated by you.”


The last legacy that Declen left before he died, which was a crisis scenario and disaster in the second half.

eternal heart.

Having infinite mana... When the heart, which was out of Arcadia's setting, was attached to the core of Gigantes, a huge magical storm raged and Gigantes began to operate.

[Where do you dare to do strange tricks...!]

Asura started boarding the Gigas and, as if instinctively sensing a sense of danger, swung the apocalypse and tried to eliminate Jaeyoung. However, the absolute defense surrounding Gigantes, which had already begun to operate, blocked all attacks thanks to the unfathomable output of the Eternal Heart, which supplied infinite mana.


Upon completion of boarding, Gigantes's own mana and holy magic roared in harmony and explosively amplified a huge and overwhelming power.

When Muspelheim and Deathbringer, which had grown to the size of Gigantes, began to emit their huge divinity explosively, Asura instinctively felt it.

The fact that the power that human possesses is at a level that surpasses even the power of the endless void he possesses.

[You bastard...! What the hell is it!]

Asura, gritted teeth and vigilantly, with a look of bewilderment, wondering where the lofty and leisurely momentum from before had gone.

Jaeyoung grinned and muttered to Asura, who seemed to have lost his composure for the first time.

[What is my true identity...?]


Arriving so quickly that no one, including Asura, could react, wielding two sacred instruments with powerful divinity...

Jaeyoung gave the answer to that question.

[This is the strongest troller in the history of the game.]

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