Xianxia Online

Chapter 58 Fleeing Is Best

After winning the duel against Li Shu, the poet was sent back to the previous floor, while the Qi barrier surrounding the Arena of Fire dissipated. Immediately, the crowd began cheering, yelling out praises and compliments directed at Xuan like he was some kind of great hero.

Of course, none of these comments and remarks were genuine. If anything, they saw how Xuan had used Blood Techniques during the fight, and despite/fear him for it. Hell, he even summoned the power of an ancient evil race thought to have been wiped out—but all that didn't matter. After all, everyone present had just witnessed the Immortal Fairy Huo Fei hug him and call him her husband. In other words, if they wanted to still be welcome here, they'd better do their best to kiss Xuan's ass.

Speaking of, Huo Fei immediately ran towards Xuan as soon as the arena platform disappeared, and checked all over his body for any sign of injuries.

"Oh, thank god… all your wounds disappeared… how?" Leaning in, she then whispered, "Or should I say… why are you bothering to hide your strength here?"

But to her surprise, Xuan replied, "I'm not. This is my real cultivation level."

A slight pause. Then, as Huo Fei saw the nonchalant expression on Xuan's face, she frowned.

"… You're serious."

"I am."

"Uh, okay… and how did this happen, exactly?"

Xuan chuckled. "What, you don't love me anymore now that I'm weak?"

"Of course not," Huo Fei said with an angry pout, backing away and folding her arms. "How cheap do you think I am? I'm just curious, that's all. Even if you became crippled, I'd still take care of you, heheh… actually, it'd be better if you became crippled. That way, I'd have an excuse to keep you all to myself, since someone has to cook for you…"

As Huo Fei fantasized to herself, Xuan let out a sigh.

"Look… it's a long story. I'll explain later, when we're alone. But for now… there's something I need to take care of first."

Xuan's eyes were directed at Zhi Ruo and Qing Lili, who were both still staring at him in surprise. Huo Fei, noticing this, narrowed her eyes in caution.

"… Who are they?"

"Just some… companions," Xuan replied. "One of them is—technically speaking—my senior sister, and it was her who invited me here tonight."

"Oh, I see… a double date, was it?"

A shiver went down Xuan's spine. How did Huo Fei deduce it that quickly? Yet again, Xuan was reminded of just how scary a smart woman's instincts could be.

"Ahem… in any case, I need to speak with them for a moment, lest they confront me about it later. You go on first."

"Heh… I see, I see."

With somewhat of a worrying snicker, Huo Fei scampered off, leaving Xuan to stare at her fading figure and take a deep breath. There were many questions he wanted to ask her, such as how she even found out he was here in the first place, but that could wait until later. Turning around, he began heading for the table where the two girls were, and took a seat calmly despite all the stares going his way, paired by various murmurs.

"That guy… he already has Immortal Fairy Huo Fei, one of the most sought-after women in the world, yet he's sitting with other girls…?"

"Granted, they are both comparable to Immortal Fairy in terms of appearance and figure, but…"

"Shhh, he'll hear us!"

Naturally, Xuan ignored all of these statements, and instead focused on the two in front of him.

"Junior brother… just who are you?"

Faced with Zhi Ruo's statement, Xuan considered his options carefully. If it was just her, he didn't mind telling the truth, but Qing Lili was here as well. And so, instead, he opted for a different approach.

"… Tell me. Have you ever heard of a person named 'Zero'?"

"You mean the legendary lone cultivator, whom no one has ever met and survived? Yeah," Qing Lili said, frowning. "What, are you trying to say you're him?"

"No, no, nothing of the sort," Xuan replied. "Actually, I'm his twin brother, who just stepped onto the path of cultivation. Those announcements that have been happening in the sky are referring to me."

"… Don't tell me you actually expected us to believe that."


"You're not hiding your real cultivation according to Zhi Ruo, and yet you are tied to an important figure such as Immortal Fairy Huo Fei," she continued, narrowing her eyes. "Who are you, really?"

At this, Xuan could only sigh and lean back in his chair.

"Sorry, but… I'm afraid I can't answer that question right now," Xuan said, appearing troubled. "There are many circumstances involved—ones that I can't quite explain as of yet. Soon, however, you'll find out the truth on your own. I promise."

With that, he stood back up and left without turning back. Of the thirty-six stratagems, fleeing was the best one. Since he had no other plans up his sleeve, he decided to simply escape the situation. There was no shame in running away, contrary to popular belief. Many legendary historical battles had been fought and won upon the basis of retreat. In fact, that was the whole central idea of guerrilla warfare—hit and run. This may not be a war, but it was a troublesome scenario all the same—and so, without any other options, Xuan simply chose to flee.

Of course, he made a good show of looking troubled on the surface, but deep down in his heart, he was rejoicing. Due to how he'd phrased his words and played it out, the two girls now wholeheartedly believed he wasn't Zero, and the announcements weren't referring to him either. It was a perfectly executed plan, through and through.

Naturally, Qing Lili was shocked and attempted to call Xuan back, but surprisingly enough, Zhi Ruo dragged her back down into her seat, and shook her head.

"Wha- Zhi Ruo…"

"Just leave him be, Lili. Junior brother has always been someone who has a reason behind his every move. If he can't—or doesn't want to—tell us anything, then we shouldn't pry either. After all, everyone has their secrets, don't they?"

She eyed Qing Lili knowingly, and faced with this statement, the golden-haired beauty could only sigh.

"… You're right. I got too heated there."

"Mm. This isn't like you, y'know?" Zhi Ruo giggled. "Could it be… you've fallen in love with him?"

"Wha- no! Of course not!" Blushing furiously, Qing Lili turned away, before lowering her tone to a mere whisper. "It's just… never mind."

Pausing mid-sentence, she swallowed the words back down her throat, and instead directed her gaze at the direction where Xuan had disappeared from.

'Xuan… could you actually be… the person my father sent me to look for…?'

Somewhere within the turquoise gemstone embedded in her crown, a holy light of order shone.

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