1507 Yes, I Want More

Although their kiss was brimming with passion, tension high in the air, Lu Lijun gently laid Jiang Yuyan on their bed, his strong hands carefully supporting her, one at the back of her head and the other holding her at the waist. He was holding her as if she was his most precious treasure, and that he feared she would break at the slightest force. As her head was placed on the soft pillow underneath her, he continued to kiss her relentlessly, each kiss deep and affectionate, as if he intended to thoroughly rob her of her breath, as if there was no tomorrow. Though his kisses were slow, as if he was taking his time to enjoy her, Jiang Yuyan had a strange notion that he was holding back—that the man hovering on top of her was a beast shackled by his own making, wishing to ravage her without restraints, but he was reigning in his desires to let her enjoy this much awaited night.

'He has always been caring like this. He would tease me, but wouldn't force me…but tonight, I want him to know there is no need to hold back. This night is not just about me, it's about us…'

Jiang Yuyan found herself kissing him back with equal passion, her hands gripping onto his shirt to keep him close, allowing the man to dominate her mouth without reservation. She wanted to let him know her thoughts, to tell him her true feelings through her actions.Please visit fr𝐞𝐞w𝒏.𝒸𝑜𝔪 website to read fastest update

In response, his fingers carefully cradled the back of her head to tilt her head and deepen their kiss even more, while his other hand explored the soft curves of her body. "Yuyan…"

"Yes, I want more…"

The dangerous glint in his dark eyes became more pronounced.

"Remember your words," he said. "I promise that soon, you won't be able to ask for more and instead cry for me to stop." As if to reward her for bravely admitting her desires, Lu Lijun opened his lips and sucked her forefinger, his action deliberately slow, his warm coarse tongue rolling around it, making his intentions crystal clear.

A light gasp left her mouth, finding the sight vividly arousing. Her entire face burned bright red, and as he watched her intently, it felt as if the furious blush on her cheeks was spreading as far as her ears and neck. This man in front of her was incredibly sexy, and he knew it. His actions were always so wild and unruly, doing his utmost to get her flustered. And he always succeeded, much to her dismay.

She watched him remove her finger from his mouth, and as he licked his lips, she could not help her thoughts from running wild. "Breathe," he ordered, and only then did she realize she was holding her breath. As she let out a shaky exhale, he resumed his provocation, intentionally rubbing his lips against her wet finger. "It's just your finger in my mouth, Yuyan…for now."

Jiang Yuyan didn't know how to respond. She knew he had just started and there would be more intimate things from here on out, and knowing him, he would continue to speak dirty to get a rise out of her. The night was still young and this was only the beginning of Lu Lijun's wicked plans for them. The promise of indecency in his gaze made her both nervous and excited. He soon moved her hand aside, tugged on her lower lip with his teeth, only to pull back slightly.

"Do you know what we will do next?" A light smirk graced his lips as he whispered against her lips. "Are you looking forward to it?"

She nodded lightly, the anticipation clear in her beautiful face masking her earlier anxiety. She found his gaze traveling from her eyes to her lips, and then further down from her neck to her chest where her deep neckline dress had a part of her mounds exposed.

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