Jiang Yuyan’s commanding presence in the room was undeniable. After her effective handling of the sensitive topic, Xiao Min took the opportunity to steer the meeting back to its main purpose. "If anyone has further comments on the news topic, please raise your hand now to make your statement."

The room remained silent. No one dared to speak up after Jiang Yuyan’s demonstration of authority. It was as if she held the reins, turning potentially critical board members into mere spectators of her command.

Seeing no hands raised, Xiao Min proceeded with the primary agenda. "Let’s now focus on the main item for today’s board meeting: the appointment of Mr. Lu Lijun as the new president of Lu Corporation. Over the past few months, you have all witnessed his approach to work and his success in securing and managing challenging projects for Lu Corporation on his own merit. The new working styles and policies implemented under his guidance have been significantly beneficial. It’s clear he’s not only adept with established methods but also capable of introducing innovative and effective strategies for our future growth." Xiao Min highlighted Lu Lijun’s accomplishments, ensuring that all present were reminded of his capabilities.

He concluded, "If anyone has objections to Mr. Lu Lijun’s appointment as the next president, please state them now."

This time, Mr. Wang remained silent, choosing not to express any opposition to Lu Lijun’s presidency. His recent experience had clearly influenced his decision to align with the consensus of the group. The tone of the meeting had decisively shifted, focusing now on the professional merits of Lu Lijun’s candidacy for the presidency of Lu Corporation.

"One of the board members, who had not brought up the topic in the news, said, ’I am not saying I oppose the appointment of the new president, but I do wonder why we even need a new president when the current one is already leading this company very well.’ He looked at Jiang Yuyan, ’President Lu, I respect and really appreciate all the work you’ve done over these years, and I sincerely hope you continue to lead us for many more years. Mister Lu Lijun is still young. I believe he can learn more under your guidance, be fully prepared, and then assume the position of president.’

"Mister Fu, being young should be the least of your concerns when it comes to the position of President," Jiang Yuyan said. "When Lu Qiang took responsibility for this company, he was only eighteen and I was just twenty. If I, who had no knowledge of the business world, could run this company, then someone like Lu Lijun, who is much more capable than everyone sitting in this room, will face no difficulty in doing so."

Mister Fu, who looked adamant in his opinion, spoke, "President Lu, may I know why you wish to resign? You are still young and capable."

"Mister Fu, at the board meetings ten years ago when I was appointed as the president of Lu Corporation, it was clearly stated that it was a temporary replacement for the president and the position would be handed over to Lu Lijun as the rightful heir to this chair. I never had any intentions of taking charge of this company; it was simply the need of the situation. Now that he is back, I have no reason or desire to sit in that chair."

"President Lu, we appreciate your thoughts. We understand and support your decision, but as you have decided on your resignation, we might consider choosing another candidate for president, so it will give Lu Lijun more time to learn."

The corner of her lips curved into a light smirk as she once again continued to tap her fingers on the tabletop. Those who knew her would know that the person in front of her had just invited trouble.

"Hmm, so who do you suggest should take the position then?"

Mister Fu let out an awkward chuckle. "I don’t have anyone specific in mind, but we know we have many capable people among us who would gladly accept the responsibility." He glanced at a few members who seemed to agree with him.

It was clear that these people had come with a well-planned agenda.

"Then, who among these capable individuals is willing to volunteer?" Jiang Yuyan asked, choosing not to oppose the proposal directly.

"Mister Fu, why don’t you accept this position?" one of the board members suggested, seemingly in cahoots with him.

Mister Fu brushed it off with a smile. "I would love to, but I am old now. Instead, I would suggest Mr. Zhi for the position. He’s still young and more experienced."

Mister Zhi, a close acquaintance of Mister Fu, was evidently chosen to show Mister Fu’s apparent generosity and lack of greed for the position.

"Chairman Lu, what do you think?" Mister Fu inquired.

Lu Jinhai, who had been quietly observing the craftiness, which was nothing new to him, replied, "As we are considering an alternative to the originally decided candidate, we should allow them to demonstrate their worth and wisdom."

"I agree," said Mister Fu, turning to Jiang Yuyan. "What do you say, President Lu?"

"I agree with the chairman," Jiang Yuyan responded, later glancing over at Lu Lijun. Their assuring gazes met, a silent communication that only the two of them could understand. Mister Fu then turned to Mister Zhi. "We all know how capable you are, but it would be better if you still explained to us why we should choose you."

Mister Zhi, a man in his mid-thirties, stood up, pleased to have the floor. He began recounting his impressive achievements and their benefits to Lu Corporation. Having worked there for decades, he had more to his credit than Lu Lijun, not to mention his ownership of shares in the corporation and his eligibility to sit in board meetings.

When it was Lu Lijun’s turn, he rose to speak. "I am really impressed by Mister Zhi’s achievements and am well aware that mine pale in comparison."

Hearing this, Mister Fu and Mister Zhi shared knowing smiles, but their expressions changed as Lu Lijun continued, "However, there is something I possess that holds greater value than what Mister Zhi has showcased."

Everyone’s attention turned to Lu Lijun, curious about what he had to offer.

"Loyalty," Lu Lijun stated simply, his gaze shifting to the two men. "Loyalty solely towards Lu Corporation."

Hearing it, most of the board members had a change in their expressions.

Loyalty? Most of them had something to cover but they were sure no one would find it. But looking at confident Lu Lijun, they felt wary to think if he really had something prepared for them to shut their mouths.

They had seen Lu Lijun working and how capable he was even more than the previous presidents and it made them more wary of him and not wanting to have him as their


In short they all were scared of this young man, the second son of Chairman Lu Jinhai. Everyone held their breaths to see what he was going to bring out.

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