Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1324 The Birth Of Thinkers

Chapter 1324 The Birth Of Thinkers

The triplets also stood beside Yana and looked at Qin An expectantly.

Having a biological father was already something that made them wake up laughing in their dreams. If they could find their biological mother again, then their lives would truly be perfect.

Qin An, who was suddenly interrupted by Yana, was slightly stunned for a moment, and then a smile appeared on his face.

"Yes, we will. We will find your grandmother and your father, Qin Qicai. The family will be reunited. At that time, no one in this world will be able to separate us."

At this point, Qin An remembered Tian Lu and Yu Haiyuan who were still in the Death Spirit Realm.

Back then, the seven girls were all strangers to him, and he didn't know which of them gave birth to Qin Qicai.

If he could find Weng Lan, would he have to make a trip to Seven Swords City?

Qin An frowned and let out an inaudible sigh.

How could life be so perfect? His thoughts seemed to be somewhat greedy. Being able to find Weng Lan was already the greatest reward that fate had given him.

However, the seven women had left behind their bloodlines for him, and they had even grown up. If they did not look at Qin An, they would find it difficult to feel at ease.

What a worrying thing.

Qin Qicai… Father is ashamed of you.

Qin An muttered in his heart, his mood even more depressed.

'"Katrina, the children want to see the sea. Take them and take a look. I'll leave some food for you later. You can rest and sleep after eating. This space can only last for twelve hours. After that, we'll start adventuring."

Katrinan walked forward and nodded at Qin An. She could tell that Qin An's condition was still not good, and his expression was a little complicated. She was unable to share the worries, so she did not want to talk anymore and did not want to make trouble for him. Although Katrina really wanted to communicate with Qin An, she knew that this was not the right time.

Qin An raised his hand and a dazzling light blossomed, lingering around Katrina's body.

Katrina was shocked. In the next moment, she immediately felt completely comfortable. It was as if there was a warm current flowing through her body, nourishing every cell in her body.

Qin An used the ability to sympathize with Katrina and save her life. In an instant, the slightly aged Katrina had already returned to her senses. She looked like she was twenty-seven or twenty-eight years old. Her skin became tight, her muscles became solid, and even her chest was much fuller.

What… what's going on? Katrina had no idea what was going on.

Qin An raised his hand to summon a mirror and stood in front of Katrina.

"Although I look young, I'm actually in my sixties. Whether it's from Qin Qicai or from Yana, I'm your elder. I'll give you this gift when we first meet! Youth that will never disappear, do you like it?"

Katrina looked at the beautiful woman in the mirror in astonishment. She was completely stunned!

Oh, my God, is that her? What about the wrinkles at the corners of her eyes? What about the bloodline in her eyes? What about the pouches under her eyes? What about the unevenness on her face? What about the fine lines on her neck?

Why is she getting younger? How did she regain her beauty?

"If, I mean if! If you still like Yana's father, then be prepared. I want you to appear in front of him in the most beautiful manner, both physically and mentally!"

"Qin An…"

Katrinan finally understood, because the truth was right in front of her, she had really become younger! '"Qin An", said Katrina with all her thoughts, but she could not express her joy at this moment!

Which woman doesn't want to be young forever?

The four of them were dumbfounded when they saw the beautiful Katrina again. Was this … this beautiful woman their mother, sister-in-law? How beautiful!

The little fellows opened their mouths wide and were speechless.

On the other side, Li Chenxian and Li Chenfei were similarly dumbfounded, and their hearts were extremely shocked!

Just who was this man named Qin An? He actually had such a miraculous ability?

The two of them exchanged glances and understood each other's thoughts.

Perhaps the most correct thing they had done in their lives was to help the distressed Katrina! A few years later, they confirmed that this was the right idea.

"Alright, you guys can move around freely. If you're hungry, you should eat something. The main thing is to rest well, because there's still a long way to go."

As Qin An spoke, he took out a lot of food and placed it on the table in the courtyard. Afterwards, his body disappeared into a dream body and left Dream Space in the form of energy.

He had to investigate again to find a way out. Otherwise, once the Dream Space disappeared, these people would die if they were exposed to the radiation mist.

The Dream Body was Nightmare Sword God's number one skill.

At this moment, Qin An was actually considered a soul body. He still possessed all sorts of Sword God abilities, but he was much weaker than his physical body.

However, because it was a soul body, he could float around like a soul, reaching heaven and earth, turning into invisible, and not being poisoned by radiation gases.

The trail left behind by the big bang was enormous, and Dream Space opened near the center of the explosion.

Qin An flew a full 90 kilometers east, but he still didn't leave the pit.

There was really nothing he could do. Once Dream Space disappeared, he would not be able to bring 100,000 people along in the radiation gas.

Qin An also tried to summon the strong wind to disperse the fog, but in the end, it failed. The radiation gas that formed the fog had the effect of devouring the sword spirit energy, and the strange energy Qin An used was the sword spirit energy, so even if it formed a little wind, it would immediately disperse.

Sigh… In this situation, even if he wanted to protect Katrina and the children, it would be very difficult for him to leave, let alone save the others.


Just when Qin An was at a loss, he was slightly stunned. Then, he quickly floated downwards and drilled into the soil for ten kilometers. Then, he discovered a huge underground building in shock!

This building consists of two parts. One is a 600-meter-long descending passageway, followed by a huge rectangular building!

Its outer wall is a very high-tech solid material, not only can protect against radiation, but also can protect against shock, fire, corrosion and bombardment of weapons.

However, Qin An was currently a spirit body, so he could naturally pass through the wall.

Inside was an empty room. This should be a sealed storage room. There was no one guarding it, but there were cameras installed on the roof.

After Qin An entered the wall, he immediately entered an invisible state, and then opened his clairvoyant vision to observe the layout of the underground building.

This place was divided into nine floors. There were many rooms on each floor. Naturally, there were many people living in the rooms. They were all wearing uniform white uniforms and doing their own things. This was a small city! Qin An swept his eyes over for a while and calculated that there were about 10,000 people on the thirteenth floor. The huge building was already saturated, so the pedestrians coming and going were very dense.

Qin An was walking around stealthily, activating his super hearing to gather information, and soon understood everything.

This underground building was actually built before the apocalypse erupted. It belonged to a company called Black Umbrella. The name of the building was Black Top!

Keeson is the heir to Black Umbrella, an apocalyptic fanatic who turned 30 in 2015.

Because of his hobby, Keeson worked with government departments in 2005 to invest in scientific research on the human enclosed ecosphere. At the same time, he built a black gyroscope to simulate the living conditions of humans entering underground buildings in the apocalyptic environment after the earth was heavily polluted.

So when the apocalypse broke out, the 1000 employees of the black umbrella company and almost 3000 experimental volunteers lived in black gyroscopes.

In the 33 years of the apocalypse, they had never walked out of the ground, as if they were isolated from the world.

Apart from a few managers, most of the people here had no idea what the world was like today.

It was a lie for Keeson to tell the people that the earth was no longer fit for humans, that the environment was evil, that there were poisonous gases everywhere, and that there were zombies everywhere, and that they might be the only people in the world who survived.

Nowadays, the center manager of the black top only had more than a thousand people on the ground floor.

This place is connected to the exit, so you can go to the outside world; The people here controlled the control system of the black top, so they could isolate the people on the eighth floor from the rest of the world. The people here possessed weapons, so they could dominate in space!

This was an underground world filled with darkness.

Many of the first generation had already died. Now, the next eight floors were filled with the second and third generation people. They had become the subjects of Keeson's group of people. To put it bluntly, they were playthings!

Only when people grow up in society can they have social forms, social values and their own virtues in the process of information dissemination!

People of different races and countries have different values because of the different social environment in which they grew up.

In this black top, Keeson could wantonly isolate some newborns, then let them grow up in a specific environment, allowing them to have all sorts of unimaginable abnormal personalities and ideologies.

Qin An watched and listened. In the end, he was shocked and angry!

In the apocalypse, he had seen too many distortions of human nature, and today, he was once again viciously stimulated by human nature!

Suppressing the emotions in his heart, Qin An's mind lifted. This place was about a hundred kilometers away from the Dream Space. Although the previous explosion had caused it to tremble a few times, the power of the explosion did not damage it.

In other words, this place should be able to be used as a refuge!

The key question now is how to avoid the fog and cross 100 kilometers to get here.

Sigh, Qin An can't control the 100,000 people. No matter what, he can't escape with so many people. Even if he escapes to the black top, he won't be able to hold them!

If he wanted to bring Katrina with him, it should be possible for a few small ones to come here. He could create an alchemy box, put them inside, and then run through the fog with his ability to open the Undying Body.

Perhaps a few alchemy boxes are needed, as they should corrode quickly in the fog.

Qin An thought about the details in his heart and had already come up with some plans.

He didn't know how big the fog area was, so he could only find a place to hide, waiting for the fog to dissipate or decompose into other non-toxic gases in the air.

Damn Silvermoon City, if they had a lot of these weapons, it would be a bit terrible. If they were unable to crack the Solidification Curse Token, then they would not be able to deal with these weapons.

While planning, Qin An circled to the basement where Senki was located. The decoration style here looked like the interior of a spaceship from a pre-apocalyptic American science fiction movie.

The more than a thousand people here were ordinary people without abilities. Qin An's current abilities might be a bit difficult to deal with a Level 7 or 8 mutant, but dealing with these ordinary people was not a problem at all. He was able to hide! Adepts might be able to sense their presence when they attacked, but these ordinary people were unable to do so.

Then let the damned die!

Keeson, 63, looks old.

At this moment, he was in his room, sleeping with two thirteen or fourteen year old girls in his arms.

Here, Keeson was a god-like existence. He could do whatever he wanted.

His apartment area was very large, about two hundred square meters, divided into five bedrooms, followed by guest rooms, dining rooms, study rooms, and isolation rooms.

The isolation room was the exit to the rest of the basement. Normally, only Keeson could enter and exit freely, and the 26 women locked up in the house had never left.

To be exact, it should be 24 girls. Their average age is 14, and two women, Nadi and Roberts, 38, are Keeson's deputies. Twenty-four girls were brought up by these two women, They had never come into contact with the outside world since they were young. The idea they were instilled was that this world was only as big as this 200-square-meter house. Only Keeson could go to the chaos world to get food, because he was the only man in this world. Men were gods, and women had to obey him unconditionally. Twenty-four girls did not complain, because they grew up in this environment. Some of them had accompanied Keeson to bed two years ago. Eighteen of them had even given birth to a child, but the baby was taken away after birth and went to the second basement to have his own life.

Yes, the poor girls don't even have proper names. Arabic numbers are their names.

Qin An passed through the wall and entered the room where 1, 2, 3 and 4 were resting.

The four girls were all Caucasians. They did not sleep, but lay in bed and talked.

"1. What exactly happened to the shock just now? Is the world going to be destroyed?"

"Don't talk nonsense. Didn't God just tell us? Don't worry, as long as he's here, everything will be fine! We shouldn't have any doubts in our hearts!"

"Ah, I'm not worried about these things right now. 1, 2, 4 and I are the only girls who haven't slept with God now. I'm so conflicted!"

'"3. There's nothing to worry about. God said that you and 4 are the most beautiful women among us. God needs to wait for you to grow up and mature. That way, your bodies will be more beautiful and God will be happier when he plays with you!" Comfort.

"Ah, I really want to be toyed with by the gods. Otherwise, I would feel that I'm incomplete!" She sighed faintly.

The girl named 4 was indeed very beautiful. She was already 1.6 meters tall at the age of 14. Her facial features were deep and bright. She had a head of blonde hair and her eyes were glowing with a faint golden light.

"Hey, why do you think the world is only this big? Why can only God leave this place and go outside? And what exactly is outside?"

"4! What are you talking about? How can you have such evil thoughts? There's no doubt that it's our virtue. You shouldn't have said such words!" 1's voice wasn't loud, but his tone was extremely lacking.

"1. Don't get excited, okay? I just said what I thought honestly. Could it be that you guys didn't get involved with these questions?"

The other three girls didn't speak anymore. How could they not have doubts about their humanity? However, their values did not allow them to think too much!

This was like a normal person. Everyone felt that killing people was a crime. Walking naked was not right. Men who entered the women's toilet would be regarded as mentally ill!

This is the inherent form of people's thinking in the social form, or values.

One of the ideas that 22 girls had been taught since childhood was that there should be no doubt. This was sin, something that should never have been done.

Therefore, although these three girls would often think nonsense in their hearts, they would not say it out loud. Today, the girl named 4 had finally become the first person to eat crabs, breaking the taboo!

"I always thought Nadi and Roberts were different women from us. Didn't you notice? They are more flexible than us and seem to know more about the outside world, even though they have never left this place. I have thought for a long time and think that there is only one reason why this phenomenon can be explained. That is, God once described to them what the outside world looks like. Why do you think God treats them so well? Could it be that only men can go to the outside world? "Ah, I don't understand."

'"4. I agree with 1. Your mind is too extreme! What is the outside world? What we see is the whole of this world! I am convinced of this, and as God said, the outside world is chaos and darkness, nothing at all!" His tone was firm.

"Then what do you think happened to the shock just now? Why hasn't there been such a shock before?"

"How … how do I know this?" Shook his head.

"Do you know what football is?" Suddenly, a strange question arose.

"Football?" The other three girls were all dumbfounded. They had never heard of this word before.

"I once heard Nadi and Roberts say that they had watched a football match. It was as if many people were fighting for a round thing. It would fly away as long as they put their feet on it. It was amazing! I think this so-called football game should be shown to them by God. After all, God treats them differently than he treats us. When I got back to my room, I started to think. If I didn't understand, I put the pillow on the ground and kicked it barefoot. The pillow really flew away! This is so strange. If I don't touch the pillow with my feet, the pillow won't fly! I have done many other things, such as pushing the table with my hand, the table will run; Lift the bed with your hand and it will rise. Don't you think it's strange to make a sound when you do these things? "

"What's so strange about this?" None of them understood.

"Of course it's strange, why is it that things that don't move don't move, don't make a sound? And once I do, it can move, and it can make a sound?

I've studied it for a long time and found that everything is like this!

In other words, if you want something to move and sound, you have to have someone like me touch it.

Then the question arises. The tremor just now was so intense and there was such a loud noise. Someone much stronger than me should have pushed our world or kicked us!

Then who was this person?

Didn't God say that there is nothing alive outside our world?

If there is nothing like you and me, why does our world tremble and sound come? "

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