Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1463 Heavenly Prison

Chapter 1463 Heavenly Prison

Wu Xiaoxiao was one of the three wonders of the True Fire Palace. Eight years ago, she met Qin An, so she naturally received super benefits. She had an immortal body that could keep her youth forever. Now, she still looked like an 18-year-old girl.

The divine sword she cultivated was called Heaven and Earth Concealment, so the most terrifying Sword God ability of Heaven and Earth Concealment was hidden in Heaven and Earth!

Wu Xiaoxiao was able to enter other people's memories. After entering other people's memories, the real time trajectory would stop. This allowed Wu Xiaoxiao to actually have a life expectancy that far exceeded her normal age.

Back then, Wu Xiaoxiao had brought Qin An into Guo Sihai's memory world, and then brought out Qin An's cousin and niece, Qin Xiaojiao. Right now, the father and daughter were both living in the Outer City of Heavenly Residence, living an extremely comfortable life.

After they entered the real world, they created chaos in space and time, attracting the Time Blade Law Behemoths, thus creating the monster passageway that still exists today. It was during that disaster that Qin An comprehended the ability of the Necromancy Realm.

Thirty-three years after the apocalypse, AD 2048, almost nine years had passed since the Battle of Blood Crying.

Wu Xiaoxiao was currently working as an ordinary soldier in the night watchman army. This could be considered seclusion. No one knew her true identity.

As a Level 72 mutated Three Soul Sword Cultivator, she possessed the ability to hide in heaven and earth, the Escape Sword, and the Wind Breaking Sword. Her strength could also be ranked high in the Star Alliance. Many Sword Spirit Star Four Soul Sword Cultivators were no match for her.

Such a powerful woman should have held an important position in the alliance and helped Guo Sihai deal with many things, but Wu Xiaoxiao couldn't.

Over the past two years, her communication disorders and delusion syndrome have become even more severe.

In the eyes of others, Wu Xiaoxiao was a madman. Although she knew that she wasn't crazy and that she was more normal than most people, she couldn't control herself and always did strange things.

When night fell, Wu Xiaoxiao sat at the entrance of the city wall and looked at the vast wilderness in the south with a dull look in her eyes.

She had been a soldier here for a year. One year was equivalent to a hundred years for her. She had already wandered in other people's memories for a hundred years.

She used to like this kind of game, but now she was completely tired of it. She rarely entered other people's memories, because she suddenly realized that she did not have any independent memories. Her time was almost wasted in other people's memories. Isn't this a little sad?

Just as her heart was blank, a voice suddenly came from behind her.

"Lord Bei Chen, Lord Shi, Miss Hongcui, please be careful of the steps."

"Hey, why do you call this vixen Lord, but you call me Miss? Are you looking down on me?"

Bei Chen sighed and said, "Xiao Cui, you don't have an official position. It's not wrong to be called a girl, is it?"

The big girl, Zhong Hongcui, raised her mouth dejectedly and had nothing to say.

Shi Lida's work had been arranged to the Great Wall of Heavenly Prison. He wanted to be the night watchman squadron captain. Beichenxin was the Tang Capital City Lord. Naturally, both of them had official positions, but he was only a maid. There was nothing wrong with being called a girl by the soldiers leading the way. But she was unhappy. Ever since Beichenxin met Shi Lida, she had been unhappy!

Beichenxin was actually very happy. It was rare for him to take a long vacation. He handed over the affairs of the city to Ding Dazhuang as his sole agent. After that, he went to Zangxi and was accompanied by a noisy girl and an arrogant Queen. How could this life be called a beautiful word?

Beichenxin admitted that he had a crush on Shi Lida, and that Beichenxin was somewhat infatuated with her mother's plot, so he liked a woman like Shi Lida who had the temperament of a queen. Shi Lida and Tang Yu were very similar in temperament.

Shi Lida was also good to Beichenxin. She had been wandering outside for a few years, and her personality was no longer as cheerful as when she was young. She was much more reserved and mature.

"Xiao Cui, get out of the way."

Shi Lida spoke calmly, as if she was Hong Cui's master.

"Fox spirit, don't call me Xiao Cui! Did you call me Xiao Cui?"

'"Alright, alright, alright. We'll start arguing again later. Xiao Cui, it's not like you don't know. You can't argue with Rita. We're just here to see the scenery of the Great Wall of Heaven's Prison. By the way, we'll see Rita off. You've been arguing all the way, aren't you tired?"

"Hmph! Young Master…"

Before Hongcui could finish her sentence, her expression suddenly changed. Her figure flashed to Beichenxin's side. Then, she pulled Beichenxin into her arms with one hand and extended her other hand towards the spot where Beichenxin had just stood.


An intense explosion of energy produced shockwaves that ignited nearby gases.

Hong Cui hugged Beichenxin and took a dozen steps back before shaking her body and stabilizing herself. She only felt that the arm she had just waved was numb.

Heavens! What great strength!

"Who is it?"

Hong Cui shouted angrily. At the spot where Beichenxin had stood, a very beautiful young girl had already appeared.

The soldier leading the way was stunned for a few seconds before finally reacting. He said anxiously,

'"Lord Bei Chen, Miss Xiao Cui, Lord Shi, don't be nervous. This is Wu Xiaoxiao, a super special forces soldier in our Night Watch army. She doesn't belong to any defensive sequence and can walk freely. She can live wherever she wants on the wall of Heavenly Prison. We have been told that we have no right to interfere with her freedom …"

"Ah? So powerful?"

Zhong Hongcui was stunned for a moment and then said, "Hey, why did you suddenly use your invisibility ability to get close to my young master? What do you want?"

Beichenxin was actually a sword xiuzhe now, but his comprehension ability seemed to be a bit trash. So far, he didn't have a single Sword God ability.

Moreover, because they didn't usually train in martial skills, their combat reaction abilities weren't much inferior to those of ordinary Mortal Body Realm mutants. Most of the time, he was still used to being protected by Xiao Cui.

As for Xiao Cui, he was currently a two-soul sword cultivator, and his strength was quite good.

Therefore, seeing that Xiao Cui was secretly shaking the arm of the woman who had just clashed with him, Beichenxin concluded that this woman was definitely not simple.

Wu Xiaoxiao's gaze was always on Beichenxin. After looking at him for a while, she smiled and said, "You are Qin An's son? Fate is really twisted. Hello, I am Wu Xiaoxiao. I was once your father's friend. Can you call me aunt? Hehe."

Ah! ! !

These words stunned Beichenxin and Shi Lida!

Shi Lida was very familiar with Qin An, because Ba Tian and Guo Xiaomei had been friends with Qin An for too long.

After meeting Beichenxin by chance in Tang Capital, Shi Lida actually had a good impression of him. After spending a few days together, his impression of him was already very deep.

Therefore, Shi Lida could not believe that this man would actually be Qin An's son. Back then, it was under the Heavenly Prison City Wall. She had interacted with Qin An before. Although there wasn't any spark from the collision, she also had a special feeling!

How could the man in front of him be Qin An's son?

At this time, Beichenxin was also confused. He couldn't understand how a strange woman could easily reveal his biggest secret.

"Who are you? If you are Qin An's friend, could it be that …"

"No, if that Holy Mother Qin An knew that she had a son as old as you, she would definitely rush in front of you and let you acknowledge your ancestor as a sect! Therefore, he doesn't know your identity, so don't think too much about it."

"Then how … then how did you know about this?"

The soldier leading the way for Beichenxin shook his head and smiled bitterly. '"Lord Bei Chen, don't mind. Wu Xiaoxiao has the ability to detect other people's experiences. She can know all of our past at any time. No one has any privacy in front of her. Therefore, the night watchman is afraid of this woman, but he has nothing to do with her. Normally, he can only stay away from her to prevent her from revealing his secrets."

Ah? It's actually like this …

Beichenxin and Zhong Hongcui finally calmed down, while Shi Lida was still in a daze.

The reason why Wu Xiaoxiao was regarded as a lunatic was because she was very casual. Almost no one could imagine what she would do in the next second.

While the three of them were in a daze, Wu Xiaoxiao activated his third skill, Breaking Wind Hidden Kill, allowing his body to enter an invisible state.

The reason this skill was called Breaking Wind Hidden Kill was because it allowed Wu Xiaoxiao to conceal his true body and then directly activate the Escape Edge the moment he appeared.

The Hidden Edge was Wu Xiaoxiao's strongest offensive skill. It could make certain parts of his body suddenly enter a rapid state when he attacked, such as a kick, a fist, or a lip.

Therefore, when Wu Xiaoxiao escaped from her invisibility this time, she had already hugged Beichenxin tightly and placed her lips on his lips, making it impossible for Beichenxin to dodge.

Zhong Hongcui, Shi Lida was dumbfounded.

Shi Lida was uncomfortable. Zhong Hongcui was almost crazy. She had accompanied Young Master for so many years, but she had never kissed him on the lips like this.

In short, the two women moved at the same time, stepped forward to separate the two of them, and then planned to attack Wu Xiaoxiao at the same time.

Beichenxin's face turned pale after being forcefully kissed. He never thought that he would experience such a thing again. Was this a joyous event or a tragedy?

At this moment, the alarm sounded on the wall of Heavenly Prison. Looking at the two sides in the dark night, the red alarm light had already extended beyond the city by an unknown distance. Suddenly, countless planes flew past in the sky.

"What's wrong with this? The entire alarm?"

The guide soldier was a little dumbfounded. A few meters away from here, the telephone rang. The guide soldier ran over and turned on the hands-free answer.

"The entire section has entered a red-level defensive state, The zombies 400 kilometers away from the south were already moving in this direction. Their cross sections reached 580 kilometers, and the number was over a hundred million or more. Because the zombie brigade was still following up, the cross sections were also continuing to expand. This was an invasion of the entire defense line. All night watchmen had to guard their own defense lines. They could not move without orders to retreat. Those who violated the order were killed! The zombies were originally supposed to arrive in two days, but a new mutated zombie suddenly appeared. 137 mutated zombies rushed out from the tide of zombies. Their speed reached 130 kilometers per hour, and the number exceeded 8 million. They were expected to come into contact with us three hours later! The air force has already dispatched their full force. The soldiers of the air force should quickly return to their mechanical armor and complete their armor. They should be ready to support our fighter planes at any time! I am emphasizing that this is not a drill. All orders are sent by the General Command to all sections of the Heavenly Prison Line. All section commanders must complete their preparations within 15 minutes. The vigilantes, the Heavenly Seal Dynasty has launched a general attack on us! Remember our declaration … If the outcome of the battle is certain to be death, we are willing to swear an oath with the body of a ghost guarding the vigil. Even if we exhaust our blood donation, we must tear apart the darkness of the night! Eight years ago, we suffered heavy losses in the Bloodshed Battle. This time, the enemies are even more ferocious and direct. It is as important to uphold faith as to defend the city! Remember, this is not a drill! "

Next, a repetitive recording of this sentence began to appear on the microphone.

On the wall of Heavenly Prison, all the night watchmen were shocked. In 10 seconds, no one spoke. Everything was quiet. Ten seconds later, the shouts were consecutive. The commanders of the various sections began to busy themselves with their commands. Everything was in a chaotic and orderly manner.

The news was immediately sent back to Kowloon City. After receiving it, Guo Sihai immediately held an emergency meeting. In 10 minutes, a written submission signed by Guo Sihai was delivered to the Night Watch Headquarters. In fact, all the contents of this submission could be replaced by two words.

"Stay firm!"

In the section of the Heavenly Prison City wall, Beichenxin didn't have the time to be dumbfounded. Zhong Hongcui, Shi Lida didn't have the mood to cause trouble for Wu Xiaoxiao. Wu Xiaoxiao acted as if nothing had happened. She continued to return to the cave entrance and stared at the south in a daze. There was nothing but darkness there.

The hot wind rose at an unknown time, and the air was filled with a fishy smell. What made the Night Watch Gate more uneasy than the fishy smell was the silence inside and outside the city wall.

More than half an hour before the alarm sounded, the preparations on the city wall had been completed. Now that all the lights were off, everyone was quietly waiting.

The Mark Bone Intelligent Defense System was activated. He had also replaced the signalman in the command center and adjusted the changes in the defense system at any time. He was also broadcasting the latest battle situation through the command horns installed on the various defense lines.

"Captain Qilu, please lead the troops to the seventh phase of the sixth line of defense support, a large number of zombies rampage is likely to log in here.

Attention, our air force is fighting with the enemy's flying zombie beasts. Air force, please take off and support us!

The zombie vanguard has already entered the first line of defense trap. It is 100 kilometers away from us. The first line of defense is activated. The first wave of zombies cannot be eliminated. They can run quickly along the 90-degree wall. The trap cannot stop them!

Long-range artillery units, prepare to fire. Target 300 km zombie tide. Attack areas 26 to 72, 108, 109, 120, 129, 163, 172, 192, 200, 296, 297, 333, 348, 349. Our aerial camera robots have found a large number of mutated zombies. Many mutated species are unknown!

The Burst Zombie is approaching the second line of defense, and is being assassinated quickly… "

News came into the soldiers' ears, and they all broke out in sweat.

Only a tenth of the veterans of the night watchmen had participated in the Battle of Crying Blood, the first Heavenly Prison Great Wall Battle. In other words, most of the veterans here were recruits. Although they had some combat experience, they were also from alien races. They had little contact with zombies and undead creatures.

Thirty-three years after the apocalypse, the zombies seemed to have long since withdrawn from sight, but all the soldiers knew that this creature was still the most terrifying power on this planet! Because of their large numbers, complex mutations, and unafraid of death, they would never know how to retreat…

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