Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 148 The First Confrontation Between a Beauty and an Ugly Man

Chapter 148 The First Confrontation Between a Beauty and an Ugly Man

Qin An's current mood was indescribable!

Because he knew the woman in front of him, or almost every citizen of Country Z knew her!

Her name was Weng Die, and she should be twenty-five years old this year.

Weng Die went to primary school at the age of six and jumped one level every year. She graduated from primary school at the age of nine!

He had once been called a child prodigy because of this matter in the newspapers!

After that, he only studied for one year in junior high school, directly taking the high school entrance exam and entering high school at the age of ten with the highest grade in the city! She took the college entrance exam for two years in high school and went to college at the age of twelve. After graduating from the best university in Z Country, she was just sixteen years old!

At this time, she was not only a child prodigy, she was also referred to as the proud daughter of heaven!

Surprisingly, she did not continue to get a higher degree after graduation. Instead, she started to do business!

Because he is still under age, he is the legal representative in the name of his father and has registered and established Wengdie Enterprise Consulting Management Co., Ltd.

From the beginning to the end, this so-called company only had an office of less than a hundred square meters. Weng Die led a dozen university students who had just graduated to create a miracle with a production value of 10 million yuan in two years.

This made her the focus of attention once again, and she was called the number one female elite in the business world.

In that year's earthquake in West Sichuan Province, Weng Die had actually dissolved the company that was at its peak and donated all of her family property to the disaster area. This made more people know her and firmly remember her name in their hearts.

Some elderly people said that she was reincarnated as a Bodhisattva! This was a bit exaggerated, but it also proved how influential she was!

Afterwards, she gave up business and joined the entertainment industry!

She had just made a movie in her first year and had actually won nominations for many movie awards. Since then, she had become a celebrity in the entertainment industry. Before the apocalypse, she had already become a household name of the heavenly king superstar.

Her figure used to appear in all sorts of places.

Newspapers, fashion magazines, movies, TV, Internet, bus ads, big screens in the city center and so on!

In the country of Z, you may not know who the neighbors next door live; You may not know the surname of the sweeper in the company; You may not even know the exact names of your parents-in-law!

But you can't say that you don't know who Weng Die is!

That would be considered ignorant and ridiculed; Be regarded as a quirk of character and excluded; They were considered to be isolated from the public and despised!

Qin An could be considered a fan of Weng Die. Although he was still not at the level of a retarded fan or a super fan, it did not mean that he would not search Baidu for Weng Die's name, pay attention to her, and remember all her information.

At this moment, such a figure actually appeared in Qin An's line of sight. How could he not be shocked?

Moreover, it was midnight. This place was a barren mountain. Why was Weng Die here?

Qin An was really confused.

Weng Die had already expected Qin An's reaction. She knew very well how famous she was.

However, her expression was still filled with doubt as she said, "Can you really see me?"

Qin An subconsciously replied, "Didn't you also see me?"

Weng Die said, "There are no trees there, and the moonlight is abundant tonight. It's normal for me to see you! And there are big trees near me. I'm blocked by the shadows of trees. This place must be dark! If you can really see me, it means you can already see at night! I didn't know that mutants have the ability to see at night!"

Qin Anxin said, "Weng Die is indeed smart!"

In fact, people are always affected by subjective consciousness.

If Qin An did not know Weng Die's identity, he would disdain her.

But now that Qin An knew that this mysterious woman was his idol before the apocalypse, his attitude towards her would naturally change.

Weng Die's eyes had never left Qin An's face. Unfortunately, Qin An's face was covered with scars, making it impossible for Weng Die to see his expression.

As for Qin An's ugly face because of the wounds, Weng Die also revealed a somewhat disgusted expression when she saw it.

This was not to say how arrogant she was, it was just a morbid state of her.

As a woman with a high IQ, Weng Die's way of thinking and handling things was naturally different from ordinary people.

She was a perfectionist and liked all the perfect things in the world, so Qin An's current appearance was naturally too imperfect for her.

She is a psychotic person. The so-called psychotic is when she sees something she doesn't like, she will feel a sense of vomiting, so she rarely comes into contact with things she doesn't like.

What this woman disliked the most was men.

This was not to say that there was something wrong with her orientation. On the contrary, she longed for love and hoped to obtain it. However, her standards seemed to be a little high.

How high? It was that she felt that all men were not worthy of her.

If she was communicating normally, Weng Die could still endure it. Even if the other party was uglier, she could still control herself.

But now, on the barren mountain, there were only a few men and a few women. This made Qin An's influence on her infinitely greater, and in her eyes, Qin An was too ugly. That was why she revealed a somewhat disgusted expression.

When Qin An saw this kind of gaze, he felt a little inferior in his heart.

This was the first time he realized that the time he had disfigured was not good!

This was not to say that he had already fallen in love with Weng Die, but the appearance of her idol in the past should leave a good impression on her, no matter who it was, right?

Seeing that Qin An hadn't said anything, Weng Die took the initiative to say, "You've already seen me! Shouldn't you be leaving now? Or are you a person who doesn't keep his word?"

Qin An really didn't want to leave. He thought for a moment and asked, "Of course I keep my word! But isn't it safe for a single woman like you to be here? We have a small team over there. Why don't you join us?"

Weng Die shook her head and said, "Since I'm here at such a time, there's naturally a reason why I'm here, so you don't have to worry about me! Hurry up and leave!"

Her tone was very gentle, as if she was afraid that Qin An would go back on his word.

Qin An was very helpless. Now, he no longer had a temper.

That's right, he didn't have any interactions with this woman before the apocalypse, and naturally, he doesn't have any interactions with this woman now! He was a high and mighty swan, and he wasn't even a toad. Of course, this was before the apocalypse. After the apocalypse, Qin An felt that he could pull the swan down from the sky in terms of behavior. However, he felt that he was still not even a toad, at most ten little ants.

They only met on this desolate mountain, and once they separated, there would be no future.

Although he was honored to see his idol before the end of his life, it was only a feeling.

He did not have that kind of love, nor did he think that he would get a beautiful woman if he saw her.

Of course, as a man, if anything could happen to a woman like Weng Die, no man would refuse.

Qin An's mood changed a little, but in the end, he decided to leave.

Even though the meeting with Weng Die was a bit strange, her matter really had nothing to do with him.

In the apocalypse, people should live around themselves! He had lived in the apocalypse for more than a year, and Weng Die had spent the same amount of time in the apocalypse.

He felt that he had changed. It was no longer the little security guard who had behaved honestly back then.

Then who could guarantee that Weng Die's beautiful appearance was not hiding the heart of a devil?

Thinking of this, Qin An no longer hesitated.

She whistled to Weng Die and pretended to be carefree, "Alright, I'll fulfill my promise. Let's go now! You can do it yourself!"

After saying that, Qin An tried his best to put on a smile on his face, wanting to leave a good impression on Weng Die.

However, his face was covered in scars, and this smile was a bit terrifying.

Weng Die frowned.

Qin An was disappointed after seeing this, and then he turned around and left.

As he walked more than a hundred meters away, he heard Weng Die whisper, "Ugly man! Too ugly!"

Qin An's heart froze as anger surged out!

Weng Die actually scolded him behind his back! This made him never think of it! He really wanted to immediately turn around and lay Weng Die on the ground and ruthlessly ravage her. He wanted to taste what a superstar was like!

In the end, his rationality triumphed over anger and desire. Looking at it, Qin An was so angry that he naturally muttered to himself, "Smelly woman, rotten bastard!"

After saying that, he felt much happier in his heart.

He continued to walk forward. When he walked three to four hundred meters, suddenly, a burst of footsteps sounded from the place where he had first left Weng Die!

Qin An was slightly stunned. He knew that the footsteps weren't Weng Die's. Weng Die was still standing there without moving.

Qin An concentrated his energy and locked onto the place where the footsteps were coming from. In the end, he actually heard a low zombie howl!

Moreover, this zombie's roar was very familiar. Could it be the D2 skull zombie from earlier?

Thinking of this, Qin An immediately turned around and ran towards Weng Die, because he discovered that the zombie was less than thirty meters away from where Weng Die stood!


Weng Die confirmed that Qin An had left and let out a long sigh.

What bad luck! He actually met someone!

More than a year after the apocalypse, she suddenly felt that she was tired from living!

Just a little bit more of her plan will come true! At that time, she would be able to leave this place that made her afraid, sad, and filled with resentment!

Weng Die turned around and wanted to leave.

She didn't know if the ugly man would come back just now, so she had to go home.

Right at this moment, a sound came from behind him.

Weng Die's body trembled. She quickly turned around and used the moonlight to see that the ugly man who had just left had actually returned! Moreover, he had already arrived beside her!

Weng Die's face turned pale, because she had already put away her pistol. Facing a mutant, she was completely powerless to resist with her bare hands!

Qin An arrived beside Weng Die and didn't have time to say anything, because the D2 skull zombie was already standing beside a tree seven or eight meters away from them!

In other words, it had already discovered them.

Qin An hugged Weng Die horizontally in his arms and quickly ran in the opposite direction of the D2 skull zombie.

Weng Die did not know about the appearance of the D2 skull zombie. She only knew that this matter was being tightly hugged by that annoying ugly man!

In Qin An's arms, she stretched out her hand angrily and slapped Qin An in the face, shouting, "You hooligan! Let go of me!"

Qin An did not expect Weng Die to hit him!

Although it didn't hurt very much, it was related to a man's dignity!

He was trying to save her! This woman actually hit him in the face without asking!

Qin An gritted his lips with his teeth and thought to himself, "Smelly woman!" I'll find a deserted place later and see how I deal with you!

As he thought about it, he didn't stop running. He quickly ran into the distance and threw away the D2 skull zombie.

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