Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 415 An Unscrupulous Qin An

Chapter 415 An Unscrupulous Qin An

Cao Tian said, "You know what to ask! The three of us are one. Don't you know what I'm thinking?"

"People don't want to lose themselves! Even though I'm infatuated with the perfection of the Three Bodies, I still want to leave behind a self in this world!" Liu Rui smiled. "That's why I hope that we can communicate with each other through language when we're not in sync."

Sun Zhang laughed loudly, "Liu Rui, you really are a literary youth!"

Cao Tian also smiled and said,

Although the city gates of Ruyan City are very strong, it is not impossible to destroy them! But even if we destroy its outer city gates, we will still be unable to enter the city! Because there is a 30-meter-wide hollow zone between the inner and outer cities!

If they set up machine guns at the inner city gates, we would be their targets if we concentrated on rushing in! However, the enemy could not suffer any damage at all!

The siege required that the number of people on the siege side should be several times the number of people on the defending side!

We can't lose too many people before we enter the city! Otherwise, they wouldn't be able to defeat them in the city!

That's why I'm willing to form an alliance with the mysterious woman in Wanguo City! With them scattering the city guards to the west of Smoke City, the pressure on us will be much less!

The answer to the specific question of how to take down Ruyan City was very simple!

Sending out small forces to harass the enemy, deplete their guns, then blow open the city gates, build a river staircase between the inner and outer city gates, and finally attack the city. We can naturally win, and then get the person we want!

During this period of time, Wangyou City has been able to freely enter and exit the Doomsday Land. The amount of weapons and ammunition we have gathered is more than ten times that of Ruyan City! Therefore, the enemy's lack of guns and ammunition was their weakness!

"When this weakness is infinitely enlarged and they can no longer fire a single bullet, it will be the best time for us to launch a general attack!"

Liu Rui smiled and nodded, "This plan is very fast! After obtaining the person we want, we can leave the Doomsday Land. When that time comes, the world will be so big that it will all belong to you and me, right?"

Sun Zhang teased, "Liu Rui, don't you miss your Liu Ruyan anymore?"

Liu Rui's expression darkened when he mentioned Liu Ruyan. He said, "Ah! We have already lost the tools to inherit our family and are no longer men! What can we do if we think of her? I only hope that we will never see each other again, and that she can find her true love in this apocalyptic world!"

Sun Zhang said helplessly, "You're really a sweetheart!"

Cao Tian said disdainfully, "What's the use of a woman? Hmph, what can attract us more than obtaining him? No matter what, I can't wait anymore, can't you?"

Sun Zhang and Liu Rui immediately had excited expressions on their faces as they looked at Cao Tian and said, "Naturally, they can't wait!"

Just like that, the three of them worked out a plan to attack the city. They organized a team of 100 people to go to the north wall of Dongcheng City and began to harass and attack, attracting the firepower of Ruyan City.

Ruyan City wasn't an idiot. When the enemy attacked, they found that there were very few people on the other side, so they didn't want to waste too many bullets.

However, Wangyou City had prepared another thousand men as backup. When he discovered that the defense was weak and the firepower wasn't fierce, he immediately made a gesture of wanting to attack with all his might. He wildly opened fire on the city walls below, and erected fire stairs and self-made wooden siege stairs to climb up. Climbing to a certain position, he threw gasoline, ammunition, and other throwing weapons at the city, triggering Smoke City to suppress the attackers beneath the city walls with firepower!

This was a close battle!

Ruyan City was protected by a 50-meter-tall wall, while Wangyou City was protected by a dozen or so guard towers built not far from the city. They were used as firepower to coordinate with the feint attacks of the ground troops.

For a moment, gunshots continued to shoot in the direction of Dongcheng, and the tug-of-war between the attacking and defending sides quietly started!


In a trance, Qin An was awakened by the sound of gunfire and found a girl in a red dress carrying a bowl into his bedroom.

Li Na!

Qin An's heart slightly warmed up. Ever since he entered the Doomsday Land, his communication with Li Na had been very little, because there was no time at all!

Why should I be so tired? Sometimes, Qin An really didn't care about anything, just bring the people related to him back to Qin City!

Unfortunately, he could not do so, because he had already cared too much about it.

People needed to have their own standpoints and responsibilities at a certain time, and what Qin An was facing now was these two words, making it impossible for him to let go of all the poor people in Smoke West City!

The lies of the apocalyptic spirit child had already spread. If he left, wouldn't he be a complete villain? Then his life value would be denied by him!

"Has the enemy sieged the city?"

Qin An asked softly.

Li Na put the bowl on the table and said, "It's Dongcheng who started fighting!" The people of Wanguo City outside our city are not moving at all. They are very quiet! You were woken up by the gunshots, weren't you? It's noon now. You've just slept for about four hours! But just then, get up and have some porridge and continue sleeping! "Don't worry, Sister Xiao Mei and the others have already gone to the city wall to take a look. They said that they don't want to call you. They want you to sleep a little longer!"

Qin An nodded, looked at Li Na and smiled, "Sister Xiao Mei? When did you become so familiar with them?"

Li Na curled her lips and said, "They are all very good people, and they took the initiative to talk to me. Naturally, I am familiar with them! Hmph, you can still laugh, but the enemies have already attacked the city! Although they attacked Dongcheng, Dongcheng and Xicheng are one, aren't you worried at all?"

Qin An smiled bitterly. How could he not be worried? There were too many things in his heart that he could not let go, so he could only choose to be at ease and comfort himself!

Just as he was sleeping, he dreamed of the dead Su Zhenmei, which made him realize a very serious problem!

He was still not strong enough! With his current strength, he was still unable to defeat the Three Bodies, so how could he avenge Su Zhenmei? Also, was this strange weather controlled by the Lord of Wanguo City? In fact, Qin An already had an answer in his heart. Eight out of ten should be her!

Qin An heard many rumors about the Lord of Wanguo City.

Back then, Wanguo City had nine commanders and dozens of other mutants. However, after the appearance of the Lord of Wanguo City, he had conquered them on his own and became the master of Wanguo City. What kind of strength did he need to have to accomplish this? It was simply unimaginable!

At this time, Li Na picked up the porridge from the table and delivered it to Qin An. Qin An drank the porridge spoonful by spoonful. During this time, he did not say a word, but was thinking about something.

A few minutes later, Qin An finished his porridge, returned the bowl to Li Na, and jumped directly from the bed to the ground.

"Little An, although you look like a child now, your real age is already an old man! Can you be a little reserved in front of me? You should at least wear a pair of trousers, right?" Li Na frowned as she looked at the little brat wearing only a pair of shorts.

Qin An chuckled and said to Li Na, "Do you have any clothes?"

Li Na nodded and pointed to the wardrobe beside her. "Qin Hui sent someone to deliver some clothes to him just now, and I also asked him to prepare some clothes for adults! Qin Hui also wondered why I was using them. I told Liu Xia's family to wear them. I was thinking that you might sometimes change back to the attitude of an adult, right? You can't be so small all the time. It feels strange!"

Qin An said, "You are really smart!"

After he finished speaking, he ran to the wardrobe and took out a set of children's clothes to put on. Afterwards, he took out another set of adults' clothes and put it in his hand.

After thinking for a while, Qin An returned to the bedside. There was Guo Xiaomei's backpack, and the backpack was filled with space pockets.

Qin An stuffed all the clothes of the adults into his space pocket and carried his backpack behind him.

At this moment, Liu Ru walked in from outside the door. Seeing Li Na smiling at her, she said to Qin An, "The enemies of Dongcheng have begun to attack. Did the gunfire wake you up?"

Qin An nodded his head and said, "Yes, but I'm already asleep."

Liu Ru said, "Then what are you going to do now? Are you going to Dongcheng to check the situation?"

Qin An shook his head and said, "There are fourteen mutants in Dongcheng now! I don't think Wang Han needs me to tell him what to do!"

With that, Qin An opened his short legs and walked out of the door.

Liu Ru said, "Then what are you going to do?"

Qin An was speechless. Why was this woman so stupid?

Qin An, who had already walked to the door, did not turn around and said, "These past few days have been too tiring and hard! I plan to give myself a holiday and find a beauty to meet!"

After saying that, Qin An quickly ran forward and disappeared in front of Li Na and Liu Ru.

Li Na was slightly stunned. She had traveled more than ten years ago and did not understand the meaning of the word "date".

Liu Ru's face turned red. She was a genuine modern person. Before the apocalypse, her mobile phone had been loaded with Mo Mo, WeChat, and other dating software. Naturally, she knew about the existence of this "date bubble" divine artifact, so she could understand what "date" meant!

Now in the city, if it was a beauty, besides her, Liu Ru, it could only be Liu Xia, who often flirted with Qin An!

This unscrupulous little bastard actually had the mood to meet a beauty at such a time? Can his little brother use it?

Thinking of such a question, Liu Ru's face turned even redder!

Pei pei pei! When did she become so vulgar? In the past, she was definitely not like this. Why did everything seem to become evil and filled with a faint yellow color when it came to Little An?

In another house in the camp, Liu Xia had just finished feeding her broken leg's father porridge.

At this moment, Liu Jianguo was much more haggard. He had broken both his legs, but he was still alive. He didn't know if this could be considered lucky or unlucky.

After comforting Liu Jianguo for a while, Liu Xia left the room, took the bowls to the kitchen, and returned to her bedroom.

She was not in a good mood, one reason was because of her injured father, the other reason was because of Qin An.

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