Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 447 Shocking Secret

Chapter 447 Shocking Secret

Wang Cheng's two avatars looked exactly the same as his main body. The only difference was that his avatar didn't wear any clothes.

After failing to ambush Qin An, the two avatars actually fell to the ground and died. Afterwards, their bodies quickly rotted into blood, leaving behind a pungent smell of decay in the air.

Li Ying had already retreated more than ten meters away from Qin An. Su Ya and Wang Cheng dodged in front of Li Ying.

Qin An's ability to attack with three phantom images was too unimaginable, causing her and Wang Chengdu to be shocked.

Wang Cheng cautiously looked at Li Ying and said, "Darling, is this brat hiding an alien being like you? Didn't you say that your Sword God told you that you might have the ability to devour other Sword Gods? I don't know how to devour him, so why don't I kill him first? Are you trying to eat his flesh?"

Li Ying did not answer Wang Cheng's question, but continued to Qin An,

"Qin An, let me be clear with you, I am not your wife! Not from the beginning!

The woman who met you in the talent market and got married for several years was not me! It was another person. Her name was Weng Lan!

The reason why Weng Die named that city Shan Lan, I think, is because she missed Weng Lan.

And Weng Lan also has great kindness towards me. Considering that you are her man, I can let you off today. Only today!

The reason I told you her name is because I hope you can remember it. Even if you never see each other again, even if you die today, you must remember her because she really loves you!

Alright, that's all!

"I can not make a move today, but now that my man wants to kill you, I won't stop him, so you should focus on how to deal with Wang Yi!"

At this time, Qin An's paralysis has been removed, and Li Ying really doesn't interfere as she said.

However, Li Ying's words had almost stopped Qin An's breathing.

Weng Lan?

He had never heard of this name before! Li Ying actually said that the wife she married after falling in love with was called Weng Lan. What was going on?

Could it be that the woman called Weng Lan looked exactly the same as Li Ying? But if such a woman called Weng Lan really existed and lived with her for a long time, why would she say that her name was Li Ying?


What else did Li Ying say just now? Let me focus on dealing with Wang Yi instead of Wang Cheng? Who the fuck was Wang Yi?

Qin An felt that his heart was about to stop beating.

Wang Cheng's expression changed when he heard Li Ying say "Wang Yi". He sighed and said to Qin An fiercely, "Kid!" Since Li Ying has already told you my name, then I will let you die! I'm actually not Wang Cheng! My real name is Wang Yi, Wang Cheng's twin brother! And my wife is not your wife! Haha, you would never have imagined that Li Ying and Weng Lan are actually twin sisters! "

When the black-clothed man who claimed to be Wang Yi said this, Li Ying frowned and said, "Stop! I promised Weng Lan that I wouldn't tell him the truth, so I definitely won't! Furthermore, Weng Lan and I aren't sisters. Weng Die is her sister, and I'm just a pitiful bug abandoned by this world!"

At this moment, Qin An felt a thunderous sensation. His body was paralyzed again. This time, it was not because Li Ying had activated his control over him. It was just because he was too shocked. His mind had exploded and he could no longer use it. If the man called Wang Yi attacked him at this time, he might not even have the intention to dodge.

Li Ying... No! Was it his wife who had a twin sister? How come he never knew? And Wang Cheng actually had a twin brother? What the fuck is going on?

Qin An's eyes widened as he carefully looked at Wang Yi and discovered that there was indeed a slight difference between his growth and Wang Yi's.

He had a deeper facial features than Wang Cheng, so he should be a little more handsome in general.

After Wang Yi was stopped by Li Ying, he was a little unhappy and said,

"Alright! Then I'll try not to talk about Weng Die.

But now, Qin An, let me tell you some secrets that you don't know.

Wang Cheng and I were kidnapped and sold by human traffickers when we were very young!

I was sold to a mountain, but my younger brother was sold to another place! That separated us brothers.

Afterwards, I escaped from the house of the man who bought me and ended up in an orphanage.

Li Ying and I met in the orphanage, so I warn you again to remember that Li Ying is not your woman, but mine!

After growing up, one day, I actually reunited with my younger brother, Wang Cheng, on the streets of Hanghai City!

Can you imagine how happy I was when my long-lost brothers recognized each other?

Chatting with my younger brother and knowing that he is living a good life, very satisfied with his own life, let me feel gratified.

Before that, I didn't have anything to do with you until Weng Lan appeared and asked Li Ying to pretend to be your wife.

Weng Lan … In short, Weng Lan had some things that she needed to leave Hangzhou City to deal with.

Therefore, in the two to three years before the apocalypse, Weng Lan was not by your side, and when she left, your wife became Li Ying.


At that time, Li Ying was always avoiding you at home, but you always wanted to get close to her!

Li Ying is afraid that you will recognize her as not Weng Lan, so she pretends to hate you very much. Moreover, the moment you get close to her, she will pretend to cry bitterly and then hide in the room!

They are identical twins. They were originally carved in the same mold, so under Li Ying's deliberate imitation and estrangement, you actually didn't realize that she wasn't Weng Lan.

I have never seen you in person, but sometimes I secretly run to your home to meet Li Ying while you are away and live a married life.

All of this was done very secretly, but it was discovered later.

What's that woman's name again? ... Yes! His name is Tang Yu, the woman my younger brother Wang Cheng likes. He even joined her company as a security guard.

That woman called Tang Yu is really abnormal. She actually installed a camera in your home and recorded all the things that Li Ying and I did in bed.

Tang Yu doesn't know the existence of Li Ying and me. She thought that my younger brother Wang Cheng and your wife Weng Lan were having an affair. It really makes me feel funny, angry, and worried.

Fortunately, Tang Yu did not mention this matter to you. Otherwise, it would have been exposed long ago. "

After mentioning the past, Wang Yi regained his spirits. He swallowed a mouthful of saliva and continued,

"Wang Cheng even showed me the video. Hehe … Qin An, I heard from Li Ying that Weng Lan also had a small hemorrhoid on her butt? They are really twins. Even hemorrhoids on her butt are the same. When I told Wang Cheng about this, this kid still didn't believe me, haha!"

At this point, Wang Yi seemed to be in a good mood, and he actually gave Li Ying a few charming glances.

Li Ying frowned dejectedly and said, "Why do you say such a thing? We have indeed grown up, but mine is on the right and hers is on the left! Ah, this is the only difference between us. Perhaps it is because of this difference that we have a completely different fate."

At this point, Li Ying's expression turned bad. It seemed that her experience was really rough, and once she recalled it, it would make her sad.

Wang Yi's narration also brought back her memories, so she spoke on Wang Yi's behalf,

"Since you have said so much, then there is no harm in letting you know some things, lest you misunderstand Weng Lan all the time. If that is the case, she would be wronged.

One or two zombies would occasionally appear a month before the apocalypse erupted. Hanghai City began to be in chaos, apocalyptic rumors spread everywhere, and robberies would occur every day.

I felt more and more afraid of being lonely and didn't dare to talk to you, so I decided to look for Wang Yi. At that time, Wang Yi was away on a business trip and couldn't come back.

I called Weng Lan to tell her about the idea of leaving, but Weng Lan was unable to return to Hangzhou City because of her own matters, and she felt that she might not be able to return in her lifetime.

So, she agreed to let me go, just hope that when I leave, can let you despair, let you forget her start a new life.

You must be very impressed with Cheng Gang, right? It's your neighbor Qin Xiaoyan's immediate superior. Half a year ago, when the apocalypse broke out, Qin Xiaoyan introduced us to each other, and Cheng Gang has been chasing me ever since.

I hate that man. He's so arrogant. I don't know how high and mighty he is.

However, in order to make you despair of your Weng Lan, I pretended to make friends with Cheng Gang when I was about to leave, and then leaked the news to you. I left Hanghai City with him, and it was considered an elopement. Actually, I wanted to go to the city where Wang Yi was on a business trip to find him!

Unfortunately, not long after we left the city, the apocalypse truly arrived. A large number of zombies appeared!

After fleeing for my life with Cheng Gang, I ended up in Wanguo City... "

At this point, Li Ying's voice trembled slightly. She remembered all the insults she had suffered.

At this moment, Qin An's mouth was so open that he could stuff a ten kilogram shot put into it.

Is this fucking fantasy?

The turn of events had already frightened him so much that he was unable to express his feelings in words.

After being stunned for a while, Qin An closed his mouth and asked, "What are you talking about?" Why can't I understand? Li Ying, you said you weren't my wife, but you were by my side for two to three years before the apocalypse erupted? How was this possible? Perhaps because of your appearance, deliberately imitating and avoiding you made it impossible for me to distinguish you for a while, but we slept in the same bed for two or three years! I'm not that fucking stupid. When we were doing our husband-and-wife thing, couldn't I tell that you weren't you? Weng Lan? How could there be such a woman? I don't believe it! "

At the end, Qin An almost roared! He had already been stimulated to the point of going crazy!

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