6 Times a Day

Chapter 468 Are You Saying I Shouldn't Suck His Cock On A Sunday? [DD SPONSORED]

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An hour had passed since Brenda's arrival, enough time for Susan to return home from Sunday services. Still dressed very conservatively in her church clothes, Susan heard Brenda's screaming from inside the garage once she'd finished parking the car and turned off the engine. Katherine and Amy were in the car too, so she shouted to them, "Stay here!" Then she rushed through a door that led from the back of the garage to the backyard. She sprinted across her lawn, through the gate, and across Suzanne's lawn to the source of the screaming.

Susan reacted as though she was responding to someone who had been badly hurt, even though she was more than half convinced the screaming was of an erotic nature. But the cries were so pained, frantic, and insistent that she had to be sure. As she got nearer, she saw to her chagrin that the cause of the screaming was entirely sexual.

She slowed her pace, which allowed her to approach unnoticed because the others were focused on Brenda's many orgasms and Suzanne's on-going blowjob. She came to a halt only a few feet away from them and put her hands on her hips in a huffy posture. Frowning, she complained loudly, "I should have figured."

Brenda, Alan, and Suzanne were all shocked, especially because the voice came from so nearby. Suzanne reacted by pulling her tightly sucking lips off Alan's boner. Alan simply released Brenda's nipples.

The three of them frantically looked around to find the source of the voice. Brenda even sat upright and tried to cover her privates, while Suzanne stood up.

Susan stared at each of them, one by one. She was fuming with anger. "Brenda! What are YOU doing here?! And why are you screaming loud enough to be heard in L.A.?"

Suzanne quickly shifted into damage control mode. Wiping the cum and saliva off her chin, she said, "Come on, Susan. The neighbors can't hear. My backyard is gigantic; you know that."

"Well, I heard it all the way from inside my car in my garage! It was faint, but it was sure distinctive, like a wounded animal. Would someone please tell me just what the heck is going on here? It looks like you're having a mini-orgy!"

Alan also tried to help with the damage control. "Mom, I know it looks that way, but it really isn't. We were just talking. But the sun got to us and we decided to put some suntan lotion on. And, well..."

Susan said sarcastically, "Let me guess: you ran out of lotion, and the one spot still uncovered was your penis, so Suzanne helpfully covered it with her mouth!"

Suzanne found that quite funny, especially coming from Susan, and she couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Susan turned her wrath on her best friend. "YOU! What's so funny?! I can't even leave home for an hour without all this, this ... debauchery happening!"

Suzanne decided that this time she would brave Susan's wrath, which was always a risky decision. "Get real, Susan. Are you forgetting all the things you did to Alan's penis yesterday alone? And I explicitly told you this morning before church that I might play with him a little bit! Don't you remember that? 'Let she who is free of cocksucking cast the first stone.'"

pαпdα-ňᴏνê|·сóМ Suzanne had been doing a good job defending herself, up until she made that last comment. Susan went from angry to livid. "How DARE YOU mock Scripture like that! I know that... Well, I've done some things... Heck, I've done a lot of things! But I haven't done them during God's time! This is God's time!"

Suzanne still braved disaster. "Susan, you're not in church anymore."

"I know. But I just got home! I literally just got out of the car!" She sniffed the air disapprovingly. "And you've made even the great outdoors smell like a whorehouse!"

Brenda blanched at that, knowing that most of the pussy smell was due to her own very leaky slit.

But Suzanne seemed unfazed. "Fine. You should have gotten out of the car and gone into your house. If you had stopped and listened for a few minutes, you would have realized that those were erotic screams. What's happening here has nothing to do with you and your religious activities."

Susan lowered her voice, although she was still simmering with anger (which was evident by her aggressive stance, with her hands on her hips). "It has everything to do with me! How can I contemplate the mercy of the Lord at all now, after hearing screams like that? Someone could have been hurt, so I had to come running! I'm all frazzled now. Frazzled and shocked and appalled. And YOU! Brenda!"

Up to that point, Brenda had been trying to lay low and avoid Susan's gaze. She'd done her best to curl up and cover her privates (although her hands couldn't do much to cover her vast expanse of tit-flesh). She was grateful that Suzanne was taking the brunt of Susan's anger, so she shuddered when she heard Susan call her name.

Fortunately, Suzanne cut in. "Susan, lay off her! Whatever she was doing, it's my fault. I arranged it! Brenda just came over to have a nice chat with me. I was the one who insisted we take off all our clothes, and all the rest. You see that pitcher on the table there? That contains rum. Brenda is more than a little tipsy, and that's my doing too."

Susan huffed, "Well... I... never! Drinking demon alcohol during the Lord's time, on a Sunday morning! Not to mention what you were doing to... to... his penis!" She pointed accusingly at Alan's crotch.

Alan had reacted much like Brenda, kneeling down behind the lounge chair and trying to make himself inconspicuous. His penis had gone flaccid, and he was covering it with his hands for good measure. Also like Brenda, he was grateful to be ignored for a while, and upset to be called out.

He felt frustrated, because he felt he needed to act authoritatively in front of Brenda in order to maintain his dominant persona for her. It was vital to maintain his reputation since she knew the incest secret. But at the same time, he'd had a lifetime to deferring to his mother, especially in the very rare times she got in a truly angry mood. He wanted to say or do something decisive, but he didn't know what.

Suzanne continued to run interference, bravely defying Susan's anger, even though she knew that sometimes Susan could fly into a "mama grizzly bear" mode that was frightening to behold. She was fighting hard to deflate Susan's arguments before Susan reached that level of indignation. "Are you saying I shouldn't suck his cock on a Sunday?"

"Yes! That's exactly what I'm saying!"

"So, let's get this straight. That means you're not going to suck or otherwise touch his cock in any way for the rest of the day, as well as every Sunday from now on? Interesting."

Susan turned away in embarrassment. She said in a more contrite voice, "I didn't say that, exactly. You know I don't mean that..."

"Furthermore, you didn't do anything to his cock last Sunday?"

"Um..." Susan blushed, because she did a quick mental check and remembered that she had sucked her son's cock the prior Sunday evening.

"Well then, how can you get so upset with me? Especially since I TOLD YOU it was likely I'd have fun with him while you were gone. You didn't tell me then not to do anything!"

Susan tried to regain the offensive. "I know, but I said 'If you must,' like if there was an emergency. It's one thing to do it on God's day, like, in the evening. It's another thing to do it while some people are still at church. I really frown on, on... all of this!" She waved her hand dramatically in their general direction.

Suzanne was mindful that Susan had given permission for Brenda to see Alan's penis "in all its fully erect glory" and let Brenda "have a couple of nice orgasms too," to use Susan's own words, and that was more or less exactly what had happened. Suzanne longed to mention that immediately, but she felt she couldn't since Brenda was listening to every word. She wanted Brenda to think that everything that had happened had been completely spontaneous.

But that made Suzanne feel that she was definitely in the right, which in turn emboldened her to take a stronger stand. "Susan, don't you dare get all 'holier than thou' on me! You're just as 'bad' as me and you know it! Tell me this: if you're sitting around in your backyard with Alan, and he starts to get a hard-on - and I do mean a raging, throbbing, painfully stiff boner - would you just sit there acting all religious and high and mighty and do nothing about it? Even if it's not long after church? Isn't that the textbook definition of an emergency?!"

Susan looked uncertain. "Well... that's hard to say... Would it be... really painful for him?"

"Oh, you know it. Serious blue balls. But you know that painful state isn't uncommon for him, what with the rate he's producing fresh sperm these days." Actually, she was just making that up, knowing it was the kind of thing Susan would fall for.

Susan bit her lip. "I know. It's a terrible affliction! If that's the case, I wouldn't be able to just stand by and watch him suffer. I'd have to help!"

Suzanne prodded, "And you'd help with your hands, right? And your lips, maybe? Your tongue? Could you see yourself perhaps fondling his balls with one hand, stroking the root of his shaft with your other, and bobbing up and down on the rest?"

Susan blushed. "That's, uh... That's how it's generally done, yes... After all, it's so hard to get him to cum. You have to go all out." The fire and anger had left her voice, and she sounded downright defeated. She realized Suzanne had bested her.

Suzanne delivered the final blow. "Then what's the difference between that and what I was just doing? Alan came out here and saw Brenda and me both buck naked. You know how alluring we look, and how stiff he gets. How could I not help him out? I tried to merely jack him off most of the time-"

Brenda chimed in, now that Susan wasn't so scary. "It's true. She did stroke him a lot." She felt very uncomfortable about the whole situation and didn't know what to say, but she wanted to at least help verify the truth.please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

Suzanne continued, "But you know how he is. If I only used my hands, I'd still be here fondling his cock until it gets dark. Remember his need to cum many times a day. Does that stop on Sunday? No! It never stops, and don't you forget it!"

Susan frowned miserably. "There is that..."

Alan had wanted to say something and not have Suzanne fight his battles for him. But Suzanne had been on a defiant and impassioned roll, and he didn't have much of a chance to butt in. With Susan at a loss for words, Alan finally saw his chance. He said, "Mom, can I speak to you for a moment in private?"

Susan reluctantly replied, "I suppose."

He took his mother about ten feet away. He put his hands on her shoulders and spoke to her in a low voice, heedless of the fact that his flaccid dick was in the open. "Mom, look. I understand how you got upset. But in addition to what Suzanne said, remember that Brenda knows our secret, the incest secret. Protecting the family comes first. How is your little tirade helping her join our group so our secret can stay secret forever?"

Susan thought that was a rhetorical question, but the long silence made clear that it wasn't. Subdued and sheepish, she quietly replied, "It's not."

"No, it's not. Remember that while you know I still put my pants on one leg at a time, Brenda has this elevated image of me as a super dominant kind of guy. It will help ease her into our group if that can be maintained as long as possible."

Susan nodded grimly. "I get it. Don't worry, I know what to do."

She walked back to the others, with Alan trailing slightly behind her. Then she spoke in Brenda's direction with her head hung down. "I'm sorry. I have to apologize. I misunderstood the situation, but my wonderful, manly son set me straight. I was way out of line with my prudish notions and in fact I deserve to be punished. So please, carry on. Don't mind me."

Suzanne was secretly chagrined, since she'd done most of the work getting Susan's attitude changed, yet Alan seemed to sweep in at the last minute and get all the credit. But she understood even though she hadn't been able to hear what Alan and Susan quietly discussed, she correctly guessed the gist, that it was important that Brenda's idea of Alan being a natural master type was reinforced in her mind.

Thus, she swallowed her pride, and said, "Thank you, Sweetie, for setting her straight."

Brenda was duly impressed. She hadn't really thought about the fact that Alan was staying quiet, but it was a discordant note for her on some level. Seeing and hearing him take charge of the situation was highly reassuring for her. She was so predisposed to adore Alan and his authority that she mentally gave him all the credit for changing Susan's mind, with only a small assist to Suzanne.

Susan waved her hands impatiently, mainly in Suzanne's direction. "What are you waiting for? Please, resume! If you don't, I'll feel bad. Not to mention, I'll probably face a well-deserved spanking."

That wasn't even on Alan's radar screen, and Susan knew that. But she was hamming it up for Brenda's benefit. She already had a rough idea that Brenda had a special love for getting spanked.

Sure enough, that spanking comment hit home for Brenda. Her arousal soared.

Alan would have liked to continue the sexual fun, but his penis had gone completely flaccid due to Susan's surprise interruption. He worried that he could make a bad impression on Brenda if he couldn't quickly get erect again.

So he said, "That's okay. Thanks for all the help, Aunt Suzy. At this point, my dick is like a turtle that went into its shell to hide. It won't be coming out again to play anytime soon."

Suzanne griped at Susan, "There! Are you happy? Look what you did. If he fails to reach his target today, we'll know the reason why."

Susan was sheepish, exaggerating her feelings a bit for Brenda's sake. "I'm sorry. I guess I blew it. Tiger, how could I make it up to you?"

He wiggled his eyes suggestively, "I've got some ideas for later, believe me. But I'm feeling pretty sexually satisfied right now anyway. I don't need to cum every time. That allows me to have more fun throughout the day. Why don't we all get dressed and go inside?"

Susan nodded. "Good idea. I can serve some drinks and we can have a nice chat."

So Suzanne took them into her house, since it was nearest. Everyone also got fully dressed again.

Alan quickly excused himself and went back to his own house next door. He figured that it was better if Brenda only saw him in sexual situations.

At one point, while Susan was getting drinks, Brenda urgently whispered to Suzanne, "Is Alan really going to punish her for what she did?! A spanking, even?!"

Suzanne shrugged, then quietly replied, "Who can say, except Alan? He's the man of the house. There's no telling. But... probably."

Suzanne, Susan and Brenda chatted awhile. Amy, who, like Katherine, hadn't stayed in the car very long after Susan had departed in such haste, also came home, and joined them for a while.

Brenda and Amy had never laid eyes on each other before, due to Suzanne trying to keep Amy away from sexually explicit activities like the weekly poker parties. However, they had heard a fair deal about each other. They shook hands and eyed each other carefully.

Brenda tried to be friendly. She wasn't aware that Amy had already been accepted as one of Alan's personal cocksuckers. However, she knew that Amy previously had gotten physically intimate with Alan, and that she was very close to him, almost like a second sister. So Brenda wanted to be in Amy's good graces.

Amy smiled, as she nearly always did, but Brenda detected that Amy was wary about her. And that was understandable, since Amy was protective of Alan and didn't know whether Brenda would be good for him or not.

The general mood of the group was awkward and the conversation was stilted, so Brenda made an excuse to leave as soon as she could.

All in all, despite the interruption and the disappointing ending, Suzanne was very pleased at how things had gone with Brenda. She figured that the whole encounter had been a big step on Brenda's journey towards total subservience to Alan, and also to herself. Things had gone a little wobbly with Susan's angry interruption, but luckily that situation had been saved and Alan was able to retain his sterling reputation in Brenda's eyes.

Brenda, though, felt like her world had been turned upside down. She was especially keen to talk to Suzanne about her feelings, but she felt she couldn't do that with Amy there too. Besides, she was afraid to admit to anyone else or even to herself just how powerfully Alan had affected her, and how strong her desire to submit to him had become.

She wasn't sure what to think when Susan walked her out the front door to share a brief private moment. Despite her generally miffed mood, Susan's pride in her son's sexual prowess meant she couldn't stop herself from gloating a little bit. "By the way, you know how last night on the phone I told you that Alan had eight orgasms yesterday?"


"It turns out I was wrong. Actually, it was TEN! I got him to number nine between my breasts, and to number ten in my mouth!"

Brenda had been walking down the front path with Susan, but she stopped and stared. "Are you kidding me?! That can't be!"

"It is! True, it was a record day, but who knows what the future will bring? Perhaps that'll be the usual before long!"

"But what about... didn't you say you couldn't do that since you were punishing him?"

"Ha! The joke's on me. As if I could resist! And as if I could ever punish HIM!" Susan was going to say more, such as how he'd blasted his cum all over her face towards the end of the evening, but she looked around and was reminded they were in the front yard. Nobody was even in eyesight, but she didn't feel comfortable talking about such things in a place even that exposed. So she said, "We'll talk more about it later."

Brenda was relieved to hear that. It seemed upside down to her that Susan could even think of punishing Alan. She much preferred thinking about the likelihood that Alan was going to give Susan a spanking, as Suzanne had strongly suggested.

Then Susan whispered, "Oh, and I couldn't mention this with Suzanne being right there, but last night I also found out that Amy volunteered to be one of Alan's personal cocksuckers, and of course he accepted. Anyway, see you later!"

Brenda walked alone to her Aston Martin DB7 Volante convertible after exchanging final goodbyes. Her body had calmed down after Susan's arrival, but now she was so hot and bothered all over again that her legs were shaking and her heart was thumping. God DAMN! Already, today pretty much broke the last shreds of my resistance. All I can think about now is submitting to Alan and serving his cock with my busty body. Then Susan has to go and tell me all THAT?! GOD DAMN! I want him so badly that I feel like sobbing in frustration!

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