6 Times a Day

Chapter 469 Permission To Deploy My Mouth On Brother's Cock! [DD SPONSORED]

ο»ΏDrunk Dargon Special πŸ‰ [ 9 / 10 ]


Suzanne still wanted to press her idea of taking Alan to the beach. As it had been before, her beach idea was just a cover so she could take him to a hotel and fuck him properly for the first time.

She knew that Alan would be amenable to such a beach trip, since that promised revealing bikinis and lots of sexy fun. Furthermore, he would be even more eager if he knew her true intent.

Suzanne went back to the Plummers' house. She worked with Susan, cleaning the kitchen and other rooms, just because they really were like sisters in one family. This was the first time they'd been alone since Brenda left, so Suzanne said, "By the way, thanks for playing along and acting deferential to Alan in front of Brenda."

Susan nodded. "Tiger explained it to me when he took me aside for a private chat. I feel like a fool for letting my feelings get the best of me. He pointed out that family comes first. But I just wasn't thinking."

Suzanne put a hand on Susan's back and gave it a friendly rub. "That's okay. We all make mistakes. The fact that you are such a passionate person and wear your emotions on your sleeve is one of the things I most love about you. We got it corrected before Brenda could get the wrong idea, and that's all that matters."

Susan said glumly, "Yeah, but I should have done better. I'm feeling like I really do deserve a harsh spanking."

Suzanne took her hand off Susan's back and gave her a sharp smack on her ass. "Who knows? Maybe you'll get one!" She gave her a saucy wink. "We'll just have to see what the man of the house has to say about that!"

Susan smiled widely at that. She found the idea of being punished by her son strangely appealing.

Half an hour later, when they'd finished cleaning, she figured enough time had passed since Susan's tirade for her to suggest the beach idea again. She figured that Susan was almost back to her normal self.

However, Susan wouldn't allow it. After all, she pointed out, Alan had been grounded just the day before.

Alan complained, "Now, wait a minute. You said I was grounded for three days, including yesterday. Fine. But then last night, you blew me twice and tossed out the punishment in the process. Don't you remember? Don't you recall saying to me: 'Tiger, why don't we just forget all about your punishment? Mommy needs your cock in her mouth every single day or she just doesn't feel right.' I sure remember that!"

Susan didn't know what to say at first. It didn't help that she'd been in a non-aroused and fully clothed state since church. She finally muttered, "Last night... mistakes were made. I did some things of which I'm not so proud. But let's not compound one error with another. Today is the day of the Lord. It's a day for quiet, spiritual contemplation."

Suzanne knew Susan well, so she was ready with a counterargument. "Susan, you're so right. But we could also use this time to contemplate the severity of Sweetie's condition. It just so happens that I have an article I've been meaning to show you." She held up a magazine and opened it to a pre-selected page. "This is an article about male masturbation."

"How dreadful!" Susan exclaimed with a frown, just from hearing those words. "What a vile, wasteful habit."

"I know," Suzanne replied. "For men, that is. But we must not be ignorant of the evils that threaten us. Most of this article is just technical, boring stuff, but read this sentence right here. It says that a typical male produces over 100 million new sperm a day. One hundred million!"

Susan snatched the magazine away and closely read the sentence Suzanne had highlighted. Sure enough, that's what it said.

While Susan read, Suzanne gave Alan a quick, furtive wink.

Finally, Susan looked up. "Oh dear! My goodness! This is highly distressing. Not only that, but this says that's for a typical male, and we know Tiger is anything but typical. Why, knowing him, he must be producing two hundred million spermies a day, if not THREE hundred million!"

Suzanne shook her head sadly, even as she was secretly amused by the way Susan automatically increased the number for Alan. "Yes. Without a doubt. Tragic, isn't it? That's why virile boys with powerful cocks like Sweetie here feel tempted to masturbate - sometimes many times a day! - if they don't have a girlfriend or wife to help out. All that sperm is filling his balls, fighting to get out! As you know, our cutie here only has you, me and Angel to help out. Well, not counting his mysterious help at school, but they can't help on a Sunday. A demanding, unstoppable cock - sorry - penis like his doesn't know anything about the need to rest on Sundays. Millions of sperm are being produced every few minutes, even as we speak!"

Susan stared at Alan's covered crotch with serious alarm. "To think! I'll have to, er, I mean we'll have to guzzle down hundreds of MILLIONS of wiggly, potent, little spermies, every single day! Each one capable of making us pregnant! The idea is so very..."

"Hot?" Suzanne suggested, with a subtle grin.

"Well, yeah! But distressing too. What can we do about it? I mean, it's like a never-ending battle. There's no rest, not even on God's day."

Suzanne was sitting next to Alan, so she ostentatiously patted the bulge that had just grown in his pants. "What can we do? We really have no choice but to serve our cutie Tiger, and service his rampant, powerful cock whenever he asks."

She dramatically raised a fist. "It's not just a battle; it's a war! We have to declare WAR!"

Katherine was there listening but staying silent, careful not to interfere with Suzanne's brilliant indoctrination. But when Suzanne said that, she had to cover her mouth to hide a snicker.

For Susan though, this subject was dead serious. She listened closely as Suzanne continued.

"It's a war on sperm! Each day, we have to strive to literally drain Tiger's balls dry. But you're right that it's a war without end. New sperm are made every single minute, and each night his balls will completely fill up with delicious seed. That's our lot in life, to fight a war we can never quite win."

She went on, "But, and this is my main point, there's no rest for the sperm!"

"But Sunday is God's day of rest," Susan pointed out. "Maybe we could at least take Sunday mornings off?"

"Let Him rest. But we can't rest, not even for half of Sundays, not if your Tiger's cock is feeling needy." Suzanne still had a hand on Alan's bulge. She looked at her hand to draw Susan's attention there. "Look at this!" She gripped his boner in a way that highlighted its length and thickness. "Look at how big that is. Think of all the millions of sperm in there, fighting to be free!"please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

She brought her other hand over and cupped his balls through his pants. She subtly pushed them up and out to make them look bigger. "And look here! Look at the potential uncounted BILLIONS of sperm here, and more being produced every single minute of the day! Do you think Sweetie can have a restful Sunday with painful blue balls all morning long?"

Susan held a hand to her mouth in dismay. Her eyes were glued on Suzanne's hands, which were holding Alan's cock and balls through his pants. Far from objecting, she was suddenly so horny that she was disappointed she couldn't be the one cradling his privates like that.

Suzanne began stroking Alan's shaft in an obvious manner, as best she could through the fabric. "Regardless of church, regardless of Sundays, we have to strut around in sexy clothes and high heels, bending and posing and showing off our big tits and tempting asses. All to inspire a thick, hard, tasty erection, like the one he has now... this one!"

She dramatically unzipped his fly, whipped out his erection, and resumed stroking it, this time with much more satisfying skin-on-skin contact. "If we're lucky enough to get him stiff like this, we have to do all we can! We have to rip our tops off so our big tits can bounce free, then drop to our knees and make love to his magnificent thickness for as long as it takes! Why, you might be forced to spend the next hour - or two! - trying to tend to his manly slab of delicious cock-beef, slathering it and loving it with your tongue and lips while playfully juggling his sperm-filled heavy balls with your hands. But of course, that is our lot in life, whether we like it or not. Our role is to SERVE!"

Susan's big breasts were heaving as she stared at Alan's bulge with undisguised need. She muttered, "Yes! To SERVE!"

Suzanne turned briefly to Alan and winked surreptitiously.

He thought, Wow! Incredible! Aunt Suzy is brainwashing Mom. And it's totally working!

Katherine thought Suzanne's "declaration of war" was silly, but if it helped her mother loosen up, she was all for it. So she said, "Let's not be so negative. True, we can't win the war, but if we take things one day a time, we can win the daily battle! Help him cum six times a day, at least. That's a victory, right?"

Susan panted excitedly, "True! So true! Angel, I'm so glad you're here to hear this."

Suzanne let go of Alan's dick and balls completely and sat back in her chair. Her idea was that if Susan saw he was not being "tended to" properly, she'd be keen to take over. And then she'd get so horny that she'd agree to just about anything.

The breathless mother probably would have already fallen to her knees if she hadn't been sitting in her Sunday best in a chair. She suddenly found all her heavy church clothes far too confining, so she pulled at her top like a nervous Rodney Dangerfield. But then she came out of her trance enough to look directly at Alan's thick hard-on poking out of his fly, untended.

That bothered her greatly, as Suzanne had intended, but Susan was sitting too far away to easily reach his crotch. She looked up at his face and asked, "Uh, Son? Do you need my help right now? I mean, we don't want all those billions of yummy spermies just churning around in your balls... They belong in my stomach or on my face, where they can't cause any harm!"

Alan was no dummy. He realized that Suzanne had excited Susan so much for some purpose, and guessed that the purpose was the beach trip. He said, "Mom, that's true. But that's all the more reason Aunt Suzy and I should go to the beach together. Just think how hard and horny my dick will get, seeing my auntie strutting around in a tiny bikini. I'll cum buckets, for sure!"

Unfortunately for Suzanne, he'd taken the wrong tack. Susan was jealous. She was also really worried about the things that Suzanne might do with Alan if she had him all to herself, in private, for many hours.

Katherine didn't help matters by saying, "Hey! I wanna go too! I can help keep him well drained." Since Susan was so worked up, Katherine tried for the dramatic by stiffening up and saluting. "Private Katherine, reporting for duty! Permission to deploy my mouth on Brother's cock!"

Susan put her foot down, in large part because she didn't want to be without her son for that long. "Permission denied! You're still grounded, remember?"

"But MoooOOOOoooom!"

Alan asked, "What about if it's just Aunt Suzy and me? We're not grounded."

ραпdΞ± ЙᴏνΓͺ|(сòm) Susan replied, "Sorry, but no! You can get all hard and horny here. We can strut around in tiny bikinis around the pool. In fact, if we stay here, and you ask politely, we might even take part of our bikinis off. Wouldn't you like that? Besides, how could she relieve you in a public place? It's better and safer to keep you here."

"But Mom," he nagged. "I can go to the pool any old time. The pool is boring. The beach is fun."

Katherine pointed to Alan's crotch in dismay. "Look, Mom! You're making him wilt, thanks to your negative attitude."

Sure enough, Alan's penis was growing flaccid.

Even so, Susan folded her arms under her huge tits and said, "Sorry. I'm not budging."

Their dispute had dispelled the horny atmosphere that Suzanne had worked so hard to create. That made Alan feel really peevish, so he decided to act as if his dick didn't need any help. He figured that if he held out for a while, Susan would get so horny that she'd give in and go along with the beach idea. So, after tucking his penis away and zipping up his fly, he retreated in apparent disappointment, going to the living room to play video games.

Unfortunately, he was just making life difficult for himself. Suzanne's words and especially the sight of Alan's boner being stroked in front of her had finally broken Susan's prudish mood. It wasn't long before she came back downstairs dressed in a very sexy outfit.

Katherine and Suzanne noticed that, so they followed her lead - they took that as a green light for them to dress in even more revealing outfits.

Susan "retaliated" by putting on an even more sexy outfit, with a plunging neckline that went down to her belly button.

Amy came over about that time, and soon the four females were all strutting about in various states of competitive undress, each of them trying to outdo the others with "visual stimulation."

Alan was too distracted to focus on his video game, so he went to the dining room to eat celery with peanut butter as a snack, then pretended to read the Sunday newspaper. As long as he held the newspaper up with both hands, he couldn't see what they were wearing or doing. He was still trying to hold out until Susan gave in on the idea of going to the beach.

Alan's teasing continued all through lunch, although it was tempered a little bit because Amy was eating with them, and Amy felt restrained with her over-protective mother present.

Susan spoke at length about the "sperm threat," the dangers of "Onanism," and generally of the "need" to help him with his "billions of wiggly, madly multiplying spermies." This was pretty much just reiteration of Suzanne's propaganda, but Amy had never heard Susan talk like that before, so she listened attentively.

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