6 Times a Day

Chapter 500 Things Will Never Go Back To "Normal" Around Here [DD SPONSORED]

๏ปฟDrunk Dargon Special ๐Ÿ‰ [ 10 / 12 ]


When she finally came down, she crashed hard. She went limp in his arms, just as his penis shriveled into its flaccid state.

He was staggered into total exhaustion too. He would have fallen asleep right away, except he had a naked, gorgeous sister on his lap, panting hard, with her big, heaving tits sliding up and down on the sweat on his chest. (He was glad he'd taken his T-shirt off.) That was distracting enough to at least keep him conscious.

She fell asleep, but not for long. After a few minutes, her eyes stayed closed, but she showed she was awake by saying, "Heaven!"

He'd been starting to drift off, but he asked, "Excuse me?"

"I said, 'Heaven.' This is Heaven."

"Is it?"

"Yes. If I die and there is a Heaven for real, it can't possibly beat this! I've never been so happy!"

He opened his eyes and tenderly ran his fingers across her cheeks.

She smiled at that and opened her eyes too. She similarly caressed his face. She said, "Tell me this is not a dream."

"It's not. Or, if it is, I'm having the same dream, and it's a great one."

She said, "You see from my diary that I'm not some Joanie-Come-Lately when it comes to this fuck-toy stuff. I've wanted this for so long! And now I have you!"

He winced as he asked, "You don't mind sharing me?"

She was reviving, and said with emotional intensity, "Hell no! I LOVE sharing you with Mom and Aunt Suzy. And sharing with Amy is gonna be awesome too, I can tell. She's my best friend. We're gonna have such fun licking and sucking your cock together, amongst lots of other things. I can't wait!"

But then her smile soured. "Of course, sharing with the likes of Heather is a different matter. I'm really glad you fended her off today. How did that end, by the way?" She wasn't so keen on Alan fucking Heather when she wasn't extremely aroused.

"Well, I fended her off for now, but I kinda promised her that I'd fuck her again soon. I guess I'm kind of weak."

Katherine tilted her head and considered that. She decided, "Kinda. I wouldn't call it 'weak' though. You've discovered this new sexual power. You have a special sex appeal, and you can't resist trying it out. I get it. Like I said, there's gonna be a lot of competition. But we've got our special connection. So I'm not TOO worried."

"But you are worried some?"

"Sure! Worried and jealous. You can see the fuck toy thing started a long time ago, way before I ever imagined you'd get it on with Mom or Aunt Suzy, much less both of them! But still, I'm glad it helps get me noticed some more. The squeaky wheel gets the grease and all that. But that's just the start. How long will it be before you're fucking Amy? Or Brenda? And what happens if you fully tame Heather? I know she's A bitch, but what if you make her YOUR bitch?"


"You know what I mean. She's impossible to deal with now, but what if she totally falls in love with serving your cock? It could happen. It's happened to me. It's happened to Mom. You'll be fucking her too, eventually, I'm sure. If it happens to Heather, that could change things in a big way. Can you imagine her collared and leashed, and you walking her around naked and on all fours, like a true bitch? A female dog? Then the rest of us will be stuck dealing with her bitchy ways. Grrr!"

"What are you talking about? That's really crazy!" He had a brief, freaky vision of Heather crawling on all fours down a school hallway. He was walking beside her, holding her leash. She glared in her intimidating way, challenging anyone passing by to laugh or complain about her nudity and position.

He assumed Katherine had to be playing with him, because that scenario was so impossible.

Katherine didn't even know if she meant it or not. But at the moment, she was so high on his fucking skills that she felt that practically anything was possible. She said, "No it's not. You don't know what it's like to get fucked like you just fucked me!" (In her post-orgasmic euphoria, she'd forgotten about the danger of their mother listening in.) "It's the BEST! Beyond the best! I'm sure there are all kinds of chemicals flooding my brain and my body right now, saying, 'Love and serve this man! Do whatever you can so we can get another hit of THAT!'"

"Are you serious?"

"Of course I'm serious! And I'm sure that's what happens too. I don't know much about it, but on some level love is a chemical and hormonal thing, isn't it? It's well known that fucking helps create and strengthen a love bond."

"So you're saying two people who hate each other can fuck themselves into loving each other?"

"I don't know. Maybe. Probably. Who knows? I'm talking out of my ass."

He reached around with both hands and gave her ass cheeks a playful squeeze. "You mean this ass?"

She giggled and smiled from ear to ear. "That's the one! But don't get started again, 'cos my body can't take it! By the way, what's up with this spanking you promised?"

"What do you mean?"

"When is it going to happen?"

He saw the fiery look in her eyes. "I don't know. Actually, I'm going to cancel it."

"What?! No!" She was crestfallen, and it showed. "Why?!"

"See? That's why. You're totally bummed, and it's supposed to be a punishment. Besides, I don't think I'm ready for it. You seem to be taking to this fuck toy role with gusto, but I'm having trouble with my role. I'm not a natural chest-beating, alpha male, he-man type. Spanking you? I love you, and my natural instinct it to protect you. How could I hurt you?"

"You were doing a pretty good job of it for a while there, when we were in the middle of... you-know-what." She looked suspiciously towards the door, because she remembered the danger of their mother Susan eavesdropping again.

Curiosity finally got the best of Alan. Now that the fucking was over and they were rested, he quietly disengaged from his sister and silently snuck to the door. Even though he was still buck naked, he suddenly opened it wide and peered into the hallway. To his surprise, there was no one there. He closed the door and went back to his sister.

As they resumed cuddling, he said, "Huh. I thought the odds were fairly good she'd be there. It seems to be happening a lot lately."

"True." She whispered, "Let's count ourselves lucky. If she WAS listening, she probably would have figured out we were fucking. We dropped a lot of clues along the way."

"Yeah. Especially the mutual orgasm at the end."please visit panda-:)ษดแดแด แด‡1.co)m

They both grinned madly at that.

She asked, "Not that I'm complaining, but I'm curious why you changed your mind about the 'no fucking my fuck-toy sister in the house, even though that's what she's there for' rule."

His body jerked with surprise as he realized that he had broken his own rule. Ignoring her teasing way of describing the rule, he exclaimed, "Shit! I DID forget! Dammit. But, in my defense, I was so damned horny that I couldn't think straight. After what happened in the basement, even though I had an orgasm there, and then what happened with Heather by the front door... damn! Man! My life has gotten so crazy." He sighed from mental exhaustion.

Katherine frowned. "So... does that mean the rule still stands?"

"Unfortunately, yes."

Katherine shook a fist in the air. "Shucks! Arrrgh! That's so frustrating! But you broke the rule, and with Mom in the house no less, and the world didn't come to an end. Why don't you at least..."

Her voice trailed off, because they heard someone coming up the stairs. They probably wouldn't have noticed, except that they were still thinking about eavesdropping.

Alan whispered, "Oh, shit! Speak of the devil. Now, THAT must be Mom!" He got up and quickly started putting his clothes back on.

Katherine did the same.

Sure enough, less than a minute later, there was a knock on a door. But, luckily, it was Alan's door across the hall. They heard Susan calling for Alan, and then opening his door. That gave them time to finish dressing and make themselves at least semi-presentable.

But both of them sniffed the air and realized there was no way Susan would miss the sex smell if she came into the room. While she'd probably assume they'd been doing something short of fucking, Katherine would likely get in some trouble, since she was technically limited to only a single handjob for the entire day.

So Alan quietly hissed to her, "Quick! Just walk out the door like you're going downstairs. Before she can come in!"

Katherine immediately saw the rationale for that. "Right!" She went to the door, but waited for Alan to stand out of view before she opened it. Then she casually strolled into the hallway.

Susan was just coming out of Alan's room, dressed in just a loose, very short, white bathrobe. She was slightly startled to see Katherine. The robe had been wide open in front, so she tried her best to quickly pull it closed. "Oh, hi there, Angel. Say, have you seen Tiger?"

Katherine was also trying to act casual. She kept on walking a few steps past Susan towards the top of the stairs before stopping and turning. She hoped the distance would help prevent Susan from noticing the sex smell that no doubt still clung to her. "Oh? He's not in his room?"


"Maybe he's downstairs with Aunt Suzy?"

"No, she just left."

Katherine wrinkled her brow, pretending to think intently. "Hmmm. Curious. I don't know then. But when I'm downstairs, I'll look."

Susan nodded while fidgeting at pulling her robe together. But it was so revealing that it only stayed closed in front when she continued to hold it. After a pause, she asked, "By the way... I don't know how to put it... but there's a kind of certain smell..."

Katherine kept her cool as she continued to increase the space between her and Susan, just to make sure that her mother wouldn't detect the rather obvious smell of sex. "Oh, that? Guess what I was just doing. I'll give you a clue: it begins with the letter 'M' and ends with 'asturbating.'"

Susan clutched at her chest in dismay. "Angel!"

Katherine put her hands on her hips. "What? It's wrong for a MAN to spill his seed on the ground, but it's no problem for a woman. A virile young man's cum belongs on a woman's face or chest, or in one of her orifices, wouldn't you agree?"

"But of course! Anything else would be, well... not just a shame and a waste, but a sin!" Clearly, Susan had fully bought into that idea.

Katherine looked over Susan's robe, which still revealed a tremendous amount of cleavage and thigh, despite her mother's continued efforts to keep it closed in front. "True. But there's no sin in a woman pleasuring herself. In fact, I'll bet dollars to donuts that you're off to take a shower, and while you're there, well, let's just say you might have a nice little orgasm or two."

Susan bowed her head and blushed. Realizing that her reaction had given her away, she said, "Well, there may be some truth to that, but in my defense, I'm having to deal with unreasonable, extreme temptation, every single day! You saw what Tiger did downstairs. It was just... so hot!"

Katherine grinned impishly. "Are you talking about the way he ran his hands all over your naked body like he owned you?"

Susan's eyes widened. Clearly, that phrase fired her lust. "Ummm..." She fidgeted, again tugging at her robe.

Katherine looked up and down Susan's body with amusement. "By the way, Mom, what's up with that robe? It's so short that it barely reaches down to your pussy, and even with the way you're tugging the sides together in front, there's still an obvious gap. Where did you get that? From a clothing store for kids?!"

Susan turned her head in embarrassment. "Er, it's uh... it's one of Suzanne's."

"But there's no way it would fit her either. The two of you are the exact same size, as everyone knows. I suspect that robe is less for covering up, and more for showing off. Why, if Brother had come to his door instead of me coming to mine, I'll bet that robe, and your amazing body underneath, would have given him a humungous erection within seconds! And seconds later, you would have been on your knees with that robe tossed on the floor, with your lips wrapped around his huge, hot shaft, your tongue lapping just under the crown of his bulbous knob, and your fingers dancing up and down his long, fat pole! Was that your plan?"

Katherine had obviously hit the nail on the head. Susan was fidgeting so much from that description that she was practically dancing in place. Her face turned even redder from arousal. "Um... he has big needs, Angel. You know that. Very, big, thick, er... needs! I have to be ready at any time!"

Katherine's gaze went all the way down to Susan's feet. "Is that why you're wearing high heels too? Does it give you an extra thrill while sucking and slurping and licking endlessly on your son's constantly hot, throbbing, erect cock, knowing that you're a big-titted, high-heeled, sex-toy mommy who lives to-"

Susan rudely interrupted, "I've gotta go take that shower now!" She was too hot and bothered, and simply couldn't take it anymore. She turned and hustled towards her bedroom. She spoke over her shoulder, "If you see him, let me know. Especially if he has, you know... his problem."

"Okay, Mom!" Katherine continued on down the stairs. She was tickled pink at how well that had worked out. Hee! She's soooo easy to wind up. And it's so fun! Things will never go back to "normal" around here, that's for sure, since she's completely hooked. Thank God for that!

With Susan taking a shower, Alan had no problem getting out of Katherine's room unnoticed.

As he was leaving, he noticed Katherine's diary was still on the floor where she'd tossed it. He was briefly tempted to pick it up and read more of it, but he thought, Nah. Things are so great between Sis and me lately. I don't want to ruin that. She'd probably find out I'd peeked. And even if she didn't, it's not right. It's one thing if she's there and she lets me, but this would be totally different. She's so great to me in every way, especially lately... I'm going to be great to her in return.

ฯฮฑะฟdฮฑ ะ™แดฮฝรช|(ัรฒm) He left the diary where it was. But he went downstairs to warn Katherine that it was lying out in the open, so she could put it back in one of her hiding places. Then he took a shower of his own to get rid of any incriminating sights or smells.

Then he went back to his room and started reading a book. He was reading The Lord of the Rings (and not for the first time), but he hadn't been making much progress on it lately, due to so much sexual activity. After his intense orgasm with Katherine, not to mention all the other sexy fun earlier, he was content to just chill out and do something non-sexual for a while.

Susan came by after her shower. She was visibly disappointed to find out that he was flaccid and not up for any kind of sexual activity any time soon. But she told him that she understood, that sometimes he needed time to recharge and recover. She went out to the backyard to do some gardening.

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