6 Times a Day

Chapter 501 Heather!! [DD SPONSORED]

๏ปฟDrunk Dargon Special ๐Ÿ‰ [ 11 / 12 ]


Even though there was no school on Veteran's Day, head cheerleader Heather still had arranged for a cheerleading practice. This was unusual for Heather, since she generally tried to do as little school-related work as she could. But she had a clever intrigue she couldn't wait to put into motion, partly so she could hopefully fuck Alan before the day was done, but also partly so she could increase her control over the cheerleading squad. The extra practice was mostly just an excuse to get the cheerleaders together so she could do that.

After two weeks of utter normalcy in cheerleading, Katherine half-figured that the rest of the semester would be like that. But when she arrived at practice, the first surprise was that they would switch practice locations.

Instead of practicing outdoors as usual, Heather announced they would practice in a new indoor location. They went into an abandoned room in a remote part of the school that had once been a theater. It still had a stage, but all the audience seating had been removed. The school drama club had died out years before and no one put on plays at the school anymore. There was plenty of room for the cheerleaders to move about, but the room was dark and gloomy compared to being outside.

After they'd all relocated, Heather got up on the stage and gave them a speech. "I'm sure you're all wondering about why I called for a practice when we could be enjoying a three day weekend," she said in a loud, decisive voice. "It doesn't have much to do with the quality of our performances lately, although we could use some more practice. No, there's a far more disturbing reason."

She let that hang in the air - she had a flair for the dramatic. "You may also be wondering why we're practicing in a new location. I requested it, for the time being, and I think you'll soon understand why. You see, it's related to the disturbing thing I mentioned."

Again, she let the tension build with another dramatic pause. Then she continued, "I have some news to report that hurts me deeply, and troubles me a lot. I've been keeping my ears close to the ground these last two weeks and my worst fear has been confirmed. One of you has been talking and told someone else about the panty punishment I gave Katherine and Kim."

That wasn't actually true; she'd gotten the room late the prior week due to her recent determination to find a private place at school where she and Alan could fuck. But it was a space she figured she could use for multiple purposes, including increasing her power over the other cheerleaders. Besides, using the room for cheerleading practice would help provide cover from the school administration that she mainly wanted to room for sex.

There was a gasp from the other five cheerleaders who stood below the stage. They looked from one to another to see who it might be.

"I happen to know the name of this person," Heather announced. There were more murmurs in response. "However, I am not ready to say who it is, at least not just yet. If she is going to win back my trust and our trust, it's important that she confess to us all what she did, take the punishment, and never do it again. Luckily, news hasn't traveled far. But to tell even one person is too many! I know who your friends are and who you might talk to. If you tell your pet dog even, I have ways of finding out! I'm serious. So someone here needs to confess."

Whenever Heather's eyes moved from one person to the next, all the other cheerleaders followed with their eyes, suspecting that person was the one, only to have Heather then look at someone else.

Heather made sure that she looked at each of the other cheerleaders an equal amount of time. Tension was thick in the air.

Heather went on, "You all know the punishment. The person who confesses has to go without panties for a week, including during the football game itself. If no one confesses, then everyone gets the full punishment. So either way the person who told is going to have the same punishment. But by confessing you'll save your fellow cheerleaders from being embarrassed and hating you for betraying our squad. Now you can see why we're in this room for the week. I thought I would be nice and at least give you some privacy in experiencing your punishment for the week before the game."

In actual fact, Heather had made up the entire story. She didn't know if anyone had said anything, although it was true that she'd snooped around intensely in the past week. She'd already had a lot of fun with Katherine and Kim, so she wanted "the punishment" to happen to someone else, to put more spice into her cheerleading practices.

Heather considered this a win-win situation, no matter who got "punished." If someone confessed, then great. If it was Joy or Janice, then so much the better, because Heather thought it would be a fun challenge to play around with their reluctant minds and bodies. Amy, Heather knew, would simply accept the punishment with little more than an "M'kay!", which would short-circuit her attempted fun, even though it would still be quite enjoyable to see the innocent sexpot prance around with black paint on her naked butt.

But best of all was if no one confessed. Then everyone would have to go bare-assed together and things would likely get way more sexual very fast. So far, Heather hadn't been able to get anything sexual going with the cheerleaders, other than the one time with Katherine and Amy in the shower. She hoped to change that. The year before, her arch-enemy Donna had been one of the cheerleaders, whose presence had blocked Heather from making any similar moves. Heather and Donna were the two main candidates to become head cheerleader this year. When Heather squeaked out a hard-fought victory, Donna declined to return as a cheerleader again. She couldn't stand having Heather as a boss, and she knew Heather would make Donna's time as a cheerleader utterly miserable.

With Donna gone, the opportunities for Heather to use the cheerleader squad to her personal advantage seemed wide open. She'd been biding her time the first few weeks of school since half the squad was new, but now she wanted to open things (and them) up.

The cheerleaders continued to look at each other as if they were playing the kids' game Murder. They were all extremely nervous.

"Does anyone have any questions?" Heather asked.

There were none.

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No one spoke.

"If you agree with this punishment, then raise your hand."

To not raise one's hand might be seen as a sign of guilt. Everyone raised a hand, though reluctantly.

"To the guilty one," Heather said dramatically as she looked above and past all the cheerleaders, "I will give you ten minutes to come to your senses and confess. I already know who you are, so you will be punished. It's just a matter of how you want to do it, and how great your punishment will be. The longer you wait, the harder I'm going to make it on you."

Heather looked down and walked off the stage. She was all ready to begin their practice when she realized that one of the cheerleaders had just stepped forward, with head tipped down and eyes filled with tears of shame and dread.

It was Joy, the one cheerleader who had expressed the most reservations about the punishment. "I-I-I did it," she muttered and began to cry.

Heather was taken aback. After a week of snooping she was almost certain that no one had talked. But the head cheerleader kept her cool and tried to act as if this was what she'd expected all along. She immediately rushed to Joy's side and began to comfort her. "There, there," she said and gave Joy a shoulder to cry on.

"Joy made a mistake," Heather said to the others. "But it's okay because she confessed. Let's not be angry with her. Joy, tell them who you told."

"My younger sister. I didn't think she would tell anyone else, I swear!" Joy was so overcome with guilt that she began to shudder from nervousness and fear. She genuinely liked the other girls in the cheerleading squad and didn't want them to feel upset with her or betrayed. She valued their trust.

"Don't worry; she didn't," Heather answered as she thought quickly about how to run with this unexpected "gift" that Joy had just laid at her feet. "I just knew that you'd told her by the way she looked at me not long afterward. Your secret is still safe." Heather surprised even herself at how logical it all sounded. Joy's sister Jenny was a year younger and also in the same high school. Heather did see her around from time to time, so the story was irrefutable. She could have seen Jenny and figured it out that way, even though she hadn't, and there was no way the sisters could confirm or deny that. She was secretly quite pleased at how this had all developed.

The other cheerleaders took their cue from Heather and for the next few minutes they gathered round Joy and did their best to make her feel better with a group hug. Heather made it clear that Joy would have to go through with the punishment, so all of them did their best to encourage her and get her to buck up.

Finally, Heather said, "Okay, enough of this. We still have to practice, you know. Kathy, can you call our painter and see if he can come help? We need to start Joy's punishment right away. Today. And have him bring a razor, too. She needs to be shaved first."

Katherine was irked to be called "Kathy" and incredulous that Heather had just pretty much given away to the other cheerleaders the identity of who had painted her and Kim. "What makes you think you can just summon him like that? It's a holiday. He's got things to do. And even if he isn't that busy, what makes you think he'd be willing to do your every whim at a moment's notice?"

Katherine's eyes flashed with anger, which was something to see, because she very rarely got angry. I knew that Heather could pull some pretty risky and underhanded stunts, but this takes the cake! she thought to herself as she crossed her arms expectantly and glared at the head cheerleader. She added, "Oh, and by the way, it's KATHERINE, as if you didn't know that already. Sheesh!"

Heather replied haughtily, "I don't know any of that for sure, but I know he's a pretty clever guy and he can manage. Maybe he's off playing Dungeons and Dragons or some stupid nerdy crap like that, but don't you think he'd rather spend time with a bunch of beautiful girls? And what else are we going to do? I don't know the first thing about how to do it myself. Anyway, it's just for a short time on one day. What's it take? Ten, fifteen minutes?"

Katherine didn't have any answer to that. She didn't see much point in fighting it, since it was obvious that Heather was referring to her brother, and she couldn't undo that now.

Heather went to her backpack and pulled out her cell phone. "Here. Give me his number and I'll give him a call. If he's not there, we'll go to plan B."

Katherine grumped, "He doesn't have his own phone. But I guess you can try him at home."

Heather called the Plummer house and Susan answered the phone. She went and got Alan. Heather then explained the problem to Alan.

Although Alan was having a lot of sexual fun at home, the prospect of painting panties on a cheerleader's nude ass sounded pretty good too. Besides, he was worried that if he didn't help, Heather could get someone else. He wanted to be the "go to" guy for this kind of thing. So he told Heather that he wasn't doing anything important and he'd be over right away, with a razor and painting material.

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