6 Times a Day

Chapter 506 Focus! Look At Her Face! [Iveyflame Sponsored]

ο»ΏIveyflame Special πŸ”₯ [ 4 / 12 ]


He went on, "I think my parents raised me well. My mom especially, since my dad isn't around much. I'm not totally spoiled. For instance, I've had to work crappy summer jobs since I was sixteen 'to learn the meaning of work.' And heck, I don't have a car or even a cell phone, 'cos she says I have to earn that with my own money. But at the same time, I don't have the fire in my belly that a lot of people who come from tough circumstances have."

He looked at her curiously. "You're an interesting case. You've got the whole elite Orange County lifestyle thing going on, like I do, with nice parents who never let you suffer. And yet you DO have a fire in your belly. You're more driven and work harder than anyone else I know! Why do you think that is?"

Christine pondered that carefully. Then she said, "To be honest, I don't know. I've always been this way. I know what you mean, that people who have a chip on their shoulder of some kind are often really driven, but I don't feel I have any axe to grind. I just like being productive! I hate wasting time. Hell for me would be watching Jerry Springer or Oprah or some other vapid TV show like that. Life's too short for that crap! I guess I've got a lot of energy, especially mental energy, and it's more fun to do stuff than just sit around."

He responded, "Interesting. So what do you think about us right now?" He waved at the beach again, and then at themselves. "Technically, you are just sitting around doing nothing."

"Not true. I'm having an interesting conversation with you. But still, I see what you mean. And, to be honest, it is kind of weird for me. There's a part of my brain that I'm trying to ignore, that's reminding me about all the other things I could be doing with my time. But I'm having fun! It's good, being with you." She smiled warmly. "If I were here alone, I'd probably leave after ten minutes. Well, that, or swim."

He smiled back. "Being with you is pretty cool too. I must say, you're kind of... daunting. I can see why you don't have many friends, because just being with you kind of makes me feel guilty."


"Yeah. It makes me think I should be doing more with my life. You're out there kicking ass and taking names, every day. If you can get that much done, why can't I? And then I realize, hey, maybe I'm just not as talented as you are. And I'm definitely not as driven. And that easily makes a person jealous and resentful. Thus, things happen like those girls giving you a hard time at the baseball field today. When somebody is up on a pedestal, everyone wants to tear them down, find a flaw."

She asked, "What about you? Do you feel jealous and resentful about me?"

He thought that over. "Well, kinda. Sometimes. Like, when you win award after award. But, to be honest, I think it helps a lot that I've got some things going for me too. We can talk as intellectual equals, or at least near equals. I know you're not talking down to me. I've gotten past your 'Ice Queen' exterior and found a very nice person underneath, who is a lot of fun to hang out with. And I think the way I deal with your beauty is key."

She leaned forward, because she found that topic potentially very illuminating and important. "Explain, please!"

"Well, it's like this. Not only do you totally kick butt in class and sports, but you're, like, ridiculously beautiful too! So that's triple daunting. But the beauty thing doesn't faze me that much, because I just happen to live with a lot of extraordinarily beautiful women. You've seen my mom and my sister. And then, Amy and her mother Suzanne next door, they're like family too. And you know how they look."

Christine nodded. She hadn't seen Susan or Suzanne very often, but she had seen them at various school events. Their voluptuous beauty was undeniable, no matter what clothes they wore.

He went on, "So, most guys, they can't even manage to talk to you. Heck, even a lot of girls are seriously intimidated. It's like trying to talk to a famous actor or pop star or something. People usually stammer and freak out. But for me, while I totally appreciate your beauty, I've been around other beautiful women so much that I don't freak out over it."

She nodded. "That is definitely true. And I can't say how much I appreciate that. You're practically the only person who treats me like a normal human being. Even though you do stare at my breasts more than look at my face-"

"Ouch! I do?!"

"It seems like it, anyway. But, with you, for some reason, it doesn't bother me. In fact, I kind of like it." She looked away shyly, worried that she might have revealed too much there. But then she boldly resumed eye contact. "Well, sometimes, anyway. I know you're naturally a very horny guy. In fact, pretty much since I learned your name, I've come to believe you're... well... let's say you're in a state of 'interest'... basically twenty-four seven!"

He clenched his teeth and grimaced. "Ouch! Again! But in my defense, that's not true. It just seems that way to you because, well, when I'm near you... I'm near you."

A sudden awkward silence ensued as they both considered the implications of that statement.

He thought, Shit! Trying to be totally platonic with Christine is damn difficult! And it doesn't help that she's in a sexy bathing suit! My damn dick is betraying me again. In truth, he'd already had an erection for several minutes, but he was sitting strategically to hide it.

Eager to break the silence, he asked, "So, you were saying? About me being a horny guy?"

"Oh yeah. When you look at me with lust in your eyes-"

He cut in, "Which is most of the time..." That was a joke, but it was also true.

"Yes." She smiled awkwardly at that, because she wasn't used to talking so frankly about such topics. "When you look at me in that way, it's more like an artistic appreciation than some kind of vibe that you'd want to do perverted things with me right on the spot. Which is what I feel when other guys stare at me. And you have this calm confidence, instead of being all nervous and scheming, like the other guys."

He nodded. "Like I said, that's from being around so many other beauties in my life. Some of whom are sexually off limits to me, of course. So I've learned to appreciate beauty without constantly thinking and scheming about doing those 'perverted' things." He thought, The irony! If she only knew the truth. Yikes! But still, there's a lot of truth to that. That's how it used to be until recently. And that experience is the key that allows me to interact with her relatively normally. So at least it's not a total lie.

She looked at him curiously, then said, "Speaking of calm confidence... can I ask you something kind of... strange?"

"Try me."please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

"I've noticed this big change in you lately. Over this past month or so, I'd say. In one way, you're the same Alan as ever, but in another way, it's like you're a totally different person. It's hard to explain... I thought we had a good rapport before, and it's not like you were ever a shrinking violet, but lately you have way more confidence! It's almost like a swagger. And you're always smiling like you have this awesome secret that only you know. And you have this... this... well... never mind!" She got extremely flustered, and even blushed a little bit.

She suddenly stopped, took her sunglasses off, and stood up. "Hey, why don't we go swimming?"

He stood up with her and removed his sunglasses as well, but still tried to keep a hand strategically placed to hide the erection in his tight swimsuit. "Hey, why don't we NOT? At least, not until you finish your sentence! You can't just start to say something like that and then stop."


She folded her arms under her huge breasts and stared at him defiantly. "Well, I just did."

He was exasperated by her non-answer. But he was also staggered by what her arm gesture did to her breasts, pressing them up and out and making them appear even larger. Fuuuuuuuck! How am I supposed to think or breathe when she does that?! That's just SO MUCH BOOB! But I've gotta stay focused. Focus! Focus! Look at her face!

Quickly recovering his cool, at least outwardly, he said, "Come on! Do you want to drive me crazy? What could it be that's so bad? We've been talking about things pretty frankly, haven't we?"

She looked away, but managed to say, "Fine. You have this animal magnetism, okay? I can't explain it, but, when you look at me..." She completed the thought in her mind: My panties start to get wet! But she wasn't about to say that out loud. Instead, while still looking away, she continued after a pause, "...it's different than before, somehow."

Since she was looking away, he allowed himself another look at her chest. Man, how am I supposed to carry on a conversation when I'm staring into a mile of cleavage?! And her nipples are so obviously erect. It's unfair! Heck, how can she play sports at all, carrying around two bowling balls like that?!

She freed her arms and gesticulated, "It's like you woke up one morning and you suddenly had this, this... charm. I can't explain it. Argh! Like the way you were so suave and interesting on our practice date last night. My point is, you're the same, but different." She crossed her arms again and stared at him challengingly. "Explain!"

He chuckled, resolutely struggling to maintain eye contact while he wondered how to respond to that. "Hmmm. I don't know what to say, because I can't see that. It's hard for me to know how I appear to others. But I'll be frank with you. I was pretty sexually inexperienced until about a month ago, and now I'm not. In fact, there's been a lot of things happening to me. Things I can't explain, because I won't kiss and tell."

pΞ±ΠΏdΞ±-ňᴏνΓͺ|·сóМ She stared at him hard, almost accusingly. "But that means it involves kissing."

"Definitely. And more. That's all I'll say about that. But it gives a guy confidence. And it puts a smile on his face."

She made a funny expression that he couldn't read. "Then you must be having a hell of a lot of 'more,' because your smile never leaves your face! For weeks now!"

He shrugged. "I don't know what to say to that, except, yeah, I'm a happy guy. Sex is a great thing. And love. And when the two are intertwined, there's nothing better in the world, I think. I really mean that!"

Her gaze narrowed and she leaned forward. "So wait. Now you're saying you're in love with some girl?!"

He held his hands up defensively, inadvertently exposing a very prominent bulge in his tight swimsuit. "Hold on! Don't put words in my mouth! Last night I told you, quote, 'I'm involved with some very beautiful girls,' unquote. That's true. I'm having fun. But I'm not going steady with anyone. That's all I will say on that subject."

She growled at him and clenched her fists. "Grrr! Do you realize how annoying that is?!"


"That whole quote. Every word of it! Especially the 'some' part. Who are these 'some beautiful girls?!'"

He looked to the sky, as if she was trying his patience. "You know I can't tell you that. No way! Don't even ask for a hint. I'm not going to betray any confidences. Period!"

He didn't realize it, but not only did he fully expose his lewd bulge, but by looking at the sky he'd given Christine a chance to gawk unobserved at that bulge for some long moments. She bit her lips in lusty frustration. She was becoming increasingly interested in the mysterious world of sex, and most especially in having sex with Alan.


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07-May-2022- 'Iveyflame' Special - 4 Chapters

09-May-2022- 'Iveyflame' Special - 4 Chapters

11-May-2022- 'Someone' Sponsored - 4 Chapters

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