6 Times a Day

Chapter 507 At Beach With Christine [Iveyflame Sponsored]

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Christine abruptly started walking forward. "Let's swim! I'm getting too hot, ... er, from the Sun, I mean." She blushed slightly, as she realized how true that was with the other meaning of 'hot' as well.

He scampered across the sand to catch up with her. When he did, he asked, "So that's the end of that conversation?"

"It is." Realizing that wasn't enough, she explained as she walked, "You say I'm driven. That's true. Part of that is I have an insatiable curiosity. So of course I'm dying of curiosity about these other girls now. But I know myself, and if I do something else, like swimming, that'll divert my attention and get me thinking about other things."

"Ah." Seeing the logic of that, Alan ran ahead. The ocean in Southern California was colder than most people expected when they thought of sunny California. He'd found that he preferred quickly getting over the cold shock of getting into the water. He kept running through the shallow water until he was able to duck down in deeper water and get totally wet.

Christine preferred doing it the slow way. But since he'd gotten wet already, she forced herself to at least keep walking deeper into the water.

Alan watched her continuing to come towards him. Hot damn! It's like seeing Aphrodite rising out of the sea on a scallop shell, except she's going into the water. Wow! I know Mom and Aunt Suzy are even more busty and curvy, though just slightly, but I guess forbidden fruit really is the sweetest. Oh man! What I wouldn't give to be able to kiss her lips and hold her, and run my hands all over her!

His erection hadn't gone down at all, despite the chilly water.

She knew full well that he was gawking at her, but she didn't mind at all. In fact, she closed her eyes so he wouldn't have to worry about getting caught. Then she exclaimed about the slightly cold water, "Oooh! Bracing!" She stretched out, reaching both arms way up to the sky. She knew he'd love that.

Alan's jaw actually dropped. He thought, No fucking way! God, kill me now, 'cos it doesn't get any better than this! She's soooo tempting! Arrrgh! It's killing me! Every inch of her is flawless feminine beauty!

But then he thought, It's such a shame. I can't get involved with her. I can't! I just can't! Look but don't touch. Or at least don't touch much. A hug or two would be okay, right? I'm living a totally depraved and debauched lifestyle. It's true. Hell, I had breakfast this morning while my naked, busty bombshell of a mother knelt between my legs and sucked me off! And my basically naked sister watched and goaded her on. And that was just breakfast! Lately, half my waking hours are filled with totally crazy stuff like that. Christine would NEVER understand. Never! And if I get involved with her, it's inevitable that she would find out eventually. That's a disaster waiting to happen.

I've gotta remain resolute. I'm digging just being her friend. She's such an incredible person in so many ways. I'm honored that she considers me a friend. I love that we're starting to talk about more important stuff. I can't get all horny-pervy on her!

That was his resolution. But when she got a lot closer, where the water was nearly up to her navel, he couldn't resist playing around. There wasn't much wave action, so her upper torso was still dry. But he swam close and then yelled, "Oh no! Here comes a big wave!", then splashed her with water.

Christine's face turned angry for a brief moment, and he thought he'd really screwed up. But then her mood changed to devious and playful. She was all smiles as she yelled, "Oh, no you don't!" She splashed him back.

Water did hit his face, causing him to briefly turn his head. But he quickly recovered and pointed out, "You can't get me like that, because I'm already wet! And I'm deeper in the water. So there!"

"Oh, I'll get you all right!" She quickly moved through the water towards him, partly swimming and partly charging. When she was right upon him she tried to create a big wave that would break over his head.

But he deduced her intent when she pulled her arm back to make the wave. He'd already been backpedaling frantically, putting him in deeper water. He quickly ducked his head down before her wave could reach him. Then he turned and started swimming away.

Christine wasn't going to be so easily defeated. Without thinking things through, she dove towards him and grabbed at his legs, since they were the only part of him still within reach.

Somehow, that turned into a kind of game. It was part wrestling in the water, and part chasing. One of them would start to swim away, but typically they wouldn't get far due to the difficulty of moving through deep water. Then the other one would catch up and tackle and wrestle.

Both of them were well aware that their friendship wasn't intimate, so they were very careful to avoid touching each other's private parts. Christine in particular was daunted (and yet highly fascinated) by the male penis, and would have been reluctant to touch one even if the social situation somehow allowed it. Alan was trying his hardest to keep things platonic, so he also was refraining from deliberately pushing his luck.

Christine was so curvy and endowed that it was difficult not to come into contact with her tits or ass at least incidentally. But Alan was super careful, as if he was playing a sport where any contact there would get him ejected from the game. Christine was similarly careful not to touch anywhere near his swimsuit. Because they were so careful about "no go" areas, they couldn't actually wrestle that much: when one of them got a good grip, they usually had to let go before long, for fear of a hand slipping up or down into a forbidden zone. But that made the game more of an enjoyable challenge, because the situation was constantly changing and it was easy for either of them to get away.

Even so, their wrestling was highly erotically charged. The two of them had been friends for a long time, but they'd hardly ever touched, except for a few hugs in recent days. Alan was thrilled just to touch Christine's knee, much less her waist, and she felt the same about him.

At one point, Alan tried to carefully grab her around the waist. The waves were generally only a foot or two high, so they could be ignored for the most part. But just as he did that an unusually large wave came by, causing both of them to nearly lose their balance, so that they had to hold each other to remain standing.please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

They wound up face to face, with their arms tightly wrapped around each other. Christine's bathing-suit-clad massive globes were heaving with excitement against Alan's bare chest. They stared into each other's eyes and felt a powerful urge to bring their heads together for a really passionate, open-mouthed kiss.

But instead, they quickly pulled apart as if they'd each just touched a hot stove. Afterwards, each was even more careful to limit even their most incidental contact with the other's private body parts. That resulted in a lot more chasing and swimming and a lot less wrestling. But still, they had a lot of fun.

Eventually, they both got tired from all the swimming, so they walked back to their chairs and started to towel themselves dry.

Alan was still determined to keep things platonic. Their near kiss in the water had given him a scare and strengthened his resolve. But at the same time, he'd given up all hope of trying to have a flaccid dick, so he instead focused on trying to hide his obvious bulge from Christine. As he watched her towel off, he thought, As Mom would say, "SO HOT!" God damn! A sultry, experienced woman like Aunt Suzy knows she's hot and knows what she's showing. It's great to watch her even simply walk around, but it's also kind of a mindful performance. Whereas I truly don't think Christine realizes how hot she is, or how every move she makes is totally orgasm-inducing!

He tried not to gawk as she brought her towel to her long blonde mane of hair and rubbed it vigorously. Oh God! Friggin' UNREAL! First off, that pose with her arms up like that is super sexy. But then you add the skin-tight wet bathing suit, and the rivulets of water dripping into her deep cleavage, and the jiggling... Good God, the jiggling! And she's got her eyes closed, so I can stare to my heart's content!

He was correct that Christine was much more oblivious about her physical charms than other girls her age. But she wasn't completely unaware of them. Her desire for Alan was growing steadily, and while she was still reluctant to act, she wanted him to want her too. So she was fully aware of what the impact on him would be when she dried her hair like that.

However, she felt very self-conscious about the fact that he was obviously checking her out, even though he was trying to be subtle about it. He'd put his sunglasses back on, and she hadn't yet, and that emboldened him to look more often. So, before long, she stopped and turned around, and then continued to dry herself with her back turned to him.

This disappointed him at first, but the view from behind was very nearly as tantalizing as the view from her front.

Turning her back had an unexpected effect. She'd felt awkward while facing him. But with her back turned, she felt more uninhibited. She felt more excited and less scared about posing and moving in an overtly sexual manner. After another minute or two, she surprised even herself by stiffly spreading her legs. Then she bent over and began vigorously toweling off her legs.

Alan was so horny he wanted to scream or maybe cry! He was seriously tempted to masturbate covertly while she had her back turned, but he knew that would be extremely foolish so he resisted.

Had he been thinking clearly, he would have realized that she was up to something. Not only was she taking an inordinately long time to towel herself off, but on a nice sunny day like this, one didn't really need to towel off at all. In fact, Alan had hardly bothered with toweling himself much, especially since he was so busy watching her instead.

Christine generally disliked flirting, because she knew there was a fine art to being a good flirter and she'd never developed that skill. However, she was having a blast "getting dry." She didn't really have to do anything that required flirty experience. The mere act of toweling her body was quite a visual performance (even if she kept her back turned to Alan most of the time).

Although he was too distracted to notice, she peeked at him from time to time, to confirm that she still had his attention. She couldn't see his eyes clearly due to his sunglasses, but he had an obvious rapt, lusty, and even stunned look on his face just the same. She loved the effect she was having on him.

She was bummed when she ran out of any plausible excuse to keep going, so she finally had to sit back in her chair and put her sunglasses back on.

Then another idea came to her: the suntan lotion! She asked Alan, "That was fun, wasn't it?"

He thought she was referring to toweling off, and he had to heartily agree. But he asked, "You mean the swimming around?"

"Yeah." As they talked, she brought out the suntan lotion again and started applying it to her fair skin.

Trying to make small talk, and trying even harder not to ogle, he asked, "You ever do much of that kind of thing? You know, horse around in the water?"

pΞ±ΠΏdΞ±-ňᴏνΓͺ|·сóМ "Unfortunately, no. I guess that's part of being an only child. My parents are great, and very loving in their own way, but they're not very touchy-feely, especially in a public place like a beach. Maybe that's why I got to be so studious so early, because I never played much like the other kids did."


Alan couldn't help but unthinkingly ogle her chest as he commented, "It's never too late to be a kid. We're all big kids at heart, right?" He was glad they were both framing what they'd done in the ocean as mere childlike play. In fact, he was still reeling from how erotic the entire "wrestling match" had been. Even though they'd avoided touching any intimate parts, there had been an electricity in the air. And, in fact, the sparks were still flying.

"Yep," she said. "By the way, as you can see, I'm putting on some more suntan lotion, due to my fair skin." She gestured down her hourglass figure.

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