6 Times a Day

Chapter 582 What If He Actually Marries AMY? [DM SPONSORED]

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When it was all over, Susan was left with a deep sense of satisfaction. That was... divine! Once again I've helped save my son from the evils of sperm buildup and blue balls. In her mind there was nothing more important than that. Besides, between this experience and what happened with Amy last night, I've discovered that double blowjobs can be one of the greatest joys! I could easily see getting in the habit of doing this daily. Several times a day, even!

Katherine and Alan were just as satisfied. Katherine was delighted that her mother hadn't forgotten her, leaving her at the last minute with something of a pearly facial.

Alan simply felt that he was lucky to be alive. After a couple of minutes, when he'd recovered enough to say something, he panted, "Fuck! You two fucking KILLED me!"

Susan was still on her knees next to Katherine. She was busy licking his flaccid penis clean, but she paused to ask, "I take it that's a good thing?" She giggled.

"I don't know," Alan answered, a bit over-dramatically. "I mean, how can I go on after that? Oh FUCK! Now I have to go to school! No way! There's no fuckin' way! Not unless I can go in a wheelchair. Christ!" He swiped a hand across his forehead, wiping away the perspiration.

Susan brushed the hair out of her face and said, "Don't worry; I left plenty of time for playtime. Hmmm, it looks like you've built up quite a sweat, although I can't see why, since you just sat there like the lord of the manor while Angel and I did all the hard work."

He said, "I know it's weird that I'm the sweatiest one now, but that was just so damn intense!"

She went back to licking his flaccidness as part of her recently-created "cleaning" tradition. "I'm glad to hear that. Angel, do you think Akami will figure that counted as a good, long orgasm for him?"

Katherine giggled. "Mom, I think that was a grand slam home run!" She giggled some more. Lacking anything better to do as she knelt there, she got to work on "cleaning" his balls.

Susan said, "I don't know how baseball works, but I know that's really good. That makes me so happy! Anyway, Son, you have time for another shower, to get clean again, but you need to get started right away." She bent down and joined in "cleaning" his balls.

"UGH!" It seemed like a great ordeal, but he somehow managed to stand up on his own. He really did feel utterly wiped out.

Seeing him more stagger than walk, Susan turned to Katherine and said, "Angel, please help get him upstairs and washed up. But no funny business, okay? We really are in a hurry now and don't have the time."

"No problemo!" Katherine replied. "Besides, I think another climax right now would probably kill him, and for once I'm not joking. Look at him; he can barely stand!" She got up and rushed to help him.

Alan slowly revived during the shower, although he continued to feel a deep sense of exhaustion. He knew it wasn't from any overexertion or lack of sleep, but simply going through such an intense climax took a lot out of a person. The French call an orgasm "petite mort," meaning "little death," and with good reason.

Katherine was true to her promise not to start any "funny business" during the shower. However, she held him and kissed him, not in an overtly erotic manner but in more of a tender and loving way.

In a way, he liked that even more than an all-out sex attack. It certainly was what he needed at the time. He purred to her, "Sis, I meant what I said last night. You're very special to me. All sex aside, it's like... you complete me."

To his surprise, she growled, "Shut up!" But then she added, "Don't say that kind of thing, or I'll never let you out of my arms. I love you, Brother!" She kissed him on the lips again, and this time it was both very erotic and very loving.

— — —

Since Katherine had actually showered earlier that morning, she got out while he was still showering and rushed back to her room. She quickly retrieved her diary from its secret hiding place.

Dear Diary,

I have to be fast, very fast! I only have a minute or two before I have to go to school, but I want to write down my impressions while they're still fresh, as fresh as the cum that was splattered all over my face (and MOM's!) just a few minutes ago! I'm sitting here naked, still slightly wet from the shower, and I've never felt so ALIVE!!!!

I'm gonna tell you more about it later, in great detail, but the big headline news is that Mom and I shared Brother's cock!!!! That's right, we sucked and licked him together! It was like everything I'd dreamed, only better! I mean, I thought sharing his cock was awesome already, like when I've shared it with Kim. But with Mom? No comparison! Just feeling my hand on her naked body while the smell of Brother's manly cock filled my nostrils made me so horny that I thought I was gonna die! I was totally getting into caressing her under the guise of trying to get a better hold, and she let me! And then when our tongues touched while we both licked his sweet spot at the same time, I thought I really WAS going to die! Goose bumps and tingles all over, like, the whole time!

Diary, how am I supposed to go to school and pretend to be normal when all I can think of is the fact that this isn't going to be a one-time thing? Oh no! Now that the barrier has been broken, we're gonna be doing this ALL THE TIME!!!! Heck, we might even spend later today or tonight just slurping and sliding away! Oh God, how can I sit through class?! Can you just imagine, doing it with Mom literally for hours at a time? Of course, it won't be all cocksucking. We could take turns getting titfucked, or maybe even titfuck him together! Mmmm! And sixty-nines! And when our tongues and hands get tired, he could spank us both, just because he feels like it! Oh, Diary, this is fuck-toy paradise!

God knows I love it when Brother fucks me. That's the very best! But unfortunately, it's not something that can be shared with Mom. Or Aunt Suzy. Or Aims. Ohmigod, the double blowjob combos! My head is reeling with possibilities!

Oh shit! Mom is calling for me to get in the car and I'm still naked and wet. Gotta go! Oh, and TRIPLE blowjobs! Or quadruple ones! Damn, I've really gotta run. More later!


A few minutes later, Susan drove her kids to school because they were so late. Alan sat in the back, closed his eyes, and tuned out, still trying to recover from his earlier experience.

Seeing it was effectively just the two of them, Susan said to Katherine as she drove, "By the way, please, watch where your feet go. You may not have noticed it, but you were, um, kicking me earlier."

"Sorry, Mom, I didn't see you there," Katherine replied. She knew that her foot caresses were not even close to "kicking," and the contact had certainly not been accidental, but she knew better than to point that out.please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

"That's okay," Susan said. "But you're not allowed to get excited looking at me, okay? Are you going to force me to be your sexual plaything as well? That would be very wrong. If we kiss each other or put on sexy little shows, it's just meant to help Tiger's problem."

Had Katherine been better able to read Susan's sexual language, she would have realized that Susan was practically screaming: Dominate me! But that was just too mind-blowing for Katherine to contemplate. She merely asked, "But Mom, can't I just appreciate another woman's beauty? Most women love to be complimented."

"Yeah, and most daughters say things to their mothers like 'nice hairdo' instead of poking their fingers in their mommy's butts. I don't know why I spoil you two. It's always 'give an inch and take a mile' around here."

Katherine finally agreed not to get horny looking at her mother, but with the display Susan put on each morning, that was like dropping a rock and asking gravity not to make it fall. Eager to change the conversation, she said, "By the way, thanks so much for aiming some of his cum at my face at the end there. I really appreciate it."

"Sure thing, my love," Susan said happily. "I know you'd do the same for me. Maybe not every time, since his orgasms are just so exciting and distracting, but most of the time. We sure were a sight, weren't we?" She giggled happily.

"We sure were!" Katherine found the conversation bizarre, to say the least. It was one thing to talk about such things while naked and horny, but everyone was fully dressed and about as "normal" as anyone got in the Plummer family anymore. Susan looked like the epitome of the perfect soccer mom driving their family minivan.

However, Katherine didn't see any harm in their conversation. In fact, it helped solidify the new sexual aspects to their relationships, so she said, "He cums so much! Even though half his load went straight into your mouth, and then more on your face, there was still some left over for me."

Susan beamed with happiness. "Yes, he certainly is a very, very virile and potent young man! The only comparison I have is with Ron, but that's like comparing a trickle to a flood. No, I mean a flood to a trickle. Your brother makes me so proud! I wish we didn't have to wipe our faces clean, so everyone could see the way he marked and claimed us with his spermy seed."

Katherine just shook her head in amazement at how much her formerly prudish mother had transformed. But the interesting thing was that Susan somehow retained her innocent and matronly qualities, even while showing such an unabashed passion for her son's penis.

pαпdα Йᴏνê|,сòМ Alan had to be roused from slumber when they arrived at school. He thought, Man! That was some kind of super orgasm. And a fuckin' double blowjob with Mom and Sis! But still, I suppose it doesn't count any more than any other orgasm in terms of reaching my daily target. And given my general sexual exhaustion, it'll be pretty tough to get to eight orgasms a day again. I should aim for six or seven instead. That is, if I can make it through school without collapsing from total sexual exhaustion! Phew!

Suzanne didn't go over to the Plummer house immediately after Susan returned from driving Alan and Katherine to school, as she so often did.

She was still puzzling out what to do about the events of the night before that involved Amy. She sat back in a chair in her home office and thought, My grand scheme is still progressing, but it's slipping out of my control. How to get it back on track?

There is one idea. It would be a bit of a nuclear bomb. I don't know if I have the duplicity to use it. The problem? Susan and Angel have the incest taboo going for them, making sex between Sweetie and them that much hotter, which could make them possibly more important to him than I am.

The solution? I have to become family too. True, I'm family in all but name, but that official labeling can make a huge mental difference. Neither Susan nor her kids have the slightest clue about his genetic parents, except for some kind of vague guess that he comes from a Mediterranean ethnic background, and that's only due to his naturally dark skin and general appearance. If they only knew the truth!

I can't tell them the truth because I'm bound by that vow, and besides it wouldn't help me here. But I could drop a bombshell and claim that I am his real birth mother. Wow. Suddenly, I'd be more of his mother than Susan is.

Sweetie was born about the same time Brad was, right before I met Susan. What if I said that I actually had twins, but Eric and I only wanted one so I put the second twin up for adoption? Of course I would have wanted him close by and treated him like my own son, so I made a secret arrangement with the adoption agency to put him into Susan's hands. Okay, there would be some holes in that story, but the whole Plummer family is so nice and trusts me so much that they'd certainly fall for it. Right?

The only problem is that it would be a complete lie. Well, an exaggeration at least. I did make a secret arrangement for their adoptions, so in a way I do feel like their mother. But it's so dastardly. Not to mention, the truth about who their real parents are is shocking enough, and I don't think any of them would appreciate my lie if they ever found out. Am I so desperate and conniving to actually use that story?

No. The answer is NO! The problem is, it's not a harmless lie, like most of the lies that I use in my schemes. It would hurt Susan very much. She has just about convinced herself that her adopted children are really her own flesh and blood. It would be devastating for her. I would be so torn apart by guilt that I would be unable to enjoy my victory. I can't do it.

I have to find another way to be number one in his heart and in his shorts. But how? I could find a lot of cruel ways to push Angel or Susan down and thus rise above them, but they're just about my favorite people in the whole world. I couldn't hurt them that much.

No, I have to make Sweetie love me more without him loving them any less. It's great if we all love each other more and more; it's just that I have to be number one in his heart. I have to! I know it's an immature feeling, but that's love for you. I want to possess him. Being his favorite would mean more to me than anything has in my life before. But how? How? HOW?! I'm already doing everything I can! How much more sultry and loving can I be? Jesus Christ, people say my body is unreal and my sex appeal is off the charts, but I've got some serious competition here. It's so damn frustrating!

She put a hand on her chin as she tried a different approach. The other way to become family is to become his wife. That's been my secret fantasy for over a year now. To be his wife: Mrs. Alan Plummer. Mmmm. Sounds nice! She smiled wistfully.

But it's so pie in the sky. I rarely allow myself to think about it. He wasn't even considering me when he chose an official girlfriend yesterday. That really hurt, but it's no wonder since I'm twice his age. And of course there's the very unpleasant fact that I'm already married. I could change that with a quick divorce, but then I wouldn't still be living next door. Also, that would cause trauma to Amy and Brad just as they're finishing high school. I might even have to get a job eventually, in a worst-case scenario... Lots of problems. But it's a moot point, because Sweetie would never consider marrying me in the first place.

Furthermore, SHOULD he even marry me? I should think about what's best for him and not just what works for me and what my pussy wants. Why saddle him with an old broad when he's just starting out in life?

Oh no! What if he actually marries AMY?! He doesn't love her as much as he does his sister or mother, but that could change with time. I hadn't even thought about that possibility last night when I was dumbly agreeing to the "official girlfriend" idea. I'm just not sharp lately. Too much time fantasizing about getting fucked and not enough time strategizing. I want to be related to him, but not as his mother-in-law!

Woe is me! I never thought I would use that phrase in all seriousness, but that's how I feel. Woe is me. Think of something, Suzanne! You always think of something and get out of every pickle, so think of something and get out of this one!

Suzanne brooded for over an hour, but she still could see no solution to her problems. She decided to go over to Susan's house and do their usual morning exercising and retelling of the previous day's events. Between their new kissing and nude sunbathing habits, not to mention just how arousing the previous day had been, she knew she'd be in for an exciting time. She figured that after a couple hours of such fun she'd be able to be alone and focus on her problem some more.

The hour plus that Suzanne spent alone in deep thought gave Susan a rare opportunity to also be alone and think for herself.

In the past week or two, Suzanne had kept a close eye on Susan and made doubly sure that her best friend stayed in at least some kind of erotic mood nearly every single hour of the day. Suzanne took care of most of Susan's mundane chores like shopping so Susan would hardly ever have to leave the house. When Susan did leave it for long periods of time, that usually led to a big setback in her subversion, so Suzanne always tried to prevent that.

But now Susan had a long chance to think, and the more she thought, the unhappier she became. While she cleaned up everyone's cum from the kitchen floor, and then still more from near the love seat, she had a dramatic change of heart. I remember when my kids were small. Some food would always fall to the floor and I'd have to clean it up. Now, instead of peas and spilled juice, it's crusted cum hosed all over my face and the floor by my precious little boy. Not that I don't appreciate his big spermy loads, but things are getting out of hand. He's starting to play with my pussy, and we all know where that leads! True incest!

The reality of how things had changed hit her like a ton of bricks, and it frightened her a lot.

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