6 Times a Day

Chapter 583 Plans Crumbling? Susan Going To Psychologist? [DM SPONSORED]

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Suzanne walked in the door of the Plummer house, thrilled to see another day. As she took off her shirt and put it in the underwear cabinet, she thought, We're going to have LOTS of fun even before Sweetie gets home. What'll I do with Susan first? Just how far will we go in lesbian loving this time? One big fat kiss on the lips, coming up!

pαпdα-ňᴏνê|·сóМ But then she walked further into the house and saw Susan. Her best friend looked like she was in mourning, fully clothed in black. On closer inspection, it was more like how a high-priced call girl might dress for a funeral - the shiny, black number was cut to show a deep valley of cleavage.

Suzanne thought with amusement that this was now Susan's outer limit of the least arousing outfit she'd wear; it was ridiculously conservative by her new standards, but she never would have been caught dead in it in her old life.

As Suzanne drew near, Susan flinched a bit, then requested, "Please don't kiss me. Please. Today's not a good day."

"What's the problem?" Suzanne asked. She privately thought, Uh-oh. Here comes trouble. Another prudish episode. Another bump in the road.

Passionate words poured out of Susan. "I don't know why all of a sudden I'm filled with doubt and regret about how things are going with Tiger. Actually, I do know why: I feel things are spiraling out of control. I mean, this all started out because of his medical condition, and I just wanted to help him out. But I'm too weak! I've let it all go too far, and not just with him, but with you, and Angel, and Amy too. This has gone way beyond his medical problem and having to keep his cum-filled balls properly drained. I've been in such a sexual fog that I can barely even remember what his medical problem was in the first place. I don't need any excuse anymore; now I love cocksucking so much that I can never get enough! And more! I want to do so much more with him! I have to stop this while I still have some willpower left."

She sighed. "You know what happened last night. I was so docile, just letting Tiger do anything to anybody, including me. The way he forced me to do that striptease, and then suck him off together with Amy... It was humiliating!"

Suzanne cut in. "Oh come on. He didn't force you. You loved it, and you know it."

Susan paused in thought, then conceded the point. "I know. But that's the problem: I love it too much! You should have seen how I acted this morning. I woke up thinking that I would act more responsibly, but that lasted all of about five seconds. As soon as he walked into the kitchen and put his hands on my bare butt, I was a goner. Within minutes I was all but begging to get fucked. Somehow, he talked Angel and me into sucking him off at the same time, if you can believe that!"

Suzanne tried to look scandalized, but she thought, YES! Brilliant!

Susan continued despondently, "It was like an orgy instead of a breakfast. I mean, really! The entire morning seemed to be about nothing but pleasuring his penis. I acted like the most shameful, wanton hussy! And you wouldn't believe some of the things I said. Sometimes I wonder why he doesn't just up and fuck me, because I put up no resistance whatsoever. Before too long, everybody here is going to end up having sex with everybody else!"

Suzanne thought to herself, And an orgy would be considered a bad thing?! That's my whole plan!

Suzanne stood there, topless, at a total mental loss. She had been in the process of changing, as she always did nowadays immediately after entering the Plummer house. Now her nakedness was quite awkward. She was still coming to grips with the conclusion that she wouldn't get to play with Susan's body that day. She had trouble relating to Susan's new mood so she tried to buy some time. "And you have a problem with that?"

Susan answered, "Of course I have a problem with that! Suzanne, you have to back me up here! I mean ... it's not that I'm not enjoying things. The problem is, I can't maintain any boundaries, and all I can think about is sex, sex, sex. I even like it when people force me to do things. I've got Tiger's hunky body or his firm erection on my mind all the time. I think I'm going mad!"

She continued, "Just this morning, I scolded him mildly for fingerfucking Angel in front of me. That's not what normal families do! Especially because my main problem with his action was that he was doing it to her and not to me. I don't consider myself the jealous type, normally. Sometimes I even enjoy hearing about his other sexual conquests. But I'm slowly changing; now I want him to be with nobody but me, all day long."

She dropped her head in total defeat. "To be more specific, I want to spend the entire day with my face in his crotch, sucking and stroking his gorgeous cock! And titfucking it! And that's not normal. It's not right! I've lost all perspective."

Suzanne asked, "Does this have anything to do with Amy being made his official girlfriend?"

Susan replied with a near whisper. "No."

"Come on. You can tell me."

"No, really." But her guilt and unhappiness made it clear that she was lying.

"Cooooome on..."

"Darn it, you know me too well! Okay, I admit it: I've been burning up with jealousy ever since he made Amy his official girlfriend, mainly because I'm hopping mad that it was her instead of me! Is that sick or what?! I know that would be impossible for lots of reasons, but sometimes my emotional feelings overwhelm any rationality. It pains me terribly when he has to go to school for seven long hours. That's so horribly long! If I didn't have you to keep me company during the day, I couldn't bear it."

She sighed. "And yet, strangely, feeling jealous that he's loving others instead of me arouses me somehow. Maybe because it shows what a total stud he is. But heck, everything arouses me somehow! Obviously I can't keep on like this. But I'm not blaming anybody but myself. I haven't provided the leadership and discipline my children need. I just keep giving in to my urges, over and over. Suzanne, you're my best friend. You have to help me!"

Suzanne confessed honestly, "If it makes you feel any better, I fantasize about being his official girlfriend too. Though, you know, I'm obviously too old for that."

"You do? That does make me feel better. But I'm his mother!" She thought to herself some more, then continued, "I mean, my problem is that I'm mentally split in two. There's a part of me that really, really, REALLY wants Tiger to fuck me, and sometimes I even want to do, do..." She whispered quietly, "Do things to women too!"

She continued in a normal voice before Suzanne could respond to that. "That's how depraved I am. The things I've been thinking about doing to you... You don't even want to know. I can't say! But there's another part that finds it all morally reprehensible and spiritually wrong. I realize now that I've been clueless lately, not thinking things through and in fact not really thinking at all. That's because my mind is at war with itself. So I've just been turning my mind off rather than opening up this can of worms."

"So-" Suzanne started to say.

But Susan was on a roll. "Now bear in mind that I don't want to go back to how things were before this all started. No way! I was so unhappy then and I didn't even know it. If I don't get to suck Tiger's cock every day, I think I'll just die. I can't go on without loving him, physically. Deeply. In every way. But I really can't go on like this either. I'm too obsessed! And if something doesn't change, things are going to keep escalating until he winds up... you know."

"No, I don't know."

"You know. His, his stiffness. In me. And I don't mean my mouth! I mean lower!"

"A titfuck?" Suzanne was being deliberately obtuse. "Aren't those wonderful?"please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

"Yes, but... I mean even lower than that!"

"Oh!" Suzanne pretended to be scandalized, when in fact nothing would have made her happier than to see Alan fuck her friend, since that would have meant that he could fuck her openly too.

Susan sighed again. "I have to strike a balance somehow, with some level of daily sexual interaction while still having a life free of sex for some hours of the day. But my boundaries aren't working. It's not his fault. He's been heroic in his restraint, I know. He's such a wonderful, loving, cum-filled boy. I feel like it's all MY fault. I think I always let things slide because inwardly I just want to get fucked. I need my son to nail me good and hard! Gaaawwwwd, that would be GREAT! But I can't allow it. I shouldn't. Should I? I'm so torn! And what would I do without him?! What if he were to move away? My life would be destroyed. But he needs to live his own life and not have me hanging around his neck. Oh Suzanne! This is just killing me!"

Suzanne's heart went out to Susan's plight. She thought, I had no idea that Susan was still so conflicted deep inside. That's probably because she's riding an erotic buzz most of the day and suppresses it all.

She's a pretty smart woman normally, in her own way. But these past few weeks, most of the time she's so sexed up she has the intellect of a potted plant. But her childhood strictures against incest still haunt her, so it all comes out whenever the action stops for long enough. I've managed to narrow the definition of incest in her mind to just vaginal fucking, and that worked wonders for a while. But I haven't really gotten rid of her objections; I've just delayed her day of reckoning. Now that she's starting to think of fucking him as a real possibility, even an inevitability, she's freaking out!

There's really only one solution. She has to get over the hump by humping, so to speak. She has to get used to fucking her son, and then over time all her doubts will ebb away. I've got to continue to condition her, but with a new focus on how fucking her son isn't really sinful. To be honest, I didn't think she'd reach this point so quickly, so I haven't laid the groundwork.

Susan sighed deeply yet again. "I think I need professional help. I have to see a psychologist, immediately, before things get even crazier!"

"Hmmm. A psychologist, you say?" Suzanne spoke while her mind schemed frantically. How am I going to spin THAT? With no outsiders interfering, my plan to turn the Plummer house into a giant, non-stop orgy party has been slowly but surely succeeding. But if she talks to someone like a real psychologist, fuck knows what the result from that will be.

Wait - I know what'll happen. The psychologist won't buy Sweetie's medical condition story because, let's face it, it sounds absurd unless you want to believe it in the first place. They'll ask a few other doctors about it and the entire thing will unravel. Dr. Fredrickson and Nurse Akami may do prison time, for starters. My role in it will come out. No way can I let that happen. I have to convince her not to see anybody. That's the-

As if Susan had read Suzanne's last thought, she said, "Don't try to make me change my mind. I've got my mind made up. I know what you're going to say: that no outsider should learn of Tiger's medical problem. Who knows if even a trained professional will tell, and so on? And it's true; I don't know a good doctor that can be trusted. But I think the situation demands taking the risk."

Suzanne failed to answer that directly. To stall for time, she changed the subject, saying, "By the way, I feel frightfully underdressed. How embarrassing." She covered her nipples but barely anything else. She knew that striking such a "modest" pose would actually make her body even more tantalizing.

Susan unconsciously licked her lips. She seemed transfixed. But then she realized she was staring at her best friend's chest and she muttered, "Um, that would probably be a good idea."

Suzanne went to the underwear cabinet to retrieve her shirt, but she still remained in view of Susan.

Susan watched her move about with great interest. "Oh. Sorry about that. Actually, it's fine if you leave it off, but if you put it back on that could help me think. That's one or my problems: my arousal when I see... when I see..."

Susan didn't want to discuss her recent lesbian urges with her friend, since Suzanne was the main focus of those urges. So instead she covered up her verbal stumble. "It's not like we suddenly can't go nude. After all, the task of helping Tiger with his six-times-a-day target never ends. We have to develop the properly slutty attitude twenty-four hours a day if we're going to be the best cocksuckers and penis pleasers we can possibly be."

She caught herself after saying that, bemoaning, "See? That's not normal. But that's how I think these days. All I can think of is that big fat cock drooling cum, deep in my mouth, sliding in and out, in and out, in and out... That delicious cum splattering on the back of my throat... More sperm on my face, and dripping down into my cleavage... So much yummy, spermy joy! And when he's gone off to school, it's pure torture!"

Suzanne replied, "I agree with your attitude on nudity. But I think I'll just put my top back on, if you don't mind."

Dressing allowed Suzanne to stall for more time while she thought of new ideas. I don't think this would be the appropriate moment to take the egg vibrator out of my pussy, since she'll notice it was there in the first place. But it's so hard to think with it in there! Damn. Focus, Suzanne!

Okay, how about this? If she doesn't know a good doctor, what if I get a faux doctor to tell her lies? It worked well once before to get this whole ball rolling. Akami really grew into her role. But whom can I pick for this? I don't know any psychologists at all, so I can't get one to lie like I did with Dr. Fredrickson. What if I get someone to impersonate one?

Wait! I know the perfect person: my old college pal Xania. Oh my gosh! That could work in so many different ways.

"Susan," Suzanne finally said once she'd slipped her shirt back over her shoulders, "as you can tell, I'm thinking deeply about this situation. I think you have a good point about seeing a psychologist. Personally, I think pleasure is nothing to be ashamed of, and these last few weeks have been the best and most pleasurable of my life."

"Me too," Susan agreed. "By such a huge amount that it's not even funny."

Suzanne nodded and went on, "But we don't know the long-term psychological effects, either for you or for your children. I didn't realize you'd become so conflicted, or that you get that obsessed."

Susan explained, "That's because I've been turning my brain off, more or less, so I could just be in denial about everything and enjoy the moment. And God, do I enjoy the moment! But the slippery slope! Where is this leading? Are we all going to burn in Hell? I can't control it at all."

Suzanne continued, "You should see someone about this. True, it is a big risk. If this gets out, you could destroy everyone's lives, for sure. I know you said that Sweetie still needs his help, but do you personally really want to stop altogether? Do you really want to give up your daily dose of your son's sweet cum?"

"Of course not. No way! I was thinking maybe I wouldn't be fully honest with the psychologist..."

"That's not good. Instead, you need someone who has some sympathy for his medical needs, and for your vital role in helping him out. That would let you really lay the whole story bare."

"Yes, if there's anyone out there who's sympathetic. Do you think there is? We have to keep helping him with his medical treatment, no matter what. He can't do it alone. When I think of all that nasty sperm building up in his balls... Why, it makes me anxious just to think about it!"

Suzanne pointed out, "Not many professionals are going to have any sympathy for this whole situation, even though it's all very justified medically. But I think I have the solution. I have a friend who's a psychologist. She's someone we can trust. She's also very open-minded and has a really healthy attitude about sexual things. It would be an almost perfect fit. I just hope she's around. She and I were close in college, until just before I met you, but I haven't spoken to her in a number of years."

"Oh, Suzanne, that's great!" Susan had been keeping her physical distance from Suzanne, afraid they might end up kissing or more, but now she excitedly walked up to her friend and gave her a big hug. "Who is she? Tell me more!"

Suzanne smiled as she hugged her best friend back. "Well, I don't want to get your hopes up and then have them crash. For one thing, she doesn't even live in this county. She lives up in Los Angeles, last I heard. But she could be in Timbuktu now for all I know. Let me go back home, make some calls, and try to track her down. But I'd trust her with my life. No worries about the security aspect, if she can do it."

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