6 Times a Day

Chapter 584 Here Comes Xania, The Psychologist..!![Douglas M Bonus Chapter]

Douglas M Bonus Chapter


Suzanne left not long afterward, so she could track down her old friend.

As Suzanne walked back to her house, she thought, I haven't spoken to Xania in years. What has it been, five years, maybe? But things have been difficult between us for a lot longer than that. Still, time heals all wounds. I think she'd definitely be into helping because I know she loves a challenge, just as long as she hasn't died or turned into a Jesus freak or something. No way would "The Snake" get all prudish on me. She's so wild that she makes ME look tame. Or at least she was. I hope she'll let bygones be bygones. Xania, please be home!

Suzanne called Xania "The Snake" because Xania had a nearly inhumanly long tongue. That had been her nickname in certain circles back when she and Suzanne had been college roommates, as well as "friends with benefits" lovers. Suzanne was always a bit jealous of Xania's tongue and her nickname, since Suzanne's tongue was also remarkably long, yet it was constantly overlooked in favor of Xania's because Xania's was just a little bit longer.

The "bygones be bygones" aspect was a reference to an incident where Suzanne had stolen Xania's serious boyfriend. Their friendship had fallen apart after that, and although they had eventually made up things between them were never the same.

Suzanne rushed into her house and found her phone book. She located Xania's number and dialed it.

"Xania? ... You're home! Great! It's me, Suzanne... Uh huh. Look, I need to know urgently: no big changes in your life lately - married, kids, new job, something like that? ... No, same old you, living life to the fullest, having fun? Great! ... Are you still knocking the socks off the hunks around town? ... You are? But of course you are, hee-hee-hee... This may sound weird, but I have a huuuuge favor to ask..."

Suzanne briefly but vaguely outlined the incestuous situation with Susan and the need for her friend Xania to play the role of a psychologist for a day or so.

Xania proved to be game, especially when she was told, "Listen. Things have changed around here, big time. Susan's son Alan isn't a little kid anymore. He's turned into a serious sex stud! Something you can and should find out for yourself."

Xania pointed out, "I know some very studly guys around here that I'm sure blow a mere boy away. How old is he, anyway? Is he legal?"

"Yes. He's eighteen. And I know you can easily find muscle-bound hunks who are physically superior to Alan in every way. But this is different. He makes sex FUN! I know I'm biased because I'm hopelessly in love with him, but there's some kind of special spark with him. Try him; you'll see what I mean."

"Wait a minute. Hold everything. YOU, Suzanne, the supremely jaded, are 'hopelessly in love' with your neighbor boy?!"

"I am, and I'm not ashamed to admit it. You'd better watch out, or he just might hook you too! He already practically has his own little harem here. He's not just sexually involved with his mother Susan; he's getting it on with his sister Katherine, me, my daughter Amy, and some other serious hotties!"

"You're kidding me! His mother, his sister, YOUR daughter... Are you okay with all that?! I thought you just said you're in love with him?"

"I am. And I'm very okay with all that. We're basically turning into one big sex-mad family, and it's the best thing that's ever happened to any of us. You just HAVE to come here and check it out."

"Well, you certainly have tempted me. But pretending to be a psychologist for a whole day? I don't know if I can do that."

"Sure you can! I'll pay all your expenses and give you a fee. I know you got your undergrad degree in psychology, so together with your acting skills it should be easy. Besides, when was the last time you and I have had some one-on-one time?"

Xania's arousal level shot up dramatically, because she knew what that meant. Although both of them preferred sex with men, they used to sex each other up on a daily basis back when they were college roommates. "Are you serious?! You and me!"

"Dead serious. It's been way too long."

"It has! But you told me a long time ago that you couldn't do that anymore. Something about needing to 'go straight' because if Susan found out about your bisexual ways, well... I don't remember why that was so bad, but you seemed really worried about it."

"I was. But things have changed completely, like I told you. Susan not only sucks her son's cock on a daily basis, as if it's the greatest treat in the world, but she and I have started French kissing, and more. So, needless to say, I'm not worried anymore about what she might think about us getting it on."

"Okay! If that's the case, I'll be there will bells on! Besides, as you can probably guess, I'm not exactly that busy here lately."

Xania lived for the party life. Like Suzanne, she was in her late thirties, but she had remained unmarried. She was addicted to L.A.'s swinging club scene. Over the years she'd had plenty of boyfriends and experienced orgies, drugs, rock n' roll, and every type of hedonistic fun she could find. But she still looked great and kept going strong. In fact, she had a very similar physique to Suzanne and Susan - tall and buxom - although she was just a bit taller.

Suzanne truly did trust Xania because she knew her so well, even though they had drifted apart after the incident of the stolen boyfriend. So she wasn't worried that Xania would try to blackmail her afterward; that just wasn't in Xania's nature.

The one problem Suzanne had was that she couldn't really imagine Xania as a doctor. Because she knew that Xania had once had a bit part in a borderline-pornographic movie, the best Suzanne could do was conjure up the ridiculous image of Xania nearly naked while carrying some books. But luckily, Xania really was an experienced Hollywood actress (although mostly in minor roles in soft-core porn movies) so Suzanne was pretty sure that she could at least play a role convincingly.

After Suzanne got the initial thumbs-up from Xania and they had outlined a brief plan, she hung up and called Susan.

"Hi, Susan? Guess what? Xania is still around, and she's still a psychologist! That's the name of the friend I was talking about... Not only that, but I briefly outlined your problem and your urgent need, and she's agreed to make room in her schedule to see you the day after tomorrow! Isn't that great? ... Of course, you'll have to drive up to Los Angeles, but her office is only about an hour and a half from here, so that's not too bad. She also wants to see Alan and Katherine, so that she can understand the problem from all angles. ... Uh huh, on the same day. They'll obviously have to miss school. Figure on at least half a day, with the driving... Just call in sick for them. After all, this is important and urgent for you and them."

After she'd talked to Susan some more, Suzanne called Xania back and they made their plans.

Xania really did live in L.A., an adversity that Suzanne now turned into an advantage. If the "doctor" had been nearby in Orange County, Susan might want to have weekly appointments, but that would be a difficult deception to maintain, even though Xania actually had taken psychology courses when she and Suzanne had been in school together.

Suzanne drove to L.A. that same day to discuss the situation in person; she and Xania spent hours so Xania would be very thoroughly coached on what to say. While in L.A., Suzanne also arranged a short-term rental of a furnished office, so Xania could hold her meeting in what might hopefully pass as a real psychologist's office.please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

Suzanne wasn't happy that Susan had insisted on seeing a psychologist, but she looked at the situation from the positive side. If I can pull this off, I can use this to drive Susan and the others even deeper into sexual abandon. Get the doctor to tell her that everything is okay as is, and she'll no longer have any excuse to hold back. This could actually get rid of what remains of her moral qualms, maybe even healing the mental split that's been troubling her. True, we'll all benefit, but really it's for her own good. God, I'm brilliant sometimes!

Sean caught up with Alan as he left his first-period class. "Hey, dude. What's up with you?"

"What do you mean?" Alan responded as the two of them walked to their second-period English class.

"Lately, you've been the king of the space cases, but today you really took the cake. If I didn't know you so well, I'd figure you're totally high on something."

Alan realized he had a growing problem trying to explain his increasingly erratic behavior in school. He thought to himself, as if he were talking out loud to Sean. How would YOU behave if you just had the kind of morning I did, with your mother and sister pleasuring your cock nearly every single minute until we had to leave for school? No, wait, that couldn't happen with YOUR sister; she's too young. What if you woke up with my mom and my... No! Yuck. Okay, A mom and a sister. Imagine that!

Sean snapped his fingers in front of Alan's face as they walked. "Dude! You're still doing it."

"Sorry. I'm just trying to think about how to explain. Let's put it this way. I've learned how to imagine that I have a totally sexy foreign exchange student living with me. She's a Scandinavian blonde, really stacked, with a bubble butt and a sultry face. She's totally amazing in every way! And she's totally into me; all she wants to do is go to town between my legs ALL the time, if you know what I mean."

ραпdα Йᴏνê|(сòm) "I do! I do!" Sean was enjoying this.

"You've probably even had similar fantasies yourself, though maybe about a different blonde."

Sean replied, "That's true. I have." He smiled broadly as he thought about Heather doing that to him.

Alan continued, "I dream about her all the time. Sometimes she even gives me a goodnight BJ before I go to sleep, then gives me a 'human alarm clock' one in the morning to wake me up."

Sean nodded eagerly. He figured Alan's dream girl had to be Christine, and he loved the mental image of such a sexy yet prudish girl giving a blowjob.

"But here's where it gets really weird: she can turn invisible whenever she wants. So when I'm eating a meal, I may find her on her knees under the table, blowing me the whole time! Sometimes she even does it during class here at school. Suppose that you could imagine that really happening to you, and do it all the time. I'd like to see YOU act normal during a boring first-period physics class while you're imagining that."

"Okay, point taken," Sean replied. "But I hate to say this, but your imaginary hottie sounds a lot like my current girlfriend: imaginary. In other words, she's not real. So what's REALLY spacing you out?"

Alan replied, "I'm telling you the truth! That's what I'm imagining. I'm getting, like, REALLY good at daydreaming about it. I totally imagine that happening to me all the time, whenever I get in the right zone. Today I was doing it all morning in class. What would you rather do: enjoy the hot exchange student, or listen to our teacher drone on and on?"

"Hmmm. Point taken again. But how did you get so good at daydreaming all of a sudden? And isn't that going to kill you when we have our next test?"

Just then Christine caught up to them. "Hey guys, what's up? What's this I heard you saying, something about our next test?"

Alan had seen Christine coming and he didn't mind her overhearing a little bit. He would have shut up if he'd still been talking about something too overtly sexual. He replied, "Oh, hey Christine. We were just talking about the greatest problem plaguing our school: blondes!"

Sean snickered, because he knew Alan loved to tell dumb-blonde jokes to Christine, and it was also true in a way that they'd been talking about blondes since Alan had been talking about his imaginary Scandinavian blonde exchange student.

Christine turned to Sean and stared at him with her usual intense gaze. "What's so funny?"

"Um, nothing. Gotta run!" The three of them were all headed to the same class, and in fact they were already almost there, but Sean suddenly rushed ahead because he was very intimidated by Christine's beauty and intensity. Even though they shared Alan as a friend, and also shared most of their classes, he rarely spoke directly to her. Additionally, he felt ashamed, since when Alan had talked about his imaginary Scandinavian hottie, Sean had been picturing Christine.

As Sean scurried off Christine said to Alan, "Sheesh. What's with him?" She turned her intent gaze on Alan. "And what's with you? You were soooo out of it today."

"We were just talking about that," Alan said. He slowed his walking greatly so they could finish talking before reaching the classroom. "You see, I'm not just joking about the blonde thing. I've caught blonde-itis! I have a malignant case of stage-four blondeness. Sean ran off 'cos he's afraid of catching it from you. Sure, my hair still looks dark brown now, but the roots! Oh, dear God, my roots are corn yellow! So I was just gazing off into space for the whole hour, thinking about going to the mall and buying some shoes."

Christine snorted derisively. She was secretly amused by his over-the-top bullshit, but she didn't want to give him the satisfaction of laughing. "I could almost believe it, the way you were staring into nothingness for a solid hour."

"A-ha! So you admit that blonde-ness is a disease! That's a big step. You know, you have to admit you have a problem before we can work on the cure."

She rolled her eyes. "The problem I have is that I have a moronic brown-haired friend who seems to have lost what little was left of his marbles. Why were you really- oh, darn." She had to stop because they'd reached the classroom door. If they said any more, some of their classmates would probably overhear. She headed to her seat, but pointed at him as she spoke quietly. "This isn't over! You're acting really weird lately, even by your recent standards of already exceptional weirdness."

Alan took his seat, which was next to hers. He thought, Uh-oh. That whole daydream excuse worked with Sean, but I can't exactly tell that to Christine; she'd see right through it. What cover story am I gonna tell her? I have to do a better job switching gears and getting into school mode. But damn! What happened to me this morning - how could anybody think or function after that? Double blowjob! Sweet! Mom AND Sis together! What an epic morning!

Christine glanced over at him. There he goes again. That same stupid grin. What on Earth is he thinking about? Or more likely, WHO is he thinking about? Is it Amy? Or Kim? Or Kim AND Amy? How many guys have two girlfriends? I could see him getting giddy about that. But he's been with those two for a while now, I think. Maybe he has a THIRD girlfriend? Or is he doing new things with one or both of them? Dammit, I really wanna know!

In any case, I'm sure it has something to do with sex. Because I sit next to him in most classes, I'm probably one of the few who've noticed that he has an erection most of the time when he's spacing out. Which means that lately he has an erection practically all the time!

I would think that would hurt or something after a while, no? Normally, she couldn't see his crotch in class due to his desk being in the way, so she bent down, using the pretense of getting something from her backpack. She blushed after briefly glimpsing the tenting in his shorts. Oh no! It's happening again!

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