6 Times a Day

Chapter 592 You Don't Want Me To Spank You Now, Because I'm Not Going To Take It Easy. [DM SPONSORED]

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"Oh. My. God." Michelle was obviously flabbergasted.

He heard the sound of the door closing. Then he heard Glory say, "Do you believe it now?"

"Ms. Rhymer! No way! Wait till I tell... Oh damn. I can't tell anyone. Shit!"

"Let's put it this way. If you tell anyone, you won't get a repeat performance. But if you're silent, who knows what might happen? Now let's go over to Alan and see how he's doing."

Glory walked over to Alan and removed his gag.

Alan was so stunned that he didn't know what to say, now that he could finally talk. After a long pause, he said, "Glory. What the HELL?!"

She giggled, then whispered in his ear, "I'm so sorry. I promise I'll make it up to you. But I felt like this was some kind of harmonic convergence. Her telling me she liked spanking - no one's ever told me that before. And you bent over like this. What are the odds? A million to one. It just had to be. Not only that, but she really has the hots for you and she's amazingly hot. Believe me, by the time this is over, you're going to be so glad I did this; you're going to be thanking me for a long time."

Alan whispered back, "But Glory, I just can't handle it. I know I'm only eighteen, but I swear to God I'm going to have a heart attack. If I don't, at the very least I'm going to have a nervous breakdown. I'm scared shitless!"

To his surprise, she put the gag back in his mouth. He suddenly wanted to demand that she untie him and take the blindfold off, but it was too late.

Then she apparently went back to Michelle. He heard her say out loud, "Michelle, he's very frightened. Understandably so. Let me take charge here. Don't do anything unless I tell you to. Don't say anything except for 'yes' when you're spoken to. You think you can handle that?"


"Very good. Just like that. Now we need to calm him down. Like I said, I'm romantically involved with him. What I'm going to do next may seem shocking, but I'm afraid it's the only way to calm him down. I'm going to fondle his penis for a bit. Can you handle that?"


"Good. You just sit there."

The next thing Alan knew, he felt Glory's hands on his boner. Soon she began giving him a most enthusiastic handjob.

Alan had experienced more handjobs and blowjobs in recent weeks than he could possibly count, but this one was possibly the most emotionally intense. He felt like his whole body was literally on fire, and it seemed like his cock was well and truly burning. Not being able to see heightened his other senses to a surprising degree.

Yet Glory was right. He did find himself calming down, thanks to the movements of her hands. He tried to ignore the humiliation and forget completely that Michelle was there. He focused all his thoughts on Glory and how good she was making him feel.

Then, without warning, her hands disappeared and he felt her tongue on his shaft. That was strange, because he was lying face down with his cock hanging straight down. He realized she had to be underneath him, lying on the floor or perhaps with her head on some kind of stool, in order to get her mouth around his hard-on.

It felt so amazingly good that he nearly forgot completely about Michelle. But every now and then he would realize with a start that he was being watched by a total stranger. Those realizations would hit him like a jolt, causing his whole body to tense up, which prevented him from relaxing completely and losing his fear.

Glory gently massaged his balls with one hand. When she felt his scrotum tighten, she vacated her position. He assumed that she wouldn't want him to shoot cum all over the floor, so he used his PC muscle control to hold off an orgasm.

She stood up and said, "I hope you didn't mind that, Michelle. It seems he's doing much better. Once Alan gets to know you better, I'm sure he'd like you to do that too. Would you like to suck him off?"

"Yes, please."

"I knew you would. Even better, would you like to spank him right now?"

"Yes, please."

"Excellent. The only thing I ask is that you get naked first. Believe you me, I'm certainly not into girls. It's just that's how we do things around here. I was naked when I was spanking him before you came in. Do you want to get naked?"


"Good. I'll do that too."

Alan waited a while and listened to the sound of women's clothes as they fell to the floor, piece by piece.

He thought, This is truly unreal. Glory's right. The odds of this happening are a million to one. Actually, now that I think about it, there have been so many things happening to me recently that have a million to one odds. Billions to one, maybe. No one has this kind of luck. It's simply not possible. There must be some kind of magic.

Oh my God! I just had a thought. What if someone around here has magical powers and is toying with me? It has to be something like that. Except that I don't believe in magic. There's no God, either. Maybe more realistically, what if Glory is the one who set this whole spanking thing up? What if she and Michelle arranged all of this in advance? It has to be!

But just as he reached this conclusion, his thoughts were interrupted by a loud, painful swat. He figured that Michelle must be spanking him now. She spanked just as hard or harder than Glory. His shame burned anew. He squeezed his eyes closed beneath the blindfold while wishing he could just crawl into a hole and die.

After Michelle's second spank, Glory said, "Michelle, it's a bit tough on Alan to be spanked like that. We try to sweeten the pot a bit by stroking his penis between the spankings. Usually the spanker does it. Normally I wouldn't be so bold as to ask you, but since you're already fondling yourself, just like I am, I figured you'd be game. I could do it, or you could do it. Do you want to do it?"

"Yes, please."

Alan felt hands on his cock again. They were colder this time, but they still felt fantastic. Michelle apparently just wanted to fondle him for a while. Then one hand disappeared and he felt another spank come crashing down.

He felt like his brain was going to explode. He was on the verge of ejaculating and his ass was on fire. He couldn't take it anymore. He had to know what was going on. He yelled into his gag. Although he couldn't say anything coherent, he hoped Glory would hear his cries and remove the gag.

Thankfully, she did just that.

As soon as he could, he ordered, "Take the blindfold off! NOW!"

She took that off too and came around in front of him.

He was nearly blinded by the light after having his eyes in pitch darkness for so long. He saw a vague shape he guessed to be Glory and then he had to close his eyes again.

He asked urgently, "What the hell is going on? Just what is happening? This is all a scam, isn't it? This is some kind of trick!"

Glory chuckled and then said, "Damn. You found me out, after all."

Alan was so surprised by that that he opened his eyes again and tried to look at her face. He looked down and saw that, indeed, she was completely naked, except for her black stockings. As his eyes focused he realized she was also very happy and laughing.

She appeared to be oblivious to how much he'd suffered, but she started to get some sense from the anger and anguish in his face. It was extremely rare for him to be truly angry.

She said, "That was the most fun I ever had. I'm really sorry I tricked you. I promise I'll make it up to you, and I'm not lying about that. I'll do anything. I just hope you'll forgive me."

"Please untie my hands," he requested.

She quickly did so.please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

He was finally able to get up. As he stood and stretched his legs, he asked, "Where's Michelle? Michelle, I'm really sorry that-"

He looked around the room and did a double-take. Then a triple take. There was no one else in the room but him and Glory. He asked, dumbly, "Glory, where did Michelle go? Is she hiding somewhere? In the closet?"

He started to walk towards the closet.

But Glory stopped him. "Wait."

He froze.

She continued, with puzzlement in her voice, "I thought you knew. There is no Michelle. It was just me the whole time."

Alan again felt like his head would simply explode. He nearly fainted from sheer amazement. He had to sit down. He was still frantically scanning the room because he didn't know what to believe anymore. His eyes finally saw a small tape recorder on Glory's desk, with a notepad next to it.

Glory noticed where he was staring. She walked over to the tape recorder and hit play.

He heard Michelle's voice say "Yes, please."

She hit the stop button. Then she hit the play button and played Michelle saying "Yes, please" again. Then again. And again. Glory stopped the tape recorder and put it back on the desk. She looked mirthful, but also serious. She was worried that she'd gone too far with her practical joke.

Alan was slow on the uptake. "You mean, there's no Michelle? But the hands on my dick! The dialogue earlier! Who was that?"

"The hands? Those were my hands, but I put some cold cream on them first to give them a different feel and make you think otherwise. And the dialogue? I wrote that out earlier and read my lines from the notepad. The tape recorder played Michelle's voice up to the point where I allowed you to talk. Beyond that I didn't know for sure what would happen, so I arranged it that Michelle would only have to say 'Yes, please' after that."

"But, but, but it was so real! The creaking of the door! That scared the shit out of me!"

"I recorded that, too. Last night. I've been planning this awhile. I stood by the door at that point so it would sound just right."

"Holy fuck. No way." He sat, stunned.

Now Glory was confused. "But you said you realized it was a scam. What did you mean?"

"I meant that you must have planned this in advance with this Michelle. No way could it have all happened spontaneously."

"Hmmm. Good guess. But not right. Too bad, though. I was going to have Michelle come back for repeat visits, but now you'd see right through that."

Alan sighed with relief, his heart still pounding. "Crap. Thank God I figured it out, because you just took five years off my life. I wouldn't have survived repeat visits; I wouldn't even have lived long enough to graduate." He still just sat and pondered as his breath calmed down.

After a bit, Glory said, "Now comes the part where you kill me." She was very apprehensive about what he'd think of her at that point.

Alan thought things through, then said, "No, I'm not going to kill you. Yes, I am upset. Very upset. Please don't ever do that again! I mean, I know you were just trying to have fun and take our role-playing to another level, but do you have any idea how frightening that was? I was literally scared shitless. It's a good thing I didn't have anything in my bladder or I certainly would have peed my pants. Although I'm not actually wearing any pants, but whatever. Being in the dark and tied up was so fucking scary! I don't EVER want to feel that totally helpless again. There were parts of our role-play that were so intensely arousing, but there also were parts that were just outright scary."

"I'm sorry," Glory said, apologizing sincerely, "but the blindfold and the rest was the only way I could figure out how to do it without you seeing that Michelle wasn't there. Are you mad at me? I promise I'll do anything to make it up to you. Anything. Just don't leave angry!"

He sat and stared at her. She was still completely naked, while he still wore a T-shirt and nothing else. She looked very sad and regretful.

He thought, How can I stay mad at someone so beautiful and loving? She just thought it would be good fun. She didn't realize the sheer terror I went through. You can't imagine what it's like unless you've gone through it. I love these role-plays, but we have to have limits and that one went too far.

But I did kind of deserve it, especially after all the cruel things I called Heather earlier today. Now I can see how the other half lives. Talk about subservience; that is true subservience. Wow! Unreal.

He stood up and put his clothes on. Finally he said, "I'm not mad at you. Actually, I am, a bit, but I'll get over it soon enough. Don't worry. And believe me, when you say you'll do anything to make it up, you will. I don't know what I'm going to do to you, but it'll be something to remember!"

"That's the spirit!" Glory said joyfully. She knew that he still wanted to see her, but she was nonetheless relieved to hear him say it.

He got ready to walk out of the room, but Glory stood up and grabbed him by the arm. "Don't go. For one thing, you never did get off. I can give you an extra special deep-throating."

"Thanks, but I'm not in the mood. I'm in a really freaked-out mode."

"Oh... But wait. I'll bet you're thinking that she can't possibly know what that was like."

"Damn straight!"

"And you'd be right. That's why you need to show me. You've only spanked me once, but now I've spanked you twice. And Michelle's done it once." She couldn't help adding that, and laughed.

Alan laughed too, though not as happily.

She continued, "We still have the blindfold, gag, and rope here. A spanking setup all ready to go. I think you need to give me at least a taste of what you went through, so I can try to understand."

"I'm in a bad mood," he growled. "You don't want me to spank you now, because I'm not going to take it easy."

She bent over a student's desk and presented her ass to him. "I'm a teacher, and I can tell you that the best way to really find something out is by doing it. Will her star pupil spank her too hard? Or be timid and not spank hard enough? Inquiring minds want to know." She giggled and winked.

"Glory, you're a lot weirder than I thought. I thought you were totally straight-laced." He picked up the ruler. "Now get ready for the spanking of your life."

Glory smiled very happily. "Young man, if you keep this up, I think you just might pass my class with flying colors."

He let his hand clutching the ruler fly down. He felt greatly relieved as the tension flowed out of him. Now that he could think a bit more clearly, he recalled her promise to do anything. With the ruler raised to deliver another spanking, he said, "Anything? Glory do you really mean anything? Even... You know?"

"Yes. Especially... you know. But not today. I want the mood to be special. Let's not talk about it today. Just think about it and we'll make our plans. Oh, and by the way, don't get the wrong idea. I don't want to do it because I feel like I owe you for this; I want to do it because my feelings for you are so strong. But maybe today is a sign that we should do it sooner rather than later. And put the blindfold on me, so I can really understand what you felt."

Alan smiled. Maybe that was worth it, after all. If there isn't a God, then who is smiling down on me?

Alan was utterly exhausted, mentally and physically. He wasn't the kind of person to really hurt someone, but he was so worked up from what Glory had done to him that he gave her a thorough spanking, slapping her ass as hard as he could bear to do.

pαпdα Йᴏνê|,сòМ She clearly loved it, cumming more times than he could count. It appeared to become one continuous orgasm for her. He frigged her during the spanking, but surprisingly, he didn't get aroused himself. He was still too shocked from the whole "Michelle" experience. Even though she again offered every sexual act she could think up to please him, short of outright fucking, he turned them all down.

He walked home in a complete daze. He still didn't know what to think about what had just happened. Was it fiendishly brilliant fun? Or intolerably mean and cruel? Perhaps both? And what did it say about her personality? He wanted to sleep on it.

Halfway home, the thought struck him that "Michelle's" voice sounded too different to have been spoken by Glory. That greatly puzzled him the rest of the way home. He resolved to ask Glory about it the first chance he got. Further on, it occurred to him that he'd never checked the closet to see if someone really was there. That got him so curious that he wanted to call Glory right away, but he realized that despite all they'd been through he didn't even know her telephone number.

He staggered onwards to his home, almost fearing the possibility of more sexual action.

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