6 Times a Day

Chapter 593 You're Telling Me Alan Has So Much Sex That It Takes A Whole Team Of Girls To Take Care Of Him? [DM SPONSORED]

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Alan's school day was over, but Amy's was not. As she was walking to the bike racks to go home, Christine came running after her, shouting, "Amy! Amy!"

Amy looked at Christine with apparent fear because Christine had an intensity that could easily be mistaken for anger. So she was on the defensive when Christine caught up with her and asked in an urgent voice, "Is it true?"

If looks could kill, Amy might have dropped dead right then from the intense stare that Christine was giving her.

Bewildered and worried, Amy replied defensively, "Is what true?"

Christine looked around. There were a few other people wandering down the same pathway, also heading to the bike racks, so Christine guided her onto a lawn away from everyone else. Then seeing the coast was clear, she asked in a still-breathless voice, "Is it true that you're going out with Alan now? I just heard that's what you were telling people at lunch."

Amy's face broke into a big smile. "It's true! I'm his official girlfriend!"

Christine was crushed, but she tried not to let it show. However, she couldn't help but frown and scowl in frustration. "Is that so. How did it happen?"

Amy knew that Alan had asked Christine out and she was uncertain what Christine's attitude might be, especially given her dour expression. So she answered vaguely, "Alan and I worked it out last night." Then she probed, "Are you okay with that? You're not mad at us, are you?"

Christine lied, "No, not at all. In fact, I'm glad. He's a great guy and you're a great girl, so I'm sure you'll make a great pair."

"M'kay. Cool. Thanks. But if you're all cool with it, then why are you all frowny?"

Christine realized that she wasn't hiding her strong emotions that well, so she struggled to come up with a plausible explanation. There was a pause before she lied, "Um, well, I'm not mad at you. It's just that I also heard that he's with someone else. So someone was lying to me."

It was a lame explanation, but Amy appeared to buy it. Her body language eased as she said, "Oh, well, that's probably true, depending on who you mean by that."

Christine was taken aback. "What do you mean? Alan really does have multiple girlfriends? Who are they: you, and Kim, and maybe someone else? There've been a lot of rumors about him lately, and some about you, and I saw the way that Kim talked to him, but that just goes too far! Who does he think he is?"

pαпdα-ňᴏνê|·сóМ Amy looked around to see if the coast was clear. It was, so she whispered, "Christine, can you keep a secret?"

This was unexpected. "Yeah?"

"Well, I'm not sure if I'm supposed to tell people this, but since you're Alan's friend and all, I'm sure you'll hear about it soon enough. You see, Alan and I have kind of an arrangement. I'm his girlfriend now, and it's all official and everything, but he's still free to play around with other women. And he does. Boy, he sure does!" She giggled a little, but it was a nervous giggle because she wasn't sure of Christine's reaction. The two girls didn't know each other that well.

Christine was floored. "Wait a minute. He can play around, but what about you?"

Amy looked a bit abashed. "Um, well, if I wanted to be with another woman that would be okay..." She appeared embarrassed to say that, but then continued more forcefully, "But it's totally cool, 'cos I don't want to be with another guy anyway. I'm, like, totally super-duper happy with Alan. Really!"

Christine was now both floored and mortified. "Amy, my God! I'm so pissed at him. I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind! Do you realize he's taking advantage of you? You're so innocent and naïve, he thinks he can walk all over you. The outrage! What a jerk!"

Amy waved her hands frantically in the air. "No, no! It's not like that! Can you give me a chance to explain?"

Christine was working herself into an angry lather, but she held back from exploding, at least for the moment. She said testily, "Fine. But there's no excuse."

Amy said, "Yes, there is. See, first off, the truth is, I kind of tricked Alan into being my boyfriend." She paused, then asked with apparent concern, "You promise to keep all of this super secret?"

"Yes." Christine was bursting with impatience. She was practically ready to clobber Alan the next time she saw him.

"It's true. I kind of led him along about some stuff. It's a long story, but the point is: I knew exactly what I was getting into all along. If anything, you should be mad at me for taking advantage of him to grab the 'Official Girlfriend' prize." She cowered visibly while awaiting Christine's reaction.

Christine didn't completely explode as Amy had anticipated she might. But she did exclaim hotly, "What?! That doesn't make any sense. He gets to play with anyone he wants and you don't, and he's the one who's been tricked? Amy, dear, I need to straighten some things out for you."

"Christine, please don't treat me like a kid." Amy looked around again as she considered what to say. She struggled with what to say. Making her decision, she continued, "I'm gonna be totally honest with you because I know how Alan feels about you. I hope he doesn't get mad at me, but that's better than you charging at him all angry, like a, well, like a meanie crazy girl. The thing is, lately, he's sort of become a super stud kind of guy. He has sex a LOT these days."

Christine, still pissed, said, "Yes, I've heard some of the rumors. And frankly, the details of his sex life or your sex life are probably none of my business. I don't care if he has sex five times a day; that's no excuse for the gross inequality-"

Amy cut her off. "Six, actually."


"Six times a day. At least. That's how often he, you know, shoots his stuff. Every single day. It's a lot! He's some kind of non-stop sex guy. There's just no way I could handle taking care of his needs that much. Why, even before I became his official girlfriend, I was helping out, helping him shoot his stuff, you know, stroking it and sucking on his thingy-"

Christine interrupted, "You don't need to be so graphic. Let's call it climaxing."

"M'kay. So he climaxes a lot. He's got some girls to help here at school and others like me come over to help him at home. It's nice for me 'cos I live right next door. So I already know how it is and it's a bigger job than I can handle alone. And speaking of big, you should see his thingy!" She giggled. "There's no way I could manage to swallow so many gallons of all that tasty cum, all by myself. I mean, my jaw gets downright tired, and my hands do too! True, I don't have as much practice doing it with him as some of the others, but still..."

Christine's head was reeling. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. She'd heard some rumors about Alan's new sexual prowess, but this far exceeded anything she'd ever imagined. "Wait a minute. Hold on here. What are you saying? Does he have some kind of abnormality or something?"

Amy considered hinting at Alan's medical diagnosis and prescribed treatment, but knew that she'd been sworn to complete secrecy on that. So instead she said, "I don't know. Do you consider a giant, fat, constantly-hard thingy an abnormality? Personally, I think it's pretty great!"

Christine's anger was giving way to complete confusion. "Hold on, hold on. Wait. You're telling me Alan has so much sex that it takes a whole team of girls to take care of him?!"please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

"Yep!" Amy giggled. "Pretty much. And we all practically have a big ol' cat-fight to see who gets to be the next one to take care of him, you know, to be the one to swallow his next big load. Gosh, his cum is so sweet and he just cums SOOO much! And his cock- Oops! I mean his thingy, it's just so big and smooth and throbby. It's like you just totally want to hold it and stroke it all the time. At least I do. I don't know if it's nine inches or ten inches or what - I should ask - but it's totally PUUURRfect! If it was any bigger it would be too much and I wouldn't be able to put it in my mouth."

Christine was still reeling and slow on the uptake. "You, you... put it in your mouth?!"

Amy smiled proudly. "Only all the time! But also, not nearly as much as I want. If you only knew how good it feels, you'd be lining up to do it too. Gosh, when he slides his big fat thingy between my lips I get so hot that I get all juicy down below, if you know what I mean. It's soooo big that it just barely fits in my straining mouth and it really can tire my jaws out. But running my tongue up and down and all around and around and around it is a real kick! It just makes me wetter and wetter. And then the big payoff, and I do mean big, that's when he shoots all his sweet stuff down my throat. That the best! It's the bestest thing ever, just about! And somehow, I think blowjobs are even more fun when you share them. Two tongues are better than one! Don't you think?"

Christine stammered, "Share?!" She was so overwhelmed that she felt dizzy. She looked around and found that they were still alone. "I have to sit down." She wandered over to a nearby bench in a complete daze. She was no longer looking at Amy; she was staring off into space.

Amy followed her, looking at her with concern, apparently wondering whether too much had been said too soon. Everyone knew that Amy liked to practice total honesty and to share things unless she was specifically told not to. It was a habit that had gotten her in trouble before; perhaps it had caused problems this time as well.

"Please don't talk about his 'thingy' so much, okay?"

"M'kay. Sorry."

Christine recovered enough to look at Amy and say, "That can't be. I KNOW Alan. He's a nice guy. He's a smart guy, a kind guy, but no sex machine. I mean, I've been around him for a couple of years now; I think I would have noticed something."

Amy explained, "Oh, that's a simple mistake. You see, he only started getting like this recently. In fact, it started a few days after he asked you out, now that I think about it. Maybe that had something to do with it. Like, he was waiting for you for a long time and when that didn't work out he went whole hog with everyone else. That could be part of it."

Christine really hated to hear that.

Amy went on, "In any case, he doesn't like to boast. You know how modest he is. But believe me, he's great in bed. Every girl he plays with, they always have lots and lots of climaxes. So maybe now you can see why so many want to be his official girlfriend and why I kind of had to trick him to win out. Any girl he picked, and he has lots to choose from, they'd all agree to the same conditions in a heartbeat."

Christine stared blankly into the distance. "That's wrong. It's so wrong, so unfair!" On one level she was speaking about Alan's greater freedom in the relationship, but on a different level she was lamenting her decision to turn him down.

She thought, When he asked me out, how was I to know he was some kind of latent sex machine, just waiting for the chance to come out? In fact, he sounds so virile that it's almost scary. Maybe I was lucky to turn him down, because I don't think I could handle all that sexual energy. My goodness!

Amy watched Christine for a while. Finally, she asked, "So you're not still mad at him? I don't want you to be mad at him or at me."

Christine snapped back to reality. "Mad? Well... I don't know. Mad may not be the right word. I still think he's taking advantage of you in a very unfair, inequitable way. What kind of romance can last when there's so many... helpers? I just can't... I just can't understand. This is too strange. I'm gonna need some time to think about it."

Amy was a bit relieved to hear that, but said, "I took kind of a big risk telling you all that. I thought it would be important for you to understand how much things have changed since he asked you out and you turned him down. He's my Official Boyfriend now and I plan to keep him." Amy was easygoing, but not a complete pushover; she was telling Christine all this in part to mark her territory.

Christine, still shell-shocked, looked up at Amy. "Keep him? But what about all those helpers? How can you keep him when you don't even have him now?"

Amy just shook her head. "You don't understand. Alan loves me completely. The fact that he loves some other girls doesn't lessen his love for me one bit. It's like a parent loving their kids - if they have a second child that doesn't mean the first one is less loved all of a sudden, right?"

She added confidentially, "Just between you and me, I think Alan could be my 'Mr. Right.' I'm gonna stick with him as long as I can. Forever, hopefully, if everything works out like it should. Maybe you don't understand all that's happening, but don't try to undermine our relationship, m'kay? Please don't go to him and protest how unfair it all is and make him mad. It works for him AND it works for me, so if you can't understand that or don't like it, then sorry but tough tooties."

Christine looked at Amy with new-found surprise and respect. She'd never known Amy to take a defiant stand like that before. She said, "Okay, I promise not to undermine you. I do like you, Amy, and I wish you the best with him. On the other hand, I can't keep quiet about such an injustice. But I promise not to complain to anyone else about it and tone down what I do say to him. For instance, I won't rip his arms off the next time I see him."

"Thanks." Amy smiled. But then she frowned and asked, "Oh, and you're not going to tell anyone about this stuff I just told you, are you?"

"No. Definitely not, since you told me in confidence."

"Good. I mean, it's not really a big secret what a great lover he is or about how much help he gets, but I kinda wanna make sure people won't freak out before I go telling just anybody."

"Well, thanks for telling me about it now... Oh, and congratulations."


After some more small talk, Amy skipped off happily.

Christine remained brooding on the bench. She thought, That was just about the most painful and downright strange conversation I think I've ever had. I feel like such a heel. I thought he was mine! When I turned him down, I assumed that I could change my mind at any time and he'd be there, waiting for me.

Boy, I sure was wrong about THAT! It wasn't that I didn't want to go out with him ever; it's just that the time wasn't right and I wasn't ready. Now it sounds like I'd have to fight through a whole bevy of girls to get to him. He must really be something special to have so many after him like that.

She sighed deeply.

It's true that we still have our next non-romantic date coming up next week, but what good is that now? I was thinking I could use those to somehow ease into a romantic relationship with him, but now it seems like the non-romantic date will really have to be non-romantic after all.

She sighed again.

Maybe it's for the best. If Alan is anything like Amy and the rumors say he is, I don't think I could handle that. He sounds so sexually overwhelming that it frightens me a little. It's almost like Amy is trying to scare me away from him by giving me so much explicit detail, trying to break my hopes of romance. Could she be that clever? Nah, not little Amy...

I just wanted a normal boyfriend to do normal things together, not some guy who's climaxing every fifteen minutes or whatever it is. And I CERTAINLY couldn't handle his having a bunch of "helpers." That IS an outrage, no matter what Amy says.


Christine stood up and wandered home in a very depressed mood.

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