6 Times a Day

Chapter 594 Susan In Cheongsam.! [DD SPONSORED]

Much Thanks to Drunk Dargon for your generous and kind donation. My gratitude goes out to you for now and forever. Thank you from the very bottom of my heart.

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When Alan arrived home he wanted to do only one thing, and that was to take a huge nap as soon as possible. For once, he was actually concerned instead of hopeful that his mother, Susan, would waylay him and demand to suck him off.

But to his surprise, she greeted him dressed conservatively, relatively speaking. She wore a green terry-cloth bathrobe. Lately, when he'd seen her in a robe, that had usually been a very promising sign. For one thing, simply knowing that she was naked underneath was extremely arousing. But this time seemed different. For instance, she actually had the robe so tightly wrapped around her that he couldn't even see any cleavage.

That disturbed him. He knew how much she'd come to love the "bounty of her chest." Furthermore, she rarely missed a chance to help him with "visual stimulation." He figured that if she deliberately wasn't sharing any glimpses of her cleavage with him, something had to be very amiss. Even more disturbing was her rather bland, almost dour, expression, instead of the joyful, loving attitude she usually had upon seeing him return home.

He thought, Oh no. Here we go again. What now? Just when I think things can't possibly get any stranger, they go and get stranger yet again. What's going to happen? Did someone get busted breaking the rules again? Is she having second thoughts about the double blowjob this morning? Or did Ron call and make her nervous or something?

"Hi Tiger," she said, happily enough despite the lack of a smile. "Don't worry; you're not in trouble or anything. You probably noticed the way I'm covered up. I'm sorry, but I just want to cool things off for a little bit, okay? I think we all need to cool things down after what happened this morning. Not to mention last night."

"Um, okay." In truth, Alan was so worn out from so much sexual stimulation in the previous twenty-four hours that he actually welcomed the respite. Anyway, Glory's strange spanking prank had driven him to new heights of pleasure, but somehow it had also turned him off to sex, at least for the moment. He was still too freaked out to want to be aroused.

Susan, totally unaware of his overwhelming experiences at school that day, explained, "It's just that I'm wondering where all of this is going. I'm wondering what the long-term effects of all this sexual activity will be on each of us. So we're all going to see a psychologist about it. Don't worry; she's an old friend of Suzanne's. I've been assured that she's very understanding and professional. Her name is Xania - spelled with an 'X' but pronounced like 'Z', with a long 'aaah' sound. So, phonetically, it's like 'Zaaah-ni-a.'"

The two sat at the dining room table while Susan told Alan everything else that she knew about Xania.

He had no idea what to make of it, but his brain reeled at the idea of seeing a psychologist. He had to cradle his head in his hands because he thought he just couldn't take any more new developments. He had a very, very bad gut feeling about it. All the sexual activity in the Plummer house had taken place in a complete cocoon, isolated from the outside world, so to let an outsider in on anything could lead to a complete disaster.

"...So until the psychologist sees us, I think we need to keep things cool a bit," Susan said as she finished her explanation.

Alan was particularly upset when she told him that the appointment would be during school hours on Friday, because he had some big tests at school that day, as well as an appointment with Akami that afternoon after school. But Susan explained that they planned for him to take their second car to the appointment immediately after his last test, which was Glory's class, and that he could reschedule his appointment with Akami to the following Monday. Doing all this on Friday would end up cutting it close for his trip with the Boy Scouts that evening, so he'd need to have everything ready before he left for school that morning. In the end the two mothers had concluded that his scheduling would be tight but doable.

Alan grumbled and tried to raise some objections, but in the end he didn't find any way out. He could have discussed it more, but he didn't want to think; he just wanted to sleep. He'd have to process it all later.

At one point, his mother told him, "Don't worry. I know what you're thinking - that maybe everything will change. But Suzanne has already talked to this Xania person. She understands your medical need for stimulation, and that you need to get lot of your help from us. I'm not going to stop helping you that way, no matter what she says. But I'm just afraid of things here at home going too far. I mean, I get urges that I think would shock you. That has to change."

The mention of those urges caused them to start resurfacing again. It wasn't anything that she'd said or done; it was the mere fact that she was in such close proximity to her son. Also, she was naked under her robe, and the feeling of the terry cloth rubbing against her nipples reminded her of him pulling on her boobs. It was all she could do to remain calm and keep the robe closed until their discussion was over. She reminded herself that it was this very type of urge that necessitated seeing the psychologist. At the very least, she had to be able to deal with him in non-sexual contexts at least part of the time.

After some more chitchat, Alan was happy to retire to his room. Despite his mother's assurances, he was afraid everything would change because of this appointment. At the very least, he figured that his mother talking to a psychologist would dash his hopes of sleeping with her. He was extremely upset about that, but couldn't figure out what he could do to stop it.

Alan slept a long time. After his nap, he went looking for Suzanne. He had all kinds of things he wanted to discuss with her.

First on the list was his worry that he was slowly turning into an arrogant asshole, some kind of cruel "master."

Second, he wanted to discuss his concern that he was losing touch with the mundane, nonsexual world. He felt that would soon cause him to drop out of school, drop out of his social life, and basically drop out of everything that didn't involve sex.

Third, he wanted to discuss his spanking experience with Glory and figure out what that meant (although he had to figure out how to do it without revealing her identity).

Fourth, he wanted to talk to her about what was happening with Heather. Things with her were not going as planned.

Finally, and with the timeliest urgency, he wanted to discuss this appointment with the psychologist and what that could mean for their special family situation.

pαпdα Йᴏνê|,сòМ But he was unable to discuss any of it, because Suzanne wasn't there; she was still in L.A., making arrangements to pull off the psychologist charade.

He considered talking about some of this with his mother. Normally he might have done so, but these weren't normal times. He figured she was so heavily into her own weird mental trip, with all her own sexual concerns that had triggered this visit with a psychologist, that he didn't want to burden her with his other problems.

So instead he sought out his sister. The two of them commiserated in his room for a long time, mostly about Susan's decision to see the psychologist. Naturally, Katherine was as unhappy with the appointment idea as he was. She was very happy to have sex with her brother, and had no desire for someone to psychoanalyze her about the evils of incest. Just like him, she realized they had an unusually good thing going, and the odds were high that the visit to the psychologist would screw that up.please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

She pointed out to Alan, "Hey, life goes on. For instance, no matter what happens at home, at school you still have the cheerleaders, and they're bound to just get wilder and wilder. I mean, I heard what a big success you were today with Joy, Janice, and Heather. They're all raving about you."

She added, "At cheerleader practice, Heather was like a zombie. I figure it's 'cos you fucked her good. Am I right? I am right; I just know it! You're nearly guaranteed at least one good cheerleader fuck tomorrow. You can take your pick. And no one can prohibit you from being with Aunt Suzy. And then you have me, your own Number One Fuck Toy. We may just have to keep sneaking around, but so what? We've been doing okay with that. So this doesn't mean the end of the world for you. You know how many guys would kill to be in your shoes? They should make a porno movie of your life! They could call it 'Six Times a Day'." She giggled.

"Thanks, Little Sis. You know how to cheer me up. You're right that I have an incredible sex life and I should count my blessings. But I'm concerned about Mom. I don't want her to do something she doesn't want to do, but she's seemed so changed, so okay with everything lately. I'm puzzled."

"It's all going to work out, Brother. And here - I know another way to cheer you up." She unzipped his shorts. Afraid that Susan might hear, she whispered as she bent down and put her face in his crotch, "It's the duty of your fuck toy to keep your dick happy."

Alan was in no mood for teasing, or for physically intense sex, but he figured that kicking back and enjoying a nice blowjob would help reduce his stress.

Katherine worked hard to give him a loving blowjob. As it was a spur-of-the-moment thing, she didn't ask permission from Susan, but she also didn't ask for fear that Susan would say no, given her mother's newly cautious mood.

Alan had meant to talk to Katherine about her recent submissive comments, which he found disturbing. For instance, he wanted to know what was really going on in her head when she repeatedly called herself his "fuck toy." Was that just a game, or did she really mean it? But the blowjob felt too good to interrupt.

He looked forward to a talk with Suzanne and a chance to settle some issues. He figured that if she'd set up the appointment with this Xania, she probably knew things about it that he didn't, and he wanted to be reassured.

But before he could reach his climax, he heard the clicking of high heels on the floor outside his door. Then he heard his mother knock on the door and say, "Tiger, telephone for you."

He was surprised. He didn't have that many friends, and he'd been ignoring the few he had for the last couple of weeks, so he didn't get a lot of calls at home anymore.

"It's your friend Sean," she explained.

Alan considered what to do: ignore the phone, answer the phone, or answer the phone while his sister continued to suck him off.

He decided that he needed to make some sort of effort at a social life. He knew that he couldn't concentrate or speak without breathing heavily if Katherine was slurping on his erection, so he reluctantly pushed her head away, which ended the blowjob.

He talked to Sean for such a long time that Katherine gave up and left the room before he was finally done.

— — —

For dinner, Susan trod a thin line between extremes by wearing something that was both sexy and conservative. Aware of Alan's love for costumes, she dressed up in a silky Chinese mandarin dress, known as a cheongsam, that was slit way up the sides. It thoroughly covered most of her skin even as it ably displayed her big tits and gave glimpses of her long legs.

But as much as she tried to take a "cool it down" approach, her emotions weren't ready to always obey her intellect. Not only was she addicted to Alan's cum, she was also now addicted to being naked or loosely dressed so that she could flaunt her body to her son at nearly every opportunity. She wore a worried expression, uncertain if she was doing the right thing, but her incestuous lust still drove her into wearing something sexy.

She didn't wear any underwear. The idea of going back to wearing bras and panties all day long was now completely absurd. She even disliked leaving the house because it meant that she had to dress up and put on at least a bra. She rarely wore panties outside the house anymore, as long as she was wearing other clothes that let her hide that fact.

Amy joined them for dinner. Now that she was Alan's official girlfriend, she hoped to spend even more time at the Plummer house than before.

She kissed Alan for many long minutes after she walked in the door - long enough for their kiss to turn into an all-over body grope.

Susan had to put a stop to it when Amy started to undo Alan's shorts. The conflicted mother pointed out that a blowjob or handjob wasn't part of Alan's official "getting of attention" method for Amy.

But Amy was in one of her infectious, bubbly moods, so that temporary obstruction hardly fazed her. It appeared that she still couldn't get over the fact that she was now Alan's official girlfriend.

Susan tried to impress Amy and the others with the seriousness of her concerns, telling of her new-found desire to see a psychologist. She found that difficult, because it was hard to be severe and serious in the face of Amy's infectious enthusiasm.

For instance, when Susan said to her, "Now, Amy, we have to sort of take a pause with Alan," Amy replied by asking, "Do you mean we should pause for air when sucking his thingy, or pause for air during a big French kiss smooch?" Then she broke into laughter.

Susan laughed along with the others, though in her current mood she didn't find it all that funny.

Amy steamrolled over Susan's worries. Changing the topic completely, she said, "Aunt Susan, I'm so psyched to be a full member of the cocksucker club. Finally! But I have so much to learn from you guys. You were super awesome showing me how to lick his thingy last night, but how do you get him in the mood in the first place? I'm not good at all with that flirting stuff. Can you teach me? Please? Super double duper please-y, please-y, please?"

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