6 Times a Day

Chapter 627 I've Totally Fallen In Love With Him! - Brenda

About half an hour later, Susan and Suzanne were in the Plummer basement doing their daily exercises when they faintly heard a doorbell.

Suzanne stopped exercising and frowned. "Hrm. I wonder who that could be. Susan, are you expecting anybody?"

"Definitely not!"

"Well, should you check or should I?"

Susan started briskly walking to the stairs as she said, "Let's both go. You're better at putting your foot down and getting rid of people. I don't want anyone to come in. I hate to say this, but I think the house is smelling a little... funky lately."

Suzanne followed, while smirking at that. "Yeah, you could say that again. I'll bet the smell of last night's party is still in the air."

Susan muttered, "Mmmm! God, I love that smell. Spermy goodness!"

The two of them hurried upstairs to the front door while still wearing their revealing exercise outfits.

Suzanne checked through the peek-hole in the door to see who it was. "Oh. It's just Brenda." She opened the door.

Susan relaxed upon finding it wasn't a complete stranger. She brightened considerably upon realizing that it was Brenda. She was going to call Brenda later anyway to thank her for the greatest gift she ever received, but also to apologize to her for the way she acted during her jealous snit the night before.

Brenda was obviously distraught. Curiously, she was dressed to impress in a dark gray "power" suit. She walked into the house, saw Susan and Suzanne there, and wrapped her arms around Susan for a supportive hug. "Oh, Susan! I'm so sorry for coming by unexpectedly like this, but I need help!"

Susan's initial enthusiasm gave way to concern, because she was a very caring person. She tenderly patted Brenda's back, and asked, "Really? What's wrong? Tell us all about it. Let us try to help you."

Brenda wailed sadly, "It's Alan! I mean, he's wonderful, but he's turned my life all topsy turvy. No, it's me. I'm going to pieces because of him, but it's all on me!"

Suzanne also reached out and patted Brenda's back, trying to show her support. "Come on. Let's go to the kitchen and get something to drink while you tell us all about it."

pαпdα-ňᴏνê|·сóМ Brenda looked over at Suzanne and noticed her exercise outfit for the first time. Then she took a closer look at Susan and saw the same. She broke the hug. "Uh-oh. I didn't mean to interrupt anything, but I'm interrupting, aren't I?"

Suzanne waved a hand dismissively. "Don't worry about it. Yeah, we were working out, but we were almost finished anyway. So long as you don't mind us being a little sweaty and stinky..."

"I don't mind," Brenda said quickly, desperately eager to stay. "Though I thought that you'd already be done by now." She looked at Susan. "I waited on coming over until the time you told me you finished your exercises."

Susan said evasively, "Yeah, well, we had some distractions that delayed us a little bit today." She gave Suzanne a look that was both loving and smoldering with sexual promise.

Suzanne gave her an even more sultry "come hither" look in return. "Yes, we had an interesting... discussion." She said that in such a tone of voice that Susan understood "discussion" to mean "hot kissing session."

They shared a knowing smile with each other in response to that.

Suzanne wanted to do nothing more than kiss Susan again with lots of tongue action, but she looked at Brenda and tried to focus on the here and now. "Anyway, don't worry about it. We really don't mind the interruption."

Brenda gushed, "Oh, you two are so nice to me!"

Susan's face lit up as she recalled Brenda's gift, the vibrator modeled exactly on Alan's erection. "Posh! Speaking of 'so nice,' I have to thank you for your gift! As I told Suzanne earlier, it truly is the 'best gift ever!'" She moved to Brenda and gave her a big hug.

Brenda tightly hugged back. She giggled. "I would express surprise that you liked it, but of course I knew you would. How could you not?"

Susan pulled back and resumed eye contact. She was smiling from ear to ear. "Darn straight! There was something I told Tiger about the gift that I'll tell to you too: it's worth more to me than if it was made out of solid gold! I truly believe that!"

Brenda loved hearing that the gift had been so well received. But she looked at her with embarrassment. "You told him about the gift?!"please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

"No, only that I liked what you got me, because he was asking. He doesn't know what it is."

Brenda breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank God! It would be so embarrassing if he knew, since he still doesn't know me that well. Or if he knew just how much I want him, and want to serve him. He played with my body and especially with my big tits, but all that only whetted my appetite for more! I think I'd just DIE of joy if he crammed his huge cock down my throat!"

Susan wagged a finger playfully at Brenda. She pretended to be upset. "You naughty, naughty girl!" But then she broke into a big smile. "I love your attitude!"

They laughed and shared another hug.

Suzanne just watched with a knowing smile. She could have gotten Susan that gift on her own, but she thought it worked out much better coming from Brenda. She felt the two of them needed each other, for a variety of reasons.

The three of them were soon sitting around the dining room table. Susan got drinks for all of them and then joined them there.

Once everyone was settled, Suzanne said, "Okay, Brenda, let's hear it. I imagine it has something to do with what happened at the poker party last night. Am I right?"

Brenda had almost forgotten her troubles, due to all the happy banter about the vibrator gift. But that question put a frown back on her face. "Yes! It has everything to do with that! The problem is, the party was too good, too exciting! Most of all, it was far too arousing. I feel like I'm absolutely losing my mind! Last night was a life-changing event for me."

She went on, "Actually, every one of the card games I've been to here has been great, and better than the last one. And that's bad, because it's made me completely obsessed. Every time I'm here, it's such an intense and arousing experience that everything else pales in comparison. All I can think about anymore is Alan. Serving him! Serving his cock! Getting spanked by him! Getting titfucked by him! Getting fucked by him, even!"

She continued, "But that's while it's happening. Now that it's over, and I look back in the harsh light of a new day, I have to wonder: did I really do and say those things?! But I DID! It's totally messed up."

Suzanne carefully asked, "Are you regretful?"

"That's the craziest thing of all! No! I mean, yes, there are many things I wish I would have done differently last night. But I've been thinking about this, and if I had the choice to do it all over again, exactly the same, or not, I would. Heck, of course I would. That's the problem. My life is in total disarray. All I want to do is cry!"

Susan reached out and took Brenda's hand. She squeezed it in support. "Cry? Why cry? Do you mean cry tears of joy? Because it sounds like you're describing me and my situation, and I couldn't be happier. Nothing makes me happier than when I'm serving my son with my lips tightly sliding up and down his thickness."

Brenda said, "Yes, but even you said you're gonna see a psychologist soon to sort out some issues. Think about me! My problems are a thousand times worse! You're his mother. You get to see him and suck his cock every single day, sometimes more than once. Whereas he still hardly even knows me. Heck, I've NEVER gotten to suck him off yet, not even once! I'm getting all the psychological anguish without any of the good-tasting spermy reward."

Susan said encouragingly, "Don't worry, you will, and soon. With your looks, and your boobs, and your all-around enthusiasm, I'm sure you'll be a regular cocksucker before too long."

Brenda squeezed Susan's hand and smiled. "You say the nicest things. I can't wait! That would be a dream come true. But at the same time, that's probably just going to make my problem much worse. My life has been so empty, so devoid of meaning. And then he came along."

She paused dramatically, and then said, "I've totally fallen in love with him! I know I shouldn't, and that it'll only bring me heartbreak, but I can't help myself!"

Suzanne narrowed her eyes skeptically. "Hold on here. Fallen in love? Are you sure about that?"

Brenda admitted, "Well, I don't know if 'love' is really the best word. Maybe it's more really, really, REALLY intense lust. But I think that much lust must mean love too. After all, I feel like I'd do anything for him! Anything! I've never felt like this before, not even for either of my husbands. Last night was the BEST! Or the worst, depending on how you look at it. Alan, he... he... BROKE me! You, and him, the whole thing, it just... I feel like I've been absolutely ruined for all other men. The way I felt last night, I need it! Like a drug!"

If Susan's lust was measured by a red bar in a thermometer, Brenda's talk about being broken by Alan broke the thermometer. She loved thinking that her son could "tame" any woman he wanted, and Brenda seemed to be living proof that was true.

Brenda took a deep breath and went on, "That's my problem: it's my submissiveness. I'm just too damn submissive! I've kept that side of me buried deep for years, and now I can't control it! Suzanne, you encouraged me to explore those feelings and that Alan would be a safe target for that. So I did. And boy, do I regret it!"

"Why?" Susan asked, honestly confused.

"Because... it's just... too much! I can't do it halfway. I'm finding out I'm not wired that way. Last night just crystallized my feelings, which had already been growing really strong. I have a confession." She dropped her head as her cheeks blushed. "I... My greatest fantasy... I... Well... To be honest... I want Alan to... God, this is so hard to say!"

Seeing Brenda teetering on the brink, Suzanne authoritatively demanded, "Say it! Let it out!"

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