6 Times a Day

Chapter 628 Alan Is Going To TAME Me!

"Okay, I'm just gonna spit it out!" But Brenda still didn't say anything, and her face turned redder and redder. Finally, she blurted, "I... More and more, I'm thinking of Alan as my, my... my master!"

Now that she'd said that much, she lifted her head back up and the rest quickly spilled out of her. "I want to serve him... sexually! I want him to tell me what to do to him, to his cock! How to pleasure it, serve it, and love it! Just like you two do. I see that, I see how you're so devoted to keeping his big dick constantly throbbing with pleasure, and it's the most beautiful sight ever."

She looked plaintively to Susan. "Just thinking of you naked and on your knees, worshiping your son's cock for hours on end... it gives me shivers and goose bumps! I want all that, and more! I want to use my body, my curvy, buxom body, to satisfy his every desire!"

She paused, wondering if she was saying too much. But she decided she needed to lay all her cards on the table. "Sometimes, I get so carried away that I feel like I want, I want... God, I can't believe I'm about to say this, but... I want to be his slave! His sex slave!"

Upon saying "sex slave," she dropped her head and closed her eyes again, too ashamed to make eye contact. She expected there to be an uproar, but she was greeted by nothing but silence.

Suzanne thought, Hmmm. Interesting. VERY interesting! There's a lot I can do with that.

Susan thought, So I'm not the only one! That's my deep secret, my great shame. I can't even talk to Suzanne about it, or admit it to myself usually, but that idea arouses the heck out of me!

Brenda added in a defeated tone, "There. I said it. I'm all fucked up. My submissive side is far too strong! It's like some kind of monster that's been unleashed. Every day it grows stronger, especially after events like last night's party. It's consuming me, taking me over! I've been trying to hide this desire to have Alan as my master, even from you, Susan. But I can't lie anymore. Now you can see why I'm so distraught. I'm sick! I need to be institutionalized! Or at least I should go away, far away!"

Suzanne soothingly interrupted, "Now, hold on. You're overreacting. Nobody wants that. Right, Susan?"

"Right. Brenda, we're not mad at you. These things happen. I feel for you so much, because the same thing has happened to me."

Brenda finally opened her eyes and tentatively looked up just enough to see if Susan was lying. "Really?"

Susan said, "Really. Maybe my reaction isn't as strong as yours. I guess different people are wired differently. I'm also submissive at heart, but you're probably even more submissive than I am. So when we're exposed to the sexual power of a naturally superior man like Alan, our instinct is to submit and serve." She looked nervously at Suzanne as she added, "I must admit that I've had fantasies of having him as my master too."

"Really?!" Brenda looked up a bit more, her hope rising.

Suzanne was intrigued that Susan had confessed that, but she was hardly surprised; it fit in with Susan's recent general behavior.

Susan continued, "Definitely. Think about it. The way we live in this house these days isn't that far from a harem. Some might even call it that. When I get extremely aroused, which is quite often, all kinds of wild thoughts enter my head. My son and I have played around with some master-slave talk, and probably we'd do a lot more of that except for the fact that he usually feels uncomfortable about it."

Suzanne felt the need to get both Brenda and Susan to cool it down some. She wanted both of them to unleash their submissive sexual energies on Alan, but within limits. She knew that if they got talking to each other in an excitable and aroused manner, they could get completely carried away.

Therefore she interjected, "But keep in mind there's a difference between sexy talk and fantasies on one hand, and reality on the other. Sure, it's fun to think along those lines. Even I've had some fantasies about him like that. But ultimately, he is just an eighteen-year-old kid. He's Susan's son. It wouldn't be right to call him 'Master' for real. Susan and I are the authority figures around here. Yes, we lavish him with love and sexual attention, but when he screws up - and he does, believe me - we still need to be there to set him straight and punish him if need be."

She stared harshly at Susan as she added, "Already I'm concerned because Susan gets so horny that she sometimes forgets her motherly responsibilities."

Susan shamefully bowed her head. "It's true. I do."

Suzanne continued, "Technically, I'm not part of the family, but I'm his 'Aunt Suzy' in every meaningful way. So it often falls on me to be the tough one around here. We have enough problems with that kind of thing lately. My authority and Susan's authority would be even more undermined if he started to get called 'Master.'"

Brenda frowned. "So I am a freak. And what makes it so much worse is that he hardly even knows me. What if he's just not that into me? Do I come across as too needy? I live in fear that I won't even be invited to the next party!"

Suzanne said, "I think that's part of the problem, that you don't know him that well. It's easy to idolize someone when you only see the best side of them. Every time you come here, you see him acting like some kind of lord, a total stud ruling his roost, surrounded by beautiful women who are eager to please. You don't see him when he picks his nose, or has explosive diarrhea, or just lazes around watching some stupid program on TV. Ultimately, he's a pretty typical kid for his age. Sure, he's got a lot of great qualities, and obviously he has a very special sexual spark, but if you saw him sitting in a class full of kids, he wouldn't stick out."

Brenda started to sob. "I understand on some level that's true. And I keep telling myself that. But it doesn't help! It's like... I'm hard-wired to need some kind of master, and he's the first person to come along to meet all the criteria, so I've latched onto him like my life depends on it. That's what I was trying to say at the start: it's not him, it's me. There's something in me that makes me want to obey and serve... and I hate it! That's why I fought it and kept it hidden all these years. And now those feelings and desires have escaped from the box I kept them in and I fear there's no going back. My life... it's ruined! I want to be an independent, modern, liberated woman, but there's this SICK part of me that prefers to see myself naked and on my knees, collared and chained!"

Before either other woman could figure out a response to that, she turned to Susan, with her tears falling freely. "One thing I don't understand is that you, of all people, know all of his foibles, his weaknesses. And yet you seem to put him up on a pedestal just like I do. Why is that?"

Susan took Brenda's hand again. "Brenda, I think you and I are very similar. I've been resistant to having you join our group, and to be perfectly honest, I'm still somewhat resistant. But I can totally relate to everything you're saying, because I've felt it to some degree too. And you're right that it's not so much Tiger as it is you, and me. I love him so much! I think he's the absolute greatest! But if I'm completely honest to myself, I have to admit that I'd probably have this need to sexually service him even if he wasn't half the wonderful man he is."

Brenda's crying increased when Susan said, "It's in me, this submissive drive. Just like for you, it was hidden inside me all these years. If you keep something under pressure a long time, when it finally comes out, it's like an explosion. That's what I'm going through right now, an explosion of lust and love and adoration for my son. I know on some level that's not normal and I'm probably getting carried away, but I can't help myself. Maybe, like you, I'm just made this way somehow."

Brenda was still crying, but Suzanne found a napkin and handed it to her.

As Brenda tried to wipe her face clean of tears, Suzanne said, "What we obviously have here is a mix of factors. Brenda, partly it is you and your submissive nature, and partly it's Alan and the way he's risen to the occasion and impressed us all with his sexual prowess and confidence. But even more than that, it's the whole situation."

Although Brenda kept on sobbing, she paid close attention to Suzanne's words.

"Take last night. Brenda, if you had the chance to be alone with him for an entire evening, I'm sure the two of you would have lots of sexy fun. But even so, I highly, highly doubt you'd have gotten as worked up as you did at the party. It's a group thing, where there's like a feedback loop and the energy rises higher and higher for everyone. We get that a lot around here. Even when I'm alone with him, I have a sense that someone else like Susan might be watching or listening in, or even want to join in. And that makes it more exciting. Heck, to be honest, the mere fact that I have to share him with these other incredible, beautiful women adds to the excitement, even for me."

Susan nodded emphatically. "It's so true! Suzanne's right that it all adds up. And another thing: when I'm alone with him, I know I always have to do my absolute best to pleasure his cock, because on some level he'll be comparing my efforts to the likes of Suzanne, Katherine, Amy, and God knows who else!" She beamed with pride as she noted, "You know, he's pretty much tamed the entire cheerleading squad at school!"

"Susan," Suzanne chided, "that's an exaggeration."

"Is it? Really? Just this morning he pretty much admitted that he's played around with everyone on the squad and he's fucked most of them. Of course, since they're cheerleaders, they're all very busty and beautiful." Susan smirked and let that sink in. She particularly loved the gob-smacked look on Brenda's face.

She continued, "But my point is, that sense of friendly competition adds to the excitement. Heck, it seems EVERYTHING adds to the excitement! So, Brenda, don't feel bad if you feel like you're on a runaway train. We all feel that way. I know that even he feels like he's riding a wild bucking bronco, and he's wondering how long he can hang on."please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

"Really?!" Brenda was surprised by that, since she envisioned him as nearly infallible. Although she was impressed by the news about what he'd been apparently doing to the cheerleaders, she wasn't surprised since to her it made perfect sense that he was fucking the entire squad. She remained emotionally distraught, but at least she'd stopped crying.

Suzanne shrugged, and said, "It's true. He makes that kind of complaint all the time. Think about it from his perspective. He wasn't born a porn star. As recently as August, he'd never so much as really kissed a girl! So it's a wild ride for him. He does NOT stand 100 feet tall; I can't emphasize that enough. We've all jumped into unknown waters here, including him, and we're finding our way forward together."

Brenda started to get a little teary again. "But you have each other to help. Look at you two. Such great friends!" She nodded at their workout clothes. "You see each other every single day, without fail. Who can I turn to? I feel like some kind of submissive 'slave' freak, and I'm all alone!"

Suzanne was quick to soothe her before she started bawling again. "You have us! You do! We're here to help you, any time. Especially Susan. I've been encouraging you two to get to know each other better because I can see you have so much in common. You'll be best friends before long."

Brenda looked at Susan longingly, but she sniffed, "I wish. But Susan doesn't even like me!"

Susan said, "Not true. I LOVE our daily phone calls! I've felt a natural connection, and I love it, because I get a lot of benefit talking things over with others too. I can't deny that I've got some jealousy issues with you, but I'm doing my best to work through them. I'm sorry for being kind of mean last night. After you left, Tiger talked to me and got me to promise to help you along and not be jealous about it."

Brenda's hope soared. "He said that?!"

"He did."

"Wait, wait!" Brenda practically screamed. "What did he say, exactly?! This is extremely important!"

Susan said coyly, "I can't say. That would be betraying confidences, because I don't know how much he wants you to know. But at one point, I did say to him, and this is a direct quote, 'It's my duty to help you tame Brenda.'"

Brenda's eyes went wide and her mouth hung open. After a long pause, she said in a quiet, awed whisper, "Oh. My. God! Ohmigod!" Then she started to find her voice and said increasingly loudly, "No. No way! I'm going to be tamed?! He's going to tame me?!" Her heart began to thump fast and hard.

Susan reached out and squeezed Brenda's hand.

Brenda squeezed back. She was suddenly excited, like she was a special forces operative who had just been given an extremely dangerous mission, but a mission that could save the world from disaster. She suddenly felt light headed, and her pussy started to tingle and gush.

She thought, Oh God! Dear God! Alan is going to TAME me! Then I'll be effectively controlled and even owned, serving my master! I knew it already, but the confirmation is too much! What a RUSH! Her head lolled backward as she nearly swooned.

ραпdα Йᴏνê|(сòm) After a moment, she came back to her senses and asked in disbelief, "Are you serious about actually doing that?!"

Susan squeezed Brenda's hand again, and gave her a big smile. "Of course. After all, my son gave me a command, so I have no choice but to obey."

Brenda sat there, pondering that. Yes. Obey. OBEY! YES! I have no choice but to obey him too! Suddenly, she realized just how extremely aroused her body felt, although she was trying her best to hide it.

Finally, she let go of Susan's hand and said, "Shit! I'm really glad, and I thank you. But just hearing you talk about how you had no choice but to obey makes me seriously horny! Heck, even hearing the word 'tamed' makes me feel so giddy that I want to run around the room and jump up and down. Is there something wrong with me?"

Suzanne took Brenda's other hand this time and looked at her intently, using her commanding persona to emphasize her words. "There's nothing wrong with you. You're NOT a freak. Look at erotic fiction on the Internet. When there are stories of dominance and submission, I'd guess well over 95 percent involve a dominant man and a submissive woman. Or look at Harlequin romances. Every single damn one involves a confident, dominant man sweeping a beautiful woman off her feet as she swoons in his arms."

She continued, "I imagine there's a continuum about this kind of thing, and you just happen to be an outlier on one end of it. You feel bad because this is so uncool, so anti-women's lib, and so on. Hell, it's well known that many women have fantasies of being raped. True, it's a sexy kind of rape, not the real kind that usually involves violence, terror, and sometimes even death, but it's a rape fantasy just the same. But who would ever admit having a fantasy like that, even to close friends? It's taboo. It's embarrassing."

She further said, "One thing that's so great about our gang here in this house is that we're embracing these kinds of feelings instead of pretending they don't exist. Look at how Susan is embracing her submissive side. Sure, she's having some minor misgivings, but overall she's having great fun with it. Ditto with Katherine. I can guarantee you they've never been so happy!"

Susan emphatically nodded her head at that.

Suzanne went on, "So I say don't be ashamed if you fantasize about Alan being your master. Share your fantasies with us and we'll have a great time sharing our fantasies with you. Who knows? We might even help you live out some of them, some of the less extreme ones... for real."

Brenda looked like she wanted to cry again, but cry tears of joy this time. Her face lit up and it looked like she really was about to jump up and run around the room. "Are you serious? So you're not mad at me?"

Susan said, "Mad? Why would we be mad?"

"Because, well... everything! I've just sorta dropped into your lives from out of nowhere, and I'm causing all kinds of trouble, like interrupting your workout today. And God only knows what Alan will think of me and my crazy ideas. Here I am, getting a divorce. I should be looking for a new husband, but all I want to do is please my... please Alan." She looked abashed, because she'd almost called him "master."

Suzanne said, "Hold on here. Who says he has to know about your master fantasies? Look at you. You're beautiful! You're a perfect ten. You're so stacked that it's crazy, and we all know how much he loves that. Things got wild last night. You wound up naked before long, and he had a fun time groping your voluptuous body. I'm sure that before long you'll be sucking and stroking his cock most every time you come here."

Brenda's face lit up with hope again. "You think so? You really think so?!"

"I do. Don't you, Susan?" Suzanne wanted to make sure Susan was in agreement.

Susan nodded. "But of course! That's exactly what I said earlier. Tiger is building up a stable of the most gorgeous and sexually talented women to serve him. I'm sure you'll be in that mix. Mind you, that doesn't mean you'll be able to see him every day, or even every other day. But maybe a couple times a week, you'll be naked and kneeling and bobbing on his fat cock!"

Brenda had been slouching, but she sat up stiffly and eagerly upon hearing that. "You lie!"

Susan laughed at that, since Brenda clearly didn't mean it. "No I don't. And even though you'll only get to be invited here occasionally, when you are here, I'm sure he'll give you a lot of his attention since you're new and different. And your breasts! Girl, you'd better get used to having them fucked on a regular basis!"

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