6 Times a Day

Chapter 629 Brenda X Suzanne 4K

Suzanne could sense the time was ripe to further Brenda's indoctrination. She commanded in a voice that brooked no dissent, "Brenda! Stand up!"

Brenda was confused, but she promptly stood up straight and tall.

Suzanne continued in that voice, "STRIP! Now! Take off all your clothes!"

"But why-" Brenda started to ask.

"Don't ask why! Just do it!"

Brenda's submissive nature kicked in and she shed her clothes as fast as she could. When she was done, she resumed standing straight and tall with her arms at her side and her gaze staring straight forward, like a soldier at inspection.

Suzanne was pleased, but she didn't show it. She stood up too and pushed the chairs away so she could walk all the way around Brenda. She growled, "Arms pinned behind your back! Wrists crossed. Head bowed down. Legs spread wider. Tits thrust out, proudly!"

Brenda quickly complied with each of the commands as soon as they were out of Suzanne's mouth. Her face turned red and her legs trembled with arousal. When it seemed Suzanne was done, she meekly asked, "Like this?"

Suzanne ran a hand down Brenda's curvy naked body to her hips, and then said. "Legs wider. Oh, and thrust those tits out even more. Remember, tits like yours should always be displayed to advantage. Bend your back some, that helps."

Again, Brenda quickly complied.

Suzanne stood back to examine her. "Wider!"

Brenda spread her legs still wider, while keeping them ramrod straight.

But Suzanne still wasn't satisfied. "That may be good enough for most, but for Alan, you need to try harder. He may not ever be your 'master' per se, but if things go well he'll certainly end up controlling and owning you in some form."

Suzanne's words made Brenda shiver all over. It was like a dream come true to hear her talking about being controlled and owned by Alan. She had a very hard time staying still in her sexy pose. He's going to own me! And control me! TAME me! Oh God! Oh God! Can't... can't breathe! If he was here right now, I'd fall to my knees, spread my pussy lips open, and scream, "Fuck me! Fuck me, Master! Take me, I'm yours!"

Suzanne barked, "Quit squirming around! I know you're excited, but you have to learn to control yourself!"

With great force of will, Brenda managed to reduce her wiggling and gyrating of hips enough to mollify Suzanne. She remained so turned on that she wanted to scream her lungs out.

Susan was also more than a little antsy, because she felt a strong urge to follow the commands intended for Brenda. She secretly hoped that Suzanne would give her the same orders, but to no avail.

Actually, Suzanne was tempted to do just that, but she wanted to make clear to Brenda that even though Susan was submissive, she was still higher ranking than Brenda. She also wanted to emphasize Brenda's symbolically important nudity by keeping herself and Susan fully clothed.

Suzanne sat back down in her seat in front of Brenda, striking a very casual pose. "Good enough. By the way, Susan, look at her thighs. Can you believe how wet they're getting, in a matter of seconds?"

Susan was panting hard, half lost in her own submissive world. She definitely saw Brenda's wetness, but she was too spaced out to answer.

Suzanne looked at her best friend and smirked at that. Then she turned back to Brenda. "Now, let's turn your 'freaky' fantasies from the negative you thought they were into the positive you'll see they really are. Just because Alan doesn't like to be thought of as the master type doesn't mean you can't fantasize about that to your heart's content. You can. I fully expect you and Susan to keep up with your daily phone calls and tell her every last detail of your secret, naughty desires. And you are NOT going to hold back! Is that understood?"

Brenda nodded.

Suzanne pretended not to have seen Brenda nod. "I said, is that understood?"

"Yes, Mistress!" Brenda suddenly replied. She didn't even realize that she'd called Suzanne "Mistress," because she did so unthinkingly and it seemed perfectly fitting to her.

However, that term certainly surprised both Susan and Suzanne.

Suzanne was secretly pleased. But she decided to simply treat it as the new normal, and not worth mentioning. "At the same time, let's work on addressing your concerns. We've got a lot to talk about. Susan, you said that when you talked to Sweetie last night after the party, he made you promise to help Brenda along, correct?"

"Right." Susan nodded.

"Excellent." Then Suzanne said to Brenda, "Oh, by the way, feel free to sit down and relax."

Brenda quickly took a seat between Susan and Suzanne to start their discussion. She asked, "Um, can I put my clothes back on?"

Suzanne simply replied, "No." The fact that she didn't even give a reason served to further illustrate her domination over Brenda. After a long pause, she added, "I can help out some, but unfortunately, I have other things to do. Feel free to consult me when needed, but Susan, I'm putting you in charge of helping Brenda. Are you up to it?"

Susan replied, "Yes, definitely. But what's our goal, exactly?"

Suzanne waved a hand at Brenda's nude body. "Look at her. She's still a bit red-eyed and sad. With everything she has going for her, that should not be. So we need to cheer her up. And, of course, help make her fully Alan-worthy."

Susan nodded approvingly. "Okay. It sounds like a fun project."

Suzanne asked her, "You won't let your jealousy of her get the best of you? I know you had a relapse of sorts about that last night, due to some of his comments."

Susan spoke confidently. "I'm not perfect. But I've made a promise to you and another promise to Tiger that I'd do my best with Brenda, so that's just what I'm going to do."

"Good. I'm putting you in complete control of her then. If Brenda disobeys or displeases you in any way, you have the right, and even the duty, to punish her. Spank her if need be."

Susan's eyes widened. "Spank her?! I assure you that won't be necessary."

Brenda's heart started pumping hard and fast as her arousal level soared.

Suzanne's mention of a spanking was deliberate, since she knew Brenda had a special fetish about that. "We'll see about that. The point is, I'm delegating that authority to you when I'm not there to do it. Understood?"

Susan nodded. She was a bit overwhelmed by such power, but she was determined to do a good job.

Then Suzanne stared at Brenda. She didn't ask Brenda for permission about anything, since that in and of itself would be a sign of weakness.

Brenda tried to show her defiance by staring back, but that only lasted a second or two. She dropped her head and blushed some more. Oh shit! Suzanne just won that stare down contest. I all but gave her my permission to be disciplined through that and everything else she's been doing to me. My only chance is to speak up now. I must object! I just have to!

But dammit, I LIKE the idea of being punished. Being spanked, especially! Just look at Suzanne. She's so beautiful! So strong! To think: before too long, I'll be lying naked on her lap while she rains a flurry of hard slaps on my butt! DAMN, that sounds good!

And then she'll kiss me on the lips! And have her way with me! I'll have to serve her, just like I have to serve Alan! My master and my mistress!

Shit. Just listen to me. This is part of my sickness. I can't let myself think that way. It's doubly wrong with her, because she's a woman!

There was a long silence, giving Brenda ample opportunity to raise any objection. But she didn't say a word. Instead, she found herself gazing adoringly at Suzanne's body while being too afraid to make eye contact with her.

Finally, Susan said to Suzanne, "The only thing is, we've already talked about many of these things on the phone."

Suzanne smirked, knowing she'd just won an important victory over Brenda. She replied, "I'm aware. But think how much better it'll be in person. For instance, using a dildo instead of mere words to illustrate all your favorite moves."

Brenda shyly confessed, "I... I have been using a dildo, in practice. A lot, actually. I want to be... good for him." She bowed her blushing face.

The dildo mention gave Susan an idea. She took Suzanne aside and whispered in her ear so Brenda couldn't hear. "You know that gift you say you have for me to give to Brenda?"


"How could could you find it and have it ready?"

"Almost instantly. I have it gift wrapped and hidden in this house."

Susan did a double take. She look at Suzanne incredulously. "In THIS house?! How is that possible?!"

Suzanne smirked triumphantly. She whispered back, "Because I figured something pretty much exactly like this would happen. You'd want to give it to her, and nothing ever happens in my house, so of course you'd want it here."

Susan gave Suzanne a big hug and a kiss. "Thank you! My goodness! You are the BEST best friend in the history of best friends! Can you get it for her right now?! She could really use it. I think that'll help in a big way to put her worries about her feelings towards Tiger to rest."

"Agreed," Suzanne said. "You stall for time and I'll be right back."

Susan stalled for time, but she didn't have to do that for long, because Suzanne came back in less than a minute. Susan said, "Brenda, I want to say thanks again for the wonderful gift you gave me, and also how sorry I am for getting testy with you last night. I already was talking to Suzanne earlier how I wanted to give you a gift in return that would be just as incredible, but I lamented that no such gift could possibly exist. I was wrong!"please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

Brenda furrowed her brow, wondering what Susan meant by that.

Suzanne held a long box behind her back. She brought it to the front and handed it to Brenda.

Brenda eagerly took the box and ripped the wrapping to shreds. Her eyes lit up in awe and wonder when she opened the box and saw the copy of the Alan-sized vibrator. She looked back and forth between Susan and Suzanne. "How... How did you... Oh my Lord! It's... it's... a dream come true! How?!" She was flabbergasted.

Susan went on, "It turns out that Suzanne was thinking ahead. She anticipated your needs, and secretly had another copy made. Why I asked her what I should get you, she surprised the heck out of me with this too!"

Brenda reached into the box and pulled out a note.

Suzanne quickly said to her, "Please, read it out loud."

Brenda did so, "'Dear Brenda, I love your gift more than words can say. So much that I gave you the same thing! Suzanne assures me our two copies are the only copies in the whole world. I hope with all my heart that we'll become very good friends, like we should be. And I also hope that it won't be long until we're sucking and slurping on the real thing, together! Love, Susan.'"

Clutching the vibrator for dear life, Brenda rushed to Susan and gave her a bear hug. "Susan! This means so much to me! Not just the cunt-tingling gift itself, but the thought behind it! I hope even more that we'll become very good friends! I feel like I'm with family here! I'm so happy I think I'm going to cry!"

As Brenda continued to try to hug and kiss Susan to death, Susan managed to look over her shoulder to Suzanne. She made a very puzzled face, because she certainly knew that she didn't write the note that was inside the well-wrapped gift box. She was dying to know how Suzanne knew to write such a note, and furthermore knew exactly what to write.

Suzanne just gave her a knowing, smirky grin.

For the next few minutes, there was lots of hugging and kissing all around, as well as plenty of oohing and aahing over the vibrator. Remembering Susan's earlier words, Brenda similarly pronounced that the gift was worth more to her that if it had been made out of solid gold.

Eventually, Suzanne tried to get them back to what they had been talking about before, namely Brenda's use of a dildo to practice cocksucking, and Susan's project to make Brenda sexually worthy for Alan. Their discussion reached a point where she was able to ask Brenda, "Now that you have a vibrator exactly modeled on his cock, will that inspire your practices?"

"So much!" Brenda practically shouted with glee. "I get so excited just thinking about it! I'm going to wear this thing out today until I can't even more! I'm going to learn every last little bump and vein line! I know it's ambitious, but I want to learn to suck cock just as well as you and Susan do!"

Suzanne smirked. "That IS ambitious. You'll have to work hard at that, every day. But Susan can help you. I'm sure you'll have plenty to talk about, including sucking technique. Discussing sexy clothes to wear alone will take hours, I'm sure."

Suzanne redirected her attention to Susan. "So this project will take you days. Make that weeks if you teach her all I taught you about sashaying and generally moving sexily and controlling your body. There's a whole art to that. I can teach both of you how to do that, if you're interested."

Susan and Brenda nodded eagerly.

Suzanne concluded to Susan, "But in the near term, your goal should be to get Brenda ready in time for next week's poker party."

Brenda was brimming with excitement, but she couldn't help but sigh at that. "Awww. Next Wednesday? That's so long from now."

"Yes, I'm sorry about that. Maybe we'll find some other special events for you to attend before then. But keep in mind that Susan, Katherine, Amy, and I have known Alan pretty much since his birth, and he's gonna spend most of his time with us. If you want to be here more often you'll have to earn it by pleasing not only him, but all of us. In the meantime, you've got your gift to help keep you entertained."

Brenda considered all that, and resolved to do her best. But she said, "There's just one thing. Already, I worry that I'm too obsessed. All this talking plus the incredible gift is probably just gonna make me even MORE obsessed about him!"

Suzanne smiled enigmatically. "You're probably right about that." She winked. "But don't worry, I've got a plan. Ask Susan about those. They always work out to everyone's satisfaction."

Susan nodded. "It's so true. Suzanne's some kind of scheming genius. Just look at what she did as the secret genius behind the vibrator gifts for both of us. Put yourself in her hands, and my hands, and you can't go wrong."

Brenda nodded too. Put myself in Suzanne's hands... What a good idea! Look at her lips. What full, red lips... So sexy...

She found herself saying, "Wait a minute. I just realized I might need to be punished already, because I forgot about the 'hello kiss' tradition."

Suzanne's triumphant smile widened. "That you did." She stood up and crooked a finger at Brenda.

Brenda's heart thumped wildly as she put the vibrator down in a safe spot and then stepped forward towards Suzanne. She was painfully aware of the fact that she was completely nude while Suzanne was fully dressed. In fact, Suzanne's exercise outfit didn't cover much, but the disparity symbolized the power differential between them.

Suzanne took the opportunity to further cement her control over Brenda. She started off just French kissing her, but once she had her extremely hot and bothered from all the tongue dueling, she roamed her hands at will over Brenda's nude curves.

The kiss kept going, and before long, Suzanne had two fingers in Brenda's pussy and was steadily pumping them in and out. Her other hand clutched Brenda's ass cheeks, keeping her close.

Brenda, by contrast, was fascinated by Suzanne's big tits. Once she got over her initial shock, she loved to caress them with both of her hands, as well as pressing her own even larger melons against them. The fact that Suzanne was still wearing her skin-tight exercise top didn't hinder her much.

All of this was simply too exciting for Brenda, and she had to break the kiss to cry out, "Suzanne! Mistress! I have to warn you, if you keep doing that, I'm going to cum! Hard!"

"What, do this?" Smirking, she plunged her two fingers even deeper into Brenda's slit.

Brenda screamed, "Yes! That!"

ραпdα Йᴏνê|(сòm) Suzanne could see that Brenda was right on the edge, and her first instinct was to say, "Go ahead and cum then." But she came up with a better idea instead, and said, "Hold on! Do NOT cum!"

Brenda's face looked pained, even tortured. It was clear that she was trying her hardest to hold back. However, it also was clear that it was a losing battle, especially since Suzanne kept on relentlessly frigging Brenda's cunt.

Susan could see Brenda's predicament, and her heart went out to her. "Brenda, hold on! You can do it! Be strong! Think about Tiger. Think about being good for him. That means being obedient. You must prove that you're worthy of being tamed!"

Those words helped Brenda greatly. Tamed! Being tamed! Alan is going to TAME me! I have to be worthy! She gritted her teeth and steeled her nerves.

Suzanne spoke while continuing to hold Brenda and finger her pussy. "You're very wet. Your cunt gets wet extremely easily, doesn't it?"

Brenda meekly replied, "It... it does." She added giddily, "Especially with all this talk about taming!"

"That's good, very good. Sweetie's cock is thick and long. It's nice to be wet and eager, ready for him to plunge into you balls-deep at any time."

Hearing that practically made Brenda swoon. She was dying to kiss Suzanne again, and kiss and fondle her for hours.

But instead, Suzanne gave her a very hard slap on her ass cheek. Then she gave her another one on her other ass cheek. "That's a taste of what'll happen to you if you're bad. Or... if you're very good." She winked saucily.

That aroused Brenda so much that she did swoon, and in fact she very nearly passed out. Her desire to cum was overpowering. She whispered in awe, "Oh, Mistress!"

Susan was standing by, also hot to trot from watching all the kissing and mutual groping. So when Suzanne passed Brenda's limp body to Susan, Susan was ready to hold her up.

Brenda quickly revived upon realizing that she was being passed from one voluptuous beauty to another. She channeled all the sexual energy she'd been wanting to direct at Suzanne towards Susan by kissing her on the lips.

However, Brenda was still too wiped out from her swoon to be able to do much more than kiss.

Just when the two bombshells started to get into fondling each other, Suzanne clapped her hands. "Let's get started!"

Brenda and Susan reluctantly let go of each other, and all three women sat back down at the table. Brenda was crushed that she hadn't been able to climax, but at the same time she felt strangely satisfied that she'd been denied permission. Plus, the fact she hadn't cum kept her flying high with arousal.

It was hard to act as if everything was normal. Both Brenda and Susan were slightly out of breath, which caused their chests to heave up and down. It was an inspirational sight (even though Susan's chest was still covered with her workout outfit). However, Suzanne stared at them impatiently, showing she expected them to start talking, so they started to talk.

Susan started things off. "So... Why don't we talk about, uh, kissing? Tiger's a very good kisser, you know. That's one reason us ladies do all this hello and goodbye kissing, to stay in practice and learn from each other. How many times has he kissed you?"

Suzanne watched approvingly as Susan and Brenda began talking in a happy and friendly manner. Clearly, the kissing had helped bring them even closer together, and that nicely fed into an excitement to discuss kissing techniques. That's good so far, but what is my plan with Brenda? My goal has been to bring her closer to us so she won't spill our secrets, incestuous and otherwise. We're well on the way with that.

But what then? I don't want her to be TOO close. God knows I'm sharing Sweetie with too many other women as it is, due to his unexpected successes with the likes of Ms. Rhymer and Heather. But Brenda is special. I get a rush trying to turn her fully bisexual and imagining her as my little love slave as well as his. I can't let my own lust drive all my thinking on this though. The key thing is to make it abundantly clear that she can only see him when I invite her here. That way, if she gets to be too much she'll be here less, and if she works out well, she can be here more.

Dammit! Just look at her. Sitting there fully naked, embarrassed at the way I'm staring at her, but still trying to brave it out. It makes me too damn fucking horny! My lust is definitely trumping reason in her case, but so what? I deserve some Brenda fun after all I've accomplished with my overall plans, and the more we let her into our world, the more she'll love it, so it's win-win all around.

When Suzanne had said that she couldn't stay long because she had some other things to do, she'd only had a vague sense that she needed to be somewhere else soon. But now that she had more time to think, she remembered that she was supposed to have already left for Los Angeles to meet up with Xania.

As a result, she interrupted the other two and reminded Susan how she'd told her earlier she had errands to do. She gave Susan and Brenda sexual goodbye kisses, but she kept them relatively short and tame because she was suddenly feeling anxious about being late.

Right as she was about to leave, she said to Susan, "Oh, by the way, I'm leaving you in charge, if I didn't make that clear enough already. I do expect you to give permission for Brenda to have her climax... eventually." She winked.

Soon, she was out the door and on the highway. She was glad she drove a sporty silver Mazda RX-7 with the Performance Enhancement Package, because this was one time she was going to blow past the speed limit.

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