6 Times a Day

Chapter 660 Any Last Words Of Wisdom, To Prepare Me? (5 Million Views)

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As Alan drove up Highway 5 to Los Angeles, he thought, Phew! What a day already. I don't know if I'm more sexually exhausted or more hungry. Fucking Heather's ass totally wiped me out. The "recovery" sex with Janice was good, but it also kinda wiped me out even more.

Think about it: I spent my lunch time getting a blowjob from Glory, another blowjob from Heather (with Janice chipping in), fucking Heather's ass, and finally fucking Janice. I could have done all that, or I could have ate lunch. Dang! I think I prefer going hungry, heh-heh! Few guys ever get a chance to have sex with three women in one day, and yet that was just one part of my sexual day. Am I beyond lucky or what?

So he didn't mind the hunger pangs as he busted the speed limit driving up to Los Angeles. He hoped that if he hurried he wouldn't be too late to his appointment with the psychologist Xania Goodleigh.

Even while speeding, he was able to have some rare contemplation time. He spent most of it analyzing what had just happened with Heather and Janice, and most especially Heather, since she was such a curious and complicated case. He made sure to look at the recent events in a dispassionate and logical manner, so he could figure out how to outsmart Heather in the future.

On top of everything else, I'm damn lucky that Heather didn't just up and kill me! Talk about pushing my luck. I pushed it off the cliff, repeatedly! And yet it worked. In fact, I suspect that with her the ONLY viable defense is a good offense.

It's weird. Once I'm with her and things get rolling, I seem to get into some kind of zone where I can do no wrong. I wonder why that is. Maybe it's partially because of Mom. She's the queen of saying one thing while really wanting another, so I'm starting to get how women can be like that. She'll say something like, "Oh no, Son, please don't spank me!" when it's totally obvious that she'd love nothing better than be spanked. It's way less obvious what Heather wants, but it's the same kind of weird thinking where her mind wants one thing and her body wants the opposite.

Even so, with Heather, I'm walking on the high wire. One bad move and I'm toast. The spell I have over her will be broken. She's obviously way into the anal sex we had. That's good, very good. I have to use that to my advantage, like a dangling carrot.

He grew more thoughtful. But I need to ask, ultimately, what is my goal? Yes, having lots of great sex with Heather is a damn fine goal in and of itself, but I also have this strange feeling that I can somehow help her out. It's like, she's so powerful and arrogant that she needs someone to put her in her place to make her more human, and I'm probably the only one in a position to do that.

But I have to keep my priorities straight. If it comes down to being with Glory or Heather, Glory's gonna win every time. She's not just my teacher and a hot fuck, but also a great deep throater and a true friend. I can honestly say I love her in every way. Whereas I don't even like Heather as a person. I just like fucking her. So it's only fair I make an effort to spend my lunch time with Glory whenever I can.

Walking into Xania's office, he was pleased to look at a clock and see that he'd almost made it on time. Susan and Katherine sat in the waiting room, as they had just returned from lunch. He looked at his mother and sister and noticed how happy and relaxed they appeared, while they read magazines that had been left in the waiting room. Obviously the psychologist session had been going very well.

Susan in particular looked like she would slide off her chair and collapse into a puddle if she got any more relaxed.

He noticed that she seemed to absent-mindedly rub her own nipples through her dress, which was a common enough sight at home, but an extremely unusual thing for her, or anyone, to be doing in such a semi-public place. (At least, he thought it was a semi-public place, not knowing that they were the only 'patients' that Xania had ever had.)

Then Susan looked up and saw him. Normally, her eyes lit up when she saw either of her children, but her eyes stayed half-lidded, like she was on some kind of drug trip. She was coherent enough to say, "Oh, Tiger! I'm so glad to see you. I think Xania is ready to see you shortly. She's so perceptive! It's incredible. I'm sure you'll find this VERY useful."

He made some small talk with his mother and sister. He wanted very much to greet them with big kisses but realized this wasn't the time or place for that. In fact, both of them were so relaxed that they didn't even get out of their chairs.

He sat down in a free chair and asked, "So, how's it going?"

Katherine responded first. "Great! Xania's totally understanding. She's really, really great! She GETS the whole thing. You know, the incest thing. She hasn't tried to talk us out of that at all. In fact, she's made me feel even BETTER about being your fuck toy!" She gave him a sexy wink.

Susan had been a bit spaced out, but she roused herself to say, "Angel! Please. Your language."

"What? 'Fuck toy?' What's wrong with that? I told you, Xania's totally cool with that."

Susan frowned. "I know, but it still seems somehow terribly... improper, especially in a place like this. After all, Tiger is your brother."

Katherine replied, "I know that. But that's part of what makes it so great, and so hot! Instead of complaining, you should proudly admit that you're one of his fuck toys too."

Susan said in her chiding mother voice, "Katherine! Katherine Plummer!" She even wagged a finger at her.

But Katherine was defiant. "What? You say that, but you know it gets you hot. Your DUTY is to help get his cock hard and keep it hard six times a day, every single day, possibly for the rest of his life! That makes you his fuck toy. You even said so yourself on the ride up. Or, if you prefer, his sex toy. Your busty, sexy body exists to serve him sexually. Same with mine. What's wrong with me just speaking the truth?"

Susan was trying to maintain her stern mother look, but it was obvious to anyone with eyes that she was getting extremely aroused.

Alan had been somewhat amused, not to mention flattered, hearing them talk like that. His penis had had a good rest on the long ride up, and now he quickly grew erect. But he was in a big rush, so he said, "Sorry to cut in, but I drove like a madman to get here in time. It is my turn, right?"

"Definitely," Katherine said. "You're only a few minutes late, so don't stress."

"Oh, good," he replied. "So Mom, what do you think? About Xania, and what she has to say?"

Susan had been spacing out again (and for once she hadn't even noticed her son's prominent bulge). "What? Did you ask me something?"

Katherine giggled. "Don't mind her. She's been like that all through lunch. Mom told me in general, vague terms what she and Xania talked about, but I'd love to know what was said exactly, because Mom's been totally spacing out ever since."please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

Susan knew the answer: she couldn't get her mind off the mental exercise Xania had made her go through, where Susan had fantasized at length about being fucked by her son. That was the one thing she never allowed herself to think about, even in fantasies. (Her mind did wander in that direction from time to time, but she would quickly divert her thoughts to blowjobs and titfucks and the like instead.) Now, she'd been given official approval to think such thoughts, and suddenly she was hardly capable of thinking about anything else. Even now, with Alan standing in front of her, she finally noticed the bulge in his crotch. But instead of thinking of blowjobs as usual, she was wondering about how his thickness would feel as it stretched her pussy lips open wide.

However, Alan repeated his question: "What do you think about Xania?"

Susan gathered her wits and forced herself to answer. "She's nice."

"That's it?" he asked. "She's nice?"

"Very nice. And beaaaaautiful. So beautiful, inside and out." She added in her own mind. She's Alan-worthy, if anyone is! He's gonna love her big tits! He really should tame her. That would be divine.

He looked with mild concern at how out of it Susan seemed to be. "Um, Mom?"

Susan elaborated with a blissful smile, "It's like Angel said, she's totally understanding. Especially about the all-important incest question. To be honest, I feel great! Better than I've felt in years. Maybe that's why I seem distracted. I feel like a great weight has been lifted."

She suddenly reached out and grabbed Alan's hands. She held them tightly in her grasp. "It's okay! Everything is okay! Everything we've been doing - the daily blowjobs and handjobs and all the rest - it's okay! You have no idea what that means to me, to hear that it's okay to do all that."

Katherine added, "To be Alan's fuck toys, you mean."

Susan shot Katherine a withering look, but Katherine just giggled impishly.

Alan grinned widely. He felt a great sense of relief just hearing that everything indeed seemed to be okay. He hadn't been worried Xania would totally disapprove, because he couldn't see Suzanne allowing that to happen, but he had been worried Susan would suffer another one of her prudish setbacks. It was great news that, if anything, the opposite had happened.

He was still standing while his mother and sister were still sitting. He said, "So, should I just knock on the door and go on in then?"

Katherine replied, "Yep. That's what she told us to tell you to do."

"Any last words of wisdom, to prepare me?"

Katherine started to say something, and then stopped.


She was going to tell him of Xania's great beauty to better prepare him than Susan's vague "she's beautiful, inside and out" comment, but she decided to let him be pleasantly surprised. Instead, she said, "Nah, it's nothing. You'll do great, I'm sure. It's like talking to some wise, knowledgeable friend, not some inquisition."

Alan grinned as he said, "I wasn't expecting some kind of Spanish Inquisition."

pαпdα-ňᴏνê|·сóМ He and his sister were both Monty Python fans, and he'd set her up perfectly. She was all smiles as she replied, "NOOOOOBODY expects the Spanish Inquisition!"

He was about to turn to the inner door when Susan put her hand directly on the bulge in his jeans. "Tiger! You're stiff!"

Katherine giggled. "And that's a surprise, Mom... how?" She giggled some more.

Susan gripped his shaft through the fabric and slowly stroked it up and down. "But for once, it's a problem. Son, you can't go in there like that."

He rolled his eyes. "Then Mom, um, maybe you should stop holding it like that."

"Oh." After a long pause, she added, "Sorry." It took even longer, but she finally pulled her hand off.

He reached into his jeans and did some readjusting. "Don't worry, it'll be fine. See? You can hardly tell."

Susan stared longingly at his bulge. True, his readjustment had hidden his erection, but she still knew it was there.

He looked at Katherine just in time for her to ostentatiously lick her lips and wink at him.

He shook his head, but he grinned too.

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