6 Times a Day

Chapter 661 First Contact : Alan & Xania (5 Million Views)

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Alan turned and knocked on Xania's door.

Xania yelled, "Come on in!"

Alan stepped in and closed the door behind him. Then he took a look at Xania and felt his heart skip a beat. He was totally flabbergasted by Xania's beauty, in the same way Katherine and Susan had been when they'd first met her a few hours earlier. Wow! She's just... WOW! Holy shit! She's like some kind of clone of Mom and Aunt Suzy! Her body and even her hair are just like Mom's. She's wearing glasses too. And she's tall, like Mom. But she has the same sort of sultry, commanding presence that Aunt Suzy has. I thought there could only be two six-foot-tall, big-titted Amazon sex goddesses on Earth, but it looks like there are three. WOW!

He'd figured his erection would go down once he was with the psychologist, but he knew that wasn't going to happen any time soon. In fact, his boner only stiffened up even more, and the way he'd tucked it away was ruined as it struggled to burst through his jeans.

Oh my God! She's got such high heels on too. That alone gets me so horny. It's like an invitation saying, "Look at my legs. Don't you want to fuck me?" Jesus, that's a very tight, revealing business suit. What legs! What an ass! How will I be able to concentrate at all, looking at her?

Xania looked at him with a knowing smile. "Welcome, Alan. Nice to finally meet you. I've heard so much about you."

"Um, yeah."

Xania loved it. She'd heard that Alan had become quite silver-tongued with women, yet he obviously was in such awe of her beauty that he was almost speechless. She looked down and noticed the obvious bulge in his jeans. Hmmm. Suzanne said he was packing heat, and it looks like she was right in a BIG way! Ooooh! This is gonna be so much fun!

She asked a bit teasingly, "Cat got your tongue?"

That forced him to snap to and think harder. "Uh, sorry. I was just, uh... Nice to meet you, Dr. Goodleigh."

She waved a hand dismissively. "Oh, please. Just call me Xania; your mother and sister do. They told me that's how my friend Suzanne referred to me, so I'm sure that's how you already think of me."

"Um, yeah. Okay. Nice to meet you, Xania." He stepped forward and shook her hand.

"The same. Please take a seat and make yourself comfortable." She couldn't resist "accidentally" modeling her body for Alan. She knew he'd already noticed what extraordinarily large breasts she had, but she made sure to bend over her desk and fiddle with some papers so he could really get to know what a nice ass she had too.

He thought, Damn! Look at that ass too! My God, she's just as hot as Mom and Aunt Suzy, all over! This sucks. I'm getting used to being able to play with all the sexy women I know. Really, Christine is the only one that's off limits, and that's partly my decision for not actively pursuing her. But here's a woman who's as smokin' hot as women possibly get, and there's no way I can touch her. She'd probably sue me or something. What a drag! Dang, I can't get over those legs too!

Little did Alan know how soon those words would be proven wrong.

Xania was fairly certain that he would fuck her before the day was done. After all, why would he turn her down? It made her smug to know what was going to happen while he remained unaware. She looked at his crotch and was pleased to get a better view of the bulge in his jeans.

Xania licked her lips in anticipation of feeling the thick rod, now trapped underneath strained fabric, pistoning in and out of her pussy. But soon she took her chair behind her desk so they could get down to talking.

Alan was relieved that the patient couch was facing the opposite direction from Xania so he wouldn't have to look at her all the time; there was no way he could think clearly while staring at a body as voluptuous as hers. He found himself busy imagining what was hidden beneath her clothing. Her suit was so tight that he didn't need much of an imagination.

He thought, God, what a rack! And what an ass! And her face! Jesus... just... everything! What on Earth is she doing with a doctorate? She should be a porn star or movie star or something. I can understand why she's so hot, because she was Aunt Suzy's college roommate, and good looking women flock together. They were probably drawn together like two Peace Corps volunteers in some remote Third World village, because their extraordinary beauty made them so different from even the usual sexy college girls. But why'd she become a psychologist, of all things, when she could be on easy street with her looks? She must be really repressed like Mom used to be.

Sitting behind her desk, Xania picked up a pen and began idly fiddling with it. "Alan, I know a lot about you already from the sessions earlier today, plus everything Suzanne told me, so let's cut to the chase. I've heard your sister and mother talk at great length about you, and you'll be glad to know that it was all positive. They think the world of you. I'm very eager to hear what you have to say. Please tell me about your feelings for your mother and sister."

Dang, how do I make my cock go down? I can't think! He gulped nervously. "Doctor, what I say doesn't leave this room, right?" Even with the reassurances he'd just heard in the other room about Xania's attitude towards incest, he was trying to be careful.

"Not without your permission," she said. "If, for instance, I think there's something I'd like you to share with the others later, I'll ask you first."

"Then I'll be completely honest. Okay... I love them both dearly. And that includes strong sexual feelings for both of them. I didn't let my feelings flow until my medical condition was diagnosed and certain things started to happen. But now that it has, I want to have sex with them. All the way, all the time. A lot of sex. Does that make me pretty messed up?"

Xania replied, "You already ARE having lots of sex with them. From what Susan tells me, she's in love with sucking your penis. Katherine has all kinds of fun with you too. Ditto with Suzanne, and even her daughter. You're one lucky boy, that's for sure!" She chuckled.

He was put at ease that she didn't seem to have any problem at all with what she'd just said. He pointed out, "True. But I'm talking about, you know... intercourse. Is that wrong? To go that far with a family member?"

Xania gave the same explanation she'd given twice before, that incest being right or wrong depended on the situation and feelings of those involved.

When she was finally done with her rather detailed reasoning, he said, "Then what's the problem? I'm fine with it, and so is Katherine. My mom is too; she just has some lingering feelings of guilt from her overly conservative upbringing. But she'll get over them. She's loosening up daily."

"You may be right," Xania said. "Hopefully we can set some guidelines of where to go from here, since this is likely our only session. I'm really here just to give Susan reassurances that her new lifestyle isn't some horrible sin. In talking to her and your sister, I haven't come across anything to make me recommend frequent therapy sessions. So think of this as a 'once in a blue moon' tune-up for your well-running car, rather than a needed overhaul of the car's engine."

He understood, and nodded. He also gulped, because he couldn't help but notice that she was sliding her fingers up and down the pen she was holding, almost as if it were a stiff erection that she was jacking off. He assumed he was reading too much into the movement, but in fact that was precisely what she wanted it to look like.

She continued, while stroking the pen even more blatantly, "Now, I understand that you need sexual relief six times a day, and that you pretty much have to get relief every time you get aroused. That's a big reason why you're so active with no fewer than four women in your house. Is that true?"

Reminded of his arousal, he readjusted his package to a more comfortable position. He couldn't stop staring at Xania's tightly covered chest. "Yes, it is. You have no idea how difficult it is for a guy to have an orgasm six times a day, every day of his life! I'll tell you! It's a lot worse than it sounds."

He stretched the truth a little - he didn't have to get relieved every time he got a hard-on. In fact, half his school day he typically suffered with a painful and unrelieved boner that came and went depending on his thoughts and the sights around him. He felt like his penis was erect 24 hours a day, because when he wasn't actually playing with a gorgeous woman, he was probably thinking about one or more of them.

Xania said, "As an aside, I couldn't help but notice even through your thick jeans that my explanation just now has made you very aroused. Why is that?" She nodded at his crotch. She too was stretching the truth a little, since she'd noticed he'd been aroused since he'd walked into her "office."

Alan looked down. To his consternation, he could see his entire erection clearly outlined, straining against the fabric of his jeans. He blushed and made another quick adjustment to cover it. Then, acting like that didn't happen, he replied, "It's because as you talked, I realized that I'm likely to still be able to have sex with Katherine and Susan in the future. And that makes me very relieved, and excited. By the way, do you mind if I unbuckle my belt? Things are really tight down here."

She waved her hand airily, as if he was asking nothing out of the ordinary. "Please do. From the looks of things, you'll need to unzip a bit as well."

"Are you serious?! You want me to just... whip my dick out?!"

She chuckled. "Not exactly. But you should know I'm very unorthodox. My attitude is: do whatever works. When Susan came in here, she was tense and nervous, and she mentioned that going topless helped her relax. So I let her conduct her session while topless. And you know what? It worked! She was so serene and happy that it was adorable. Similarly, I understand you have some kind of serious medical issue. If 'whipping your penis out' helps you, then by all means, do it. I assume you're wearing boxers, not briefs. Right?"

He nodded eagerly. "Wow. You're pretty cool. As a matter of fact, now that you mention it, I think I will get, uh, a little more comfortable."

After he got over his initial embarrassment to be showing his bulge so prominently, he got to thinking. Why NOT let it all hang out? Xania is so scorching hot that if I have even the slightest chance to get her interested in me, I should go for it. If there's one thing I've been learning lately, it's that being sexually aggressive pays off. SHE'S the one who asked me, so I can't get in trouble, right?please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

So he both unbuckled and unzipped. Taking advantage of her lax attitude, he even slid his jeans down some so the entire length of his erection was now straining hard against his boxer shorts (which he was wearing specially for the appointment). Instead of trying to hide his bulge, he subtly flexed it, putting it on display.

Xania licked her lips again without thinking. Mmmm. Yummy!

But since he was trying to burn a hole through her top with his eyes, he didn't notice. His heart was pounding hard. Despite all the wild and crazy sexual things that had happened to him lately, he couldn't believe this was actually happening.

Although he missed her lip licking, when she brought her pen up to her mouth and started sucking on the tip, he couldn't help but notice that. Oh, man! Look at those full ruby red lips! Is it just me, or is it outrageously erotic, the way that she's sucking on that pen cap? What I wouldn't give to be that pen right now!

Xania started to say, "Now, I would like for you-" But as she was saying that, she took her pen and, while transferring it from one hand to the other, "accidentally" let it slip free. It rolled across her desk and landed on the carpet part way toward Alan.

Xania quickly got up and walked around her desk. "Clumsy me. Here, let me get that." She was so pleased that the pen had stopped rolling exactly where she wanted that she had trouble not smirking with glee.

She knelt right in front of Alan, showing off her entire panty-covered pussy mound in the process. Then she slowly picked up the pen, but she still didn't get up. She paused in that pose for a few long moments, as if she was trying to think of something important before returning to her desk.

Alan couldn't believe his luck in getting such a clear "panty shot." Holy fuck, man! Just look at her! She's so sexy that I can't even breathe! Are my eyes playing tricks on me, or is that a wet spot right over her pussy? I think it is! Hot damn!

Sure enough, Xania did have a noticeable wet spot on her panties. It was mostly due to how aroused she'd gotten talking to Susan earlier, but she was getting wet all over again imagining the kind of fun she could have with Alan. From her kneeling position she had a very up-close view of his tool straining through his boxers, and she took full advantage of the opportunity, making no attempt to hide her prolonged assessing gaze.

He thought, No way! She's totally checking me out! And with my boxers being so thin, she can practically see every last vein. I'll bet Mom especially went on and on about how thick and long my dick is. Is her checking from professional interest to see if that was an exaggeration, or is it just a personal interest? Man, I sure hope it's personal! I'm getting so horny that it's crazy. I sure could use one of Mom's awesome blowjobs right about now to calm me down so I can be a good patient.

Finally, Xania stood up and walked back to her desk. She considered doing something else to provoke him, such as dropping her pen again to show off her ass, but she decided that she had already pushed the limits of plausible behavior. So she just sat with the pen still in her hand and prodded him, "You were saying? Your thoughts about having sex with your sister and your mother?"

Trying to act nonchalant despite his wildly pounding heart, he continued, "So yeah. Those are very exciting thoughts for me. Also, as a side effect of my medical treatment, I get aroused and stay aroused very easily these days."

"May I ask: Is that the only reason you're aroused?" Xania knew that her body turned him on, and she was fishing for a way to get him to admit it.

"Well, no. I was already aroused just from looking at you as soon as I walked in, actually. I must admit, that's why I was lost for words. I have to be honest and say that you're an extremely beautiful woman."

"Why thank you." She stared directly at the bulge in his boxers rather than at his face. She was pleased to see that he was recovering from his initial shock and was proving to be the silver-tongued smoothie Suzanne had told her about.

He commented, "I can't believe how similar you look to Suzanne Pestridge. I mean, obviously, your hair and face are totally different, but the rest of you..."

She grinned knowingly, and said in a slightly teasing tone, "Are you undressing me with your eyes?"

He grinned back boldly. "I suppose I am, at least a little bit. Sorry about that. Is it true that you were her college roommate?"

Xania smiled in fond remembrance. "Yes, it's true. We were very close friends back then. People called us 'the dueling tongues.'"

"Um, why?"

Now it was Xania's turn to blush, though it was partly feigned. "Uh, as I said, we were very close. We shared meals, shared clothes, shared the same bed, even." She paused and let the implications of that sink in. "We even shared the same boyfriends at times. You could just imagine some poor guy's shock to walk into our bedroom and find the two of us already in bed, buck naked, breasts grinding into each other as we made out together while waiting for him. Aaaah. Good times. Crazy times."

She lied, "My sex life has been poor in comparison ever since."

Alan could imagine the scene very well. From old photos, he knew Suzanne wore a slightly different hairstyle then and her breasts were a bit smaller before she gave birth, but in other ways she was even sexier than now, with her body more fresh and perfect, like a teenager's. His erection, now pointing up towards his stomach, was already extremely hard, but now it actually strained so much to escape from its confines that it pushed the waistband of his boxers up about two inches.

He thought, So much for my theory that Xania's some kind of prude! Jesus! Her and Aunt Suzy?! Are you kidding me? My blood is boiling already! The sheer tit power involved there... Geez, it would be just like Mom and Aunt Suzy rubbing their racks together!

Xania looked at the dramatic rise in Alan's boxers. His erection was pulling the fabric up towards his belly button; it wouldn't take much more for his boner to spring free. She pretended obliviousness that her own words and sultry sex bomb body had caused his problem.

However, she needn't have bothered pretending, since he was burning a hole through her top with his intense stare, trying to imagine her huge rack rubbing against Suzanne's. He asked, "Um, so does that mean that, uh, you're not into men?"

pαпdα Йᴏνê|,сòМ She chuckled again. "Hardly. Like most women, I'm bisexual. Believe you me, I enjoy a good cock, and a man who knows what to do with it!"

He gaped in surprise. "Wow, you really are... frank."

Xania said, "I'm glad that you and I are already talking freely and frankly about sexual matters, because as you may well guess, sex is the main topic of the day. By talking like this, I'm trying to show you that you don't need to censor yourself with me. I've been talking for hours to your mother and sister about how they're adjusting to the new sexual lifestyle that has been thrust upon them."

"So to speak," he quipped.

She grinned. "Indeed. I can see you and I are going to get along well. A lot of people in my position are quite skittish about sex, but not me. I figure it's as natural as eating or sleeping, so why can't we talk about it just as easily?"

"Indeed." He playfully responded with the same word she'd just used. He was suddenly feeling very positive about Xania. He remembered Katherine's advice that talking to her was like talking to a friend, and he felt that way already.

He loved her attitude, but he still found it hard to believe. "Are you really that, uh, cool? I mean, I can get as explicit as I want?"

She flashed him a sultry smile. "Knock yourself out! What do I need to convince you? Would you like for me to describe in detail the way Suzanne and I used to lick and kiss each other until the wee hours of the morning most every night? Or would you prefer if I tell you a story about how we seduced the same guy, brought him back to our bed, and took turns fucking him all night long?"

He gulped. "Um, yes please!"

She laughed.

"Which one? Oh, and what do we have here?" She stared knowingly at his crotch.

Alan looked down and saw that his erection grew so insistent that it had sprung completely free of his boxers. He was so transfixed by Xania's sexual comments that he hadn't even noticed, but he could tell it had happened only a couple of seconds earlier, since his boner was still bouncing around.

He immediately covered up. "Dang! Sorry! I'm so sorry!"

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