6 Times a Day

Chapter 705 Date With Amy ? ['Someone' Sponsored]

'Someone' Special [ 7 / 20 ]

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Alan rolled off Susan and fell to the floor.

Susan always enjoyed getting titfucked, but she especially enjoyed the face fuck for its aggressiveness. She was pleased that she'd managed a deep throating of sorts, even though the circumstances for it were unrepeatable and bizarre. But she was disturbed by his comments and actions showing a very rarely seen mean streak.

Katherine spoke up. "Boy, Brother, you sure kind of went crazy there. Did you know you might have hurt her? She could have choked!"

"Sorry," he said gruffly. He was so frustrated by his fuck need that he still wasn't thinking straight.

Susan asked, "Something wrong, Tiger?" She got up and comfortingly put an arm around him. "Am I teasing you too much?"

"Just a tad," he said sarcastically. "I mean, what we just did was great, but the way you spread your legs so invitingly like I could study you for an anatomy lesson - but you don't let me actually fuck you. I can put my cock right onto your pussy lips, but that's it! How maddening can things get?!"

She looked down sadly. "I'm sorry. Sometimes I get carried away."

Alan groaned with frustration. "Anyways, it's like that day after day, with the frustration that I can't fuck you growing and growing. And the way you're talking so brazenly and sexily all of a sudden. It's more than agonizing!"

"I'm really sorry," Susan said with concern. "Sometimes I forget how it is for you. I just feel so liberated lately. Between Suzanne, Angel, and I all being unwilling to let you fuck us, it must get pretty tough."

He almost burst into laughter, since he'd fucked Suzanne just hours before, and he had fucked Katherine lots of times already. He still didn't want to confess that to her though.

Susan continued cluelessly, while lovingly stroking his back. "The fact that you're obviously getting a good deal of pussy at school makes it all the more agonizing at home, doesn't it?"

He nodded, because there was a lot of truth to that. Sometimes it helped to have other outlets, but other times it just made things more frustrating. He looked over at Katherine and Amy, who were both now sitting side by side, holding hands. They looked back with concern.

Susan continued, "Oh dear. But now that Amy is your girlfriend, she's fair game. Why don't you give her a good fucking tonight? I'm sure that'll make you feel better." She smiled and nodded at Amy, who politely nodded back.

"As I think I mentioned, I plan on doing just that," he replied. He was starting to feel a lot better, and seeing Amy smiling at him helped his mood considerably.

He thought, Today is supposed to be my day of rest more or less, but obviously that's been blown, to say the least! There's something really exciting about taking the mother and daughter for the first time on the same day. God, just look at Aims. She's like the light of my life. If only I can get it up and keep it up, and make her happy. I'd be lucky if I can do it once more, twice at the max for sure.

But then he thought of Susan's feelings, and asked her, "Doesn't that prospect bother you, though? You know, me going all the way with my girlfriend?"

"Sure," she answered honestly. "I'm jealous as hell. If I was only your mother, I'd have all kinds of issues about it. But now I'm your lover too. It's not just that I live to suck your cock; I love you like a lover, you know: the kind of deep love between a man and woman."

The two of them passed a special intimate look between each other. What she didn't say was that it wasn't the fact that Alan would fuck Amy that was bothering her; she already took that as a given. Rather, she was bothered that Amy was his "official girlfriend," rather than herself, even though she knew rationally that she could never have that role in public.

She continued, "So yeah, it bothers me. But I want what's best for you and your insatiable pecker." She grabbed his flaccid penis briefly and lovingly caressed it. "Plus I care for Amy dearly, and look how badly she needs it. I sure can relate." She joked with a tinge of bitterness, "SOMEbody around here needs to get fucked!"

"Mom," Katherine piped up. She was bent over, leaning against a chair in a sexy manner. "I can really relate too. When do I get to fuck him?"

"Angel dear, you're a Plummer. Actual fucking would be incest."

After hearing that, Alan was glad he'd decided not to confess yet. His mother seemed very set in her ways, even though it was an increasingly hypocritical position.

That wiped the smile off Katherine's face. She griped, "But Mom! Not long ago, you pretty much admitted he'd fuck me sooner or later. So why not sooner?! Why not just face facts?! Didn't Xania say it's okay? How quickly you forget what Xania said!"

Susan grew very flustered, "Angel, please. Let's not talk about this right now. Not in front of our guest." She nodded towards Amy, who was hardly a mere "guest." She was desperately grasping at straws to avoid answering, because she didn't have an answer. She only had the strong emotion that she didn't want to see Katherine fucked by Alan, at least not yet.

She thought, I'm having enough trouble with Tiger and Amy, I can't think of Tiger and Angel too. Soon, he's going to be fucking everyone else and forget about this old bag of bones! I don't mind the idea, really, but I wanna be first, dammit!

Katherine grumbled, "Amy is hardly a guest. She's like family, and we all know it! You even just said so!"

Susan cleverly redirected the conversation. "Amy is like family." She turned in Amy's direction and smiled. "Heck, as far as I'm concerned, Amy IS family. I'm so happy for you tonight. You're gonna get seriously, royally fucked! How do you feel about that?" She was sitting in a chair next to Amy now, so she reached out and squeezed her hand.

Amy squeezed back, but she was practically bouncing in her chair too. "I'm so totally excited! Super double fantasmorgamsicallywonderificallyhyperultraexcited, even!"

Susan chuckled at her enthusiasm. "And you're gonna have a great time. Just remember a few things. First and foremost, Alan is the boss. What he says, goes. Second, remember your goal is not to cocktease, it's to cock-PLEASE. Getting Tiger to enjoy a nice, long plateau of extreme stimulation followed eventually by a great climax should be your highest goal. Third, giving is its own reward. The more you devote every inch of your entire being to pleasing him and especially every inch of his cock, the more he'll end up pleasing you back, and the more orgasms you'll have too. Four, Alan is king. Your role is to SERVE! Like a slave! Like a sex slave! You can't even know the word 'no' because a good sex toy never-"

Alan interrupted from where he lay on the floor. "Whoa! Hold on, hold on! I'm right here, remember?"

Susan's eyes were twinkling with excitement and her chest was heaving. But she slumped back a bit and let him speak.please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

He complained, "Isn't point number four and point number one basically the same? You're filling Amy's head with all kinds of crazy talk. Besides, I'm not the 'king' or the 'boss.' I'm just a guy taking my girlfriend out on a date, and then we'll see what happens."

Susan rolled her eyes with surprising disdain. "Sure, if you want to believe that, Tiger." But then she turned back to Amy and squeezed her hands again tightly. "Don't listen to Mr. Fuddy-Duddy over there. Later, after he's gone, you, Angel, and I will have a long talk. We're gonna make sure you're gonna have a GREAT first date! We'll teach you every cock pleasuring trick we know. Won't we?" She turned to Katherine and looked at her pointedly.

Katherine just nodded. Actually, she didn't mind sharing with Amy at all. She saw her as an ally, not a threat.

Susan concluded, "You're gonna end up with sperm pouring out of your pussy and out of your ears!"

"M'KAY!" Amy bounced some more in tremendous excitement and anticipation.

Alan remained flopped out on the floor. He was in no hurry to go anywhere.

Amy and Katherine lingered in nearby chairs, both in a similar lazy post-orgasmic mood.

Susan, though, had things to do. First, it occurred to her that she hadn't given his privates a thorough post-orgasmic "cleaning." So she spent several minutes doing just that.

Then she walked off into the kitchen to warm up their garlic salmon dinner. She exaggeratedly swayed her hips as she walked, knowing that Alan, Katherine, and Amy would be watching her naked ass from behind, and all three would desire her. She loved it. She didn't have a concern in the world.

Katherine and Alan washed the dishes together after dinner, as they often did. Alan could tell that his sister was feeling antsy, as if there was something on her mind that she wanted to discuss.

Sure enough, once the kitchen was clean, she took him upstairs for a private chat in her room.

She stood in front of him with her arms crossed while he sat on her bed. She spoke with an intense glare. "So... I learned something VERY interesting from Amy today. Don't blame her; it just kind of slipped out. Imagine my surprise to find out that you're having sex with Gloria Rhymer!"

Alan was startled to hear that, but he tried his best to maintain a poker face. However, he wasn't entirely successful.

"Is it true?!"

His first instinct was to lie, but he decided he couldn't do that to his beloved sister. He sighed heavily. "You have to understand. That's a major secret! It's almost as dangerous as our incest secret. I couldn't tell anybody about that, not even you, not even Mom. Nobody!"

"So it IS true!"

He sighed again. "Yes."

"A-ah!" She continued to glare at him with her arms crossed. "Well?"

"Well, what?"

"I want details! How did it start? How serious is it? What have you done with her exactly? Tell all!"

"I can't do that. Really, you shouldn't even know. Amy and Aunt Suzy shouldn't know either. But since you do know, the less you know, the better. I'm not much at risk, probably, but her whole career is on the line!"

"Wait. Aunt Suzy knows too?"

He sighed in defeat. "Damn. I really suck at keeping secrets, it seems. Yeah, she put two and two together recently, and pretty much forced me to confess. But Mom still doesn't know. But this is why I can't say anything: one thing leaks out to just one person, but then it spreads and spreads. Please! Let's not talk about this, okay? Now you know. But pretend like you don't. Don't even talk about it with Amy or Aunt Suzy. Please! I would never forgive myself if Glory lost her job because I was a loose-lipped idiot."

Katherine sat down next to him and put an arm around his back. "Don't worry; your secret is safe with me. But you don't have to worry. Mom will find out about it sooner or later, I'm sure. But that's as far as it will go. The four of us are a tight little group. We're not going to say something about this to anyone else, just like we're not going to reveal the incest secret. That would be idiotic."

"I know. But what about people like Brenda who are getting more involved? Or even Xania, after what happened recently? Someone like that might overhear something and tell it to someone else, and so on. The less said, the better."

"Fair enough. But please answer just one thing. Where does Ms. Rhymer fit in the bigger scheme of things?"

He sighed in defeat again. "Ugh. I don't know. That's the other reason I'm not keen on talking about this, because it brings up a lot of difficult questions. She knows I have other lovers, and she's kind of resigned to that, but she DEFINITELY doesn't know about you or Mom! If she did, well, all hell could break loose. I'm just kind of playing it one day at a time. These are early days. Let's see how things evolve, and how serious it gets."

Katherine asked, "But what if things do get more serious with her? I know how you feel about her. It's not just lust; it's love too. And she must feel the same way about you to take such a big risk. So what if you two fall totally in love with each other? What then? She doesn't seem like the sharing kind."

"I know! I know! It's complicated. To be honest, I'm flying on a wing and a prayer with all this multiple-lover stuff. It's probably going to blow up in my face before long. But what can I say? I'm 'young, dumb, and full of cum,' as the saying goes. I'm taking some big risks. The important thing for you to realize is that no matter what happens between her and me, that won't jeopardize my relationship with you, or the rest of the gang here. Seriously, there isn't a woman on Earth who could take me from you. We're stuck with each other for good."

She beamed. "You know just what to say to make a girl feel good!" She leaned in and kissed his lips.

However, for once, the two of them weren't in an amorous mood. After a little more chat, Alan went back to his room to putter around on his computer. Once he was gone, Katherine pulled out her diary from its secret spot and wrote down all the latest that she had learned about Alan and Glory, as well as her mixed feelings about that news.

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