6 Times a Day

Chapter 706 Sex With Amy ? ['Someone' Sponsored]

'Someone' Special [ 8 / 20 ]


Around nine o'clock, Alan and Amy left to go to a party. All of their friends were there. It was a very big, lavish affair held by the kids of some very rich parents. No adults were in sight, but there was a lot of alcohol and even pot, ecstasy, and cocaine. Alan and Amy abstained from them all, drinking just sodas.

The party was something of a coming out for Alan and Amy as a couple. While their status with each other was now widely known, few acquaintances had a chance to see them together, acting like a couple. Since they weren't at school, both of them pushed the limits of acceptable levels of public displays of affection. They necked at every opportunity.

Amy was beaming with joy again, intensely proud of Alan and the way people looked at them when they were together.

The party house had a very big backyard. Alan and Amy preferred to stay there since there were fewer people and more privacy. It was much darker than the well-lit house, which was great for making out. Alan had Amy under strict orders to keep her hands away from his crotch, and he was just as determined to keep his hands from her crotch. But even so, they were getting very passionate and intimate, and it was better to do that in near darkness.

At one point, they went from a particularly private and dark corner of the backyard where they'd been necking to a highly trafficked area to get something to drink. Once there, they ran into Sean and Peter.

"Hey!" Peter said. "Alan! Over here."

Alan and Amy walked over to where Sean and Peter were standing, near a keg of beer.

Peter joked to Sean, "Look, it's AlanAmy. Or should we call you AmyAlan?"

Sean teasingly explained, "I think he's making reference to the way you two are fused at the hip."

Indeed, Alan had his arm around Amy and their hips were touching. He joked, "Sorry Peter, I can't hold you like this. These hugs are reserved just for my girlfriend."

Peter took that in stride, and shook his head in disbelief. "Man! She's your GIRLFRIEND! No offense, but how the heck did that happen? I mean, Alan, you're definitely a nice guy, but Amy, you're, like, right up there in the handful of very most beautiful girls at school." He said to Alan, "Guys like you just don't get girls like her."

Sean commented, "Outside of a 'John Hughes teen romance' type film."

"Yeah," Peter again. "No offense, Amy, but what do you see in him?"

Amy proudly replied, "You don't know the deal. He's wonderful! Besides, we grew up together. We live next door to each other, you know. We're not just lovers; we're bestest friends. But I really love the 'lovers' part." She looked over at Alan and smiled lovingly. Then she gave him a scorching kiss on the lips.

That kind of freaked out the other two. They weren't used to seeing anyone do that up close, much less a good friend. They made excuses to go and get more beer.

Once they were left alone, Alan continued to hug Amy warmly as he said, "I think you scared them away."

Amy teased, "No, YOU scared them away. You kissed me so hotly that they ran to get the fire extinguisher!"

Alan laughed. "Let's hope they don't come back then."

Amy and Alan were feeling great simply from being with each other; they had no desire for booze. Once they realized that the only non-alcoholic drinks were inside the house, they decided to go back into the darkness to kiss some more instead.

But as they walked down a little-used pathway, they came across Christine standing alone.

Alan stopped and said with surprise, "Christine! What are YOU doing here?"

Christine turned and stared. She showed no surprise, and instead looked pissed off about something. She complained, "Why do you say that like that? Is it such a surprise? Am I not allowed to party?"

Alan still had an arm around Amy. "No, of course not. I mean, uh, of course you're allowed to party. I'm getting tripped up on double negatives. It's just that I don't usually see you at these kinds of things."

"How would you know? You never go to these kinds of things either." Realizing she was being rude, not to mention surly, she turned her attention to Amy and tried to fake a smile. "Hey, Amy. How's it going?"

Amy answered uncertainly. "Mmmm... m'kay... How's it with you? You seem kind of bummed out."

That was obviously true. In fact, Christine looked tense and about to cry, as well as pissed. She looked like she wanted to punch somebody. But she faked a smile again. "Oh, why do you say that? I'm fine."

Alan said, "Come on. You're not fine. What's up? You can tell me."

Christine seemed to start on an angry rant. "Oh, can I?" But she suddenly stopped before she could really say anything. She forced herself to calm down. "Sorry. It's just... I don't know why I came here. I don't like these stupid things. I hardly know anybody."

Amy said brightly, "You know us! Why don't we all hang out and have a nice time?"

That seemed to both anger and sadden Christine even more. Again, she was on the verge of saying something mean, but this time she only said it in her head. Hang out with you? No thanks; I'd rather cut off my arms and legs. And what's with that shirt of yours? Is that painted on? I hope it's so tight that you can't breathe and you choke!

Christine realized that she was staring daggers at Amy. She forced herself to look away, towards the crowd around the keg. She said in forced, clipped tones, "Sure. Maybe later. I'm going to go, uh, get a drink. I'll see you later." She hurried off down the path towards the beer.please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

Alan and Amy resumed walking the other way.

Once they were alone, Alan said, "Boy, that was weird. What's up with her?"

Amy said, "Geez, I don't know. She seemed bummed about something. But we should probably let her be for a while."

"Yeah," Alan agreed.

In fact, they both suspected what the problem was, because Christine wore her emotions on her sleeve. Obviously, she was upset at seeing them walking around like lovers.

Neither Alan nor Amy knew the full story. They didn't know that Christine had come to the party mainly to spend time with Alan. But she'd been shocked and dismayed to see Alan and Amy making out in the backyard. Of course Christine knew that they were dating, but up to that point they had avoided ostentatious public displays of affection, at least around school. It was one thing to know they were intimate, but it was another thing altogether to see it in the way that they were passionately French kissing.

To make matters worse, Alan and Amy happened to come across Christine at a moment when she was trying to have some time alone to get her act together and overcome her jealousy. Seeing the two of them up close, casually hugging and touching, set her emotions reeling.

Shortly thereafter, Christine decided that coming to the party really had been a big mistake, so she went home early, alone. She was distraught at the intensity of her jealousy. She'd never felt that way about anyone before, and she didn't know how to handle it.

Sometimes Alan was a bit thick, and he had been slow in realizing the depth of Amy's feelings towards him. But there was something about the way she acted that made it clear for the first time just how much she was in love with him. At first that thought scared him slightly. While he also loved her very much, he wasn't willing to have an exclusive relationship. But as he mentally reviewed the prior few days and realized that she still hadn't shown a hint of jealousy, he felt much better.

To test that out a bit more, he walked arm-in-arm with her through an extra quiet, private part of the backyard. Being careful, he spoke in a near-whisper. "You know, I had sex with your mom this afternoon. Are you okay with that?"

pαпdα-ňᴏνê|·сóМ Amy replied just as quietly. "Totally! You're plowing through her tits or into her mouth just about every day, so what's the big deal? I think that's cool. You've made her really happy."

"No, I don't mean that; I mean real sex, like what we're gonna do tonight. You know, putting my dick in her pussy and everything."

Her eyes widened. "Gosh. You had sex with Mom?" she said in apparently complete surprise. "Wow. That's weird to actually, really hear. But it's not surprising. She's wanted that for a long time."

"Are you okay with that?"

"Of course I am, silly! I love you, Alan, and I love her. I'm just happy to see you both happy. I'd do anything if it makes you happy, and that's just gonna make my mom even happier. I guess you don't know how much I've loved you for so long." She squeezed his hand tightly.

"I've been realizing it more and more lately. I love you too. You, Aunt Suzy, Mom, and Sis. We're like a close family now. I love you all deeply but in different ways. Aims, your unconditional love really means a lot to me. I don't know if you've noticed, but lately I find myself depending on you more and more. You're like a rock of stability for me in these really confusing and emotionally wrenching times. Tonight I'd like to show you another way we can love each other."

"Goody! You ARE talking about fucking me, right?"

He nodded and smiled.

She asked with worry, "You're up to it? You're not gonna get all tired at the last minute this time?"

"No way. I'm 'up' for it right now, if you know what I mean."

She beamed with a bright smile. "Finally! Geez, Louise! I've been hoping and praying, ever since you hinted about that yesterday, that your thingy would be up for it tonight. I can't believe it's REALLY gonna happen, after all those games you played on me. Wow!" She turned towards him and hugged him. During the hug, she let one hand slip down to check whether he did indeed have an erection. Her smile grew even bigger when she confirmed that he did.

He pushed her hand away, since he was determined not to get too frisky at the party. "What do you mean, games?"

She rolled her eyes. "Hey, I'm not as dumb as you think. I've seen movies." She dropped her voice even lower to make extra sure no one else could hear. "Okay, I'll admit that at the start I wasn't sure what was going on, but after a while I realized that you and Kat sticking your fingers in my pussy all the time wasn't pure altruism."

He laughed, and then Amy joined in. He said a bit sheepishly, "Sorry about that. But it was fun, wasn't it?"

"Lots!" She giggled.

"Then let's have even more fun tonight. And by the way, I don't think you're dumb. I think you're naïve and lost in your own world, or something, a lot of the time. You're different, but not dumb."

"Thanks! I get okay grades, you know, but I know I'm not as good at schoolwork as you. But let's not just stand here talking. I'm all nervous-y and excited! Why are we wasting time at this party? Take me home and give me some of what you gave my mom. Show me how to fuck!"

So he took her home, even though the party was just hitting its stride.

As he drove Amy home, he thought, It's weird. Peter was right that it's almost unnatural that a girl like Aims is going out with a guy like me. What if he knew that I fucked her super-sexy mom today? Or that I fucked my mom's big tits? Or that Brenda came over and gave me a fantastic blowjob? And that's not even all of it.

How is it that I got this lucky?! I'm soooo undeserving. Last night I had a nightmare where I woke up and realized that all the sexual fun since September had actually been a dream and I was back to my boring old life. I want to enjoy every last minute to the max, because I have this sinking feeling that there's no way this can last.

And Christine. If possible, she's even MORE beautiful than Amy, and that's really saying something. I'm pretty sure she was jealous, seeing us together. Why?! I'm not really that great.

I have to keep telling myself that, because the way I'm being treated at home lately, it's all too easy to get a swelled head. Mom especially, she treats me like royalty. I love it, but it's kind of freaky at the same time. I'm just a normal but very, very lucky guy!

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