6 Times a Day

Chapter 707 Susan Attends A Friend's Party ['Someone' Sponsored]

'Someone' Special [ 9 / 20 ] 4 K words


Susan felt deeply uneasy. Dina Sorensen, a good friend of hers, was having a big party, and Susan had been invited. Also, Xania had advised her to maintain balance in her life and do non-sexual things. As a result, Susan had accepted the party invitation.

However, she had two problems. One was that she was so addicted to sex lately that she went to the party with only the greatest reluctance. It wasn't just about being separated from Alan and his penis. It was also that there always seemed to be something sexual happening at home; even if nothing was going on, she could always find something sexual and fun to do.

For instance, she didn't terribly miss Alan's absence for much of the day, because she had ways to keep busy. She exercised with Suzanne early in the day, which was a constant erotic buzz. The mere act of keeping her body fit for her son was a continual turn-on, plus she got to dress and move about in sexual ways. In fact, this very morning, Suzanne had "forced" her to exercise in the nude (not counting the frame bra worn for support). But the best part about exercising was all the talking she and Suzanne did. As usual, Susan had furtively climaxed while grinding her pussy against an exercise machine while Suzanne detailed a recent sex encounter with Alan.

Susan had been left alone most of the afternoon, but she'd had a great time practicing the "visualization exercises" Xania had recommended for her. In actuality, that meant she spent a good part of her afternoon alone in bed masturbating to fantasies about Alan fucking her. When she wasn't doing that, she practiced with phallic-shaped objects to increase her cocksucking and stroking stamina. Also, Katherine had thoughtfully printed out a bunch of erotic stories from the Internet, and all of them starred sons sexually dominating their mothers (and usually, sisters and other women). The stories weren't meant to be realistic, but Susan didn't really understand that. She studied them like they were training manuals.

About the only really non-sexual thing she'd done all day was buy the right printer paper and then print out the photos she'd taken of Suzanne and Brenda pleasuring Alan's cock. But even that activity was related to sex.

As if that wasn't enough, Susan and Katherine talked to Amy for an hour before Amy's big date with Alan, giving her all kinds of sexual advice. In the end, Susan had been either naked, topless, or at least braless all through the day, except for that one outing to buy the printer paper.

So leaving her home, a nirvana of endless sexual bliss, to go a party was difficult, even though she knew Alan wouldn't be at home. What made it worse was that Suzanne bailed out at the last minute on going to the party with her. Susan had begged and begged, but Suzanne was simply too exhausted from the prolonged fuck session with Alan earlier (though she made other excuses to Susan instead of admitting that).

Susan was extremely dependent on Suzanne in such social situations. All the other women they knew aspired to climb the social status ladder (not because she and Suzanne preferred those types of women, but there really weren't other types in their upper-class Orange County social circle). Those women could be extremely judgmental - you had to wear the right clothes, say the right things, have the right friends, and so forth. Suzanne was able to navigate such tricky social waters with ease, but Susan had never really left her conservative, rural, "hick" childhood in Nebraska behind, so she felt like a fish out of water if Suzanne wasn't near her.

pαпdα-ňᴏνê|·сóМ As a result, it had taken a great deal of courage for Susan to go to the party alone. The only reason she went was that Suzanne promised that she'd send someone to help her, without actually naming who that person was. Susan was greatly puzzled, because Suzanne was really the only friend she had whom she could trust and feel at ease with, so she couldn't figure out who Suzanne was sending or why it had to be a secret. But she trusted Suzanne implicitly, so she went.

The party was held at a mansion on a high hill, with a distant view of the ocean. It was no simple get-together of close friends, but it was a formal, "coat and tie" catered affair with dozens of guests. The cars parked near the house showed off one's social and financial status. At Suzanne's insistence, Susan wore a fancy and stunning dark blue evening gown. She knew she looked damn good, and that gave her at least some confidence.

It also helped that she knew most of the other guests already, since she'd been coming to these kinds of parties for years and years. The fact that she was alone also was no big deal, since most everyone knew how her husband was overseas nearly all the time, and they probably assumed Suzanne was there with her too, as usual, but just mingling elsewhere in the crowd.

Susan made her usual greetings to the host and hostess and other friends, and then she got a glass of wine to give her some "liquid courage."

She stood by herself for a minute and surveyed the crowd, looking for the friend Suzanne had sent on her behalf. She thought, It's odd that I feel so nervous right now. In truth, I think I'm more nervous now than when I was lying naked on the dining table earlier, waiting for Tiger to mount me!

And I feel so exposed! Even wearing a bra and panties under this long and rather conservatively cut gown, I feel way too naked. All kinds of men are looking at me, men who aren't my Tiger! Men with obvious lust in their eyes! Well, at least they know better than to try to chat me up. Thankfully, they've all tried and been shot down at previous parties, sometimes over and over. Oftentimes, I needed Suzanne's help to get the more aggressive ones to understand I wasn't interested, but that shouldn't be a problem tonight. If any man tries to hit on me, I'll probably rip him a new asshole. All these non-Tiger men are just so pathetic with their non-Tiger ways. They're beneath my contempt. My heart, body, and soul all belong to my son!

Some long-time female friends saw her standing alone, and engaged her in small talk for a while. She did okay holding up her end of the conversation, even though her mind was elsewhere.

When she was left alone again, she thought, Boy, this is tough! Trying to carry on in a non-sexual way, just like Tiger's huge cock doesn't rule my life. Wow. It's like some kind of trip back in time, back to before I knew the many joys of endlessly sucking on his fat knob. But what's the point? Why do people come here? To show off? To see and be seen?

I never really liked these parties, even before I learned my true calling. It was always Suzanne dragging me here, saying I needed to be part of the local crowd. But these people are all so fake-o. There's only a handful of women here I actually enjoy talking to. Most everyone will stab you in the back if you turn around. Maybe I'll go home early, after I make all the rounds. There's that huge stack of incest stories Angel left me. Mmmm! That sounds yummy.

But a couple of minutes later, after some more socializing with old friends, Susan looked around and got a surprise. Brenda! Whoa! What's she doing here?!

Brenda was also very familiar with these kinds of parties, but she lived in a different and even more exclusive neighborhood, so her social circle only rarely intersected with this one.

Susan quickly managed to break away from the people she was talking to and she went to Brenda.

"Ah, there you are," Brenda said with a smile as Susan walked up to her. Brenda too broke away from those around her, and started walking through the room with a purpose.

Susan followed her. Once they reached the outside balcony, they were all alone. Brenda closed the glass screen door behind her so they could talk in private.

Susan had a chance to ask her, "You expected me to be here?"

"Sure," Brenda said matter-of-factly. "This isn't my scene. I only know a few of these people. I'm here because Suzanne asked me to help you out. She said you don't like being at these things alone."

Ah, so she's the mystery guide! Susan thought. She had mixed feelings about that. She sensed Brenda was someone she could trust, but she was still struggling with her jealous feelings over Brenda's even bigger boobs. Funnily enough, she liked Brenda much more on the phone, because it was only when she was seeing Brenda's bust that she got really jealous. She understood why Suzanne hadn't told her who it would be, since she might not have come if she'd known. She was glad at least to notice that Brenda was dressed as conservatively as she was, and in fact wasn't showing off any cleavage at all. Even when Alan wasn't around, she didn't want to have to compete with Brenda's 34J breasts.

Susan replied, "Thanks for coming, if you did it on my behalf. I'm lost at sea at these kinds of things without Suzanne. To be honest, I don't even like these kinds of parties."

Brenda sighed, staring out into the night. "Same here. I don't like them much either. And yet I keep going to them. I guess it beats staying at home and watching TV or reading a book."

"I suppose that's true," Susan replied, even though she was thinking about the porn stories she could be reading in bed. Then, with an excited twinkle in her eye, she added, "But what if you have a big fat cock waiting at home, just begging to get sucked and stroked for hours and hours?"

She half-expected Brenda to chide her for speaking about such things at the party. But they were out on the balcony and there was a closed glass door between them and everyone else, so no one could possibly hear what they were talking about. Not only did Brenda not chide her, but she perked right up and gave Susan her full attention. "Oh? Pray tell! How are things with you-know-who lately? I want details. Details!"

Susan perked up too, delighted to be talking about her favorite topic. "Things are good. We-"

Brenda excitedly cut in. "Is his fat cock really waiting for you at home? If so, what the hell are you doing here?! Get home on the double and give that magnificent slab of man-meat a nice long tongue bath! Lick it from tip to root, over and over and over again! A great cock like that DEMANDS top quality attention!"

Now it was Susan's turn to sigh. "True, so true!"

Before Susan could say more, Brenda practically panted with excitement, "Today has been such a great, pivotal day for me! I've been longing to suck you-know-who's cock, and now that I finally have, it turns out to be even better than I'd even dared dream about in my fantasies!"

She was using "you-know-who" just to be on the safe side, even though there was next to no chance anyone could hear them through the closed glass door. She went on, "I swear, since then I haven't done much today except lounge around in bed, playing with myself. I keep thinking about the sheer joy of having his thick cock completely fill my mouth!"

She closed her eyes and opened her mouth very wide, as if his erection was about to slide into her at any moment. Her mouth made a perfect "O" shape.

Susan looked nervously through the glass door at the people mingling on the other side. With Suzanne not there, she was in the unusual role reversal of having to be the responsible one. "Um, Brenda, you'd better close your mouth. People might see."

Brenda closed her mouth, only to continue eagerly, "By the way, what happened with the photos you took?"

Susan's face brightened. "Oh my gosh! You HAVE to come over tomorrow and see them! As you know, I took hundreds. It's like a movie if you flip through them fast on the computer. I printed out a bunch of the best ones on special glossy photo paper so they look really good. Then, later in the day, I showed them to Angel, Amy, AND you-know-who!"

"NO!" Brenda pushed Susan's shoulders with both hands. "HE saw them too?!"

Susan laughed, after having to step back from Brenda's emotional shove. She stepped forward again and lowered her voice to a quiet whisper. "He did! He really liked them. He played with the girls' pussies, both at once, while narrated some stories based on what happened in the photos. It was hot!"

Brenda was all smiles. She teased Susan, "Just 'hot?' Not 'so hot?'"

Susan laughed. She knew how well she was becoming known for that phrase. "Okay, you got me. It was definitely 'so hot'!"

Brenda said, "I am all over you invitation to look at the photos tomorrow! I wish I could rush back to your house and see them right now. But what did you do after I left? I mean shortly after. I tried calling you a couple of times but you didn't answer. I'll bet that's because you and Suzanne spent the whole time servicing his cock!"

Susan responded, "Unfortunately, not really. Suzanne wanted to buy a new computer, so he went shopping with her. Boring, I know. But then, when they got back, that was more like it. I spent a good ten minutes bobbing on his fat knob while Katherine and Amy rubbed their naked bodies all over him!"

Brenda's eyes were shining with excitement. "Really?! And then?!"

Susan's smile widened in fond recollection. "Naturally, that only warmed him up. We had lots of fun. I didn't just suck his cock; he fucked my face!"please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

"NO!" Brenda's heart thumped frantically. Her entire body felt like it was on fire.



"I tell you, yes! He got totally aggressive and rude. He shouted rude things like 'Take it, take it all!' as he crammed his thick, monster cock mercilessly down my throat!"

"Oh God!" Brenda clutched her hands to her gaping face like she was the child star of 'Home Alone.'

"And that's not all! In the end, he titfucked me right across the middle of the dining room table!"

"NO!" Brenda gasped.


"NO!" She pushed Susan's shoulders back a little bit, showing how astounded she was.

"Yes!" Susan laughed at being pushed. She also enjoyed these "yes... no..." incredulous discussions that she kept having with Brenda.

"Then what are you doing here?! I don't have anything better going on, other than maybe some erotic stories I could read. But you, you have a grade A cock needing some grade A service! Go home! NOW!"

Susan thought it was interesting that Brenda was toying with reading more erotic stories (no doubt involving incest), just like she was. She said, "Unfortunately, he's out on a date. He's taking his official girlfriend to some other party, and then he's gonna take her home and fuck the royal shit out of her. So I guess I won't see him until tomorrow."

Brenda knew "official girlfriend" was a safe reference to Amy. She replied enthusiastically, "What a lucky girl! Does she know what's coming?"

Susan's mood improved, as this was an opportunity to boast some more about her studly son. "As it so happens, she does. But it doesn't really matter, because he simply takes what he wants."

She unconsciously thrust her chest out and struck a sexier pose as she added, "If he sees a woman he wants to fuck, you can guarantee she's as good as fucked!"

Brenda was totally absorbed by the discussion, and horny as hell. "Really? ANYbody?" She looked through the glass door back into the party. "What about her?"

"Who?" There were dozens of people milling about, so Susan didn't know who Brenda was referring to.

"That one." Brenda pointed at a particularly tall, good-looking one. "Marcella. She's the one in the pale blue dress with her brown hair up in a bun. You see the one? Nice ass, reasonable rack, but she's got an exceptionally stunning face. She's one of the few people I know here, and clearly the only other one who can compete with you or me in the looks department."

"Oh yeah, I know her," Susan replied. "Vaguely, from small talk at a few of these parties. How do you know her though?"

Brenda shrugged her shoulders, which caused an impressive lifting of her breasts despite the fact they were completely covered. "Even though she's not in my circle of friends, I guess we exceptionally beautiful women keep track of each other." She added, "By the way, I'm not going to bother with false modesty. We know who we are."

Susan nodded in understanding as she stared at Marcella. "She is pretty hot, I must admit. But of course she's married."

"A-ha!" Brenda said. "So he can't fuck just anyone, then." She looked triumphant at first, but that quickly turned to disappointment. She obviously wanted to hear Alan was completely irresistible.

"Nonsense!" Susan said defensively. "You think a little thing like marriage is gonna slow him down? Ha! Might I remind you that I'm married, you're married, and Suzanne is married. Does that bother him in the slightest? No!"

Brenda was so thrilled that she could hardly believe it. Of course none of those facts were new to her, and there were extenuating circumstances in each case, but it was what she wanted to hear just the same. "Then what would he do?"

Susan kept staring through the glass door at Marcella as she explained, "Well, obviously, I'm not a naturally superior, dominant male like my Tiger is. But I imagine he thinks much like real lions and tigers. First, you have to select your juicy meal. Then, the challenge is to cull her from the herd."

Brenda was staring at Marcella too, and getting quite into the scenario. Luckily, they were so far off that no one could see who they were staring at specifically - it looked like they were just chatting while people-watching in general. "That's not easy. Look, her husband is standing right next to her."

"Hmmm, that is problematic. But remember, big predators sometimes hunt in packs. If Tiger were here, he'd use me or Suzanne or one of his other women to help. Suzanne's so smart, she could come up with some kind of excuse to get the husband out of the picture. Maybe she could complain about car problems and have him go look at her car. Then I could tell Marcella that there's something I need to show her elsewhere in the house. Since I'm a woman, and one with a prudish reputation at that, she wouldn't suspect that she's being procured. Tiger would hardly have to do anything at all."

"And then?" Brenda asked breathlessly.

"Well, I'd take her to one of the private bedrooms. Tiger naturally would be waiting. I'd close and lock the door behind me, leaving her trapped in the room. Then he simply has to whip out his huge horse cock and voilà! She's a goner."

"Oh, come on," Brenda complained. "It can't be THAT easy. Especially if Marcella is happily married. Besides, look at her. She's almost in the same league as you and me. She must fend off aggressive guys all the time."

"Hmmm. True. Okay, we'll need your help then too. You come back to the room with us and stand guard at the door. I'll quickly drop to my knees and start sucking on his fat knob. As I do that, you can explain that there's this most amazing sexual trick that she just has to see."

"And the trick is?"

"There is no trick. Just get her on her knees next to me, so she has a real close look. Meanwhile, I take off my clothes, and you take off yours. Then, with your arms around her, draw her in, closer and closer. No one can resist his powerful cock from up close!"

Brenda was panting hard. She could practically smell Alan's dick, her imagination was so inspired.

Susan was struck by an idea. "Oh, I know! We can reveal that the special thing is the sweet taste of his cum. That's actually true. Get her to taste some of his fresh, creamy cum, and then she'll REALLY be hooked! Don't tell me any woman can resist that!"

Brenda moaned erotically. "That's so true. Oh Susan, please stop. I believe you, it could work! And I'm getting way too horny. I thought about sucking you-know-who's cock today, and I... UGH! Too sexy! I have this urge to play with myself." One of her hands clutched at a tit.

"I know. I do too. But be strong, because I'm not done explaining." She stared at Brenda's hand until Brenda removed it, since that looked too suspicious if anyone looked towards the balcony. Then she continued, "At first, she'll just lick some of his cum from my offered fingers. But who can stop after just one lick? Nobody, that's who! Before long, she'll be happily bobbing on his thick cock, giving him a really-talented licking in hopes of coaxing more out."

"Ha ha!" Brenda said with wicked triumph, happily reminded all over again of her recent cocksucking adventure. "Little does she know! She thinks that if she goes all out for a couple of minutes she'll be rewarded with a thick, tasty load, but after ten minutes he'll only be starting to get warmed up!"

"Exactly," Susan said proudly. "Of course, that makes Suzanne's job more difficult. She'll have to keep the hubby busy for a long time. Hours, probably. But she lives for that kind of scheming and intrigue, so that'll be no problem. Meanwhile, I'll help Marcella lick and suck while you take the rest of her clothes off."

"Hey! Don't I get to suck some too?"

"But of course. This is Tiger we're talking about, after all, and there's always plenty of stiff cock to go around. Still, you have to be patient. Once you have her totally nude and it's clear that she's not going to bolt, we can all move to the bed. Now, I don't know if she's bisexual or not, but it doesn't really matter. We'll get her in such a sexual frenzy that she won't be able to resist once you or I start playing with her pussy."

"Why is that necessary?" Brenda ran a hand down her tummy towards her pussy as she thought about playing with pussies. Still, she stopped just short because of where she was.

"Keep her hot, horny, and constantly climaxing! If strange fingers are playing with her clit, you just know that she's gonna redouble her efforts bobbing on his fat cock."

"Wait!" Brenda complained. "Stop. Seriously, stop! I don't know how you can be such a cool customer, but if you say one more word, I'm gonna cum hard, and scream at the top of my lungs! Alan's really... He's just taking complete control of her!"

Susan smiled smugly. "Exactly. But I've got an idea. Let's find the room where he takes his prey. We can continue there without having to worry about being seen or heard."

They both liked this idea a lot, especially since they were getting cold from spending too much time outside. Although they both wore relatively covering gowns, their arms and shoulders were exposed. They quickly moved through the party, ironically doing their best to avoid the real Marcella and her husband.

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