6 Times a Day

Chapter 730 Love? Double Blowjob From Susan And Suzanne ['Someone' Sponsored]

'Someone' Special [ 9 / 15 ] 5.5K words


Katherine went upstairs to go to bed immediately after Brenda departed.

That left just Susan and Suzanne standing near the front door, since Amy had gone home a little early.

But Suzanne didn't want to go home just yet. She was still energized from all the fun, so she looked at Susan and asked, "Need any help cleaning up?"

Susan smiled widely. "Sure! You're such a great friend." She nodded towards the underwear cabinet. "Clothes?"

"Nah. Who needs 'em? Your house is still warm enough, and it's not like we haven't seen each other nude enough lately."

Susan chuckled at that. "True. I'm beginning to come around to Amy's point of view - nudity is the best. To think how I used to dress: I got worried about showing even a little bit of cleavage."

pαпdα-ňᴏνê|·сóМ Suzanne ran a hand down Susan's hair, enjoying its silky smooth feel. "Those days are long gone and they're never coming back. I guarantee it."

She held Susan's big globes from their outer sides, pushing them together. "Aaaah! Look at all that cleavage! I think you're showing more than just 'a little bit' tonight!" She chuckled.

Susan chuckled too. "Behave!" She playfully pushed Suzanne away. "Don't get me started, or I'll literally collapse from too much fun."

"If you say so. Although that doesn't sound too bad." Suzanne gave Susan a saucy wink.

Susan kicked off her high heels, now that Alan was gone, and dropped them near the front door. Then, as she headed back through the house, she said, "Let's corral all the dirty dishes and stuff towards the kitchen."

Suzanne also kicked her high heels off and left them with the other shoes by the door. Then she followed Susan. She'd helped her with household chores many times, so she knew the routine.

As if reading Suzanne's mind, Susan said, "You may think you know the routine, but lately there's one big new wrinkle: cleaning up all the cum leaked everywhere, and generally trying to get rid of the sex smell. Lately, that's become my biggest cleaning task. Seriously!"

She took a couple of steps, and then paused. "My goodness! Even that fact is hot!"

Suzanne rolled her eyes, amused.

Walking through the living room, Susan pointed to where Brenda had sat most of the evening. "Look at the size of that wet spot, for instance. Thank goodness that this sofa doesn't have a cloth upholstery, or we'd never get that out. And look! Her cum even dripped down to the carpet. I'd better get some cleaning material and old rags. Do you mind doing some rubbing?"

"Not at all," Suzanne replied.

So, a minute or two later, Suzanne found herself rubbing the carpet with a rag, while

Susan stood nearby and used more rags to wipe the furniture clean.

As she rubbed, Suzanne complained, "You know, we really spoil our Sweetie."

"We do," Susan agreed.

Suzanne clarified, "No, I don't just mean we spoil him a little bit. I mean, we're spoiling him rotten! Take this party tonight. It was no ordinary party; the entire thing was basically a pornographic fashion show designed to make his cock stiff and keep it that way. That would have been outrageous enough. But we actually spent more time and energy on stroking and sucking his cock than the fashion show part."

Susan said in confusion, "You say that like it's a bad thing."

Suzanne sighed in frustration. "It IS a bad thing! I mean, sure, tonight was great, overall. We all had lots of fun. And everyone had plenty of orgasms."

She looked at the wet carpet she was rubbing. "Heck, Brenda seems to have been single-handedly trying to turn this room into a cum flood zone, so she obviously had a very good time."

Susan grinned. "I think that's the understatement of the year. I think tonight changed her life. Tiger totally tamed her!"

Suzanne frowned. "Yeah, I suppose. I think he really did, although she didn't need much persuasion. And that was key, to fully win her over, since she knows the incest secret. But that just strengthens my point about how much we're spoiling him. I mean, it's fine for now, but what if this kind of thing continues for literally years to come?"

"Oooh!" Susan stared into space with a blissful, dreamy expression. "That would be so great!"

Suzanne shook her head. "You're not listening to me. Yeah, sure, it's great on one level, but it could turn him into some kind of arrogant monster we really won't want to know. Do you really want him to have 'many, many, MANY concubines,' like you were telling Brenda earlier? When would he have time for you, or me?"

"I suppose," Susan conceded. "It's just fun to think like that."

"I know. But all that sexy talk and action adds up to something that I worry is more than anyone can handle. How could all this royal treatment not go to his head?"

Susan frowned too. "I suppose you have a point." She spaced out, while staring at Suzanne, who continued to rub the spot on the carpet.

Finally, Suzanne said, "Hello? Earth calling Susan. Come in Susan."

Susan snapped back to reality. "Oops. Sorry. It's just that you're so sexy."

Suzanne exhaled in frustration.

"I'm sorry, but you're on all fours and rubbing a spot, which causes your big ripe melons to continually swing underneath you. I mean, come on! I'm only human! Can you turn off the sexy for a few minutes?"

Suzanne grinned proudly. "Sorry. No can do."

Susan deliberately looked away, and then replied, "Well, I'll press on as best I can. Anyway, let's agree that you have a point. We probably got a little carried away tonight. And, I'll admit, at other times. Heck, pretty much every day lately. But what do you think we should do about it?"

Suzanne said, "We have to be careful. Sure, he has his medical need, and we all love licking and stroking his cock anyway, but we need perspective. When his dick isn't hard, we need to treat him just like we always did. For instance, he could have helped clean up afterwards."

"You're so right," Susan agreed. But then she added, "Although... how often is it when his cock is NOT stiff? Not that often."

"True," Suzanne agreed.

"If he had stayed and cleaned up with us, what do you think would have happened? I can make a good guess. Things would have been 'normal' for a while, especially if you and I made a point of wearing clothes. But soon he would have gotten erect again, and so very horny... His big, thick, delicious cock would have been tenting through his pants, and one thing would have led to another, and, well... You get the picture."

Suzanne nodded ruefully. She could easily visualize that scenario.

The two of them kept on cleaning, and all the while, they talked about the need to be responsible and do things in moderation so Alan wouldn't get too spoiled. They were in a serious and sober mood (relatively speaking, at any rate).

Eventually, they finished cleaning. They sat at the kitchen counter stools, chatting and drinking coffee (decaffeinated, since it was so late). Susan had turned up the heat so they could stay naked, but even so, Suzanne had a light blanket around her because it was getting a bit chilly.

They were talking some more about their impressions of Brenda when Alan walked into the dining room area.

He gave a friendly wave. "Hey Mom, Aunt Suzy. How goes it?" Like the two busty MILFs sitting there, he didn't feel any need for clothes. His flaccid penis dangled as he walked, since he didn't bother to cover it up.

Susan exclaimed in surprise, "Tiger! What are you doing here?!"

He walked to the refrigerator. "I live here, remember?" He grinned at that, and opened up the freezer door on the fridge.

"I know that," Susan said, exasperated. "It's just that I assumed you were asleep." She looked down at her bare feet, suddenly dismayed that she wasn't wearing high heels.

He responded while peering into the freezer, "I was. In fact, I think I zonked out the very second my head hit the pillow, I was totally wiped out. But then I woke up, saw that an hour had passed, and felt peckish for a midnight snack." He looked at the kitchen clock on the wall. "And look at that, how close it is to midnight."

He pulled out a pint of ice cream. "I haven't had any ice cream in a week or so, and I figured I could treat myself to a little..." - he held up the pint and read the label - "'Amaretto!' Mmmm! Do either of you want any?"

Suzanne replied, "No. Gotta watch my figure."

"Me too," Susan said.

"Suit yourself," he said with a shrug. "Whatever you're doing to keep your perfect figures is working, that's for sure. But do you mind if I have some, even if you don't? If you're on a diet I don't want to tempt you or anything."

He didn't realize the double meaning in his word. Although he hadn't consciously realized it yet, his penis was starting to engorge. Even after everything that had happened that evening, his body was reacting to the sight of two absolutely stunning women sitting there in the nude. He had come downstairs simply to get a snack, but his penis had other things in mind.

The two mothers were greatly tempted, but not by the ice cream. They watched avidly as his dick sprang back to life. Both of them were independently thinking about the one disappointment of the evening, how they hadn't been given a chance to share their first double blowjob together, and how it might be possible to still "fix" that.

He picked up the pint of ice cream, a spoon, and a bowl, and brought all three items to the love seat in the dining room. He sat down in the seat and scooped some ice cream into the bowl. He had the pint with him too in case he wanted a second helping, which he often did.

The two mothers were still adjusting to the fact that he was there alone with them. They both gawked shamelessly at the boner now on view between his legs. They were at a loss over what to say or do. Their desire was strong, but their discussion about spoiling him too much was on their mind.

Susan stood up and walked to the center of the living room, mainly so she could get a full view of his erection, unimpeded by his legs.please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

Suzanne did too, standing right next to Susan. Interestingly, she realized that she too was feeling naked without her high heels. Both women contemplated making a quick rush to the front of the house to get them.

By this time, there was no way Alan could fail to notice that they were staring with lust at his hard-on. Nevertheless, he pretended to be ignorant of their focus. As he savored another bite of his amaretto ice cream, he asked, "What? You're both staring at me. Do I have some ice cream on my face or something?"

Both women knew what they wanted - a chance to lick and suck his newly stiff dick. However, the situation was awkward because someone would be the loser. Although they had been thinking and talking about sharing, they'd never done that before, so there were issues to work out first. In the very near time, it was likely to be "first come, first serve." Furthermore, they had talked at length about the need for moderation and not spoiling him, so neither woman wanted to look hypocritical in front of the other.

Susan's cock lust drove her on, but it had to compete with her shyness. "Um, Tiger? Do you need some help there?" She nodded towards his lap.

Again he chose to misunderstand, because it was more fun that way. He pretended not to know what she was referring to with her nodding. "What do you mean? I'm just eating ice cream. It's not like I need help with that. Unless you want a taste?" He held his bowl out towards her.

Susan licked her lips hungrily while staring at his stiff dick instead of the bowl.

Suzanne, being much more astute about such things than Susan, saw right through Alan's act. She wasn't in the mood to play games or talk things out. She was well aware that Alan had his legs spread wide just to make sure they'd have an unobstructed view of his now fully erect cock. Taking advantage of that, she stepped forward and dropped to her knees right in front of his crotch.

However, crucially, she left plenty of room for Susan to assume the same position right next to her. She was hoping their shared dream of sucking him off together could finally become a reality.

In short, Suzanne decided to save the "act in moderation" and "don't spoil him" stuff for another day, because she suddenly had an intense craving for his cock. She figured this was a perfect opportunity for her first shared blowjob with Susan to happen. She told herself that breaking down Susan's barriers was urgent, while preventing Alan from being spoiled was more of a long term thing she could work on later.

Susan didn't know what was happening exactly, but she certainly didn't want to miss out. She quickly took her place on her knees next to Suzanne. She too was ready to put aside all the moderation talk for now if she got a chance to lick and suck her son's cock some more. Plus, the thought of doing it with her best friend for their first time together was an enormous thrill.

The two MILFs glanced at each other briefly, nonverbally asking, "Are we going to do this?" Their mutual desire was clear. Their lust and desire was growing by the second as they both realized this was finally going to happen.

While Alan slowly ate his ice cream, Suzanne looked up at him from between his legs, and said, "Sweetie, your mom and I were just talking about how it's important that we don't spoil you from overindulging you. Don't you agree that's an important thing?"

"Certainly." That confused him. He thought he knew where things were headed, but those words didn't fit.

Happily, Suzanne quickly clarified, "Good! We'll talk more about that some other time. Now, just before you came downstairs, your mom and I were having a discussion about your desire to see both of us suck your cock at the same time. We agreed that is a reasonable request."

Susan looked at Suzanne in confusion. "We were? We did?"

Suzanne's body was pressed right next to Susan's, so she was able to nudge her lower leg into Susan's without Alan noticing. She turned to her, and said in a voice that brooked no dispute, "We were!" She considered whispering a quickly formulated argument into Susan's ear to make sure that she was willing, but she was feeling antsy and she didn't want to waste time, especially with Alan's ice cream melting. So she took the direct approach, and simply put her hand on the back of Susan's head and guided her friend's mouth to Alan's erection.

As soon as Susan's lips made contact with Alan's cockhead, whatever puzzlement or concerns she had pretty much flew out the window. It was like some switch was flipped, and she went into her blissful cocksucking mode. Nothing else in the world mattered but pleasuring her son's big cock and making him cum (eventually, after a nice long buildup).

Suzanne smiled knowingly at how predictable Susan was. She guided Susan's head until Susan crammed his entire cockhead in her mouth and started steadily bobbing down it. She loved how Susan managed to do that and yet also somehow looked like she was smiling up at her son, despite the way her mouth was being stretched wide open.

Then Suzanne looked up at Alan and smiled knowingly at him too. "Like I said, your mom and I were talking earlier. Why haven't the two of us sucked your cock at the same time yet? We both agreed that's just wrong. Unjust, even. We're the two women who raised you. We have the joint duty of looking after you. And of course that means we have the joint duty of making sure your cock is thoroughly serviced and pleasured six times a day, at least. It naturally follows that we should jointly suck and lick and slobber our way all over your thick fuckmeat on a fairly regular basis. Daily, hopefully. Anything else is just wrong!"

Alan beamed upon hearing such great news. He joked, "I dare say it's a crime!"

Suzanne grinned. She marveled at the way he could maintain his cool despite Susan feverishly bobbing and licking on his most responsive areas.

Susan thought, while doing her favorite corkscrew move, I remember talking briefly with her about the sharing idea before the fashion show, but I don't remember us discussing all that! Strange... But still, who cares? The important thing is that she's got some GREAT ideas! This is long overdue. Mmmm... I definitely agree with the part about needing to share his thick cock-meat daily!

If I could only stop licking his sweet spot and sliding my lips in a tight ring long enough to talk, I'd say just how much I agree with absolutely everything. We basically raised him together. We're both his big-titted mommies. It's only right that we suck him together. A lot! Maybe several times a day! Wow, wouldn't that be a living dream?!

But hopefully I can show my approval with the quality of my sucking, and the loudness of my moaning. Mmmm... MMMM... God, it's so good! MMMM! Nothing beats a mouth crammed full of son-cock. When I think about all the various ways the five of us stimulated this magnificent fuck pole all evening long, it fills me with such joy! I just wish that Suzanne would stop talking and join in already!

Suzanne was tucked between Alan's legs so close to his privates that she barely needed to tilt her head forward to get her mouth involved too. But instead, she casually asked him, "Can I borrow your bowl for a minute?"

Alan wasn't as calm as he appeared. He was still holding the bowl of ice cream and the spoon, but he was so excited by what he hoped was about to happen that he'd pretty much forgotten all about the ice cream. Since Susan had full possession of his boner, at least for now, she'd taken advantage and was doing her most favorite thing: sliding her lips back and forth over his sweet spot while also licking it with her tongue. It actually was a big struggle for him to think or do anything other than luxuriate in total ecstasy, so it took him some long moments before he recovered enough to silently hand Suzanne his bowl.

"Thank you," Suiznne said with a knowing smirk. She was in her element now, teasing and having sexy fun. The ice cream in the bowl was rapidly melting, and some of it was already syrupy. She brought the bowl close to her chin and then stuck her long tongue out towards it. She angled the bowl at an ideal angle so Alan could see everything, and she licked a dollop of the melted ice cream with the very tip of her tongue.

Finally, she brought her tongue back to her mouth, swallowed the tiny taste of ice cream, and smiled. "Mmmm! Yummy." But she wasn't quite done - she slowly and ostentatiously licked all the way around her lips.

Alan was floored. True, Susan was busy sucking his cock, and the pleasure that was giving him simply defied description (as usual), but he found Suzanne's stunt with her tongue somehow even MORE arousing. Partly, it was the fact that she displayed even more reach with it than he'd thought possible, and partly it was the way she was giving him the most sultry "come hither and fuck the shit out of me" look all the while. And partly, it was the sight of Suzanne's huge bare tits also in his vision, not to mention the rest of her perfect body pressed up tightly against Susan's. But mostly, it was that he was reeling from the implications.

Oh. My. God. That tongue! That impossibly long tongue! I'll bet even giraffes would be impressed at how she scooped that ice cream up! But more than that, imagine adding that tongue and all it can do to Mom's tongue and what it's already doing! Oh my fucking GOD! I'm not certain I can handle it, but I'm damn sure gonna try. This is gonna be the best blowjob ever, and that's saying a lot!

Suzanne could guess well enough what he was thinking, and she loved it. She was having so much fun teasing him with her tongue that it was almost less fun to actually use it on him. But finally, she tapped Susan's shoulder. "Can I join in?"

Susan pulled her lips all the way off his cockhead to make way. A shiver ran through her as she also pondered the implications. This is huge! No, this is massive! True, I've shared Tiger's cock with Angel and Amy and others in recent days, including Brenda only an hour or two ago, but Tiger is right: Suzanne and I are a team. I was silly trying to stop this from happening for so many days and even weeks, because it was meant to be.

She kept on stroking his cock while she waited for Suzanne to join in. I can't wait to get our coordination really cooking. Slurping two tongues as one! Both of us were put here on this Earth by God to serve and pleasure this one cock, my son's cock!

With that, she lovingly licked it from base to tip before again making way. Mmmm... I'm sure Suzanne and I will be sucking this glorious cock together literally thousands of times in the years to come. Oh my goodness! That is SO HOT!

Suzanne was also considering the implications. This is it! My dream, my vision, my plan. It's all coming true. This is a key piece! Susan's barriers are crumbling. Soon, she and I will be doing this together all the time. It's funny, but the thought of doing this with her is just about the most exciting thing I can think of right now. This is gonna make us even better friends! And it's proof that my sex family future vision is already happening, here and now!

Susan and Suzanne handled Alan's shaft almost reverently as they stared at each other intently right above it. They both realized that this was a moment to treasure and remember, since they'd be doing this with each other so very often in the future.

Suzanne took a tentative lick while still gazing at Susan, and then Susan did the same while gazing at Suzanne. They both started to lick around the top of his cockhead.

Soon their tongues repeatedly brushed against each other at the top of his dick. They closed their eyes to fully concentrate on and savor what they were doing. They both felt shivers race down their spines and goose bumps all over.

Naturally, Alan was just as thrilled, if not even more so. Oh God! Oh shit! Too much! I'm gonna cum already! He wasn't thinking much about long term implications because he was totally consumed with the pleasures of the moment, but he also couldn't fail to realize this was bound to be a "historic" family first.

The two stunning MILFs continued to lick the very top of Alan's bulbous cockhead. Then Susan was suddenly overcome with emotion, and she lunged forward, kissing Suzanne on her lips.

Alan's erection was temporarily forgotten, but he didn't mind. He figured everything that was happening was absolutely fantastic. He could actually feel the kiss, because the tip of his cockhead slid back and forth along their cheeks.

Susan and Suzanne broke their kiss briefly so they could have a chance to readjust their bodies and wrap their arms around each other.

In between kisses, Susan gasped, "Suzanne! I love you so much!"

Suzanne didn't verbally reply to that, because she and Susan were already kissing again as if their lives depended on it. Plus, she was shy to express her feelings, as usual. But she thought, I love you too! Just as much! And now we'll have a new wave to share and show our love for each other, working together to pleasure our man!

Alan was a bit amused that he was kind of forgotten for the moment, but he was more than okay with that. He figured his dick needed a break in any case.

Plus, he remembered his ice cream. He was still holding the spoon and bowl, even though the ice cream in the bowl was completely melted by this time. But he had the pint of ice cream on the arm of the love seat next to him, and that had hardly melted at all, mostly because he'd kept it closed. He opened the lid and spooned another bite of amaretto ice cream directly into his mouth while enjoying a front row seat at the hottest, most passionate kiss he'd ever seen.

Suzanne broke the kiss early, because she noticed tears rolling down Susan's face. Worried, she asked her, "Why are you crying?"

Susan wiped her tears, but more kept coming. "Because I'm so happy! And not just that; I'm just so overcome with emotion that I feel like I'm going to burst! I'm bursting with love! Love for you, love for Tiger, love for sucking his cock! Love for sharing it with you. It's like I can see into the future and I see many, many years of joy with you, Suzanne! We'll be kneeling naked together just like this, loving his cock together for countless hours without end!"

Suzanne felt more chills of delight. That's undoubtedly true! She was on the verge of crying tears of joy too.

Susan looked up at him and saw the spoon in his mouth. She wryly added, "Heck, if we go ten years ahead in a time machine, I hope it'll be exactly like this. We'll be sitting in the nude, between his knees, lapping and loving this great big shaft that tamed us both. I know we will!"

Suzanne another felt a thrill run down her spine, because she loved that vision just as much as Susan did. Just as Susan did, she felt sucking Alan's cock was much more than a sex act; it was a bonding experience that allowed her to express her love for him, and get loving feedback from him. This was especially important to her, because she such trouble expressing her feelings verbally. To her, thousands of double blowjobs meant thousands of shared loving moments between the three of them.

Susan slowly licked his erection from tip to base and then back again, while staring up into his eyes with even more love and adoration. When she finished that move, she playfully added, "He'll probably even be eating another bowl of ice cream."

All three of them had a good laugh at that.

Suzanne realized there were tears rolling down her cheeks too, because she also was overcome with emotion, and in the very same way.

Even Alan started to choke up a little bit as he watched the touching scene.

But since Suzanne had trouble with "mushy moments" and even more trouble verbally expressing her emotions, she wanted to get on with expressing herself with her talented lips and tongue. She took Alan's very needy and erect dick and pinned it against his tummy, at her mouth level. Staring intently at Susan, she snaked her long tongue out and lapped the side of his cockhead and purred, "Come on, Sister, what are we waiting for? We've got a lot of inches of cock to take care of, and only two tongues to do it with."

Susan was still more overjoyed that she could possibly put in words. She too stuck her tongue out as far as it could go, and lapped at her side of Alan's cockhead while staring deeply into Suzanne's eyes. The love expressed between them couldn't be put into words.

She felt such a great joy in sharing Alan's cock while having a deeply moving emotional moment with her very best friend that it almost physically staggered her. She was very glad that this first dual cocksucking was taking place now and not during the fashion show, because it was a powerful, private moment that only belonged to the three of them.

Susan took some of the great love and joy she was feeling, and channeled it towards Alan and his erection. With tears of joy still rolling down her face, she bought her mouth close to "her" side of his cockhead, and gently kissed it. Then she also stuck her tongue out and licked it a whole lot more. More shivers ran down her spine.

Since Susan and Suzanne continued staring into each other's eyes, they were in perfect position for another French kiss except that Alan's cockhead was pinned between their mouths. As they both got busy licking it, it was like they were also kissing and even making love to each other, because there was so much love flowing between their eyes. Also, mostly thanks to Suzanne's long tongue, their tongues could reach around his cockhead, and they spent almost as much time touching the tips of their tongues together as jointly licking the spongy head.

Suzanne thought, This! This! If I've ever had any doubts about the wisdom or morality of my six-times-a-day plan, this silences all those doubts! This is so perfect and so right that I dare even some fundamentalist preacher to see this and really FEEL the love, and then still say it's wrong! Susan and I are in love, in our own way, and Sweetie's cock is literally like the tie that binds us together!

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