6 Times a Day

Chapter 731 Spraying All Over Susan And Suzanne ['Someone' Sponsored]

'Someone' Special [ 10 / 15 ] 4K words


Suzanne realized that she was still crying, and she hated getting so "mushy," so she closed her eyes and concentrated on cock licking for a while.

Susan did the same. The strong bond with Suzanne was still there, like a physical thing, but they didn't need to continually stare into each others' eyes to feel it.

For Susan, sucking her son's cock was like a job, in the sense that it was serious business. But unlike many people who hate their job or only tolerate it, Susan felt it was like the greatest, most enjoyable task in the world. Saying it was a job meant that she brought an intense level of focus and dedication to it. While she sucked him, nothing else mattered.

Her tears eventually ran dry as the minutes passed and she concentrated on lapping against his sweet spot, but her joyous feeling surged within her as strongly as ever.

Naturally, the sweet spot was the spot Suzanne was most interested in pleasuring too, but rather than battle over it, they simply both licked it at the same time. This meant their tongues were almost constantly touching, but they considered that intimacy a plus.

At one point, Susan paused in her fevered licking just long enough to breathlessly exclaim, "Suzanne, every single time our tongues touch on his cock... electricity!"

Suzanne nodded. "I know! Goose bumps too!" She considered herself jaded and cynical in general, but at least for this moment, she felt wide-eyed and innocent, and it felt incredible.

Alan had been silent, because he figured that the two beautiful women were sharing such a special moment between each other that he could only ruin it by trying to say something. However, now he was forced to speak, since he was so close to cumming. He gently placed his hands on the tops of their heads so as to not surprise them, and then he said, "Um, if both you lovely ladies don't stop, like, now, I'm gonna cum! Big time!"

Suzanne pulled back, and chuckled. "We wouldn't want that, would we, Susan?"

Susan pulled back too, but before she could answer, Suzanne was already kissing her.

Alan just shook his head in wonder as he watched the two of them make out some more. At times, he could actually see a glimmer of the tongue action by the tongue bulges in their cheeks.

He shook his head some more. Man! Am I the friggin' luckiest guy in the entire world, or what? What a night! First, that totally mind-blowing (and cock-blowing) fashion show. And Brenda! Friggin' Brenda! Spanking her and seeing her go wild. And now this! Mom and Aunt Suzy are going on about sharing my cock like it's some kind of religious experience or something. Even crying tears of joy about it. Talk about good vibes!

Forget about the dual cocksucking altogether, actually. I'm flying on air just because they're both so happy to be somehow bonding even closer together! And with me too. I can feel the love. I swear, my heart flies to see them this overjoyed.

More time passed, and he simply enjoyed the show before him. And a show it was. Both women were having a grand time kissing each other, but it was obvious they were conscious of him watching, because each of them occasionally stole glances in his direction to see where he was looking exactly. They positioned themselves and moved with a mind to keeping him erect and horny. In particular, they made a great show of constantly pressing and rubbing their huge racks together while they kissed.

Susan kept one hand on his cock, and steadily rubbed his sweet spot, but she wasn't doing much with it, just keeping it "warmed up" while her attention was elsewhere.

Alan was thinking things couldn't possibly get any better, but then he remembered the pint of Amaretto ice cream. Dang! Bonus! He opened up the container and was pleasantly surprised to see that it still hadn't melted that much. He plunged his spoon into the less-melted middle, and enjoyed another bite. Aaaaah! Sweetness. Literally. Yum!

"Let me see that, Sweetie."

He was so blissed out, even with his boner being temporarily ignored, relatively speaking, that it took him a moment to figure out that Suzanne was talking to him and that she wanted something. It took him another moment to realize she wanted the ice cream. The bowl was on the floor, forgotten, but he handed her the spoon and pint.

Suzanne grinned wickedly at Susan as she took the ice cream and spoon in her hands. "Let me show you something fun. Take his cock and bring it right up to my mouth so I'm in position to bob on it, please."

As Susan did that, she bubbled, "Sounds fun already!" She paid more attention to stroking it.

With Alan's cockhead right under Suzanne's nose, Suzanne spooned some of the ice cream into her mouth and savored the amaretto taste. "Mmmm! That IS good!" Then she stretched her lips around Alan's bulbous cockhead and engulfed him down to his sweet spot.

Alan knew that particular pleasure quite well. But this time was different, because Suzanne hadn't swallowed any of the ice cream, and it was still on her tongue. He yelped in shock, because it was just like she'd stuck a frozen Popsicle against his stiff dick.

However, his initial shock passed. Suzanne started bobbing on him with her cold mouth, and his discomfort turned to extreme pleasure.

Nearly a minute of cold, tight, and slurpy cocksucking passed.

His pleasure was so great that he clenched his fists and waved his hands around. Then he exclaimed, "Daaang! That feels so good! My heart almost can't take it. Seriously intense!"

Suzanne pulled off, and matter-of-factly explained, "It is intense, Sweetie. You see - and Susan, take note - everything in the body is connected together. Your skin has nerve endings that fire in response to heat, cold, pressure, pleasure, pain, and the like. With the cold, a lot more nerve endings are getting excited, and that practically doubles the pleasure you feel. This is what a lot of S&M is about: the pain actually heightens the pleasure. But it works with other things, like cold or heat."

"Oooh! Let me try!" Susan said excitedly.

Suzanne obliged her, and fed her a spoonful of the amaretto. Then she held Alan's cock in position, while jacking him off as well.

Susan immediately engulfed all of his cockhead with the ice cream still on her tongue.

He yelped just as loudly as last time. Even though he knew what was coming, that didn't help him much since the ice cream felt so very cold. However, within seconds, Susan was happily bobbing, and the pleasure was suddenly so great for Alan that it was almost too much to bear. He nearly crawled up the love seat because he couldn't handle it.

"Wow!" he exclaimed when Susan's minute was up, her ice cream was all gone, and she pulled off his slicked-up shaft.

"Wow is right!" Susan also exclaimed. "Not only do I get to enjoy my very favorite thing, sucking on Tiger's fat cock, but I get to eat a yummy bite of ice cream too. Suzanne, you're the best!" She kissed her best friend on the lips again.

Suzanne beamed with pleasure and pride. "I try." But then she added to Susan, "Now, are we just gonna sit around here yapping and kissing while this ice cream melts, or are we gonna give him some more cold cocksucking?"

"I vote more cold cocksucking!" Susan said with her usual enthusiasm. But she seriously added, "I just worry about the calories."

Suzanne replied, "Well, you do eat ice cream from time to time; I know it's your secret weakness. That and chocolate. But in the future, don't eat it by yourself. Eat it when you have a big, fat Tiger cock at hand."

Susan's eyes went wide as she pictured the possibilities. "Suzanne, you're the best!"

The two women spent the next ten minutes or so exploring the possibilities with the ice cream and Alan. Mostly, that meant more bobbing with ice cream on their tongues, and they repeatedly traded turns doing that. But they also took turns kissing him, and each other, with yet more ice cream in the mouths. That was a lot of fun too.

Alan felt such a continuous peak of arousal that it was pretty incredible, even by his recent standards. Strangely, he grew increasingly relaxed (and melted deeper into the love seat) rather than tensing up and struggling hard with his PC muscle not to cum. Both women knew his dick so extremely well that they had a great sense when they had to ease up, as well as when they could step their efforts up a notch. Although they'd never done this together before, it truly seemed as if they'd shared his cock for years, since they were so comfortable with his erection and with each other.

Eventually, they were down to just a creamy amaretto puddle at the bottom of the pint, and that didn't hold much appeal, so they put that aside and turned all their attention to yet more dual cocksucking.

They generally went back to jointly licking, since that was a sharing activity in a way bobbing could not be. Stil, one or the other engulfed his fat knob and bobbed on it when the inspiration to do that struck.

The only snag was that Alan's boner had just spent over twenty minutes enjoying just about the most intense pleasure imaginable, and once they resumed licking together, it was like they were determined to take him to a yet higher level. It was just too much for his overtaxed but very, very lucky cock. He finally tried his hardest to delay matters with his PC muscle, but all the PC muscle moves in the world couldn't stop him from cumming.

For years, Alan had tried not to masturbate while thinking about either Susan or Suzanne because of the incest taboo, but he had been only partially successful. Plus, he had no control over his dreams. One common theme in all his dreams and fantasies featuring both of them was that he shot his cum all over their faces. Now, finally, he was able to do that for real!

It was such a joy that he actually saw stars. His cum rocketed out and splattered all over Suzanne's face. Then he "re-aimed his cannon" at Susan and shot more of his sticky load at her. But he was so inspired that he still wasn't done, so he "fired at will" at both of them, plastering their faces with yet more cum, and targeting some at their big tits as well.please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

When he was finally all done, he asked incredulously, "Where did all THAT come from?! When I went to bed, I would have sworn that there wasn't any cum left in me. Not after that crazy fashion show. But that was like... a big load! Whoa!"

Suzanne grinned, and said proudly and boastfully, "What can I say? We inspire you. Don't we, Susan?"

"Mmmm!" Susan was already rubbing her nose against Suzanne's. She specifically wanted to do that because both their noses had been nailed with copious cum gobs, and she just loved to rub all that cum together. She was even more eager to start licking Suzanne's face clean.

But before she could do that, Suzanne reached for the discarded pint of melted ice cream. "You know what goes well with Sweetie's sweet sperm? Amaretto!" She used the spoon and playfully smeared a few melted streaks on her face, and some more on Susan's face.

"Ugh!" Susan grunted. "Tonight, you're totally destroying my diet, you know that?" But she gleefully licked all of Suzanne's face, consuming the ice cream as well as the cum.

Suzanne naturally licked Susan's face clean at the same time.

"Oh man!" Alan groaned. "I can't bear to look. Too sexy! I swear, if Alan Junior gets erect one more time today, he's gonna say 'I quit!' and up and run away, claiming abuse. I'm soooo sore!"

Suzanne somehow smirked as she licked. "But it was soooo worth it, wasn't it, Sweetie?"

"Oh yeah! Hell yeah! You two are the best! I've literally masturbated gallons of sperm away dreaming of this very thing, for years! And I say that knowing full well that the average cum load is only a couple of ounces. Although I find that impossible to believe as I see just how delightfully creamy and cummy you two look right now. But my point is, none of my fantasies came anywhere CLOSE to how great the reality was! And still is!" He blatantly ogled their naked, cummy bodies.

Suzanne was delighted to hear that, but Susan looked surprisingly sad. So Suzanne held Susan's chin up and gently asked her, "Is something wrong, love?"

Susan said in a disappointed voice, "No. I'm happy. So very happy. But it's just that... I think about all that seed needlessly spilled upon the ground... Years of wasted, sinful seed, angering God... when it could have ended up on me, or you, or in our mouths... Think how many double blowjobs we missed!"

Suzanne had a hard time not guffawing. For crying out loud! That stupid 'sin of Onan' thing again. She really believes it. Sheesh! But she kept a straight face, and said tenderly, "That's in the past now. Forget about that. From now on, all of his seed will end up on or in us. Or one of his other lovers, of course. No more seed spilled upon the ground, ever."

Susan gave Suzanne a tight hug, heedless of the cum still on their faces and racks. "Oh, Suzanne! You're just so good to me! What would I ever do without you?! But is such a dream really possible?"

Suzanne kissed Susan's face, and managed to lick up some more cum along the way. "Our man has so many lovers, that I promise you, there won't be a single drop of cum that lands on the ground. Really."

If anyone could die of pure joy, Susan looked like she was in serious danger. She radiated so much love and happiness at Suzanne that Suzanne almost had to pull back, because she couldn't handle the emotional intensity.

Alan cut in. "Yeah, that reminds me. I wanted to say that was so beautiful, when you two cried. I could literally feel the love between you, it was so strong."

Susan pulled back and gazed into Suzanne's eyes again. It looked like she was on the verge of tears again. "It was, wasn't it?" she asked in an awed whisper.

ραпdα Йᴏνê|(сòm) But then she broke the magical spell that had just been cast by looking down at herself and giggling. "Look at me. Look at us! Look at our tits! We're a great big spermy mess!"

Sure enough, the cum on their fulsome globes has been smeared around as they'd hugged, leaving a generally shiny sheen with lots of pearly smears.

Suzanne giggled too, feeling strangely overjoyed by this. "We are, aren't we?" She tilted her head down and licked a particularly large cum gob off the top slope of one of Susan's round breasts.

Susan turned back to Alan. "Look at me! I wish someone could take a picture. This is pure joy for me! Covered in my son's sperm, gloriously nude, holding my best friend in my arms, feeling more sperm on my face and on my tongue... It's all just so... great! Suzanne, Tiger, I love you both so much! I only wish Amy and Angel were here to share in all the love and all the cum as well."

"Maybe next time," he said, suggestively wiggling his eyebrows.

Susan and Suzanne laughed heartily.

Suzanne commented, "You wish! As if you could be any more of a lucky spoiled bastard!"

Unfortunately, that comment brought a twinge of regret to both mothers, because it reminded them of their earlier conversation about spoiling him too much. They both privately rued that rather than doing anything about that, they were only spoiling him even more. The thing was, they were having way too much fun to stop.

But the overall mood was still so joyous that that worry was merely like one sour note in an otherwise glorious symphony.

Alan remembered that Katherine had been taking pictures of Brenda earlier in the evening. He discovered the camera was still in the living room, so he managed to take a few photos of Susan and Suzanne licking cum off each other.

He thought that was the end of the fun, especially since he was growing sleepy, but Susan nonetheless insisted on thoroughly "cleaning" his penis and balls.

While she did that, he said, "You know, that felt so good that... well, I can't even begin to describe it! Sure, I've had a few double blowjobs before, but with you two, there was the pleasure, and so much love, that... geez! It defies description. It's like, beyond the beyond. I mean, how can I want to do anything else, ever, but bask in the pure pleasure of you two sucking me off like that?"

Suzanne snickered, then mimicked his voice. "'Sure, I've had a few double blowjobs before...'"

He immediately blushed. "Oops! I'm taking my lucky position for granted, aren't I? I mean, how many guys get to experience that even once in their lives? And yet, in recent days, well, let's just say I've had a lot of luck." He was about to list the double blowjobs he'd had but changed his mind. He didn't like to kiss and tell, or invite the making of comparisons.

Susan was still busy "cleaning" his privates, and Suzanne was busy watching her, so he continued, "I feel guilty. You two do so much for me; I want to do something for you. Did either of you even have any orgasms?"

Both of them shook their heads 'No'. They were both quite surprised about that, since each of them had really felt so aroused and overjoyed that it had seemed like one continuous orgasm.

Susan paused with her cleaning, looked up at his face, and said, "You know what? That doesn't matter. I swear, I had more fun here than other times when I've had orgasms beyond counting."

She went back to lapping her tongue against his balls. But another thought came to her, so she said as she licked, "Besides, sometimes, joy can't be measured by an orgasm count. I mean, the EMOTIONAL joy I just shared was so great that I'd take that over a thousand plain ol' orgasms."

She looked up at Suzanne and shared a knowing look at her. They even clenched hands together.

Suzanne turned her gaze back to Alan, and added, "Sweetie, I feel the same. Don't worry about fairness. We LOVE sucking your cock, in case you haven't noticed already. Sheesh, are you blind? We get as much pleasure out of it as you do, or nearly so. Maybe more, especially in your mom's case, who knows? It's so hard to measure. The only unfair thing that pisses me off is that you get to eat lots of ice cream, and you don't get fat! Your mom and I are gonna have to step up our exercises tomorrow just to burn off all these extra calories we swallowed while doing that cold sucking technique."

Susan chuckled at that, even though it was true.

All three of them hated to break up the group and go to bed, but it was late and their thoughts started to turn to the morrow.

When Alan was back in bed, he thought to himself, Best. Midnight. Snack. EVER! Ha!


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