6 Times a Day

Chapter 769 Susan's Wild Imagination ['Someone' Sponsored]

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Heather, gratefully able to roll out from under Simone, asked her, "So. How was it? Did I tell you, or what? Isn't he the bomb?"

Simone was still trying to catch her breath. But she opened her eyes wide in a frustrated attempt to convey some of her tangled emotions. Finally, between breaths she managed to gasp out, "Damn!"

Alan looked up at Heather. "Oh, it's you, Cunt Girl. What did I tell you about talking? It's likely to fry your tiny brain. Get back to licking something. I'm wiped out and Janice and Joy look content, so get busy on the mess between your mistress's legs."

Simone protested, "No, really, you don't have to do that. I'm so sensitive and sore down there right now..."

But Alan insisted. "Get to it. If you do a good job, I might fuck you next." He didn't fully understand how sensitive women could get after cumming.

"'Might?'" Heather cried in dismay. She gave Simone a minute or two to recover, then got licking.

Simone immediately found herself wriggling again, especially since Heather was really working her clit. They knew each other's bodies quite well and Heather knew just what to do to get her friend off. But Simone still tried to answer Heather's "Isn't he the bomb?" question. "God, Alan, that was fantastic. That WAS the bomb. A fucking nuclear bomb. As far as I'm concerned, you can fuck me anytime. I don't care if I'm in the middle of getting fucked by my boyfriend. If Heather gives me the call, I'll be there."

Alan groaned with dismay. He hadn't even thought to ask about that. "Boyfriend? Don't tell me you have one too?"

"Yeah. You probably know him. He's the tall tight end who catches all the touchdowns."

Alan groaned even louder. He thought, She could have called him the extremely tall and LARGE tight end who could kick my ass with both hands tied behind his back. Big, scary black guy. Just my luck. He probably knows the guy who harassed me and accused me of stealing girlfriends. Well, he's right. I didn't even bother to ask if Simone had a boyfriend BEFORE fucking her. Duh!

He griped, "Oh man. Simone, I like you and all, but I never meant to get between you and your boyfriend. Now I feel bad. If Amy slept around on me, I don't know what I'd do."

That got a few derisive snorts.

Janice, who never shirked from speaking her mind, said, "Let me see if I get this straight, Alan. You're lazing in between four naked women, all of whom you've fucked recently, and you're bemoaning the possibility that Amy might one day sleep with another guy." Her voice dripped with sarcasm. "Uh huh."

"Okay, I'm a hypocrite," he replied. "I know that. The thing is, Amy really IS cool with me doing this, for whatever reason. Call me blessed. But Simone, I highly doubt your boyfriend is cool with this. Is he?"

"No. But he's not like my 'boyfriend' boyfriend. He's just a guy I've been dating for a few weeks. We're not officially exclusive. I doubt I'll be dating him much longer, especially after you opened my eyes today that I don't have to settle for yet another selfish fucker. We don't have some kind of going steady commitment, so don't feel bad."

"Oh. Good. 'Cos I'd like to do it with you again sometime." He got up and began putting on his clothes. He announced, "Okay, that's it. I'm out of here. Thanks for all the fun."

Heather stopped her licking of Simone's pussy and protested. "Wait a minute! You didn't fuck me properly yet! This is all about you fucking me. That's why I called us all together. That's the whole fucking point!"

Alan gave her a mischievous smile. "Thanks for that, but you must admit it's a much higher priority for me to fuck your mistress than it is to fuck a lowly Cunt Girl."

"No it's not! NO! That's BULLSHIT!" Heather protested. "You have to fuck meeeee! My tongue is ready to fall off from all the licking you made me do. You owe me!"

"So you implicitly admit that Simone is your mistress. That's a good first step."

The buxom blonde complained, "I admit no such thing! Dammit, I ORDER you to fuck me. NOW!"

He chuckled. "As if you could order ME around. I'll be generous and assume that was a joke. Besides, how can you complain? I fucked you pretty good for a while back there."

She put her hands on her hips and complained defiantly, "Not hardly. You only fucked me HALF the time, and then at the end it was ALL Simone! That SUCKED!"

He shrugged. "Sorry. If you don't like it, next time I'll just leave you out of it altogether, Cunt Girl."

She wanted to scream, but she calmed herself. She ultimately couldn't get that mad because he did fuck her pretty good, and most importantly, she'd had a series of great orgasms ending with a really powerful one.

So she tried a different tack in an attempt to retain a shred of dignity in front of the other three. "Okay, fine. Alan, unfortunately, it sounds like the sex is over for now. So stop the playing around and get back to our normal roles with each other."

"Cunt Girl, don't be difficult, or we'll have to get your leash out and take you for a walk around the school. I hope everyone's gone home, but you never can tell. I imagine the football team is out practicing. I wonder what they'll think. Really, Simone. You need to train her better."

Simone was all smiles. "Sorry. I'll remember what you said. Shorter leash. No clothes. More crawling. A big 'S' tattoo." She joked, "Maybe a doggy bowl too for her to eat her meals with?"

Heather gave her best friend the evil eye.

"I like the doggy bowl. Now you've got the spirit." Alan added, "Tell you what, Simone. You put a big 'S' on one ass cheek and I'll put a big 'A' on her other ass cheek. How would you like that, Heather?"

Heather complained, "I said the playing is over." But her voice lacked conviction. Even now, it was clear such thoughts excited her greatly.

Joy noted with glee, "A. S. Hmmm. That spells 'Alan's Slut.'"

Janice noted with even more glee, "Or 'Alan's Slave.'"

Joy further suggested, "Or 'Anal Servant,' maybe?"

"Hey, you two!" Heather barked. "Shut UP!" But her cheeks were turning red from blushing and arousal. Secretly, she liked all three suggestions.

Simone joked, "It could also mean 'Assigned to Simone.'"

Alan chuckled at that. "True." He pretended to ponder, "I wonder, where can one go these days to get one's slut branded? I mean, there are tattoo parlors all over the place, but no branding parlors. Such a shame."

Simone caught up to the spirit of things, and said, "I guess it's a just a D.I.Y. thing. Do it yourself. Buy your own brand. From a nearby ranch, maybe. If they're not busy branding the cows."

"Wow, that would be pretty intense," Alan mused. "The burning smell, the red hot poker... Hey! Maybe I could do it with a barbecue grill. You know, invite over all my friends to witness my slut branding. We could make it a big party. Heather would be the only one bound and naked, of course."

Heather walked right up to Alan and stared into his eyes from just inches away with the most intimidating look she could muster. "Alan, if you don't fuck me right now, you're going to DIE! I swear, I'm going to kill you! I'll turn you into a social nobody! I'll make you so hated at school that you'll wish that I killed you for real!" Her whole body was trembling with desire from the conversation.

Alan turned back to Simone. "Did you hear something? I thought I heard someone talking."

Simone was all grins. "What? No."

"Me neither. Sluts who want to get fucked know better than to make threats, so it must be my imagination."

Heather let out a great big groan of frustration. "Arrrggh!" Her fists were clenched at her sides, and her teeth were clenched too. The fact that Alan completely ignored her aroused her even more. She was torn between punching him hard in the face and dropping to her knees to suck his cock some more. She might have done the latter except that she knew he was totally flaccid at the moment. She stomped away in an effort to compose herself.

Alan continued with Simone, "Don't tell anyone about this, okay? Some guys are getting jealous and it could get ugly. Okay?"

Simone nodded, realizing he was being serious for once. "Okay."

He said to Janice and Joy, "And that goes for you two as well, right? Nobody here should say a word about this to anyone else. What goes on in here stays in here. Is that clear?"

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Alan quickly dressed and left before Heather realized he was really going. He wished he could stay and see the fallout from what Janice did to Joy, but he figured he should leave on a high note, before Heather's usual bitchy personality completely reasserted itself.

Heather turned her head around at the sound of the door slamming, and then pounded a fist into her open hand. She'd been moping, and had no idea he'd go so soon.

The other three girls were all smirking at her. Simone was starting to joke, "So. Fido, do you-"

Heather shot such an intensely hateful look at Simone that Simone completely froze. "Shut up! Don't even THINK it!"

Simone meekly nodded. She knew it was extremely unwise to cross Heather when she was mad. The erotic mood rapidly faded, even though all four girls were still completely nude.

Heather pointed to each girl in turn and said, "Okay, you all. That's enough! I don't have to remind you how I can destroy any or all of you at my slightest whim." She let out a shrill scream, "DO NOT CROSS ME!"

They all bowed their heads in the face of her withering stare. The situation was suddenly very uncomfortable, because Heather had reasserted her authority but ideas of branding and doggy bowls were still on everyone's minds. Soon all the girls put their clothes on, cleaned themselves up, and made to leave.

Simone thought as she pulled her T-shirt over her head, I thought that was too good to last. I guess Bizarro World only lasts as long as Alan's in the room. Looks like I'll have to put off that 'S' branding for another day... As if that'll ever happen. Ha! But it's fun to dream after all the shit Heather puts me through...

Man alive, that Alan is fun though. I can't wait to do this again and carry on where we left off. Maybe I should bring a doggy bowl, just in case we could put it to good use. Hee-hee!

She didn't feel afraid towards him anymore, although she was extremely impressed. He was good at sex but it wasn't like he could steal her soul with his prowess. She still didn't understand why Heather was affected so strongly, but she had some theories that were Heather-specific.

Alan thought that he'd won a victory of sorts, in that he'd given Heather the message not to force him into anything. But he was half right and all wrong. He only had a partial understanding about her: he knew how to turn her on, but not how to turn her off. If he wanted to get rid of her he needed to act fawning and always say yes, like all the other guys around her did. Because of the way he treated her and repeatedly bested her, she desired him all the more.

And yet she wasn't simply submissive about it, because at the same time she seriously vowed to get revenge.

Heather consoled herself as she shimmied into her tight clothes, Okay, that was a bit embarrassing. Okay, MORE than a bit embarrassing - that was completely humiliating! But I still hold all the cards. Actually, more cards now. By getting Janice to attend, and using the lure of Joy, I've shown that I can get Janice to do what I want as long as I keep the Joy lure dangling. And where Janice goes, Joy follows. I can force those two closer together physically, and then Janice is going to permanently owe me, big time. That'll be extra delicious because she wants to get back at me so bad but she can't because I'm the one who can put her together with Joy naked. It'll be fun to watch her squirm, having all this shit on me but unable to use it. Ha!

Then there's Simone. Screw all this "mistress" shit. The fact is, she'll do what I say, especially now that I've got her googly about Alan. She's been far too rebellious with me lately, but I can use the Alan lure to keep her better under my thumb. If I tell her to jump to have sex with him, she'll ask how high. I just have to get Kim on my side, too, and I'll have most of my cheerleading squad at my disposal. They're all my natural allies, and will want to see Amy put down into her place so Alan will look to us and not to her for his fucking pleasures. We can work as a team against Ms. Rhymer too. They're just timid at the moment because Amy's so nice and Ms. Rhymer's a teacher.

pαпdα-ňᴏνê|·сóМ Then there's Katherine. She's the key. I've got to prove what she's really doing with her brother and then I'll be able to control Alan like a puppet. I just KNOW there's something going on there. Won't it be delicious? Alan thinks he's so funny calling me "Cunt Girl." Well, I think I'll call my new boyfriend "Cock Boy." "Come here, Cock Boy. Lick my feet. You're going to stay in and fuck me all night long. Just me. Come here, Simone. Stick his fat impaler in me and lick it if you get a chance whenever he pulls out. That's all you get. And no back talking, slave girl!"

Ha! HA! That'll show them. Alan looks like he's in the driver's seat now, but soon I'll have total control over everyone who was here today. Maybe I'll brand HIM!

She found herself growing aroused again as she thought about the earlier talk about branding. That reminded her of how he treated her in general, and made her even more horny. Dammit!

Back at the Plummer house, Suzanne let herself in the front door and shouted, "Susan? It's me!"

As Susan walked through the living room to the front foyer, she said, "Oh, hey. What's up? You were just here a little while ago."

Suzanne kissed her before explaining, "I know, but I wanted to eat lunch with my favorite person in the entire world... who doesn't have a penis, that is."

Susan giggled happily at that. "Well, good. In that case, I'd also like to eat lunch with my favorite person in the entire world, who doesn't have a great big fat penis or the nickname 'Tiger.' Hmmm, I wonder who that could be?" She winked. "Come on in. I just made something. Luckily, Brenda interrupted me with a long phone call, or I would have eaten already."

A few minutes later, they sat down to eat lunch.

Suzanne had carried a book into the house, but Susan hadn't gotten a good look at it. Once they were sitting down at the dining room table, with salads and a bowl of fruit, Suzanne brought the book out and put it on the table.please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

Susan was startled. "Hey! That's a Bible!"

Suzanne smirked knowingly. "It is. I thought that while we ate, we could have kind of a Bible study."

Susan was even more startled. "I'd love nothing better. But I'm surprised to hear that, coming from you. Why, getting you to such much as go to church on Sunday is like pulling teeth."

Suzanne said, "I know. But this isn't just any kind of Bible study. This is about sex in the Bible, and you know that I'm interested in that." She smirked again.

Susan held a hand over her chest. "Sex? In the Bible? What are you talking about? There might be a few 'begats,' but there's not much more than that."

"Oh, but there is." She opened the Bible to one of several pages she had bookmarked. "How familiar are you with the Old Testament book called 'The Song of Songs'? It's also known as 'The Song of Solomon.'"

"Oh my goodness," Susan replied in surprise. "It's funny you mention that, because that may be the one book in the Bible I'm the least familiar with. When I was growing up, my parents told me not to bother with that one. They said it shouldn't have made it into the Bible in the first place, since it doesn't even mention God once. And they said it had some disagreeable ideas, although... now that I think about it, they never did tell me just what those were."

Suzanne said, "Your parents were half right and all wrong. It's true that it doesn't mention God or even religion at all, but it's a great book, because it celebrates sex. It's basically one long poem about sex and the love between a man and a woman."

Susan said, "And they put THAT in the Bible?!"

"Of course! God wants us to enjoy sex, and as often as possible! Haven't you noticed that when you're with your Tiger? Can't you just tell down in your soul that something that great has to be a gift from God?"

Susan replied hesitantly, "Well... yes... but... I guess I kind of thought that was just my own personal interpretation. I find it hard to believe that they allowed praise of sex in the Bible."

"Sure they did," Suzanne said confidently. "It's just that a lot of very religious people have a phobia about sex, so they've tried to pass that misguided attitude on. The apostle Peter and lots of the other early apostles and church leaders were married. The Roman Catholics don't allow their priests to marry at all, but it wasn't until three hundred years after Jesus that some Church official came up with the celibacy rule so that priests wouldn't try to leave the church's wealth to their kids. You can see how if a priest or preacher is never allowed to enjoy sex, he has to suppress all sexual urges. Then he naturally gives off the attitude that the truly religious don't enjoy sex."

The facts that Suzanne mentioned were accurate, although the opinion was all her own. She'd done her research in order to better dislodge Susan's existing point of view and shift it to that which Suzanne wanted.

"I can see that," Susan said with a worried frown. Even at that point, she considered herself a very devout Christian, so hearing apparently contradictory ideas that were supposedly in the Bible shook her up.

Suzanne smiled encouragingly. "But we know better, because it's right in the Bible, in The Song of Songs, that sex is a great thing and we should love it! Let me give you an example." She read from the Bible: "'I sat down under his shadow with great delight, and his fruit was sweet to my taste.' And here's another one: 'Come, blow upon my garden, that the spices thereof may flow out. Let my beloved come into his garden, and eat his pleasant fruits.' As you can see, the Bible is celebrating oral sex - both ways!"

Susan grabbed the Bible in disbelief. "Let me see that!" She turned the Bible so that it faced her way and read the two passages that Suzanne had highlighted. She was so surprised that she actually picked the Bible up and looked at the cover, to check if it was some kind of bizarre translation. But it was the standard King James version.

She exclaimed, "How can this be?! 'Come, blow upon my garden, that the spices thereof may flow out?!' That's CLEARLY talking about sucking a big juicy cock until he cums hard! And it's in THE BIBLE! Why have I never seen this before?!"

Suzanne said, "Probably because some prudish people didn't want you to know. A lot of people are afraid of sex. They worry that it's a powerful force that they cannot control. In that quote you repeated, they use 'garden' and 'spices' because those were highly valued things to people living in the desert."

Susan nodded. "Kind of weird, sure. But I picked up on those meanings right away. It was a different culture in a different time, but the joy of cocksucking must be universal!"

Suzanne went on, "Indeed. And think again about that first quote: 'I sat down under his shadow with great delight, and his fruit was sweet to my taste.' The Bible is praising blowjobs, more than once! There's no doubt about it!"

Susan stared off into space, flabbergasted. "Oh... my... goodness! It certainly seems that way, doesn't it? Why, it even praises the sweet, fruity taste of his cum. It's like that was written for ME! About my Tiger!"

Suzanne was secretly delighted at how well her plan was going. "In a way, it is. These are wise words that speak to us across the ages. Let's read some more."

She turned the Bible back around and flipped to another bookmark. "We have a little sister, and she hath no breasts: what shall we do for our sister in the day when she shall be spoken for? If she be a wall, we will build upon her a palace of silver: and if she be a door, we will inclose her with boards of cedar. I am a wall, and my breasts like towers: then was I in his eyes as one that found favour.' As you can clearly see, this is Biblical praise for a woman's big breasts."

Susan was even more staggered. She reflexively clutched at her own breasts. She whispered in awe while looking down at her chest, "Oh my GOD! 'Breasts like towers?!' 'Breasts like towers!' That's ME!"

Suzanne chuckled, and then cast a significant glance down at her own sizable rack. "That's both of us. The Bible praises big breasts because they help men and women enjoy sex more, and the Bible teaches us that sex is good. Don't believe me? Here's a verse from the book of Proverbs."

She flipped to another bookmarked page. "'Let thy fountain be blessed: and rejoice with the wife of thy youth. Let her be as the loving deer and pleasant doe; let her breasts satisfy thee at all times; and be thou ravished always with her love. And why wilt thou, my son, be ravished with a strange woman, and embrace the bosom of a stranger? For the ways of man are before the eyes of the Lord, and he pondereth all his goings.'"

Again, Susan simply couldn't believe it. She grabbed the Bible, turned it around, and read the words for herself. When she was done, she exclaimed, "But... but... this not only praises sex... and breasts... Oh my! How wonderful is that?! But it praises incest too! This woman author asks her son why go to the bosom of a strange woman when the bosom of your mommy is right at hand?!"

Suzanne smiled widely. "Exactly! You see? Why indeed? There's a lot more in the Bible than people realize."

Susan sat back and stared wide-eyed. "Why oh why didn't you tell me about this before?! This... this... this changes everything!"

Suzanne chuckled gleefully. The truth was that she would have shown Susan those quotes much earlier, except that she'd only recently found them herself while trying to find more religious justification for incestuous intercourse.

She looked back down at the book. "Hold on. There's more! Listen to this, from The Song of Songs again: 'It was but a little that I passed from them, but I found him whom my soul loveth: I held him, and would not let him go, until I had brought him into my mother's house, and into the chamber of her that conceived me.' I don't think I have to point out that the 'chamber' is a delicate way of saying 'vagina.'"

Susan raised her hands. Her entire body jerked in surprise. She had a sudden vision of her son on top of her, fucking her hard. She had her legs wrapped around his backside and she was screaming at the top of her lungs. Oh my God! It's going to happen! It's really going to happen! How can I stop it?! I have no excuse to stop it! None! He's going to fuck me so hard that it'll be beyond belief! Compared to what I did with Ron, I'm almost a virgin. Oh God! I can't breathe!

Suzanne was very curious what was going on in Susan's head, because Susan seemed staggered by that. But Suzanne stayed quiet. She had a good idea what Susan was thinking, but realized it would be best if Susan reached those conclusions on her own.

After a long pause, lasting nearly half a minute, Susan exclaimed, "But that means that if my son fucks me... it's okay! God approves!"

"But of course He does! Why would He not want you and your son to love each other in such a beautiful way? It's a complicated issue, so the Bible can't just state it plainly as one of the Ten Commandments or something like that. But the truth is there for those who seek it."

"Amen!" Susan cried in relief.

Suzanne turned the Bible back towards herself. "Now, that's all well and good, but I want to get to my main point."

"You mean there's MORE?!" Susan clutched at her chest again.

"There is. Earlier today, you gave the approval for Sweetie to fuck me. And I thank you for that; I'm very grateful. He's already fucked Amy, and you're still warming up to the idea of him fucking you, so you know who's being left out."

Susan slumped back in her chair and frowned. "Angel."

"That's right. After your talk with Xania, where she showed you that there's no reason why your Tiger shouldn't fuck you, doesn't that same logic apply to him and Angel?"

Susan sat there silent. She was trying to think of a good excuse to explain why that was different, but she couldn't come up with much. Finally she said, "But she's so young."

Suzanne rolled her eyes. "Is she that much younger than Amy or some of the other girls he's fucking? He's fucking the cheerleader Kim, and she's younger than our Angel, and you never complained about that."

Susan sighed. "It's different when it's my daughter. I know I'm being hypocritical. I know I don't have a leg to stand on. But... it's just HARD when you're a parent. You know how it is with Amy. Think about how much you protected her from the Jack Johnsons of the world."

"True. But Sweetie isn't Jack Johnson, obviously. It was tough, but I got over my motherly protective urges enough to let Alan and Amy fuck. You should do the same."

Suzanne added quickly, "Now, before you say more about that, I have another Biblical quote, from The Song of Songs again."

She read, "'Thou hast ravished my heart, my sister, my spouse; thou hast ravished my heart with one of thine eyes, with one chain of thy neck. How fair is thy love, my sister, my spouse! How much better is thy love than wine! And the smell of thine ointments than all spices! A garden inclosed is my sister, my spouse; a spring shut up, a fountain sealed.'"

She looked back up and asked, "What do you think that means?"

Susan furrowed her brow. "I must not be hearing things right. Because... it, it... sounds to me as if he's speaking of a woman who is both his sister AND his wife! He says it three times, even! And clearly, there's a lot of ravishing going on. Of her 'garden,' even!"

Suzanne nodded like a patient teacher. "That's what I think it means too. But if you have any doubt that the Bible approves of sister incest, and incest in general, try this one: 'O that thou were as my brother, that sucked the breasts of my mother! When I should find thee without, I would kiss thee; yea, I should not be despised. I would lead thee, and bring thee into my mother's house, who would instruct me: I would cause thee to drink of spiced wine of the juice of my pomegranate.'"

Susan's eyes bugged out, and she clutched at her breasts again. "Suzanne, that's just all kinds of incest on top of incest! Here's a woman who wants her boyfriend to be her brother! And furthermore, she wants him to have sex with her mother! I can picture the three of them, with the mother instructing the daughter, and the... the pomegranate juice!"

Suzanne prodded, "You do know what that stands for, don't you?"

"Of course I do! Oh my goodness! Suzanne!" She grabbed the Bible again, turned it around again, and read the words for herself as she had before. Then she read the previous quotation for good measure. She shook her head in amazement.

She sat back and exclaimed, "Suzanne, no wonder my parents wouldn't let me read The Song of Songs! This is like pornography! And not just any pornography; it's filled with all kinds of naughty, naughty ideas!"

Suzanne said, "Read all of The Song of Songs for yourself. In fact, reread the entire Bible with a new eye. There's all kinds of naughty things in there. But 'naughty' or 'sexy' is not the same as 'sinful.' Remember, King Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines. His life must have been a non-stop orgy! God approves of that kind of lifestyle!"

Susan had discussed Solomon's harem with Suzanne before, and with Brenda too. But even then, it seemed unreal, like it has to be some kind of mistranslation. But it struck her deeply in light of the other "naughty" Biblical references.

Suzanne added, "Or remember how Lot fucked his two daughters until they both got pregnant. There's no doubt about that one at all. And if Adam and Eve were the first two people on Earth, who did their children Cain and Abel have sex with to have more children? Why, Eve, of course! There's no reason not to let your Tiger ravish Angel's garden!"

Susan just sat there staring into space, trying to mentally process all this shocking information. Finally she said, "You've given me so much to think about. I feel like the scales have fallen from my eyes."

After another long pause, she said with an angry scowl, "You know what? I feel cheated! I've been deliberately misled! Between my parents, our priest, and heck, everyone else back in my home town, it's like there was a conspiracy to make me think sex was wrong. I nearly let them ruin my entire life!"

She suddenly reached out and grasped Suzanne's hand. "Thank God for you! Literally. It's like you're an angel sent from the Lord to steer me from darkness and lies. What would I ever do without you?"

Suzanne was a bit bashful. "I don't know about all that. I'm just looking out for my best friend."

"Oh, thank you! So much!" Susan leaned across the table and hugged Suzanne as best she could. They probably would have gotten more intimate, but the table got in the way.

Suzanne felt a bit guilty. She knew that she was deliberately misreading some Bible verses and taking others out of context. But still, she hadn't fabricated anything; the Bible verses she mentioned were completely accurate.

She figured that in this case the end justified the means. For instance, these quotes meant that Susan would inevitably come to accept that Alan and Katherine could and should fuck. It was just a matter of days, if even that long. She wanted Susan to welcome their fucking without turmoil or doubt, and the easiest way to do that was to reinterpret and refashion Susan's Christian beliefs.


Once again much Thanks to 'Someone' for your generous support.!


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