6 Times a Day

Chapter 770 Susan And Suzanne [Casey Sponsored]

Sorry for the delay. Here's to Casey for his generous contribution.!

Casey [1 / 3]


Suzanne's impromptu "Bible study" was so arresting for Susan that the two of them had completely ignored the Greek salads Susan had prepared for lunch. So they just ate for a while in silence. Susan nibbled distractedly on a pomegranate from the bowl of fruit.

Suzanne knew silence was best, so Susan would have time to cogitate about those selected Biblical quotes and let them sink in. She was glad that she'd bookmarked and highlighted those passages, because Susan kept flipping from one page to another, rereading and pondering their meanings.

When they finished their salads, Suzanne asked with a grin, "So... how does it feel to have 'breasts like towers?'"

Susan smiled widely. "Great!" She sat up straight and briefly thrust her chest out proudly. "To think that I used to think of my breasts as nothing but a burden. Little did I know they were a blessing from God!"

"They are," Suzanne nodded. "So few women have breasts as large as yours, or as round and perfectly formed. It's as if God has a special purpose for you, a very sexy purpose. It's almost like it's your calling to tempt your son with your big tits and your beautiful face, so you can continually assist him in keeping his balls drained dry."

Susan nodded somberly. She agreed with that analysis a thousand percent. It wiped away nearly all of her lingering uneasy feelings about her new lifestyle.

She said, "It really does look that way, doesn't it? Far from me to try to divine God's Plan, but the evidence keeps piling up. It's like I was born and bred to serve my son's big cock! It's fate! Thanks again for taking the time to share those Biblical verses with me. To be honest, I feel kind of embarrassed that I didn't already know that part of the Bible."

Suzanne shrugged. "Don't feel bad. Like you said, you were deliberately misled. And please don't be upset at your parents; I'm sure they were misled too. I think it's better you don't mention this to them, or any of the other sexual changes going on here. At their age, they probably wouldn't understand."

Susan nodded. "Sad but true. The older they get, the more set in their ways they become."

Suzanne didn't like talking about Susan's parents because she really didn't like them very much. She added, "And it goes without saying that you can't tell any of your sisters either. They wouldn't understand, and they'd immediately tell their your parents, and their preacher, and your parent's preacher, and so on. It would be a total fiasco."

"I suppose." Susan stared into space. "But it's such a shame. Some of them would make great big-titted mommies. We generally have similar voluptuous bodies, and I'll bet submissiveness is inherited too. For instance, Mary has a son who is just-"

Suzanne cut her off. "I know. Maybe we can revisit that topic later, but not now, okay? It's too dangerous."

Susan sighed sadly. "Okay."

Suzanne was keen to change the topic. Since she was always on the lookout for more "intel" to help her stay on top of everything, she asked, "By the way, you said Brenda called you a little while ago. How are things between you and her lately?"

"Oh, great. Couldn't be better. I must admit that I've become hooked on our daily phone calls. Plus, we've been telling erotic stories to each other. It's so naughty! And you wouldn't believe how excited she is about the upcoming party."


"Why do you say 'but?'"

"There's a look on your face that tells me something's bothering you. Remember, I can read you like a book."

"Well, there is one thing..."

"Which is...? Don't make me tickle it out of you."

That made Susan smile. "That sounds like fun, actually. It's just that... well, when we talked on the phone just a short while ago, Brenda confessed to me that she's been having dreams about her son. Adrian. Sexual dreams."

"And? Is that a bad thing?"

"Of course it is! Where's her loyalty to Alan?!"

Suzanne said, "Susan, let me tell you something. Nobody can be 100 percent loyal, for instance, not in their dreams. Studies show that EVERYBODY has dreams about others, be it the mailman or a movie star or whomever. That's how the brain works. We're always comparing. It doesn't mean anything, and it doesn't matter."

Susan said, offended, "Well, I only dream about my Tiger! Period! If I dreamt about anyone else, I... well, I don't know what I'd do! But I would be horrified."

Suzanne put her hand over Susan's on the table. "That's now, in the first flush of excitement. What about five years from now?"please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

Susan stared at her disapprovingly.

Suzanne suddenly changed her mind. "You know what? Don't worry about it. I'm obviously not going to convince you about it today. Instead, I'd like to hear exactly what Brenda said about these dreams."

"She feels bad about it too. But she also kind of blamed me, so now I feel bad."

"What? Why you?"

pαпdα Йᴏνê|,сòМ "Well, I must admit, she does have a point. You see, as you know, my feelings about incest have undergone quite a shift, especially since I got such great advice from Xania. Far from thinking that it's wrong, I've come to feel that nothing is more right!"

She stared off into space, fondly reminiscing. "Oh, Suzanne! When I have Tiger's great fat cock in my mouth, filling it up completely... Holding his sperm-filled balls in my hand, maybe sliding my other hand up and down his shaft, all soaked and slippery with pre-cum... And then, lapping my tongue on his sweet spot, his oh-so-sweet sweet spot! And hot! And thick! Mmmm! Spermy! And sliding my lips up and down at the same time, doing everything I can to give him maximum pleasure! Tell me: is there any better way for a mother to show her love for her son? I think not!"

Suzanne replied, "Well, there's doing much the same with your pussy..."

Susan winced. "That's true. But I'm not quite there yet. Almost, but not quite. It's still almost too wonderful and amazing for me to contemplate! God, to have Tiger take me and possess me that way... Wow! But you're right. That's the ultimate way for a mother to show her love, by letting him spear her very most private spot, and then churning on it!"

Her arousal level suddenly shot off the charts. "Churning my hips! Rising up and down! Squeezing it tightly, repeatedly! Rhythmically squeezing and churning Tiger's fat erection, over and over! MMMM! Until he cums! Mmmm! Hot spermy cream, pouring into me, flooding my deepest depths, my very womb, with his spermy love!"

Suzanne smirked with amusement. What had started with a lazy, wistful daydream had suddenly gotten very intense, very fast. Susan's big breasts were heaving up and down inside her blouse in an extremely distracting way.

However, Suzanne was here just to eat lunch. She had lots to do, include catch up on the financial markets before Wall Street closed at 2 p.m. Pacific Coast time. So she tried to calm Susan down by staying focused on the topic at hand. "Hang on, Susan. Please don't get carried away. Let's focus on what you and Brenda talked about. Can we do that?"

Susan nodded. She visibly struggled to calm her breathing.

"Good. Now, let's talk about her son Adrian. How did what you said encourage her to dream about him?" Suzanne knew that shifting the focus to Adrian would cool Susan's ardor fast.

Indeed, Susan almost went back to normal, practically in a flash. "Oh yes, Adrian. Well, uh, you see, it's like I said about how my attitude about incest has changed. The more I've come to realize that it's a very good thing instead of a bad thing, the more I've tended to hype it up to Brenda. I fear I've been putting thoughts into her head about how wonderful incestuous sex is."

"No!" Suzanne's voice was slightly sarcastic, although Susan didn't pick up on it at all. Suzanne found the idea of Susan putting thoughts into Brenda's head secretly amusing, given how much Suzanne had indoctrinated Susan, including remolding her thoughts on incest.

"It's true! I can't help myself. I know you love Tiger dearly. And you are his aunt in just about every way. But you're not his mother. There's an extra special bond there that's unique. I can't explain it."

Susan suddenly started to tear up. "My love for my cutie Tiger... it's, it's without limits! I would do anything for him! Just like I would do anything for my sweet Angel. I would die for either or both of them. Throw myself across a train track if need be. My whole life! It's all about raising them, teaching them to be good people, preparing them for the wider world."

The tears were flowing fast as she continued, "At first, I was very concerned that helping Tiger sexually would interfere with that. I resisted. But the logic of his six-times-a-day diagnosis was relentless. With him needing to cum so much every day, I really had no choice. And then... something wonderful happened! I realized that he was still growing up to be a fine man, and Angel is still growing up to be a lovely lady, and we can express our love for each other in new ways! And that includes you and Amy too, since you're both de facto members of this family. It's all so wonderful!"

Suzanne handed her a napkin to cry into. "So why are you crying?"

"I don't know! I'm just so overcome. God, if I were to ever lose either of them, or you, or Amy... It's funny, but I never even think of Brad or Eric."

"Let's not talk about them," Suzanne said hastily. "Let's stay on track. I love Brad dearly, but he's not part of what we have here. Bring this back 'round to Brenda's dreams, please."

"Oh. Yes." Susan wiped her eyes, now that her crying spell was subsiding. "I guess I was just overwhelmed for a moment there thinking about the special bond between a mother and a child. I know you know exactly what that's like since you're a mother too. And then, when you add the sexual love on top of it... Wow! It just makes me want to suck Tiger's cock all day long!"

Suzanne said with secretly amused understatement, "I've noticed."

"Yes. Well, the thing is, I've talked to Brenda at length about the special joy of mother-son incest. And it's like trying to talk a young boy into eating candy. It isn't hard to do, because she was there already. In fact, it turns out that she's been reading mother-son incest stories on the Internet for YEARS! But she says she never really thought of her own son that way, except maybe in an occasional dream. She just enjoyed the idea in the abstract. He was too young, for starters. Plus, his personality just doesn't jibe with what she wants in a man. He's too timid. I've yet to meet him, but from what she tells me, it sounds like he's submissive too."

"That's what I've gathered as well," Suzanne pointed out.

Susan nodded. "It's clear that Adrian is no Alan. He certainly doesn't go around collecting beautiful busty women and turning them into his personal sex toys. And that's a very good thing, in my opinion. If I came across another Alan-type, I wouldn't want to get near him, or even people close to him, because I wouldn't want to be tempted. Like I was saying just a few minutes ago, my loyalty to my son is total!"

Suzanne nodded too. "Go on." She didn't want to admit it to herself, much less to Susan, but she was jealous of Susan's special bond with both Alan and Katherine, and she didn't like hearing Susan talk about it so much. She loved being "Aunt Suzy" to them both, but in a perfect world she would have much preferred to be their second mother. Deep down, she hoped that all of her sexual scheming would help that come to pass. But even if it did, and even considering just how close she was to Alan and Katherine already, she knew it would be very tough to match the special love Susan shared with her children.

Susan wiped her red eyes with the napkin. "Anyway, I guess I've been so enthusiastic with all my incest talk that I've got Brenda thinking about such things so much that she's started to have these Adrian dreams. I feel bad."

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