6 Times a Day

Chapter 799 All Dreams Coming True - Brenda ['Someone' Sponsored]

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About half an hour later, Susan and Suzanne sat naked, across from each other at the dining room table, talking and drinking coffee.

Brenda sat underneath the table, and had one hand in Suzanne's pussy and her tongue lapping at Susan's clit. Since getting under the table, she'd learned much about pussy licking, and she'd decided that she quite liked it. Thanks to her presence and actions, both the mothers had lost what clothing they'd had on.

There was a battle going on in Brenda's mind. This is beyond humiliating! I really AM being treated like the Plummer-house sex pet. It's my greatest fantasy, but it's my worst fear too. And it's really coming true. I have to say something... establish some limits at least. For God's sake! What are they going to do next, make me eat out of a doggy bowl? But then she considered the doggy-bowl idea and loved it so much that she nearly creamed (yet again) on the spot.

Dammit, I'm my own worst enemy. Now I can't stop thinking about eating out of a doggy bowl while wearing nothing but a tail plugged into my asshole. And everyone else would eat at the table. And just like a doggy, I'd stick my nose in people's crotches and sniff. But unlike a real doggy, I wouldn't stop there! I'd lick and suck from under the table, especially on Alan's fat cock! God, I'd fucking suck that magnificent cock for so damn long! But I wouldn't stop there either! I'd tongue all the hot, juicy pussies too!

She realized with a start that that was pretty much exactly what she was already doing.

She sighed quietly to herself. I really need to do something before I completely lose my mind! But there's nothing I can do about the situation now. It doesn't even matter if I like what they're doing to me because I have no say in the matter. Susan, and especially Mistress Suzanne, are controlling me now.

Thinking that made her more aroused, but also more frustrated at her alarming submissiveness. She lapped at Susan's vulva with even more gusto.

Suzanne had been disturbed at how submissive she'd become to Alan, even if most of it was in her own thoughts. She tried hard to maintain her usual tough outer veneer, despite an occasional verbal or physical slip-up. Having Brenda to boss around made her feel good, causing her domineering tendencies toward others to rise to the fore.

Susan had been excitedly explaining to Suzanne what Alan had told her about his latest sexual adventures with Heather. But since Susan had a submissive mindset she was much more enthusiastic about what Alan had done to Heather, so she spent most of her time talking about that.

Suzanne enjoyed hearing Susan's account, but Alan's treatment of Heather didn't do anything extraordinary to Suzanne's libido since this kind of story had become commonplace lately.

However, Brenda's reaction listening under the table was quite intense. Hot damn! There he goes again! I hardly know Alan at all, at least in terms of direct contact. I've had so very few chances to pleasure his cock! I mostly know him through Susan's stories, which make him seem like some invincible sexual super stud. Sometimes I find myself thinking that he can't really be all that. But listening to what Susan is saying, he really IS all that! He's fucking his sexiest teacher AND the beautiful head cheerleader. That's not an exaggeration to make a better story; that's undeniable FACT! God dammit! It's making me gush and gush and gush!

I especially love how he's treating this Heather girl. To everyone else, she's the queen of the school, but for him she's his personal cum dump! I wish he'd be that way with me! The fact that she loves being his "cum dump" shows that maybe I'm not so weird after all. He can just tap her shoulder in the hall and say, "Hey, drop to your knees. I feel like fucking your face," and she'll do it! Right there in front of everybody! Gaawwwd! URGH! UH!

Susan hadn't actually said anything about blowjobs in hallways, but Brenda's erotic imagination was running wild.

Brenda continued her fantasy, Or it could be ME! What if he saw ME in some public place?! I could be shopping at the mall, maybe in a big department store with lots of other people around. It wouldn't matter. He'd recognize me, snap his fingers, and say "Suck!" By then I'd be one of his official personal cocksuckers, knock on wood, so what could I do but obey?! I'd have to take off all my clothes, except for my high heels, of course, and drop to my knees! Susan says the best way to suck him is naked and kneeling, and it's true! Oh yes, the BEST! The other women would stare in a mixture of outrage and envy! Mostly envy! Because they'd see me choking and gagging on his great thickness in utter ecstasy!

In fact, Brenda was so turned on that she had to stop to gather her wits and recover her breath. But soon enough, she resumed happily licking Susan's wet slit. It's incredible what Alan has done with so many remarkable women. Success breeds success. Look at how he's got me pleasuring his women, even though he's not here and didn't even say anything. And just thinking about what he's doing with Heather and Gloria Rhymer is making my entire body burn up like I'm in the center of a raging bonfire! I get it. With all my heart and soul I know that this seemingly-normal teenage boy is in fact totally extraordinary. He's very worthy of having me call him "Master!"

Even the rational part of her brain didn't fight that conclusion. Instead, she thought, Those two, and Susan and Suzanne here, and Amy, and Katherine... and so many more! They're all such loving and beautiful people. He's got a true harem of the best of the best! Despite my looks and all my money, the question isn't whether he's worthy enough to be my lord and master. It's whether I'm worthy enough to serve him!

"You know, Suzanne," Susan casually said to her best friend as they relaxed at the table, while Brenda's tongue lashed her pussy, "I must say I was all wrong about Brenda. She's one of your better schemes. Did you have any idea of the raging sex-starved slut waiting to get out when you suggested we should get to know her better?"

Suzanne was devilishly pleased at how Susan was obviously enjoying talking about Brenda like she wasn't there. She wondered if it might mean Susan had a bit of a dominant side after all. "No, I didn't. I just thought she would be good eye candy for our man."

Susan knew her friend better than that. "Come on. Is that all?"

"Okay, I'll admit I was hoping more would happen. I envisioned Sweetie fucking her, and I'm always trying to help that lovable cad out. Don't ask me why. As if he needs more women to fuck! But I figured Brenda was special. How often does a woman who looks like her come along? I could tell she was hot-blooded but repressed. I knew I had to say or do something. I figured he would get a big kick out of seducing and banging her, and that could cause her to come out of her shell."

Brenda thought, A-ha! I knew it! I should be fucking pissed right now. She tricked me! They all did. All that talk about how the last thing they wanted was if I got intimate with Alan was total bullshit. But the ends definitely justify the means, because her trickery changed my life for the better. She could tell from the start that I was repressed, and she knew just what to do about it. That makes my heart soar. Mistress Suzanne is awesome!

Suzanne continued, "I had no idea that it would come to this though, having her eat us out under the table like a true sex slave even as we sit here and casually drink our coffees. Angel talks the talk about being a sex slave, but Brenda walks the walk. Her every move, her every glance, signals complete submissiveness to Sweetie, and even to the rest of us."

Brenda was overjoyed to hear that. In her current frame of mind, that was about the highest praise imaginable.

Suzanne mentioned in passing, "By the way Brenda, switch positions. It's my turn to feel your tongue." Then she went on, "But Susan, what I find really surprising is how quickly it all happened."

Brenda was burning with shame as she switched positions, but at the same time she felt a deep sense of satisfaction to be given an order and carry it out. She was also listening intently, since they were talking about her.

Suzanne added, "Brenda took to this so easily, we don't even need to train her."

Susan was in complete agreement, although she was disappointed to feel Brenda's tongue on her pussy replaced by fingers. She fondled her own tits as well, since she was right on the verge of a climax and was trying to push herself over the edge. "I know what you mean. It surprises me too. Especially since she hasn't been fucked by Tiger yet."

Suzanne replied, "Yes. Look at Akami, for instance. Now, she's been fucked by him a couple of times, but from what I gather, she's never going to be the sex toy type. It's just not in her nature, like it isn't in mine. But with Brenda, all you have to do is wave Sweetie's stiff pole in front of her a couple of times, and she's ready for a dog leash."

Addressing Brenda at her feet without looking at her, she said, "You're gonna love the way he fucks you, Brenda, believe me. It might even happen tonight, for real. Who knows? Only Sweetie knows for sure."

Brenda shuddered in delight, both at the dog leash mention and the prospect of getting fucked by Alan. Deep down, her rational side was screaming in frustration, but that voice was firmly caged and defeated, at least for now.

Susan noted, "I can't even imagine how much more subservient she'll be after that."

Suzanne suggested half-seriously, "Maybe we should keep her around as a pet. Kind of like what Amy was doing with her cat costume at the second fashion show, except for real. Would you like that, Brenda, to be our sex pet?"

But Brenda didn't answer, because she was under strict orders not to talk until she was told that she could. She expressed her enthusiasm for the bizarre idea instead by tonguing Suzanne and fingering Susan more vigorously. Her whole body trembled with excitement.

Susan surprised herself with her answer. "Good idea." That was her pussy talking, as she imagined being licked and fingered all day long in the way that Brenda was doing to them both. However her kinder, more motherly side thought of objections. "But I don't think it would be fair to her son and only child if we keep her as a full-time sex slave. Who is going to take care of Adrian?"

Suddenly Brenda remembered her son Adrian. A wave of revulsion washed over her. I've completely forgotten about my own son, again! What kind of horrible mother am I, living out my twisted fantasies while leaving him home alone?! This is wrong! I have to say something. Aidy, please forgive me!

Suzanne's eyes lit up. "Oh, that reminds me. We have to work on helping Brenda seduce her son. It's the least we can do if she's going to become our part-time sex toy. And that'll give us less competition for Sweetie's affections, if Brenda is getting a number of incestuous fucks every day."

Susan nodded in complete agreement. "Excellent idea."please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

It sounded like Suzanne and Susan were spontaneously arriving at this idea, but that wasn't true. The day before, Suzanne had first proposed to Susan the idea of allowing Brenda to have sex with Adrian as well as Alan. Since then, Suzanne had asked for Alan's permission and he'd agreed. She'd also started her investigation into Adrian's life because she always liked to be fully informed before making decisions. The investigation was far from complete, but what she'd learned thus far led her to take pity on Adrian. She'd concluded that his life was probably totally miserable, with the only bright spot being his lust for his incredibly busty and beautiful mother. Suzanne still had misgivings about having Brenda realize their shared incestuous fantasies, but thought it could help turn his life around. That realization had provided an additional rationale for her proposal.

Brenda gasped in disbelief. Despite orders not to talk, she whispered in awe, "NO!"

Suzanne chuckled. "Yes! Believe me; it's happening. I've talked to Alan about it, and he approves."

Brenda gasped again. He approves?! He APPROVES! She could hardly breathe, she was so excited and amazed. It was true that during the past week she'd had occasional dreams and daydreams about having sex with Adrian, but until this moment she'd never entertained the idea that it could happen in real life.

Susan continued, "I can't tell you how happy that makes me. Things are going so great between Tiger and me that every time I see any woman who might be a mother I want to shake her by the shoulders and ask, 'Why aren't you sucking your son's cock already? Don't you know it's the most important part of your motherly duties?' At least now, with Brenda here, I can share that joy with another mother who also understands it."

Suzanne didn't stop to think of her own situation with Amy as she pushed the idea. And neither she nor Susan were thinking of Brad at all, probably because both of them thought of Suzanne as much more of a mother to Alan than to Brad.

Suzanne asked, "Would you like that Brenda, to have us help you so your son can fuck you? I'll allow you to answer this question with words."

Brenda was so turned on by that idea, and by everything else that was happening and being said, that she completely forgot about her "duty" of licking Suzanne's pussy. In fact, she thought she would simply pass out. The wave of revulsion that had hit her was still there, but it was replaced by an even stronger feeling: lust for her son. She'd secretly lusted after him for the last year or two, now that his body was maturing, but that lust had been buried deep down. Although she'd had some recent fantasies and dreams about having sex with her own son, she'd continued to resist the idea and tried to focus all her desires on Alan. Now her pent-up incestuous feelings suddenly cascaded forth.

In her submissive mindset, the pieces clicked into place. I'm not a bad mother after all. This is all working out according to some larger plan that I can't see, but without a doubt the brilliant Suzanne must have it all arranged. I'm meant to sexually serve Alan AND Adrian! Then I'll be able to live out my submissive need for Alan and be the best mother I can be to Aidy, at the same time! Just like Susan said, it's not wrong to have sex with my son, it's my responsibility! And Alan even approves, so everything is okay! It's like I'd be doing it on orders from him.

Oh yes! Dear God, that's so hot! Sex with my very own son! With my master's approval!

Brenda's body shook like a leaf at this epiphany. An accompanying orgasm hit her too, although she managed not to cry out. She was so happy that tears actually rolled down her cheeks. It took her some moments to recover, but she finally managed to meekly and quietly answer, "Yes!"

"I'm sorry, I can't hear you," said Suzanne, even though she heard it quite well. "I said, do you want your son to fuck you?"

"Yes!" Brenda replied a little louder.

"Say it for me."

"I want my son to fuck me! Oh God, I can't believe I said that!" She plunged the fingers of her free hand into her pussy. She knew that she was supposed to be pleasuring Suzanne's pussy instead, but she was so horny that she couldn't help herself. She repeated herself more enthusiastically, "I want my son to fuck me!"

Suzanne said, "You realize that he'll have to fuck nobody but you, as we don't want Alan to get any diseases through him. Do you think you could get him to fuck only you, as if you and he were married? He would essentially be your husband, but Alan would be your ultimate master."

"Oh yes! God yes! Please! Please make it so!" Brenda's fingers were wildly frigging her pussy by now. "Yes! Yes! YES!"

Then she climaxed again. The last sentence Suzanne said effectively summed up Brenda's ultimate fantasy; one she didn't even consciously admit that she had until that very moment.

Suzanne still had doubts about the wisdom of her plan. She'd discussed it with Susan several times in the last twenty-four hours. Her main pitch had been that Adrian would take up most of Brenda's sexual energy, which would block Brenda from becoming a serious competitor for Alan's attention.

But there was a deeper reason too. Suzanne still had yet to meet Adrian. However, she knew a lot about him from talking to Brenda, hearing about him through Susan, and the investigation she'd commissioned. Brenda had confessed that Adrian had been sexually infatuated with her for years. Suzanne wasn't surprised at that. She knew that any heterosexual boy would have to deeply lust after a woman like Brenda, whether she was his mother or not.

Suzanne concluded it was unreasonably cruel for Adrian to have a mother like that and not be able to have sex with her. Brenda also seemed to have a deep incestuous need, perhaps due to her frustrated feelings for her own mother. So, in addition to her other reasons, Suzanne figured she'd be doing them both a big favor by bringing them together. Since Suzanne didn't have any moral objections to incest - only practical ones - it seemed like the right thing to do for everyone involved. However she understood that it could prove tricky to implement in practice.

She didn't think the situation would last for long, perhaps two years at most. She figured that by that time one of three things would happen: Adrian might grow in confidence enough to demand Brenda stop having sex with another man (in which case Brenda would have to make a choice); Alan might grow to love Brenda enough that he couldn't abide sharing her with another man (again forcing her to make a choice); or, more likely, as Adrian's sexual confidence and experience grew, he would get interested in girls closer to his own age. (Like Alan, he'd probably pursue the extremely busty ones, thanks to his long-time lust for his mother.) Eventually Adrian might end up going steady with one of them, or at least he would look at sharing his mother in a new light if he too was having sex with someone else.

Even if none of those things happened, Suzanne figured that Adrian would be going off to college in three years, which almost always meant moving away from home. Their situation was bound to change once he was physically separated from his mother. Instead, his sexual focus would almost certainly shift to nearby college girls.

Suzanne figured it would probably be a rocky road, which might well end very badly. But still, everyone, even Adrian, was much more likely to benefit than suffer from the arrangement. In fact, she guessed that in the end Adrian would benefit most of all, as it would shake up his unhappy life and force him to mature quickly, both sexually and emotionally. It also would be a vital test for Brenda, to see how truly dedicated to Alan she was. If Brenda proved worthy, then she could fully join the harem. If not, Suzanne would find her another capable master, if things with Adrian didn't work out (since he didn't seem capable of fulfilling the 'master' role).

Still speaking to an incredibly horny Brenda, Suzanne moved on to another issue. "Brenda, I'll let you answer another question as well. I take it as a given that you understand Alan is your natural master. But do you want to be our sex pet as well, and in fact be a totally subservient slave to anyone who lives in this house?"

"Yes. I do." Brenda really meant it, too. She briefly stuck her head up from under the table so she could make eye contact with Suzanne when discussing this important matter. "I've discovered my true nature, and it is to please my master and mistresses." Somewhere deep inside a small voice was screaming in alarm, but that voice was getting harder and harder to hear with each passing moment.

Suzanne smiled. "Very good. Now, go back to quietly pleasuring us."

Brenda brought out a cruel streak in Susan, because of Susan's envy over Brenda's looks and especially her gigantic boobs. The same effect occurred with Suzanne, but to a much lesser degree.

But Susan was so nice a person that she could only go so far in lording over even Brenda, especially now that they were getting to be close friends despite the envy issue. She asked Suzanne, "Don't you think we're going too far? We're hardly treating her like a human being. I mean, we're holding a conversation with her while she kneels underneath the table and, you know... pleasures us. But I can't stop myself from doing it. I'm hoping you have more willpower than I do."

Suzanne considered that, even as Brenda resumed licking her pussy. "Yes, I suppose we are going too far, in a sense. But with Brenda, that's how things are meant to be, I think. I wouldn't treat anyone else like this, but with her it's different. When I suggested she be a sex pet, it made me feel a bit naughty and even cruel. I admit I get a kick out of it, but more than that it felt like I was doing her a big favor. I mean, look at her."

She bent down and peeked under the table as she continued, "Jesus! If you think you and I have bodies built for fucking, seriously take a look at her. And her submissive attitude is a perfect fit. Don't you think it's only right that Brenda spends most of her day with her legs up in the air, getting royally nailed? Or bobbing on cock? Or at least strutting around in high heels and not much else, helping to keep your Tiger's cock stiff? Anything else, and it's like taking Cindy Crawford and making her a tax accountant. It's a complete waste of a sex-bomb body."

Susan looked down at Brenda under the table and nodded. "I know. I can relate, because I see so much of myself in her. It's just like how my life and my body were being wasted until recently. This just helps prove my theory that the larger the tits, the more the woman is meant by God's will to spend all day getting fucked by a naturally superior man. Would you like that Brenda? Are you glad that we've uncovered the real you?"

Brenda was not only back to licking Suzanne's pussy, she was doing it even more vigorously. She wanted to reward Suzanne in any way she could for Suzanne's bringing Alan into her life and also giving her the go-ahead to have incestuous sex with her son Adrian. She thought that was an absolutely brilliant idea.

Brenda was like a train of lust speeding down the track. She couldn't stop licking Suzanne and fondling herself until both of them climaxed. She sensed she was almost there. She didn't even want to stop to say yes. She just moaned erotically and hoped her meaning would be understood.

pαпdα Йᴏνê|,сòМ Susan smiled benignly, since she did understand that. She commented to Suzanne, "Brenda's been so obedient today, I think she deserves a reward, the very best reward. Let's give her a full load of Tiger's cum later. I want him to cream all over her face! And chest!"

"You're right as usual, Susan." Suzanne smiled as she imagined Alan's reaction upon seeing Brenda show up in his room. "In fact, I say we should give Sweetie a little surprise right now. He deserves it for all that hard work he's been doing. Brenda, you can get up from under the table and talk. We're going to send you to him. You're going to go upstairs and suck his cock until he shoots his delicious seed all over you."

Brenda raised her head above the table's edge and stared at Suzanne in complete disbelief. She clutched her hands to her chest because her heart was pounding so fast.

Suzanne continued, "But don't tell him what we've talked about today, and that's an order. We've got enough of a problem with him having too big of a head as it is. If he knows you're going to be our house slave, he'll be insufferably full of himself, I fear. So keep that a secret for now."

Brenda could hardly believe it. Me? Getting a full load of Alan's cum?! This is too much good news at once! It's like winning a huge lottery in one state, and then finding out the same night that you've won lotteries in three other states. Jesus Christ! All my dreams are coming true at once! I get to guzzle down his spermy goodness? And he's probably going to fuck me later! Someone pinch me!

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