6 Times a Day

Chapter 800 Brenda ['Someone' Sponsored]

Thanks 'Someone' for your generous donation. It has been a great help.

Wish you the very best on your Present and Future endeavors.

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Brenda crawled out from under the table so her whole naked body could be seen, but she remained submissively on her knees. "Yes, Mistress Suzanne," she said with a bow, as if she was born to her role as sex pet. "Thank you so much! And you too, Mistress Susan. Thank you for letting me please you both!"

Suzanne patted Brenda on her head just like a real pet animal, and said, "That's a good pet."

Brenda purred in response like she was a contented cat. Somehow, she felt surprisingly relaxed, even though her heart was still pounding hard from all of the recent developments.

Suzanne commanded Brenda, "Give us a kiss."

They necked for quite some time, while Suzanne sat and Brenda knelt. Brenda was so full of passion that she kissed Suzanne in a way she'd never kissed another woman before, with totally unrestrained joy and lust. At the same time, she rubbed her whole nude body up against Suzanne's as if she was trying to meld into her.

Susan thought, Boy, look at how Suzanne is treating her. It's almost cruel, treating her like a real sex pet. Personally, I could never initiate something like petting Brenda all by myself, but I'm glad that Suzanne is here to take charge and do what's needed. Brenda's a deeply submissive woman, and Suzanne seems to know just what she really wants. I'm okay with Brenda having permission to fuck Adrian, since I think he has to be done to save the poor kid. But mostly I love that she's being groomed to serve Tiger as one of his sex pets!

To me, that seems the right and natural way of things. I'm sure the Lord approves. In fact, if Brenda becomes Tiger's sex pet for real, and not just in a sexy-thing-to-say kind of way, doesn't that set a precedent? Why should he stop at having just one big-titted beautiful woman who lives to serve him? Why not have his very own sexy and buxom mommy too? Oooh! So hot! And Suzanne! And Angel and Amy! I could be part of an honest to goodness harem!

Plus, if things go right with Xania tonight, who knows where that could lead? She's got the ideal body. I mean, a GREAT body! It's so exciting! He could be like the sultan of his own harem, leading all of his naked busty sex pets around on leashes!

Susan found this line of thought so exciting that she fingered her soaked pussy and pulled on her nipples while she enjoyed the erotic show of Suzanne and Brenda kissing.

Suzanne was more than a little impressed by the extent of Brenda's submissive attitude. When the necking ended, she asked, "You'll do anything we say, won't you?"

"Yes, Mistress." She clutched at both of Suzanne's breasts, and that gave her strength and confidence, somehow.

"Good." Brenda's attitude made Suzanne feel very good indeed. Suzanne felt like she was back on track, and back in control of the overall situation with the whole group. "You'll also obey Katherine and Amy unquestioningly. They're your mistresses too. I know they're still young and maybe not into dominating you just yet, but they are Sweetie's sister and official girlfriend, respectively, so that makes them your superiors."

Brenda nodded. "I understand."

She felt another thrill run down her spine. Perfect! Just perfect! It's true that Katherine and Amy are just teens and they don't seem to be the commanding type, but they ARE Alan's sisters! Well, in Amy's case, she's practically his sister. It's only fitting that I subject myself to everyone in this house, so my humiliation and domination is complete!

Suzanne grinned as she watched a range of emotions cross Brenda's face, from shock to arousal to doubt to blissful acceptance. Then she said, "Now, go to Sweetie's room and give your master some great head. You and Susan have been talking a lot about how best to pleasure his cock, right?"

Brenda shivered all over, just from hearing Alan referred to as her "master." Plus of course, being told to suck him off again sounded so wonderful that she felt giddy and dizzy. It took her some moments to remember to nod. She was still holding Suzanne's pale globes, so she leaned her head against them as if she was just too overcome to hold her head up.

Suzanne spoke firmly. "Good. Put that knowledge to use. I expect you to do better than the last time you blew him. Remember, it's not just about quality; there's also quantity. Sweetie's nurse told us that very thing. Put on some sexy clothes first so you can seductively take them off. Always remember that. It's almost always more arousing for your master if you take off clothes instead of starting naked."

Brenda shivered again, after hearing the "M" word repeated. She wanted to leap to her feet and scream, she was so excited to go upstairs and get started sucking. But all she did was lift her head up to resume eye contact.

Suzanne stared sternly down at her. "That's an informal rule around here. Also, you're allowed just one of his ejaculations right now, or you'll be severely punished. Oh, and by the way, he got punched a bit today at school, so don't mind the bruises you see on his face."

"What?! Alan got punched? How did it happen?!" Brenda already had him on such a high pedestal that she could barely conceive of such a thing happening.

"Don't worry about it. In short, some of the boys at school are mad at him because he's fucking all their girlfriends." That was far from true, but Suzanne figured it was what Brenda wanted to hear.

Brenda heaved a sigh of relief. That answer reaffirmed her new view of the world. You didn't dedicate yourself to a master who got regularly beat up, but you did to one who was able to fuck any girl he fancied. It made sense to her that he would face a backlash from other guys due to his sexual prowess. She was convinced that he'd take care of it soon enough.

Suzanne continued, "When you're done, find Katherine in her bedroom, across the hall from his, and have her come down to the living room. I'll ring up Amy next door and all of us will play another game of strip poker. Oh, and another woman, a psychologist named Xania Goodleigh, will be arriving too. She's gorgeous and seriously stacked. I imagine we'll all take turns pleasuring his big cock, except for Xania. But who knows; maybe even she might join in as well. She's kind of new to the situation."

Brenda was so excited by that prospect that she just had to clarify, "So you mean every single one of us will take turns all evening, stroking and licking Alan's big, beautiful cock? Including me? Maybe even more than one of us at a time?"

Suzanne nodded. "Pretty much, except maybe for Xania, as I said. She may look great, or as we call it around here, 'Alan-worthy,' but she's just a psychologist and a friend of mine and not part of this, at least not yet."

Brenda couldn't help but ask, "Really?! She's beautiful, 'seriously stacked,' and her name is 'Goodleigh.' It sounds like she belongs on her knees, serving Alan's cock!"

Susan said, "My feelings exactly!"

Suzanne smirked with amusement. "Yeah, well, we'll see. She's here to observe and give us advice. Although, as you can see, we're all hoping that Sweetie will tame her before long."

Susan nodded emphatically at that taming comment. She really liked Xania, and practically the highest compliment she could give was that she considered her worthy of being tamed by her son.

Brenda stood up. Then she nodded to Suzanne submissively, her head bowed way down. She had a nearly overwhelming desire to sexually service Suzanne some more for telling her what to do, and she was seemingly hypnotized by her voice. But that urge was exceeded by her need to go upstairs and suck Alan's cock.

She clutched her chest tightly, as if she was afraid she would literally burst from anticipation. Good God! Right now, as we speak, Alan's cock is upstairs, waiting for my lips to slide all over it! That's not just any cock; that's my master's cock! Alan is my master now! It's all too much for my heart to take. I had a feeling, from the first time we played cards together, that this was going to happen, and now it is! I MUST go and pleasure him. I'm so excited I can hardly walk or talk, or even stand still!

The reluctant and logical voice within her had nothing to say. Perhaps later it would come back, but right now Brenda was so high on lust and life that even the high one gets from a powerful drug couldn't come close.

Just as Brenda started to walk away, Susan said to her, "Wait! I want you to think carefully about what you're gonna do up there, so you can be at your best. I know you've sucked Tiger's cock some, and titfucked him too, but that's been with other people around and usually taking part. Now you're going to have the special pleasure of serving him just one on one. It's a great honor, but also a great responsibility. I've talked to you on our many phone calls about all the different ways he likes his cock licked and sucked and stroked, and that's a LOT to remember. Are you ready for your solo debut?"

Brenda nodded gravely. "I am. I'm so nervous, I'm shaking like a leaf. But I'm ready! In fact, I'm so excited that it's all I can do to not just run up the stairs like my hair is on fire!"

Susan frowned. "That's what I'm worried about. Sheer enthusiasm is not good enough. That's how I started out, just bobbing frantically, doing the same thing over and over. When I look back now, I'm almost embarrassed about what a poor job I did. Things have changed a lot since then. Tiger expects and deserves better. Think of all the other hotties who could be sucking his fat cock instead. Then use every trick and technique you have to try to outdo them all! That's how I always look at it."

Brenda nodded gravely. She was determined to prove herself even before that pep talk.

Susan added, "And remember what Suzanne just told you: you need quality AND quantity! I know you're eager for your creamy, spermy reward, but if you don't suck him for at least twenty minutes first, it hardly even counts."

Brenda bowed. "I understand. But don't worry; I'll do my best. His pleasure is my pleasure."

Susan nodded with approval at that attitude; she could tell that Brenda sincerely meant it. "Good."

Brenda knocked on Alan's door a couple of minutes later. "Hi Alan, it's me, Brenda. Are you busy?" She suppressed her desire to call him "Master Alan." She reminded herself that Suzanne said the time wasn't right for that yet. Her heart was already thumping hard and fast.

Alan turned his head and looked towards the door with great expectation. "Busy? Not anymore. Please come in." He still had very little clue as to just how worshipful Brenda was feeling towards him lately. He knew she was deeply submissive and very much in lust with him. But from his point of view, he considered her a ridiciulously curvy and stunning woman way out of his leage. He felt he still needed to continually impress her with a domineering persona and great sexual prowessd or she'd "wise up" and realize he wasn't so great after all.

She opened the door and walked in, modeling a sexy see-through nightie Susan had loaned her so she could make a big impression. It went without saying that she still wore high heels too.

"Holy fucking cow," he exclaimed in wonder. He was particularly blown away by her long and very obviously erect nipples. "I swear, every day it's something new around here. Brenda, you're a very gorgeous woman, for sure."

"You really think so?" A thrill ran down Brenda's spine due to the unexpected compliment. That boosted her confidence and eagerness. She was so close to her target - a mouthful of cum from her master - that she didn't want to waste time. She rapidly closed the distance to him sitting in his chair at his desk.

He sniffed the air and enjoyed her perfumed, feminine smell. She'd taken a couple of minutes to calm down and dress into the nightie. But even so, he could smell that her pussy was already wet, and he noticed that her hands were shaking.

He thought, I'm in awe of her, but as crazy as it seems, she appears to be in awe of me! Mom probably hyped me up to the point that she thinks I can walk on water. That's good, because I don't have to feel so nervous, if she's nervous.

She saw that he was wearing nothing but a completely unbuttoned white dress shirt and a towel around his neck (which was from when he had taken a shower not long ago). That greatly excited her because it meant his dick had to be exposed below the desk.

Then her heart skipped a beat when she noticed the naked female ass sticking out from under the desk. The ass belonged to Katherine, and her skirt was flipped back just like Amy's was earlier. That seemed to have quickly become part of the stealth stroking tradition.

Brenda just about flipped out. She staggered backwards in shock. Oh my God! But of COURSE he's getting his cock sucked by somebody else already! He's Alan Plummer, my lord and master! Gaaaawwwd! This ups the stakes so much! How am I going to compete and do a better job than whoever that is?!

Since Katherine had heard Brenda enter the room, she had started to suck much louder, making lewd slurpy noises. She also went from a relaxed "stealth" mode to her most effective blowjob techniques. She was staking her claim, proclaiming that she wasn't ashamed and in fact was loving what she was doing.

"Who's this?!" Brenda exclaimed in regards to the mystery butt. The slurpy sounds were driving her out of her mind. She wondered if she'd even manage to stay standing.

"Oh, that's Sis," he said in a deliberately flippant manner.

Brenda's awe for Alan only grew from seeing him getting casually blown in such a fashion, especially as it dawned on her from his comment and the distinctive tan lines that it had to be his own sister doing the loving sucking. She was taken aback, worried that she wouldn't get her promised cum load after all. She mistakenly thought that he'd been sucked that loudly and intently for a long while before she arrived, so she figured Katherine would want to suck him to completion.

Then, before he could say more, she saw his bruises and nearly shrieked. "And what happened to your face?!" She raised her hands and clutched at her head. Even though Suzanne had warned her, seeing the damage in the flesh was still a shock.

He chuckled. "Oh, that? I got beat up at school today, thanks to some jealous guys. But it's nothing. The wounds will heal in a couple of days. I even got kicked pretty hard in the nuts, but luckily the pain there passed fairly quickly, kinda like it does when you stub your toe."

Brenda quickly dismissed his wounds, thinking, That's just a minor consequence of fucking the most beautiful girls at school. Which of course he does! He's my master! That's what masters do, especially particularly virile and powerful masters like him. I'll bet he has a dozen busty sex pets at school. He takes all the best looking girls, whether they have boyfriends or not. If you go to his school and you're a stacked and sexy girl, he's gonna fill your cunt with his sperm to his heart's content! That's just a fact! No wonder the other boys are jealous.

In Brenda's mind, with her arousal and anticipation already off the charts, the "a dozen busty sex pets at school" really was a fact, though in reality not even Alan could come close to making that claim. So many busty beauties vie to serve him, including another new one coming to the party tonight! But of all his pets, I'm the one to have the honor to suck his cock next! I'll even get to replace his sister when she's done. I get his cock all to myself for as long as it takes to get him to cum. I'm so excited I don't know if I can stand it!

Alan saw Brenda continuing to stare at Katherine's ass. He couldn't help but grin with pride.

Katherine paid no mind to the interruption, continuing to fondle and stroke her brother's erection with gusto. In fact, sensing that Brenda was likely to soon take over, she upped her efforts even more. In addition to her loud slurping, she added some erotic moaning for Brenda's sake.please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

Brenda was so staggered by what she heard and saw that the room practically seemed to be spinning. She licked her lips hungrily and felt the saliva building up in her mouth. She could hear her heart pounding in her ears.

Trying to impress Brenda, he waited some long moments before saying, "Oh yeah. Excuse my manners. I'm a little distracted by my wonderful sister Katherine down there. I've got a lot of homework to do this week, so all the women are taking turns jacking me and blowing me to help inspire me while I study. Little Vacuum Mouth Sis, you can come out now."

He pulled his chair back, forcing Katherine to disengage.

But Katherine was having too much fun playing with Alan's hot erection to stop until he really insisted. She immediately scooted forward and resumed what she'd been doing, giving Brenda a direct view of her tight sucking technique.

Katherine knew full well that Brenda was watching, so she was determined to put on a good show. She wanted to make it clear to this newcomer that she was fully dedicated to serving her brother's cock. So, after bobbing on him a few times, she lovingly slathered her way up and down his stiff pole from his balls to the tip and back again.

As she did that, she looked Brenda in the eyes, and said, "Hi, Brenda." It was like she was saying without words, "Every inch of this, from top to bottom, belongs to me! He may let you borrow it from time to time, but I own it."

Brenda was rattled by that, and extremely aroused. She just stared as Katherine possessively licked from the tip to base yet again. She had to clutch at her pussy mound for fear that her hcum would start to trickle down her leg. Finally, she replied to her, "Um, hi."

Then she looked to Alan and asked him, "How long has this been going on?"

"Oh, today it's been pretty much all afternoon," he replied casually. He had a slightly pained look on his face, but it was from all the pleasure his sister was giving him. "Like I said, they've been taking turns on my dick while I do my homework." He was deliberately vague to give Brenda an even more arousing impression.

Katherine added boastfully, while switching to lapping against his sweet spot, "Yeah, Amy was just in here a few minutes ago, until her jaw got tired."

Sure enough, Brenda was blown away. She assumed that he'd been sucked non-stop for hours, at the same intensity Katherine was currently sucking him. She was so impressed that she nearly came just from hearing and seeing the way he was continually served. Oh, fuck me! FUCK ME! What a great master! I think I'm gonna pass out!

Her pussy was already leaking like a faucet even before she came into the room. She exclaimed, "Alan! You're such a MAN! It's going to be such a pleasure to serve you. This is what I've been waiting for all my life, but I never knew what I wanted. If Katherine doesn't mind, can I suck your big cock for a while? Um, maybe her mouth is tired and I could take the next turn?"

pαпdα Йᴏνê|,сòМ He didn't reply, because Katherine distracted him by suddenly engulfing his cockhead again and bobbing with great suction. She was convinced that Brenda was going to take over at any moment. So, while she still could, she was even more determined to show Brenda how much she loved her brother, by pleasuring him orally. She put her entire body into it, even swaying her ass back and forth in time to her bobbing.

Brenda's jaw hung open. She very nearly fell to her knees in awe at the sexy sight. But she gathered her wits and took some deep breaths. She looked at Katherine apologetically, and explained, "I hate to interrupt, but Susan and Suzanne said I could have some special one-on-one time with his cock until he came in my mouth. Is that okay? I honestly didn't know you were here already."

"Why are you asking for her permission?" Alan said forcefully. "It's MY dick."

Brenda nearly swooned at that answer.

Katherine was impressed too, even though she knew for sure now that her time was almost over. She let out a muffled moan, since her mouth was stuffed full of cock.

Brenda continued to gawk at Katherine's sliding lips as if it was the first time she'd seen that being done to Alan. She actually forgot to breathe. It took some long moments to recover before she gasped for air, and then asked, "Oh! So sorry, Mas- ... Uh. Alan, would you let me suck it? Please?!"

He tried to act blasé. "Very well, if you insist. But take off that nightie so I can play with your big tits while you do it. In fact, I want you to get completely naked."

He disengaged from Katherine and stood up. "Thanks, Sis! You're the best!"

He sat up on the edge of his bed instead so he could have better access to Brenda's tits.

Katherine sat up on her knees. Her skirt fell back over her ass, leaving her fully dressed. She decided to ham it up for Brenda's sake. She crawled to where he'd moved to, then took his boner back in hand and planted some kisses on and around his cockhead. "No, thank YOU for letting me suck it for such a very long time!"

Then she engulfed it all over again, going as far down as she could, making new choking noises.

After a few bobs, he put his hands on her hand and said, "Okay, that's enough."

She pulled off again and wiped her chin. "Sorry." She looked to Brenda. "I'm sure you know how it is. His cock is something special. It's not like other cocks. Once you start sucking, you can't stop!"

Brenda nodded, unthinkingly agreeing with every word.

Katherine sat back. She had to content herself with just watching.

"Okay!" Brenda loved his order to get naked, since Susan had taught her that the best and "most proper" way of sucking his dick was while naked (except for heels) and on one's knees.

She removed her panties as rapidly as she could, then knelt between his legs. Just doing that was nearly enough to make her giddy and dizzy. She licked her lips some more as she stared at his cum- and saliva-covered erection. It looked red and angry, and seemed to be calling to her, ordering her to suck and serve.

Brenda had to take another moment to try to calm herself down some. Susan and I have talked about this very thing, this very pose, so much, and now it's happening to me again!

She shot a frustrated glance at Katherine, who was kneeling a few feet away with her arms impatiently crossed below her bust. I thought I'd get him totally alone. But of course I have an audience, and a judgmental one at that. That's only right; a sex pet lives a life of constant sexy humiliation!

She greedily grasped Alan's erection and forced herself to calm her ragged breathing. She caressed it like it was a priceless porcelain antique. "Oh Alan, it's everything I could ever want!"

She continued to stall for time until she could calm down enough to fully control her own body and do a good job. She whispered in awe, "So big! So thick!" Then she spoke louder, to be sure he could hear. "Let me help you out."

But it was just too exciting, and her attempts to stay calm failed. She began shaking all over. She grasped one of her nipples with a free hand and let out a piercing scream.

When her obvious orgasm finally ended, he asked, "What was that all about?"

Brenda gushed, "Sorry, I'm just so excited! I got all tingly getting to touch it and everything. And now it's going to go in my mouth! Dear God!"

She had to pause and compose herself yet again.

While she was doing that, he thought, Jesus H. Christ! Talk about an excitable woman. She just had a climax from merely touching my dick? Wow, that must be some kind of new record. And look at her! It's less like she has breasts and more like there are two fleshy bowling balls attached to the front of her chest. But what wonderful soft, wobbly, lightly tanned bowling balls they are!

While Brenda was still gathering her wits, Alan looked at Katherine, who was still kneeling a couple of feet away. "Hey, Sis, sorry to kind of having Brenda take over and all. You know I totally love you and what you were doing to me, but it's hard to resist the thrill of the new..."

Katherine held up a hand and stopped him before he could say more. "Don't worry, it's cool. I know, it's the Coolidge Effect and all that. I'd do the same if I was in your shoes. I mean, look at her!"

Finally, Brenda recovered and grasped his erection again. As she held its warmth, sticky with pre-cum and saliva, she started to stroke it. Oh no! This is my moment. Suzanne said I need to do better than last time. What if I'm not good enough? What if I just don't measure up to his official personal cocksuckers? I may not even be allowed to have him for a master!

She stared intently at his boner, even while the room seemed to spin all around her. Look at all of Katherine's slobber dripping all over it. Even his balls are wet, which shows she's given them a lot of love too. And Amy was in here a little while ago. I'll probably taste her on him too. And who else before that?! That's so fucking hot! But how can I compete, and even rise above all that tough competition?!

She thought about what Susan might do, and then bowed her head and said a little prayer. Dear God, please grant me the talent to give my master a wonderful cocksucking, one that he will truly enjoy. Please inspire me to make it so good and prolonged that he'll want me to suck him again and again and again. Lord, please! I implore You, help me out here! The competition is tough and I don't have the extensive practice they've had. Please help me give him the kind of oral loving that a great master like him truly deserves! In Your holy name, Amen.

Then she engulfed his cockhead. She decided to do that straight off before she lost her nerve. Even as she adjusted to swallowing his thickness, she kept her hands at the base and pumped excitedly.

Almost immediately, a great sense of relief washed through her. Yeeessss! So good! Such a big, long, and THICK cock! This is a cock I could not only love, but worship and adore! She began flicking the tip of her tongue against his sweet spot while her lips slid up and down his shaft.

Alan was still flying high from Katherine's oral attentions even before Brenda started. Now, his pleasure rose yet higher. MAN! I cannot believe how friggin' great life is! What did I do to deserve all this?! Nothing! But who cares? I'm here and loving it!

Brenda had to force herself to calm down again. Although her worry was suddenly gone, she was so overjoyed that she was practically on the verge of hyperventilating. With her mouth completely stuffed with cock, she needed to consciously breathe through her nose to get enough oxygen.

She thought, I have to remember Susan's advice. Calm! Stay calm! Mere bobbing over his incredibly, gloriously thick pole is not enough! I have to use all my oral talents, starting right now!

She resumed her licking and sucking, but with more focus on what she was doing. Soon she was in seventh heaven. Aaaah! This is what it's all about. A busty, beautiful, and totally naked sex pet pleasuring her master's cock! Hnnnggg! Her lord and master! All this hot throbbing cock-meat in my mouth! Yes, yes, YES!

She briefly glanced at Katherine, but she no longer fretted about her critical stare, since she was convinced that she was giving him her best effort. As Susan would say, "Mmmm!" Yes, mmmm! That's so true! MMMM! I wish I could lick him everywhere at once because it's so tasty!

At the same time, Alan was quite ecstatic too. Even as she kept the top third of his dick in her trembling mouth, he reached down and cupped her massive mammaries with both hands. He sighed with pleasure as his fingers sunk into her soft tit-flesh.

Katherine saw that and rolled her eyes. But she was grinning too. For once her jealousy wasn't dominant. That was partly because she'd been stealth stroking and sucking him so long that she was ready for someone else to take over anyway. (While she'd said that Amy had ended her turn a few minutes earlier, that was really just an exaggeration to emphasize the variety of stimulation that he was getting.)

But also, she couldn't help but appreciate the sight of a busty bombshell like Brenda suck with such obvious enthusiasm. Brenda was such an all-around stunning woman that virtually anything she was doing while naked would arouse virtually any human being. Katherine particularly appreciated the way Brenda's huge globes were jiggling and even swinging in Alan's hands in time to the bobbing.

Brenda hadn't been a particularly talented cocksucker over the years, since she rarely did it during her years of marriage. Like many "trophy wives," she withheld sexual favors for other benefits. However, she had learned much recently from Susan and Suzanne, and she'd been practicing on various phallic-shaped objects quite often. Since she'd been given her very of vibrator replica of Alan's penis, her enthusiasm to work on her blowjob stamina and technique had skyrocketed, and all that practice was already paying off.

Plus, she'd actually sucked Alan's real penis for a total of about one hour in recent days, and she'd learned a lot about what he liked the most, as well as what she did the best. Her two former husbands would have been flabbergasted to see her suck with such gusto AND talent.

But despite everything she'd done to him recently, she felt like this was an audition to see if she really measured up to the high standards set by his personal cocksuckers. Determined not to disappoint, she tried every trick she knew to take her oral efforts to a personally unprecedented level. She used both hands to fondle his balls and the lower half of his shaft. Meanwhile, she used her lips and tongue like her life depended on it.

She was particularly talented with her lips. They seemed to stay in constant motion, with great suction, even when she was focusing on tonguing his sweet spot. And concentrating on his sweet spot was what she did the vast majority of the time.

Soon, the workings of her mouth nearly made Alan forget about her giant orbs. But he didn't actually forget, and he stayed a very happy camper playing with them. He particularly liked to toy with her long nipples.

For her, the touch of Alan's hands on her skin was completely electric. She was a highly sensual and sensitive woman, and her orgasms began nearly as soon as he started pulling on her nipples. Oh God! Yes! It's just like Susan says: the more you give, the more you receive! If he keeps doing that I won't even be able to think or suck. I'm gonna cum and cum and cum until I pass out!

Watching Brenda cum continuously was making Katherine jealous. Plus, she was frustrated that Brenda obviously had considerable oral skills and wasn't just all tits and ass. She stood up and started to head to the door.

But Alan motioned with his eyes that his sister stay and watch.

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