6 Times a Day

Chapter 868 Next Is Glory

When Alan got out of the theater room, he once again stopped and rested up against the door.

He sighed. What a day. That was really intense and... weird. But I guess that's par for the course. Tender moments with Heather? REALLY weird! I think that was a pretty good performance on my part, if I do say so myself. Kind of a tag team "Good Alan" and "Bad Alan" effort. If only I could somehow combine these two sides of my personality...

Man, I swear though, I feel like my dick has been pounded by a meat tenderizer. It's okay, but it'll take a couple of hours for it to feel normal. She just has the most insane dick crushing ass!

He was about to head back to his locker to get his books and go home, but then he remembered that he still wasn't done with Glory. He picked up his phone. Guess I'll dial her in and let her know I'm coming.

He turned the settings on both vibrators to six. He knew that was her favorite setting, at least for the vaginal vibrator. That ought to hold her for a while, heh-heh. Maybe she'll even take the six setting as a sign that I have good news for her.

He waited about five minutes, sitting on a curb outside between the theater room area and the main school building. He may have looked refreshed, and he'd rested a while before he woke Heather up, but his body was still exhausted from the sexual marathon with her. He wasn't ready for more sexual hijinks just yet. But every now and then he dialed in different settings to Glory's Televibe.

Eventually, he began to feel like himself again. He walked up to the second floor where Glory's classroom was. He knocked on her door.

After a delay, she let him in.

She looked like a complete wreck.

It had been a major effort for her to merely make it to the door. She immediately hurried back to the chair behind her desk on very wobbly legs, happy to be sitting down again.

ραпdα Йᴏνê|(сòm) "Finally!" she said in an exhausted tone. "I've been waiting SO long!" Her eyelids fluttered as she shivered in the aftermath of another orgasm brought on by her relentless Televibe vibrators. "How, how did it g-go with He-Heather?" she panted.

Alan looked at her eyes and saw they were slightly unfocused. Most of her mind was absorbed by the incredible sensations relentlessly throbbing through her vagina and rectum. He figured the students in fifth and sixth periods had been given and believed the same sickness excuse she'd used in fourth period, but that excuse could only work so many times.

He looked at the clock and saw it was almost four o'clock. Fudge. I have a mountain of homework tonight.

He turned back to Glory as he took his phone out. "It went well. Surprisingly well. She agreed to everything I said, and in a good way. I could hardly believe how good she was about everything. And, in a major coup, I got the key to the theater room. As you may have guessed, that's where all the cheerleader hanky-panky has been going down. Now, you and I can go in there and we'd be even safer than in here."

"Did you have sex with her?"

He looked at her unfocused eyes and heaving chest. If there ever was a time when she was so relentlessly horny that she wouldn't terribly mind hearing that he'd had sex with Heather, this was it.

"Yeah." He stared at the ground sheepishly while admitting that.

"Bitch!" Yet Glory was too spaced out to show the expected fire in her eyes when she usually got angry at Heather. If anything, she seemed to drift even further into some erotic la-la land. She wanted to say, "You really have some gall, coming in here with the stink of Heather's skanky sex on you," but she just couldn't conjure up the energy and willpower to do it.

He just stood there, not sure what she needed. He found it interesting that she put all the blame on Heather, when it takes two to have consensual sex.

But then, out of the blue, she screamed, "Take it out! Please! Can't you take it out already? I can't wait another second!" She closed her eyes and drifted off into a rather tortured sexy whimpering.

He took a good look at her and saw that she was leaking so much that some was even dripping down to the floor. Her skirt was hiked up, so he could see her pussy quite clearly. Even from the distance he stood at, he could easily see the base of the Televibe between her pussy lips, and he could even see the vibrating going on. "Oh. Sorry." He'd forgotten that he'd had her at full blast on both holes for nearly five minutes while he'd wandered back to her classroom.

She pulled her chair away from the desk.

He got between her knees. The musky scent of her arousal between her thighs was incredibly pungent. That was no big surprise since she was literally dripping wet. He pulled the still active vibrator out of her swampy pussy, and as he did so, gave her clit a small tweak.

That set her off. She grabbed at him and clutched at his arms with a death grip while her eyes rolled back into her head. Then she let out a long, "Aaaaaahhhhhh..."

Yet, as soon as she came down again, she still seemed agitated. "The ass! The ass! Please take the anal one out. I've been cumming all day. It's so good, but I can't take it anymore! Too much. Too sensitive." She whimpered even more.

She was limp and out of it, but he managed to lift her up onto the desk and bend her over it so he could get the anal vibrator out of her trembling ass. Only after that came out did she let out a big sigh of relief. "Thank the Lord. Yes! Oh. Too much. Why did I ever let you put something up my ass? My virgin ass! I'll never be the same. I can't even walk anymore. No. Can't walk..."

He left her bent over the desk, panting, until she recovered a bit. He sized her situation up, then announced, "Your skirt is no good. You've got evidence of your cum puddle all over you. Here, let me take it off you."

She lifted up a bit to let him do that.

He took her jacket and blouse off too. "I assume you have spare clothes in your closet?"

She nodded weakly.

He got a change of clothes for her, and also brought out a rag. He wiped her chair clean with it, and generally cleaned things up. He pondered telling her about how she'd very nearly stood in front of her class with her bush visible for all to see during her fourth-period class, but then he decided against it. He figured the Heather news was enough for one day. Plus, if she knew how reckless she'd been, she might not be so reckless again (and especially might not want to use the Televibe anymore). He figured he could tell her some time later, once she'd become more used to wearing the Televibe and better able to use it "responsibly."

Instead, he sat down in her chair, and said, "Glory, you've had a tough day. Very tough. Why don't you come here and sit down in my lap. Tell me all about it."

She managed to pull herself up from where she was flopped over on her desk, but then she immediately turned and flopped herself down all over him. She clung to him as if she was drowning and he was the life raft.

He realized that she was crying. "Why are you crying, my lovely lady?" The loving concern in his voice only made her tears flow more freely.

"I don't know! Tears of relief, tears of joy, even sadness. Jealousy! My pussy actually feels horribly empty now that that demon thing is gone. Can you believe that? Part of me actually misses it even while my butt feels so sore that I can barely sit."

"Don't worry, we can take care of that empty feeling." He opened the fly of his pants and fished out his dick. Somehow he was hard again, even though he was still a bit sensitive and sore from what he'd recently done to Heather. He figured it had something to do with the fact that he was with a different woman than the last time he'd cum. That always seemed to give him an extra oomph.

They were two very sore and tired people, but there was arousal in the air too. He lifted Glory up a bit and then impaled her drenched pussy down onto his stiffness. He did it all within seconds, before she could react in her semi-dazed state.

"No, Alan, no! Don't fuck me! You can't. I just can't take it anymore. My pussy needs a rest. Although... It does feel good. Sooooo fucking good..." She sighed in exhausted happiness as her resistance to being filled again crumbled. "So full... Oh yes... So much better than empty. But no fucking, please."

"If you don't want me to, we don't have to. Let's just stay like this." He held her close to him with all the warmth and tender love he felt for her. He was actually relieved that she didn't want to fuck, as he was still recovering, both mentally and physically.

She seemed quite satisfied to just feel the fullness of his erect dick inside her. She cooed, "Mmmm. Feels so good... It's ALWAYS so good with you..."

But then, managing her normal voice for the first time since he'd entered the room, she chided, "Young man, you're a sexual beast, you know that? How can you even be erect after no doubt fucking Heather's pussy good and hard? You're not human!"

He smiled wryly. "How do you know I fucked Heather's pussy? I said I had sex with her, but that could mean a lot of things."

"Young man, you can't fool me. You have some kind of homing device between your legs. If it gets within twenty feet of a pussy, it finds a way in. Though in her case I'll bet you did her ass. God, that's so nasty! How can you put your thing up there? ... I hope at least you really gave it to her good and made her suffer."please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

He playfully flexed his erection repeatedly while deep inside Glory.

That caused her to whimper even more as her tired vaginal muscles woke up again and started fluttering around his manhood.

He fondly recalled the way he'd anally pounded Heather. He knew better than to say his thoughts out loud though.

Glory went completely limp in his arms and all the tension drained out of her.

He could feel the urge to properly fuck her welling up inside of him, especially given the way her pussy muscles were practically suckling on his cock, but he knew that wouldn't be wise for either of them at the moment. Simply filling her was what was needed right now.

He focused on talking instead. "Oh, she got it good, all right. But let's not talk about her. Let's talk about you."

But Glory wasn't ready to drop the topic. Gritting her teeth even as her hips settled lower to take another inch more of him inside her, she said, "I can't believe this cock that's balls-deep in me now was balls-deep in Heather mere minutes ago. That's so wrong. Much less her ass."

Her eyes opened wide with alarm. "Jesus! I hope you washed up thoroughly!"

"I did." That was true, luckily enough, since there was a sink in the theater room.

He tapped her on the shoulder, so she slowly lifted her head enough to see his face. He kissed her in tender small kisses, starting from her ear and going across her face until he ended at the tip of her nose.

He flexed his erection, which instigated a gasping groan of delight and a series of strong answering vaginal twitches from his teacher. But then the two of them just sat there for a while, joined but without any more physical movement.

Then he winked at her, eyes sparkling with mischief, and said in his best deep, loving, suburban husband voice, "So honey, how was your day?"

"Uh-oh. Young man, why do I get the feeling that another one of your crazy role-plays is about to begin?"

He laughed and kissed her on the nose again, even as he felt her vagina flutter around his buried length. "I dunno. Pretty crazy. So anyways, honey, how was your day at the office?" His intention was to launch into a husband and wife skit while starting to thrust into her ever so slowly and gently.

She grinned, and her energy level picked up a little bit, as she realized what he was trying to do. She gamely responded, "Oh, good. You know, the usual: lots of paperwork, hassles, and bullshit. How was your day? Did anything interesting happen to you?"

He didn't see much erotic potential in this scenario they'd kind of fallen into, so he boldly shook things up. "As a matter of fact, yes. You know that beautiful new secretary, Heather?"

Glory tensed up. "Yes?"

"I fucked her."


Of course, he had just told her that he'd really fucked Heather a short time earlier, and now he was basically confessing that again, only inside the role-play.

But Glory nonetheless got really upset about it all over again. Still, she kept to the scenario. "Honey! How could you do that?! I'm your wife! How do you think that makes me feel?!"

"I'm sorry, dear. I didn't mean to, honestly. It's just that, well, she came into my office to deliver some papers and my personal secretary Amy, well, she was being very personal. She was on her knees sucking my cock."

Glory chortled. She was doubly amazed at his chutzpah. For one, he was going over the top as far as being a husband in a role-play talking about his day, and for another, in so doing that, he reminded her of the fact that he really was fucking other women, including Amy and Heather.

But Glory also was increasingly aroused, thanks to the fact that he was fully impaled inside her, plus her long Televibe stimulation, so she gamely pretended distress, but only mild distress. "Honey! If I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times - why do you always have to have your secretary suck your cock so much?"

"I'm sorry, dear. I must admit, I'm terribly weak about that. I keep trying to cut down, but she's just so good at it."

Glory replied, "I know, but really! She even comes to our house on the weekends just to suck your cock and get fucked. Heck, I've lost track of all the times she's slept in our bed with us. It seems to me like you're not trying very hard to cut back." She figured that she could cope with Alan's promiscuity by exaggerating it to absurd levels (although that was a bit difficult in his case, since the reality was pretty hard to believe already).

He could see that she was picking up on his intention, and he ran with it. "I know, dear. I'm so sorry. I guess I'm not trying that hard. In fact, I have to admit that I kinda fucked Amy a little bit today too."

Glory snorted. "Is that all? When do you NOT fuck her at least 'a little bit?' My God, she was at our house all weekend, and she didn't wear a stitch of clothing the entire time."

"Hmmm. That's true." Seeing that Glory was having fun with this, and was feeling better all the time, he started churning his boner around in her pussy as best he could. Meanwhile, he tried to raise the absurdity level. "It's just that, well, it's kind of surprising that I managed to fuck both her and Heather today, considering that the secretaries were having another one of their blowjob contests. And, as usual, they all wanted to practice exclusively on me."

Glory snickered. "ANOTHER one? What's that, the third one this week? Not to mention the ones you have at our house."

He asked with faked innocence, "How can they get really good if they don't practice a lot?"

"I know, I know. But it's amazing you don't lose your job, since you do so little work!"

He smirked. "Yeah, well, you know, Jane owns the company, and as long as she wins the blowjob contest more than the rest, she's happy."

Glory teasingly said, "Too bad she's seventy-eight years old." Ha-ha! Gotcha on that one!

He shook his head with chagrin and amusement at that unexpected turn. Then he gamely replied, "True. So it sure is a lucky break that we've perfected that anti-aging drug. You'd be amazed - she doesn't look a day over thirty. We're gonna make billions!"

Glory rolled her eyes. "Touché." She shook her head. "I'm tempted to give her and you an incurable venereal disease, but I'll play nice."

"Thank you," he replied. "Besides, I just found out that they've found a cure for that disease, whatever it is."

She laughed. But then she grew a bit more thoughtful. "If only we could control real life events so easily. 'Blowjob contest!' Yeah, right!" She snorted. "Of course, in your case, that's probably happened. Or it will."

"Nah. Not even I am that lucky." That was technically true, but he was also sure that he could make one happen this very evening at home if he wanted to. He wanted Glory to get used to the fact that he had other lovers, but he didn't want her to know just how wild his sex life really was.

She said, "Okay, young man. Your twisted role-play ideas got me fully aroused somehow, which wasn't too hard since I was already out-of-my-mind horny when you came in. But, more impressive, I'm reasonably energized too. I think we've had enough of this silly talking. Why don't you just shut up and fuck me? Fuck me good!"

He saluted. "Yes, ma'am!" Then he started thrusting in earnest.

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