6 Times a Day

Chapter 869 Susan X Brenda

pαпdα-ňᴏνê|·сóМ Brenda was sitting on her bed, fully dressed and typing on her laptop computer, when the phone rang. She picked it up after the first ring and asked eagerly, "Hello?"

"Hi, Brenda, it's Susan."

"Oh, thank GOD! I'm so glad to hear from you! I've been waiting all day for this. I tried calling several times, but never got an answer. I figured you were busy with Xania. So I thought, 'Okay, Brenda, calm down, girl. Don't be too needy. Let Susan call first.' And now you did!"

Susan chuckled at Brenda's enthusiasm. "So... it was that good last night, was it? I'll bet you have a lot to say about what my son did to you."

"I do! Oh, boy, do I ever! But, you know what? It would be soooo much better if we could talk in person. Besides, I can't wait to see the photos you took!"


"Sure! Don't you remember when you came into Alan's bedroom last night, even as he was balls-deep in me, and then tenderly held my hand? I was so touched! Somehow, I feel that brought us even closer than before. And then you took the photos of him spearing me and pounding me! I'm going to treasure those forever, I'm sure!"

Susan smiled in fond memory. "Oh, yes. Those pictures. I forgot for a moment, sorry. So much has happened since then. You won't believe what a crazy morning I've had, especially with Xania. It's been non-stop excitement!"

"I'll bet! And I can't wait to find out. But please, before we get started, can we talk in person? It's soooo much better that way, and hopefully I can see those photos too!"

Susan seriously considered that. "Well... my only concern is that I'm kind of tired. I've had a LOT of orgasms today. Less than an hour ago, Suzanne and I were in my bed, celebrating, and that's just the most recent of a long series of sexually taxing events. My pussy is really weary."

"I promise I'll be good. I promise!"

Susan chuckled. "What does that mean? We know that we'll both be naked within five minutes of you arriving, and masturbating and cumming over and over again not long after that. There are too many highly arousing things to talk about to stay calm."

"That's true," Brenda admitted. "But please! I'm dying here! I've been holding out all day, just waiting to talk to you. Did you know that Alan not only gave me the fucking of my life, he even called me 'slave?!'"




"YES!" Brenda giggled, because they were doing the "no" and "yes" back-and-forth again. "I tell you, it's true! And he let me call him 'master' many times without complaint. That pretty much makes it official: he IS my master! He even said that I could call him that from now on!"

Susan gasped. That was an even bigger surprise. "NO!"

"YES!" Brenda explained, "It's true, he limited it to sexual situations, but the way I figure, every time I'm with him is a sexual situation! We're slowly wearing him down. If he gets used to me calling him 'master,' it won't be long until he accepts you calling him that too. And then we'll both be his sex pets, even his sex SLAVES! And not just in our eyes, but in his eyes, which is what matters most! Then we'll be able to live our mutual dream of pleasuring and worshipping his cock, for decades to come!"

Susan was already panting with lust. "Oh, gosh! This is too exciting! Okay, Brenda, come over. Meanwhile, I'm going to take a bath to at least try to give my pussy a chance to recover, if only for a short while. I'll leave the front door unlocked. Let yourself in, lock it behind you, and then meet me upstairs... naked!"

Brenda pumped a fist in the air. "YEEESSSS! Great! That sounds like a plan! I'll see you soon!" She hung up the phone and shot off to get ready.

About twenty minutes later, Brenda found herself at the Plummer front door. Following Susan's instructions, she let herself in, locked the door behind her, then removed all her clothes. She even left her feet bare, since Alan wasn't there to appreciate high heels.

Her heart pumped wildly as she walked naked up the stairs. Wow! This is too exciting! Even though Master is at school, just being completely naked in his house gives me such a strong, warm 'sex pet' feeling. It's like he doesn't even have to be nearby to control me!

Soon, she reached the door to Alan's bedroom. She had to stop and stare at the door. Wow again! WOW! Right there, right beyond that door is where it happened. Where my master took me and tamed me and made me want to devote my life to serving his cock! Oh Gaawwwd! I'm sorely tempted to open the door and peek inside, just to savor more completely what happened there last night. But that would be wrong. My life is all about service and obedience now, and I don't have his permission. Besides, I can't wait to see Susan and the photos!

With that thought in mind, she continued on down the hall. But merely passing by Alan's door had made her extremely giddy and energized. After taking a few more steps, she shouted, "Susan? It's me, Brenda!"

She heard Susan shout back, "Oh, hi there! Just a minute!"

Brenda paused at the door to Susan's bedroom. She figured Susan wanted to get out of the bathtub and dry herself off, at least. She slid a hand down her curvaceous body and reached back to explore her bare ass cheeks. God, this is so bizarre, standing naked like this in someone else's house. But it's good. As Susan has pointed out, frequent humiliation is a big part of our new lifestyle. Sex pets can't expect any dignity.

She heard Susan call out, "Brenda, are you... presentable?"

Brenda replied, "If by 'presentable' you mean buck naked from head to toe, then yes, I am."

She heard Susan giggle, then say, "Good! Same here!" Then there were the sounds of someone walking to the door, quickly followed by its opening.

Brenda gasped in genuine awe as she saw Susan standing there in all her naked glory. Of course she'd seen her naked before, but she was astonished all over again just the same. "Good... GRIEF, woman! You're a total BABE!"

Susan smiled widely and grinned. "Why, thank you. And so are you."

Brenda continued, "If I EVER have ANY doubt about why a woman like me has found myself living a lifestyle like this, all I have to do is look at you, or Suzanne, or one of our master's other lovers. Anyway..."

She stepped forward and wrapped her arms around Susan while Susan did the same to her. Then they locked lips.

They stood there in Susan's doorway for several minutes, making out. They fondled each other freely, although Brenda generally avoided Susan's pussy due to Susan's concerns about her pussy being worn out from earlier action that day.

There was a great deal of tit rubbing and tit fondling.

After a while, Brenda broke the kissing to say, "You know what's extra fun?"

"What's that?"

"Rubbing my breasts against yours. Or, more accurately, our tits. BIG tits! It makes me think about how beautiful and busty all of our master's sex pets are. He only picks the best of the best! I like to think about him watching our breasts sliding against each other, and how much he enjoys that. It's like he's standing right over there." She nodded towards an empty spot in the room.

Susan moaned lustily. "Oh God! Don't even say that!" She didn't say more, and instead French kissed Brenda yet again.

Even more tit rubbing and sliding ensued, as both of them imagined Alan watching.

The two of them wound up on Susan's bed minutes later, with Susan lying on top. She had both hands on the outer sides of Brenda's massive boobs, and she was playfully pushing them together. "Okay, Mrs. J-Cups, let's talk! You know what I want to hear the most: how did it feel..." - she paused to crane her head down and kiss her way down to the top of Brenda's cleavage - "...to be fucked..." - she kept on kissing down the line of Brenda's pressed-together tits - "by our... our master?"

Brenda laughed with pure glee. "It feels great to say that, doesn't it? 'Master.' 'Our master.'"

"It does! It's so liberating! For the longest time, I was afraid to say that, or even think it. But at least I can with you." Susan was slowly kissing and licking her way towards Brenda's left nipple. She muttered between kisses, "Mmmm... Our master... my son, my master... MMMM!"

Brenda asked, "You know one great thing about last night? Up until then, I'd had this nagging, niggling voice in my head, telling me that this submissive path I've been pursuing is wrong. Making me feel guilty. Usually I could ignore it, but it was almost always there. But after what he did to me, the way he fucked me... it's gone! I woke up this morning, and it was still gone! UNGH!"

She grunted loudly, because Susan finally reached her nipple and started suckling. She put her hands on Susan's head, as if to push her away, except that she didn't. "Oh no! What are you doing to me?! Don't do that! It feels too good!"

Susan just chuckled and kept right on sucking, while pinching Brenda's other nipple at the same time.

Brenda was panting hard, but she soon was able to cope with her great pleasure enough to resume talking. "You meanie! You never listen to what I say." She slapped at the top of Susan's head, but it was a playful love tap. "Anyway, Master fucked me soooo good, soooo deep, and soooo long! HIs cock is so big and my cunt is so small... It makes such a wonderful squeeze! Honestly, looking back now, I STILL can't believe it! I thought he'd tamed me already, but I was wrong. In a way he had, but last night he tamed me to an entirely new level that blows away how I felt before."

Susan paused in her nipple play long enough to ask, "So is that why the nagging voice is gone?"

"Yes! He kept on fucking and fucking me! Even when I told him to stop, he didn't! It was sooooo intense! It was like I died a thousand times, but in the best possible way! I came so many times! Heck, the entire thing was like one endless orgasm! Nothing else compares! Not even blowing him!"please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

Susan was having a grand time suckling on Brenda's nipples while listening. She'd just switched to the right nipple, to give them equal time. But upon hearing that last comment, she stopped and lifted her head up to make eye contact. "NO! Are you serious?!"

"Of course! I mean every word!"

Susan sat all the way up, suddenly much more interested in the conversation than Brenda's nipples. "Yes, I know you mean the gist of it, but we're all guilty of getting a little carried away with our colorful language from time to time. Do you really, truly mean that being fucked by him is even BETTER than sucking his cock?!"

Brenda sat up too, raising a hand as if taking a solemn oath. That set her great globes bouncing. "I do! Absolutely. And I say that feeling the exact same way that you do, that I'd rather be sucking his cock than doing anything else! Except for this!"

Susan gave her a skeptical look.

Brenda continued sincerely,"Maybe not every time; I don't know. He's only fucked me once, after all. But last night was the best sexual experience of my life, bar none! Even better than any blowjob or titfuck with him!"

Susan stared off into space, trying to process that. She muttered doubtfully, "Hmmm..."

Brenda tenderly put a hand on Susan's shoulder, resuming eye contact with her friend. "Is that such a big surprise? After all, he's fucked your ass. Wasn't that at least as good as blowing him?"

Susan frowned and fretted as she considered that. "Well, I don't know. It's so hard to say. It's like comparing apples and oranges. I love both things a great deal, and titfucks are right up there too. But none of those are heads and shoulders above the others to the point that there's absolutely no question about it. Yet that's exactly how you're making it sound!"

Brenda said excitedly, "Because that's exactly how I feel!" She gripped Susan's hand. "Susan, your time is coming soon. You know it, he knows it, everyone knows it. You seem to have mentally readied yourself for that. He's going to fuck you! And not just once or twice. Once he gets started, he's going to want to do it all the time! And he will! So soon enough, you'll know exactly what I mean. Then you can judge for yourself."

Susan sighed in frustration. "Oh, Brenda! Your words are like torture to me. A kind of pleasurable torture, if that's at all possible. I want him to fuck me so very, very much, and after what you said I want it even more! But it can't possibly be as good as you say! I mean... even better than blowjobs?! Sucking his cock holds a VERY special place in my heart and in my life, as you know. I love it more than words can say! Other things might come close, or maybe even equal it, but nothing can surpass it!"

Brenda shrugged. "Well, to each her own. Maybe you're more orally fixated and it'll be different for you. But I doubt it."

Susan asked, "What about the sheer joy of just kneeling naked between his legs? I get such a thrill from being so helpless and dominated, before I even put my lips to his shaft."

Brenda's eyes lit up with renewed excitement. "I know exactly what you mean, but those feelings are even stronger when he fucks you! The thing is, I've never felt so helpless! So utterly helpless! I've bees fucked many times before, by my two husbands. That was good, and sometimes even great, but this was completely off the charts by comparison! Master fucked me until I had some really great orgasms, and that was awesome. But this was the clincher!"

She grasped Susan's hand again, as if to make sure Susan had braced herself for what would be said next. "He didn't stop there! In fact, he was just getting started! My husbands would have tired out or climaxed long before then, but our master, he seems able to last just as long as he wants! He just KEPT! ON! GOING! Like I said, I felt completely helpless. I was like a limp rag, completely wiped out. Half dead, practically! But he kept on fucking and fucking until it became kind of a transformative experience for me. I can't even explain it!"

She let go of Susan's hand to wave her hands in the air, gesticulating in frustration. That set her massive tits swaying. "It's like... some kind of 'join or die' experience. I had to completely give myself over to being fucked to death. To DEATH! That's practically what it felt like! Life, death - it didn't matter. I had no choice. I was being fucked to some other zone, some other world. Like I said, it was one endless orgasm, but it was beyond mere orgasms. I kept on rising higher and higher, like, like... some kind of religious epiphany! Except it was a sexual epiphany! You and I, we've talk a lot about being tamed. But this was TRULY being tamed! Totally fucking TAMED!"

She concluded dramatically, "I belong to him now, whether he knows it or not, whether he accepts it or not! I have no say in the matter, not after last night! Mind you, I love sucking his cock. I'll drop to my knees and worship his great big cock with my tongue, lips and fingers anytime, anywhere! But what happened last night was something else altogether. It makes me damn proud to call myself one of his many sex pets!"

Susan stared at Brenda in wonder. She looked up and down Brenda's nude body, which appeared even more impressive than usual due to the way her friend was proudly arching her back and thrusting her tits forward. "Wow! You... you really mean all that, don't you?!"

"I do! And it's troubling, because he doesn't feel the same way about me. I find myself falling in love with him more and more every day. I do truly mean that: I'm falling in love with him! How could I not, after an experience like last night? I think there's some kind of chemical thing that goes on in our bodies that bonds us to men who take total possession of our hearts and minds with so many powerful orgasms. But, even so, it's clear that he doesn't feel nearly the same way about me. Heck, I'm still not even one of his official personal cocksuckers."

Susan asked, "Surely you are by now, no?"

"No. We talked about it last night, actually. He said almost, but not quite. He was fucking me at the time, which was great, except that he said he can't make it official unless my lips are sliding up and down his thick shaft at the time, preferably with you and Suzanne watching."

(Alan hadn't actually said that the two mothers needed to be watching, but that's how Brenda recalled it, because that's how she envisioned her ideal scenario.)

Susan clutched at her ample bare chest with both hands. "Oh my goodness! That's... SO HOT!" Upon reflection, she added, "You have to admit, it's harsh but fair. Plus, it's VERY appropriate. It puts you in your place both symbolically and literally."

"I know! I know! Things like that make me want him even more!"

Susan raised an eyebrow due to the mention of love.

Brenda saw that, and hastened to add, "Don't worry. You may be concerned to hear that I'm falling in love with him, but I would never want him all for my very own. I love being part of a harem. I love having to share him. It's an integral part of the whole experience. I find my feelings growing for you, Suzanne, and everyone else here pretty much on a daily basis. Everything is so great, and only getting better! Like I told you on the phone, he actually called me his 'slave!'"

Susan leaned forward and gave Brenda a hug. She felt shivers down her spine, seemingly down to her very soul. "Congratulations on that! That is a major victory for you. For all of us!"

"Thank you!" They shared another French kiss, but only a short one since their bodies weren't well positioned for prolonged necking.

Susan sat back, and said, "Thanks for being honest about your feelings for him. I must admit I'm a little concerned that your feelings for him are growing so strong, so fast, but it's understandable after things like what he did to you last night. As long as you accept certain limits, such as how much time you can be with him, and that Suzanne and I call the shots about your access to him, everything will be okay."

Brenda nodded. "It's tough, but it is what it is. Things like this help a lot - being able to talk at length with you. I really mean it when I say that sharing him is a big part of why I love all of this so much. Not only does talking to you and the others help me process what's happening, but it's darn fun! It's like a multiplier effect: every time I have some sexual fun with him, I know I'm going to have yet more fun sharing it with you later, and masturbating by myself about it too."

Susan beamed. "Amen to that. I feel exactly the same way."

Brenda suddenly perked up. "Hey! Speaking of sharing, where's your camera? Let's download those pictures you took last night and share them together. You do have the capability of looking at them on your computer, don't you?"

"Of course. In fact, to be honest, I've already downloaded them. Just after you called, I went downstairs and loaded them up. Then I took a sneak peek."

Brenda was beyond eager. "And? And?!"

"And... it was too much! Too hot! I took one look at a photo of him well and truly balls-deep in you, and I couldn't stand it! I had to look away. I rushed upstairs and started my bath instead."

Brenda wasn't dissuaded. "That's great! This time, we can look at ALL of them, together! Then, while we look, I can tell you in great detail the whole story of how he fucked me, thrust by glorious thrust! After that, you can tell me about what happened with Xania this morning. I take it he fucked her good too?"

"He did. Outside." Susan grinned slyly, knowing that would make a big impact.

"WHAT?!" Brenda's arms flopped up and down in agitation. "How?! Where?! And when? Didn't he have to go to school?"

"That was before school. He woke up extra early to give her a long fucking... in the backyard! Right by the pool! And the whole time, she was still bound tightly with rope!"

"NO! NO WAY!" Brenda pushed both hands against Susan's shoulders, as if she wanted to get away from such a blatant liar.



"I tell you, it's true! It was soooo hot! I can't wait to tell you all about it. Not to mention everything that happened even after he left. Suzanne, Xania, and I had a lot of good times. But... but... there's just one problem."

"What's that?" Brenda was lightly caressing her huge knockers from underneath.

Susan stared shyly down into the bed. "Well, it's just... my desire, my need, for my son to fuck me is sky-high already. I used to be able to put that off by thinking entirely about blowjobs and titfucks, but that doesn't work anymore. I think about getting fucked constantly! My gosh, I want to be fucked so very, very badly! But the time still isn't right, not if we're gonna do it right. If I hear you go on and on about how great it is, I know it's gonna frustrate me to no end."

Brenda flashed her a naughty grin. "So be it. Tell me you don't want to look at the photos, and I'll look at them by myself. You can go back to taking a bath. Give yourself a nice rest."

There was a long pause. Then Susan sighed. "You know I can't do that. How can I resist?!"

Brenda abruptly stood up. Then she took Susan's hand and started to pull her to her feet. "Then let's do it! Come on; it'll be fun! What's better than a couple of naked big-titted sex pets talking about getting fucked by their master? You're gonna get so hot and horny that you won't even believe it!"

Susan sighed again. "I know. That's what I worry about. But... okay!" She smiled, and let herself be pulled erect. They shared another passionate kiss while rubbing their massive racks together.

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