6 Times a Day

Chapter 891 Blowing Continued

There was no talking for several minutes while Alan, Katherine, and Susan ate. Worried about being late to school, Alan ate quickly to make up for lost time.

pαпdα-ňᴏνê|·сóМ Katherine frequently giggled, and even Susan sometimes snickered, due to the frequently changing expressions on his face. He often looked like he was in extreme agony, but they knew he was experiencing extreme pleasure instead. It was amusing to see his efforts to look normal and breathe normally.

He tried to psych himself up. Come on! You can do this! This is a big part of the fantasy for all involved, that I proceed to eat breakfast just like she isn't there. Even though she's so dang loud with her slurping and sliding! Heck, I can even hear her tongue lapping on my sweet spot, like a thirsty cat at a water bowl! And then there's the smell. Don't get me started with the smell! Brenda's more pungent, since she leaks so much. It's like we're inside a wet pussy, the sex smell is so thick in the air!

But I can handle it. I'm chill. I'm relaxed. This is the new normal, right? Soon, most every breakfast is going to be like this. Fuuuuck! Don't even think that! Too arousing. Heck, don't think about anything!

He was flexing his PC muscle non-stop already. He had to briefly stop eating to practice some slow breathing exercises, almost like meditation. That helped a lot. Step by step, day by day, he was learning to "endure" truly remarkable levels of sexual arousal without cumming quickly.

It helped that he was developing a simple form of non-verbal communication with Brenda. She had caught on that when he put his hands on her head, that meant she needed to slow down and ease up. He had to touch her head, and sometimes even repeatedly tap it, every minute or two.

Brenda knew from his tapping and touching that he wanted her to take it easy on him, but the entire situation of being naked under the table with the other three eating and talking, was too thrilling for her to control herself much. Now that she'd fully given in to her submissive urges, this was like Heaven on Earth. But enough of her old way of thinking remained to remind her how "wrong" and taboo this was, and that drove her wild.

Once he finished his waffles and eggs, he just had some fruit and a muffin to go, so he slowed his rapid eating.

Susan and Katherine were finishing up and slowing down too. That allowed all of them to resume talking. Susan was the first to speak. "Isn't this nice, the three of us getting to eat breakfast together? Between the cooking and the cock pleasuring every morning, I so rarely get to sit down with my children. I say we should do this more often!" She asked Katherine, "What do you think?"

Katherine asked, "What, have Brenda help under the table?"

"Not just Brenda. She's got Adrian to care of most mornings. But we could have various special guests to help during breakfast after you and I give him a prolonged wake-up blowjob together. Suzanne or Amy could get away early from time to time, I'm sure. Then there's Xania, after staying the night from one of our parties. Or Akami. I'll bet that she-"

Alan cut her off. "Hold on. Can we talk about spoiling me too much? I hate to look a gift horse in the mouth. Especially since Brenda is STILL putting so much effort and passion into what she's doing." He had to let out a heavy sigh, like he did after most every sentence, because it was an effort to talk while getting one's cock sucked this well. "I'm still floating on air, no doubt! But, something feels wrong about this. Immoral, even. No man should ever feel THIS much pleasure. It's way too imbalanced."

Katherine spoke seriously. "Brother, I think you mean well, but you're misguided. You don't understand! It's like what Mom said earlier: this is more for Brenda than for you. Sure, you're enjoying it, but that's almost a side effect. What about her? She longs to be a good sex pet for you, and this is what good sex pets do. She's having the time of her life! I guarantee it!"

She gave Brenda's side a gentle nudge with her knee. "What do you say, Brenda?"

Brenda had been suckling non-stop through the entire meal, and she relished being "forgotten" under the table and unable to speak due to her busy mouth. But she pulled her lips off to answer. "Of course I'm having the time of my life!"

Brenda peered up at Alan from under the table edge, just barely managing to make eye contact, even as she continued to stroke and lick his throbbing pole. "Master, I love making you feel good. That makes me feel good. That's what being a busty sex pet is all about: the joy of serving, and of servitude!"

She simply lapped on his sweet spot as she considered what else to say. Her fingers were busy fondling his balls too. Finally, she went on, "This is about as happy as I've ever been, not counting the time you fucked me to Heaven and back. Katherine is right. This is what good sex pets do. Honestly, these are the times I live for! I know that's hard for you to understand, maybe impossible, since you're the opposite of submissive. But if it helps you, consider that I'm sure I'm feeling even more sexual pleasure than you are right now. I've had several orgasms already, and I can feel a really big one coming on!"

He asked, "You have?! I didn't notice anything."

She continued to lick as she explained, "Women have different kinds of orgasms. There are the really big ones, the screamers, but that's just one kind. Did you notice how I only have one hand on your balls about half the time? That's because I'm periodically fingering myself and cumming every now and then. I know you'll find this hard to believe, but as high on lust as you feel, I'm sure I feel even higher!"

Feeling that she'd made her point, she engulfed his cockhead again and resumed her happy bobbing.

He winced, due to another surge of intense arousal when she reestablished her tight lip-lock around his shaft.please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

She moaned loudly and with obvious erotic pleasure as her lips got busy sliding again.

He wondered if she was exaggerating for effect, or if her moan truly reflected how overjoyed she felt. He looked to Susan and then to Katherine.

They both nodded with great sincerity. Susan said, "it's true, Son. This is a classic win-win situation. I know a lot of women are said not to enjoy blowjobs. I don't know what their deal is; I can't speak for them. But just because the woman does all the work, don't think of this as a selfish act."

Katherine chimed in, "Hey, I know. Think of it just like fucking. That can be selfish, or not, depending on how it's done. A guy can fuck a woman and leave her frustrated and unsatisfied, or he can fuck her until she actually passes out from erotic overload, and there are all points in between. It's the same thing with a blowjob, or titfuck, or other things. There are so many things that go into it. Heck, I'd say the mental part is more important than the physical."

Susan said, "I'd agree with that. Son, you say you're not doing anything, but that's not true. You've created this situation where she's naked and kneeling under the table, with two of us watching. That's half of it, right there."

Katherine nodded. "More than half! Such delicious humiliation! Peek under the table and take a good look at her face."

He did so, scooting his chair back to see more.

Katherine asked, "Is her face red from blushing?"

He nodded. It was an extremely sexy sight. He was so wildly aroused that he was right on the cusp of climax.

Katherine stated, "Think about it. She's been at it for the entire breakfast, and her face is STILL that red! Can you imagine how totally horny and embarrassed she is, non-stop, from this situation? I'll bet you can't, not really, but I can. I get shivers just thinking about being in her place, especially since I know I will very frequently from now on."

Susan chimed in, "Me too, Angel. Tiger is going to make us suck him through countless thousands of meals in the years to come. But I bet I'll never get over being humiliated about it!"

"Totally!" Katherine agreed. "Same here. Some things are so far from the social norm that there's no getting used to it. I mean, Brother, when we talk about Brenda being your sex pet, that's not just talk! She's a grown woman who's willing to crawl around nude on all fours for you, just like a real pet!"

Brenda moaned extra loudly upon hearing that. It's true! And I don't even care anymore! They're right that one can never get over the humiliation, but I've given up trying to resist. This is who I am! Master's cock is in my mouth, and that's Heaven!

Alan was having to hold her head still with both hands as best he could, because he was still on the verge and she was showing no restraint. She was far too gone for that.

Katherine continued, "Think about it: will she ever be in any other relationship in her life where doing this kind of thing is possible? I'll bet not. Never! Has anyone else she's ever met earned the title of 'Master?' No! Not even her two ex-husbands. You set the scene in all kinds of intangible ways."

Susan added, "It's true. Son, you have a special way of totally humiliating us without actually being mean or cruel about it. The way you make me feel, us feel, is simply out of this world!"

Brenda moaned loudly and affirmatively as she noisily bobbed on him. "Mmmm-HMMM!"

He suddenly exclaimed, "Okay, that's enough! Strategic break time!" He felt he had no choice but to say that, since his cum need was getting too urgent. Knowing Brenda didn't have a lot of self-control when she got this horny, he used his hands on her head to rather forcefully push her back until her mouth was off his throbbing erection.

He closed his eyes and slumped in his seat.

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