6 Times a Day

Chapter 892 Suzanne - Alan's Other Personal Cocksuckers Find Your Efforts...? 6K

Susan took a peek under the table. "Tut-tut! Brenda, you heard him. Stop stroking him too. Part of being a personal cocksucker is knowing when to slow down or stop."

Luckily, Brenda got that message. She let go of his privates altogether so she wouldn't be tempted.

A couple of minutes passed without anyone speaking. Finally, Alan opened his eyes. "Okay, where was I?"

Brenda had been waiting for that signal. She engulfed his cockhead again and resumed bobbing on him.

He chuckled at that. He patted her head to get her attention. "Hey, take it easier this time, okay?"

"Mmmm!" She resolved to be more obedient. The two or so minutes' rest gave her a chance to cool down some, so she was more in control - at least for now.

Seeing he was ready to talk some more, Katherine prodded him, "You asked 'where was I.' We were talking about some of the reasons Brenda loves doing this to you as much or more as you love it. This is for her more than you."

He sighed, remembering that line of discussion again. "Oh yeah, thanks. That may be. I kind of get that. But still, all this lavish loving is warping me. How can I ever be normal again? How can I go to school, and in just a little while, mind you... Yikes! What time is it?!"

Susan patted one of his hands on the table. "Don't worry about it. You've got twenty more minutes, at least."

He looked at her skeptically. "If you say so. Anyway, how can I sit in class and try to act like just another student after a 'breakfast' like this? It's total mental whiplash. Worse, how long will it be before I come to expect this kind of treatment all the time, and even demand it? I don't want to be that guy, that arrogant asshole guy. But I feel like it's almost inevitable."

He sighed again and listened to Brenda's joyous slurping. He was running a hand through her short hair in a relaxed way. He was glad that she wasn't sucking him so intently anymore. "Look. I'm not saying this has to stop. I'm enjoying it too much to even be able to think that. But let's at least have SOME limits. Okay? For instance, no more special guests at breakfast. Mom and Sis, you already spoil me rotten every single morning. Any more, and I'll be too weirded out to even function in school. Let's save that sort of thing for AFTER school."

Susan nodded. "Okay, fair enough. No more special guests in the morning, at least for a while, until you get used to things." She was careful to leave that large loophole. "By the way, have you finished eating?"

He looked down at his plate. He'd only eaten half of his muffin, but he was full. He'd finished the rest. "Yeah, I guess so."

Brenda suddenly applied much more suction and began bobbing faster. She was listening carefully, and she was worried that her time was running out.

Susan asked him, "Is that all you wanted to say, about your issues?"

pαпdα Йᴏνê|,сòМ "I suppose."

"Good. I thought you'd say more. As it is, we should have just enough time. Angel, can you take Brenda to the bathroom and help her get ready?"

"Sure thing." Katherine stood up.

Brenda pulled her lips off again, then crawled out from under the table. After briefly bowing in Alan's direction, she silently took Katherine's hand and walked away with her. Curiously, she put her hands behind her head as she bowed, making it an even more submissive pose, even though no one had told her to do so.

On the way out, Katherine stopped by the phone, called somebody, spoke only a few words, and then hung up.

He noticed that, and thought, Weird, man! What was that about? Everything's so friggin' weird this morning. For instance, Brenda just bowed at me. Bowed! After all she did to my dick, she bows at me as if she was thanking me for the pleasure of serving me. Which, now that I think about it, was probably exactly what she was doing. Weird!

Once Susan was alone with Alan, she leaned towards him and whispered, "I'm glad we have a moment to talk in private. I know you have your concerns, and believe me, I hear you. You say you worry about balance, and understandably so. This is a perfect time for you to do something for her to make up for all she's been doing for you."

He was relieved, and whispered back, "Gladly! Anything. What is it? I'll do literally anything to try to restore the balance a little bit. I'm not worthy!"

Susan smiled at that. "I knew you'd say that, even though you ARE worthy, and don't you ever forget it. Luckily, it's really easy. As I mentioned earlier, this is all about giving her that official personal cocksucker title before you leave for your trip, so she doesn't suffer all weekend long. She wants to feel that she belongs to you."

"Well, she does." He did a double take. "As weird as that is to say. Wow!" Brenda DOES belong to me now. I still don't even know her that well, and yet she adores me. I know there's more to her than just being a well, a sex pet, but it's kind of hard to keep that in mind when she's so friggin' sexy! Not to mention being a cocksucking demon!

Susan suggested, "But you have to make it official, make her know it. You haven't done that yet. Angel mentioned how you set the scene in all kinds of intangible ways. Now is your chance to do some more of that. Please give her that title, and make a sort of official ceremony out of it."

He frowned. "Wait a sec. What's with all this 'official' talk? Official according to whom?"

"To YOU, of course! She wants to have firm confirmation that you appreciate her efforts and that she belongs as one of us, as one of your favorite big-titted sluts. Now, as for the ceremony, I don't have any specific suggestions, but it would be good to have a lot of sexy humiliation. That's her favorite."

He cocked a curious eyebrow. "'Favorite?'"

"Well, I don't know if that's the right word. It's like what I was saying earlier. Like the rest of us, she's in total agony while it's happening. But it makes everything that much more intense and arousing. It's like... you never feel more ALIVE than when you're being sexually dominated and humiliated by the man you love!" She beamed lovingly at him.

He shook his head at all the strangeness. But he also said, "Okay. We all must be collectively insane, because I know exactly what you mean, and what she wants, even though I can't really understand it from her point of view. How much time do we have left?" He still hadn't found out the exact time all morning.

"Fifteen minutes. Twenty, if we push it."

"That much? But earlier you said we had half an hour, and it's been at least twenty minutes since then. Plus, you said twenty minutes more than five minutes ago."

Susan looked down shyly. "To be honest, I've been fudging the numbers a little bit in order to spur you on. But don't worry. Knowing that Brenda would be coming over, I woke you up extra early so we'd have plenty of time for this. We can't skip this ceremony or she'll be crushed."

"So how much time do we really have?"

"Don't worry about it. Enough." In truth, she considered this so important that she didn't even mind if he was a little late to school, but she didn't want him to know that.

"Okay." He closed his eyes. "Give me a minute or two to mentally figure things out. Plus, my dick could use more of a strategic break."

"Sure thing."

Susan got up. But then she leaned down and whispered, "Oh, by the way, Suzanne and Amy are here."

He opened his eyes in surprise. Sure enough, he saw Suzanne and Amy standing at the entrance to the dining room, fully dressed.

They smiled at him and waved.

He was flabbergasted. He managed to wave back.

Susan whispered more, "Suzanne helped me plan all this. We figured having everyone here will make the ceremony more official and emotionally impactful."

He sat there simply shaking his head in amazement. Whoa! Crazy. Just crazy. And I'm sure them being here is meant to make everything that much more humiliating for her too. He quickly pulled himself together and asked, "What's the deal with this whole 'personal cocksucker' thing, anyway? I don't even know what that means."

Susan replied, "It means whatever you want it to mean. But I think it's pretty self-explanatory. Lots of beautiful and talented women get to suck your cock, but few are selected by you to be the very best! I think Brenda deserves the title, not so much for what she's done to your cock already, but for her commitment and passion. Don't you?"

Wow! They're giving me such much power! He pointed out, "We never had any ceremony for that with you or anyone else."

"That's true, and that's a shame. But at least we can have one for Brenda. Better late than never, right?" Susan bent over and kissed the top of his head. "Oh. And please, I know you have great stamina, but it would be great if you could conclude the ceremony by cumming all over her face. You need release before school, and that'll symbolically put her in her place." Then she went off to talk to Suzanne and Amy.

He moved over from the dining table to the love seat, figuring that would be better for what was coming. Then he closed his eyes again. Man. So friggin' weird! I get to restore some balance with Brenda by doing a nice thing for her, by making her one of MY official cocksuckers, which makes things even MORE imbalanced! Apparently, cumming on her face is a favor to HER as well! How does that make any sense?! But it seems to be the thing to do. And to think: in twenty minutes or so, I'm gonna go from this to sitting in Mr. Tompkins' physics class. Talk about SEVERE mental whiplash! Sheesh!

It turned out he only had about one interrupted minute to make plans for Brenda's ceremony. There just wasn't much time left before school.

He heard some deliberate coughing, so he opened his eyes again. Before him was an odd sight: Brenda was standing across the room, still buck naked and blushing, with her arms pinned behind her back, head bowed, and her tits thrust forward. He didn't see a big change from her time getting freshened up in the bathroom, although her hair was combed and her face had been wiped clean of cum and slobber, and her thighs were dry too. But the odd aspect was that Susan and Katherine stood on one side of Brenda, and Suzanne and Amy stood on the other. The four of them were still fully dressed, which made Brenda's nudity starkly stand out. Undoubtedly, that was the intention.

Despite his griping, he was still very aroused, and ready to play his part. Weird or not, this is my life. This is what I do, and I'm damn good at it! I've just gotta get in the right mindset, kind of like I do whenever I see Heather. Let's make this a hell of a lot of fun for us all.

He started by pretending dismay at Brenda. He barked at her, "What are you DOING there? Standing there on your feet with the others, like a free woman. I want you to go back to the front foyer, and crawl to me on all fours, like a good sex pet! And be quick about it, because we don't have much time."

Brenda's eyes went wide with alarm. Clutching her huge breasts with her arms so they wouldn't wildly bounce, she ran to the foyer as fast as she could. Mere seconds later, she was on her hands and knees and quickly crawling back to him. Her already blushing face quickly turned blazing cherry red.

The other women moved to each side to allow Alan a good view through the large opening into the living room. They all seemed pleased at his commands. Suzanne in particular made eye contact with him and smiled and nodded his way, indicating that she very much approved.

Alan remained silent until Brenda was only a couple of feet away. He figured, correctly, that the silence would give Brenda nothing to think about but her own predicament, further increasing her humiliation.

She came to a stop, uncertain what to do next. Oh God! Fuck me! This is too exciting! After all these weeks of waiting, it's happening! I hate having to crawl for him in front of everybody, but it feels SO RIGHT! This is what it means to be ALIVE! I swear, I'm so excited I'm going to pass out!

He said to her, "Okay, you may stand before me. Strike the most sexy and submissive pose you can."

She didn't hesitate, not even for a second. It seemed that she'd given that some thought already. She immediately spread her legs wide, to a surprising degree, wider that Alan thought she could manage. It looked like she was on the verge of doing the splits. It was an even more impressive feat given that she was still wearing her red high heels.

Then she put her hands on the top of her head and leaned her upper body forward. That served as both a submissive bowing motion, and also caused her massive tits to swell and hang down in a most enticing manner. It was as if she was offering them to him on a platter. Once in position, she adoringly whispered, "Master!"

That was plenty arousing. Not surprisingly, his erection hadn't softened at all, not even during his break. He'd known that moments like this were coming, and sure enough, he'd been right. In fact, he was so aroused that he was momentarily speechless. He could have made Brenda pose in more embarrassing positions, but his sexual desire was too great, and he was worried about the time.

He simply pointed to his stiff erection and nodded.please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

Brenda was on him in a flash, kneeling between his legs in what seemed like the blink of an eye. She swallowed him surprisingly deep, and then started to bob and suck. She'd been hungry for his cock while bobbing on him all through breakfast, but after being made to pose and crawl in front of the others, she was absolutely ravenous. She made quite a racket, slurping with great suction, and making still more lewd choking and gagging noises by continually going as deep as she could.

The four women watching and listening all felt goose bumps at the exact same time. Those choking and gagging noises triggered a deep desire in each of them.

Alan shut his eyes tightly as a rush of intense arousal flew through his body like electric currents. After a minute or so when he opened them again, he noticed a definite change in his audience. Previously, they had been smiling and happy, obviously enjoying the ceremony. But now they looked almost pained, due to their struggles to control their own lusty desires. It wasn't so much what they were watching, since they couldn't see much of the actual cocksucking other than Brenda's bobbing head; it was mainly the sounds of Brenda's oral action that kept driving each of them wild.

It went without saying that Alan was even more affected than they were, since sound was just one small part of his erotic sensory overload. He was flying so high that he was in danger of forgetting all about the ceremony and just losing himself to lust.

But luckily, he was mindful enough not to make that mistake. However, he already was panting so hard that it was difficult for him to speak. So he changed his plan slightly to let others do most of the talking for a while. Gathering his wits, he said, "So, Brenda... I hear you want to be one of my personal cocksuckers."

"Mmmm-hmmm!" She opened his eyes and looked up at his face. She tried to nod emphatically, although that wasn't very helpful since her head was bobbing already.

That was good enough for him to get the message. So he gasped out, "Very well. But do you have what it takes? Let's see what the others have to say about that, from up close!" With that accomplished, he closed his eyes again and directed most of his mental energy at simply not cumming yet. He knew the other women would do the speaking for a while, and he was grateful. Furthermore, he was counting on their close examination and critical comments to embarrass and arouse Brenda even more.

Sure enough, the other four quickly crowded around so their heads were only a foot or two away from Alan's cock. They began saying exactly the kinds of things he'd hoped they would. They all knew to challenge her and slightly embarrass her without actually saying anything mean.

For instance, Katherine reached in and ran her fingers up and down the lower half of Alan's shaft as she said to the others, "I suppose it can't be denied that she's taking good care of the cockhead area, but what about down here?" She essentially jacked him off as she added, "Look at all these inches of thick cock being totally ignored."

Brenda quickly brought a hand from his balls to his lower shaft and replaced Katherine's stroking fingers with her own.

But then Amy reached in and cradled his balls from below. "That's true. But now what about his balls? Aunt Susan, you've told me that a man's balls are an underappreciated and under-loved erogeny zone." She giggled.

Susan also reached in for his balls. She fondled one while Amy played with the other. "It's 'erogenous,' Amy. But you're right. You can't ignore his balls. It makes me wonder if Brenda is really personal cocksucker material." Of course she didn't really mean that. Like the others, she was just winding Brenda up.

Brenda was so horny that she'd had one hand fingering her pussy. But she realized that she had no choice but to bring that hand up so she could stroke his lower shaft with one hand while fondling his balls with the other.

With that, Amy and Susan relented and let go of his balls. But they kept their hands on his thighs, just inches away.

Suzanne spoke up next. "What you say is true, but it's a matter of perspective. I like what her fingers are doing now, but I wonder... if she's so busy doing all that, is she really giving his sweet spot enough attention? When you come right down to it, that's the main thing."

Susan said, "You're so right! And the real test is stamina. She's only sucked his cock a few times, and not very long each time. Does she have what it takes to slurp and bob over his sweet spot for hours on end, if need be?"

Katherine added, "And, as we all know, need DOES be most of the time!" She giggled.

Brenda was frustrated. She was doing all she could with her lips and tongue, but unlike the earlier comments, there was no easy way for her to show off what she was doing inside her mouth. And it was even more impossible for her to demonstrate stamina, especially since everyone knew that Alan would have to leave for school shortly.

However, she resolved, Screw what they say! I'm going to do my absolute best, no matter what they say. They're just trying to get my goat. Master is going to enjoy my efforts and feel tremendous pleasure, and that's the most important thing!

Brenda had been going all out on his cock and balls. The situation had made her as aroused as humanly possible, and with the four others watching closely, she already had been determined to do her very best. Yet somehow she managed to step up her efforts a little more. She already was using her tongue, lips, and both hands, and she didn't actually do anything that different than before. But somehow she stopped consciously thinking about what she was doing and fell into "the zone" where everything happened naturally, to even better effect.

Alan had been on the verge of cumming for a while now, building up a strong need to cum all through breakfast. It was remarkable what he'd endured, but that ability was breaking down. He felt he could only last a little longer. He really had no choice but to hang on, as it would be very embarrassing to cum before the "ceremony" was over. The problem was, all of a sudden, he was gasping for air and struggling so hard just to hold out that he was in no shape to say the right words appropriate for the situation. It was difficult for him to coherently speak at all.

Luckily, he knew he could count on his loved ones to help. He tapped Suzanne's shoulder and made eye contact with her. He didn't say anything, since Brenda could hear, but he tried to convey his problem non-verbally as best he could, since Brenda couldn't see his face or Suzanne's.

While he still could, he spoke between ragged, heavy breaths, "It's time! ... Time for the... words! ... Aunt Suzy, please! ... Say them!"

Suzanne smirked, amused at his predicament. But she was loving and caring, and she wanted to help make this event a success. She winked at him in understanding.

She spoke in her most authoritative voice. "Brenda Hunter, we, Alan's other personal cocksuckers, find your efforts..." She paused dramatically.

Brenda held her breath and her heart leapt to her throat. She even froze her cocksucking efforts.

Suzanne finally relented, and concluded, "...worthy. Don't we, ladies?"

Brenda's tensed up body relaxed. YESSSS! Oh, happy day! Glorious day! She resumed her sucking, andd with even greater passion and intensity.

Susan, Amy, and Katherine all muttered and murmured in agreement. Actually, they were quite impressed by Brenda's efforts. They couldn't see inside her mouth, where nearly all the important action was taking place, but they noticed his lusty reaction. Watching Brenda bob on him was making them extremely hot and bothered, and yet they felt trapped and annoyed since they were wearing so many layers of clothes.

Suzanne said, "Very good. I agree as well. Brenda, please stop sucking him for a minute so you can carefully listen to what I'm about to say." She wanted to help give Alan something of a respite, because she worried he wouldn't make it through the rest of the ceremony before cumming.

Brenda stopped her bobbing and stroking. However, she couldn't resist continuing to intently lick his sweet spot inside her mouth. She knew Suzanne wouldn't be able to see that.

He breathed a big sigh of relief. He could still feel the cum need building up inside of him, since Brenda was "cheating" and the overall situation was so thrilling, but Suzanne's words bought him a little more time.

Suzanne continued, "Brenda, do you understand the commitment you're making, wanting to be one of his official personal cocksuckers? That means you have to be willing to serve his cock to the best of your ability, and with all your passion, whenever he needs it. Whenever he wants it. Heck, whenever he so much as has a fleeting thought about it! A personal cocksucker is happiest where you are right now, naked, kneeling, and with a mouth full of cock! If you agree with all that, slide your lips down his shaft as far as you can go, choke on his thickness for a few seconds, then pull back until your lips are where they are now."

Brenda did that, but very slowly. She used all the suction she could muster and feverishly lapped and licked everything her tongue could reach.

Suzanne was tempting fate, hoping that Alan could rise to the occasion and delay his climax just a little longer. However, she could see from the pained expression on his face that he wasn't likely to last more than a few seconds. He was in erotic ecstasy, but he was suffering greatly too. She impulsively helped out by squeezing her fingers around the base of his shaft. She knew that if she applied pressure at the right spot, his cum couldn't rush up and out of his erection.

He was so far gone that he didn't even realize what she was doing to him. He didn't cum, but even with Suzanne's squeezing he was right on the verge.

There was much more Suzanne wanted to say, but knew she'd have to wrap this up fast. She waited until Brenda gagged on him and then slid her lips back to her original position. "Okay, good. Brenda, I now pronounce you Alan's fifth official personal cocksucker, joining the rest of us right here. As such, your greatest pleasure needs to be HIS greatest pleasure! Yes, it's humiliating, but you should always put serving his cock first! Always treat him like a king, like your lord and master!"

Suzanne knew from discussions with both Alan and Brenda that the phrase "lord and master" had a very powerful effect on Brenda ever since, in Alan's first private conversation with her, he'd told her that her ideal man would "treat you like a queen most of the time, out of bed, but in bed, he'll be your lord and master."

Brenda was holding back from orgasming, just like Alan was. As soon as she heard that key phrase, she lost all control and began cumming hard.

Suzanne smirked, because she knew that would happen. She also knew that Alan would start cumming at any moment, triggered by Brenda's orgasm. If that didn't do the trick, all it would take was Suzanne easing the pressure around the base of his shaft. But the wily redhead didn't want him to cum in her mouth, since that wouldn't be an ideal ending to the ceremony.

She quickly pulled Brenda's head back, completely off his cock, allowing Brenda to scream as loudly as she'd ever done so in her life.

The other women actually pulled back and plugged their ears.

Suzanne didn't have that luxury though, since she still had a hand on Alan's boner. She relaxed her firm grip and slid her hand up, ready to do the aiming. She used her other hand to make sure Brenda's head stayed in position.

As she expected, a second or two later, Alan started to fire his load. He was worked up to such a degree that even he yelled loudly as well.

Brenda's face was right in front of the tip of his cock, mere inches away. Her mouth was opened as wide as possible due to her screaming.

It would have been easy for Suzanne to simply fire his cum into Brenda's gaping maw, but her goal was to paint her face instead. Luckily, Brenda's eyes were shut tight, so Suzanne generally aimed above Brenda's mouth.

Alan was so deliriously aroused that he had only a vague idea of what was happening. He actually saw stars.

Brenda was just as delirious as he was, if not more so. She was grateful for Suzanne's assistance, because she would have been completely incapable of aiming his cock. All she could do was cum and cum, and cum some more. She screamed her head off for a good two more minutes after he stopped cumming. Even then, her body continued to twitch spasmodically for a few minutes more, often because another small orgasm would unexpectedly hit her.

Her body was completely limp. Even her holding her head up seemed beyond her abilities for a while.

Luckily, the others were able to help out. Amy and Katherine held Brenda's body and head in its kneeling pose between Alan's legs.

Brenda's thought of the others "forcing" her down between Alan's legs trigger another orgasmic aftershock.

Susan scooted in next to Brenda. "Congratulations! You did it! You're one of his personal cocksuckers now!" Brenda's eyes were glazed over, and she showed no sign of hearing that. Susan asked her, "Did you hear me?"

After a long pause, Brenda mumbled, "Mmmm-hmmm..."

Susan frowned. "This is not good! It's going to take a while for Brenda to come around, and Alan looks to be completely out of it too! I've kind of lost track of time, but I'm worried all three of our kids are going to be late for school!"

Suzanne said, "Hmmm. That is a problem. I've got an idea: let's cut our losses. You take care of him and her, and I'll drive the two girls to school ASAP. Then, as soon as Alan is even halfway mobile, drive him to school and let Brenda stay here to rest and recover. You and I will be back soon enough, with me probably coming back first. How does that sound?"

"Good!" Susan frowned. "Such a shame though. Just look at Brenda's cummy face. So beautiful! We could have a fun time with all that yummy sperm!"

Suzanne said, "Them's the breaks. And I'm afraid you're going to have to skip your usual cleaning ritual in the interest of time. Let's get a move on!"

Things moved quickly after that. Since everyone was fully dressed already except for Brenda and Alan, Suzanne was able to leave with Katherine and Amy almost immediately. Susan had a harder time getting Alan out the door, but it was partly her fault. She helped Brenda to lie down on the floor. Then, despite Suzanne's instructions to the contrary, she couldn't resist her son's privates a little bit. However, mindful that he was headed to school, she did focus more on actual cleaning. She used a wet towel on him after that to make sure he was truly clean all over.

She managed to get him out the door about five minutes after Suzanne left with the girls. He was still in a daze. She had to clothe him and help him walk to the car. She knew it would be a very close call getting him to class on time.

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